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Let's do this together

Their discussion is interrupted when the security guard brings her a box. Willow would have checked if not for the person before her. His presence is intimidating the hell out of her.
She carefully tucked it in her bag and pondered whether she should inform him of the situation or not.
His presence has thrown her off-loop. Should she tell him? What happens if he is in league with them?
Willow bit her lip in indecision. He could ruin everything she has achieved so far. He could kill those captives. But then, if he has to kill some Supernaturals he could have already done that. With his power, he doesn't need minions or this charade of kidnapping.
But if he is not in the league with them, then she could use some help. Deciding it's worth a gamble, Willow faced him and took a long breath.
"What is it, Fae?" He asked, noting her jutted chin as if she had come to a decision.
"Do you know why I need this?" She asked, waving her bag.
"I don't put tabs on everyone. Tell what you have to say and leave. My time is valuable"
Willow clenched her jaw to stop the rebuke that is at the tip of her tongue. She is not stupid, just stubborn.
"There are Supernaturals who are being held captive," Willow said without any preamble, trying to gauge his reaction.
He narrowed his eyes at the news. That's the only outward sign he gave away that he heard her.
"Continue," he said after a second.
Willow related to him everything she saw and what she was going to do about it.
"Fuck! Fuck!" The Fae king swore as he started pacing. He is definitely agitated which means he doesn't know anything about this or he is a good actor.
"This is getting out of hand"
"Do you know anything about it?"
He turned his stormy eyes at her, his eyes glaring red.
"Would I have let my people suffer like this?"
"I don't know. I don't know anything about you"
"Perhaps you don't know anything about me. But you must know what happens to the ones who misjudged me"
"I'm not here to lock horns with you. We both don't have time for that. This is serious. Now that you know about it, what are you going to do?"
His lips thinned. "I can't... I can't blow my disguise"
"What do you mean you can't? Haven't you heard what I said? People's lives are in danger... not only ours but all kinds. You can't just walk away"
"You don't know anything about the situation, Fae, that's why I'm letting you get away with disrespecting me this one time. But do that again, and you won't like what I do"
Willow rubbed her forehead with her right hand in frustration.
"This is not the way to go. I thought you would do something about it. Clearly, I'm mistaken. You are more concerned about your charade than the lives of those thousand or so innocent people"
"Careful Fae. You are walking on thin ice. I said I can't blow the charade, not I won't help you"
"You would?" Willow asked in surprise. She mustn't be. But after listening to his arrogance, she thought he won't bother himself with rescuing some mere Supernaturals. After all, he is an immortal as old as time.
"Not directly. I can't risk blowing my cover. But... I can help you with blowing the places"
"Good enough. I will take what I can get," Willow nodded her head at him in agreement. Willow knew she couldn't ask more from him. He has his own agenda to be here. This kingdom is holding more secrets and mysteries than she thought.
"I wish I could help more. But other than taking care of the captives, I'm afraid I can't contribute anything else"
"I understand. That's more than enough for now. I will call you with details once I plan everything"
"I will be waiting for the call," the grin with which he said sent shivers down her spine. She doesn't want to be at the receiving end of that grin.
"Will the refugees get sanctuary in the Fae kingdom?"
"Of course!"
"Even other Supernaturals?"
"Did I differentiate while I extended my offer?"
"No. Just want to make sure"
Willow turned to leave. She doesn't want to stay a minute longer in this entangled web but she has to know before she leaves.
"What's your beef with Reagan?"
"That's between us. You came here to retrieve that box. Don't poke your nose where it is not needed or wanted"
"Fine. Keep your secrets. But if anything happens to Reagan... remember she has people who care for her"
"She is not a child. She knows what she was doing when she stumbled in my path"
"Just promise me you won't harm her"
"Careful Fae. My patience is wearing thin with your threats. I won't need to assure anyone. You came here asking for help. Don't make unnecessary enemies. Especially the ones whom you can't handle"
"I wouldn't be so sure of myself not being able to handle you. But I will let this pass. I will call you soon"
Willow walked away without a backward glance, her countenance of someone who is ready to face the world or rather an army.
Once safely secured with her weapons, Willow approached the first warehouse.
Time to put the plan into action. She perched on "her" tree and watched the surveillance. After 3 long hours of sitting on the tree and making her ass sore, she finally got the chance she was waiting for.
The vampire she had in mind finally wandered alone outside. Without any delay, Willow sprang upon him, using her powers to bind his hands, legs, and mouth. She then prickled his skin with the sedative. The vampire lost consciousness by the time she counted 10.
This vampire... will help her in this mission. After her week-long observation... the clue that she thought she had missed... is this. Not this vampire but one of them.
All that pondering during the mornings has made her realize one thing. The vampires that are guarding... each and every one of them, they all are master vampires. Not newborns. She would have thought some master vampire would be behind this, but if the head honcho is using a master vampire as a mere guard, then how powerful must he be?
Willow is confident now that she is looking at someone in the Elite council. But to need those answers she needs a scapegoat. Someone who likes to talk. That is where this vampire comes into the picture.
Among all the groups that she has encountered so far, he has the tendency to fill in the silences with unnecessary talk.
Willow with the help of her powers put him in the back seat of her newly borrowed car and took him to one of the safe houses of Reagan.
Neither is the one she is staying at nor the ones where she hides weapons.
After securing him tightly to a chair with silver chains (vampires are allergic to silver), Willow took another chair and faced him while straddling it.
The vampire gained consciousness sooner than she thought. Which solidifies the fact that they are not newborns!
As soon as he saw opposite her, he started to struggle.
Willow let the silence prolong as the vampire struggled to escape. Finally, after 15 minutes, she said in a calm manner that won't give room to any objection, "I'm going to remove the tape. If you want to survive, you will give me answers. Any smartness from you will only make your torture extreme. Understood?"
Willow didn't wait for his reply and with determined steps ripped the tape off his mouth. The vampire tried to bite her hand with his teeth, but she expected that trick.
She quickly stepped back and sat on the chair once again.
"Why are you kidnapping Supernaturals?"
"Fuck you bitch"
"Who told you to do this?"
"I'm gonna rip your throat and suck you dry"
"Where are you taking them?"
"I would enjoy breaking you. Yes, first I will rape you until you are just a shell and then, then I would chomp off each part of you"
"Why are you taking their blood?"
"I think I will pass you around before I start cutting you. You would like that, wouldn't you? Sucking out cocks and panting while we thrust inside your loose cunt. Whore. That's what you will be called. I will play with you until your brain gets scrambled and leaving you just a pound of flesh"
Willow cracked her knuckles. She should have known. They are always the same. Taunting with rape and murder. With a sigh, she picked up her first tool.
"What do you think you are doing?" There is a slight tremor in his voice now.
Willow picked the finger of his hand and with one snap, ripped it completely breaking the bone.
The vampire screamed in pain.
"Tsk... tsk... naughty, naughty. I'm just getting started. After all, you want to play with me. Don't you?" Willow said with an evil smirk as she chose another finger.
Willow didn't dwell on what she was doing. She is an assassin. Torturing is part of her job. That doesn't mean she relishes doing it. The only thing that's making her keep on going is the hopeless faces of those captives.
She needs to do this. For them. A vampire can regenerate anything as long as the head and the heart are left intact. The only difference is the time it takes to do it. The more powerful the vampire, the fast he will heal.
After 1 hour of torturing him, he finally cracked.
"Now... tell me who is behind this?"
"I... I ... I can't say," the vampire wheezed. His voice is hoarse from all the screaming.
"You lie"
"No. It's the truth. The runes... they won't let me... they won't let me say the name"
"Fuck!! Fuck!" Willow stood suddenly and the chair toppled. This is not happening. Shit! She should have expected this. She is dealing with a mage. But still... fuck!
"How many are there?"
"Wha... what?" The vampire looked blindly at her, his face dropping as he was losing consciousness from the loss of blood.
Willow slammed her fist in his face. He gave a groan.
"How many Supernaturals are working under this person?"
"I... I don't... I don't know"
"Then what the hell do you know?" Willow screamed her frustration. All this risk for nothing. Someone must have recognized by now that this vampire is missing. It's just a matter of time before they are alerted.
The vampire's voice brought her from her musings.
"There is... there is something going on. They are planning something big"
"What... what?" Willow scrambled before him, grabbing his arms, standing at a safe distance from his fangs.
"I don't ... know. Only that... It's big. Everyone is excited"
"I need details, you bastard. Not some riddles"
"I... I..."
"Yes, you don't know," Willow spat the words as if they are wile creatures.
She groaned again in frustration. Her hands are covered in blood, the vampire's blood. But all she felt is anger, rage at not getting anything from this.
Just as she thought of giving up, the Fae king's words came back to her.
I can help you blow up the places
Yes. How could she forget? He might not know anything important, but he would know the places and how many are there.
"Tell me... how many of those breeding houses are there?"
The vampire looked panicked. Because he knew it. And he doesn't have any rune that is stopping from saying it.
Willow smirked at him as she crackled the knuckles. Bingo!

Komento sa Aklat (101)

  • avatar
    Angelica Gelito

    Nice story!👏👏👏👏


  • avatar
    Jeanlee Samillano

    the story is so phangupya


  • avatar
    AmirahSiti Nur



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