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Rejected his proposal

Title: Rejected his proposal.
I walk out of the bathroom and sighed, knowing that what I'm about to do is very new to me. I've never been comfortable conversing with a guy not to talk of going out for a date, though i wouldn't call this a date.
I had to ransack into a pile of clothes in my closet and finally settled on the very simple gown my mom got me on my last birthday.
Coming out of the bathroom to the sitting room, I met him tapping his foot on the floor as he impatiently wait for me. He turned and looked at me, and for a moment i noticed how handsome he looked in his casual wear. I noticed his look on me and averted an eye contact.
"You're here. Finally." He says checking his wrist watch. I gulped down and looks at mom who has been grinning from ear to ear, giving me funny looks. "I don't hate you after all." I said to her and found myself exiting the sitting room.
He drove in silence which I liked very much. I can't believe I'm sitted in the car that brought me to him. This is something I've never dreamt of doing even in years to come. Getting into a car and out on a date with a rich dude. I scoffed, and rolled my eyes.
"You look foolish while you think." He said and chuckled.
"What?" I turned towards him. "Yes. See how ugly you look. Eish!. "
"You punk. You dare insult me?, dick." He smirked and stopped the car. He pushed the front mirror to my face. "See. How ugly you look. "
Before i could think of retorting, he opened the car and leaves, not without banging it on my face. I bite my lower lip angrily and opened the car door.
Standing infront of a boutique, I look beside me to see Rowan look back at me. He raised his brows and shakes his head.
"What?. Why are you looking at me?" I eased. "Well. If you have a tendency to forget things easily, I'll like to remind you that i accepted this date because my mom asked me to do it." He scoffed, "what?. A date, who's taking you for a date?, I only requested for a lunch.with.you. And you don't go looking like a maid." He ran his eyes over me. I turned and started walking away. "Wait!!. "
"Wait!!. Please" I heard him say and stopped. I turned, "what?. I look ugly, like a maid. If you keep teasing me, I will have no choice than to turn back and go home." I turned to leave.
"I'm ...sorry" He mumbled. "You said?" I smirked. Was a sorry really hard for him to say?. He kept mute. I started walking away..
"I'm sorry!!" He shouted attracting viewers to us. I gulped down.
'Wait. Isn't this Rowan?'
'He looks so cutie'
'What's he doing here?'
He must be really popular. Getting nervous by lot of looks focused on us. He grabbed my arm and we started running into the mall. "There were a lot of onlookers, shit!!" He cussed as he raked his hand through his hair getting him more cuter.
I walked out of the dress room in a knee lengthy red gown. I watched him lost looking at me and smiled. "Lost in my beauty?" I said to him. "Didn't know you looked this ugly. Anyway" He checked his wrist watch. "Let's go before we end up spending our day in a boutique " He leaves while I frowned. "Is he really going to be my husband?, gosh!. I can't stand him." I stomped my foot and followed him.
The waiter served the meal and opened it to reveal richly made avocado and egg sandwich on sourdough toasted bread. Filling it up to my nostrils, i gulped down hungry praying silently for my tummy not to make a sound as i didn't taste anything in the morning.
"Eat." He reminds me. I grabbed a spoon and hummed loudly. I've never tasted something this good in my life. Rowan drew his face to mine. "Hey. Keep low, people might see how hungry you look." Rowan whispers and i slapped him. "Get your silly face out of my face." I pushed him backward and continued eating slowly.
"Humm..Aubrey." He calls. "Rowan Adams." I called back.
"I'm here to finally propose to you," He kneels in front of me." Will you marry me?"
I looks at him as if he suddenly grew two horns on his head. Rowan Adam proposed to me like a normal being would. But then, he thinks he could buy me over a lunch, gosh I'm not easy to get. "No." He smiles and tries putting the ring on my finger. "I said 'no" I shouts getting another attention to ourselves. I got up and walks out of the eatery.
Rowan's POV.
I drove home dejectedly and parked my car in front of the mansion. I angrily stomped into the sitting room and saw mom drinking and dancing merrily. I was really surprised to see the very woman who called few minutes ago crying over a mere girl who just disgraced me at the eatery.
"Mom.." I shouted. Gosh!!, she can't be serious. She really tricked me. She turned and started walking toward me. "Hey, are you alright?"
"Why are you happy?" I asked.
"Happy over my son's wedding which is coming up in a few weeks time."
"There's no wedding" I stated and walked pass her. "What do you mean?"
"She did not agree, mother. She practically rejected my offer. She rejected me." I disclosed and sat down.
"Really?" She looked amused. "Are you making fun of me?" I asked.
"Not at all. She's really the real deal. She makes me want her for you. Look, son. Not every girl rejects your proposal, you know. "
"I know mom. Some beg to be in her shoes and she dare reject me. Mama, do you know how much I bought that ring?"
"No wonder she rejected you. You care for a ring, I don't care how you do it, Rowan. I want that girl, I want you to marry her. She's the one i want and the day you bring her home as your bride, is the day I'll speak to you."

Komento sa Aklat (166)

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    ok yes


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    James Bryan E Alcantara



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