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Chapter 5

Amelia wakes up next morning by past 8. She goes straight to brushing her teeth. After that, she had her shower. She dresses up and goes downstairs. She meets her Mum carrying breakfast for Dad and herself. Her Mum drops breakfast on the dinning table. Amelia greets her Mum, getting a peck in return. Dad soon joins them and is given the same treatment as well. Amelia's parents now start eating breakfast while, Amelia goes to switch on the TV.
The TV is turned on and Amelia tunes in to the local news channel. "And here it goes! Another night we got a lot of missing", says the journalist on the screen. Amelia gets hell shocked and the parents her attracted by the news when they heard the words of the journalist. "I've never gotten so terrified in my life", says Amelia's Mum. Amelia's Dad comforts her;"Everything's gonna be fine." Amelia gets up, so sad about the news and goes to the kitchen to pick up the refuse bin. She takes it outside to throw the rubbish into the bigger bin.
Amelia's throwing the rubbish into the bin. She turns right and sees Jason sitting in front if his house weeping. She feels pity on him and goes to talk to him. She enters the compound and goes to sit beside Jason. "Why you crying?", she asks. She notices Jake's not with him and asks another question;"Where's Jake?" "They took him away", he weeps. Amelia doesn't understand and asks;"Who took him away?" Jason still weeps;"He's among the people that got missing." Amelia can't believe her ears. She talks sadly;"I never expected this to become this serious."
* * *
The whole city is in terror. People go to sleep and get missing the next day. Police are moving from house to house, interrogating and searching people and houses respectively. They can't get anything useful no matter how hard they try.
* * *
The heroes are in the C.A.N.D.Y house in a room discussing on what to do next. "They got my close friend, Jake", Amelia tells the others wearing a sad face. "Jason told me when I met him earlier in the morning", Yanking adds. "I understand his pain, the pain of losing a younger brother", Dahlia adds too. Nick tells them;"We need to find out something useful today." "Absolutely!", Carlos concurs. The boss walks up to the laptop and calls on them. "You guys should come over here!", he says. They run up to him and he shows them three pictures of three different people.
"There are three places I want you guys to investigate on. These guys rooms!", the boss tells them as he shows them the pictures again. "They lived alone before their disappearance. I want you guys to check their rooms without hindrance", the boss adds. Amelia remembers something;"Let's investigate on Jake's room also. Jason's probably at his workplace now." The boss thinks for a while with his fingers hitting the table gently. "I think you can also try there", he agrees. Amelia thanks him. Carlos opens a portal and they enter it together to start their investigation in the various rooms.
* * *
They hop into the first room. It looks so dirty and old-fashioned. They walk round the room to look for anything useful. Carlos opens the wardrobe and sees a human skeleton which falls on him suddenly. The rest but Yanking, go to carry up the skeleton and help  Carlos get up. Carlos dusts himself to and squats beside the skeleton. "You think this could be the man's skeleton?", Dahlia asks Carlos. Carlos still keeps on looking at it, not knowing what to say. "It can't be!", Nick answers. Others look at him waiting for an explanation. Nick's surprised to see confusion on his friends faces. He goes to the skeleton, squats down and taps on it. "This skeleton's damn dry. The person must have died a long time ago", he explains. Nick and Carlos stand up and begin talking to Amelia and Dahlia. Yanking's still searching the room on his own. He goes to an old looking box, trying to open it when he steps on an empty Yo-Milk bottle and falls down.
This attracts the rest. Nick goes to help him get up. Carlos and the girls go to meet them. "What happened bro?", Carlos asks. "It's this Yo-Milk bottle. It made me fall",Yanking points at it. Carlos turns back and looks at the skeleton. "Guys! Do you think this skeleton's gonna be a useful thing to us?", he asks his friends. They give him positive replies. Dahlia looks into the wardrobe again cautiously. She discovers a knife and picks it up. "Guys! Look what I found!", she gets their attention and shows them the knife. Others feel things are now making sense as they now see a rusting knife and a skeleton. "Hmm.... There are a knife and a human skeleton in the wardrobe! I think we should take both of them to the C.A.N.D.Y house",Yanking suggests. He creates a portal while the rest throw the items into it. It then closes. Carlos creates another portal and says;"Time to go to the next room! He enters it and others follow him.

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    BezerraLaura Ribeiro

    i like It , It is só good!


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    wow 😳😳


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