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New Attempt

"Why did you break into our facility?" A tall, strong-looking man asked.
After an epic failed attempt to get into the time machine, Chad ends up getting caught by the ceiling fan. It's a very unsightly situation, not to mention, uncomfortable.
Now, he's inside the Time Travel Agency for questioning. He needs to find a way to get out of this office. It looks more like a steel box since it only can handle a four-seater table and chairs.
"I didn't mean to break in. My rollerblades took the wrong turn." Chad replied.
The senior officer already looks irritated with him. He should be at home with his wife and kids by now. But this chubby guy caused a stir inside their agency.
"I don't think that's the case, Chad! One of the guards saw you and you tried to make a run for it. Again, why did you break in?" The officer looks mad now.
"I'm sorry! My rollerblades lost control." Chad insisted.
"We checked your old school rollerblades and it's working properly!" The offer informed him.
"Well, maybe it's because when I'm wearing it, my weight affects it," Chad replied.
The officer slams his hand on the table. He realized that no matter what he asks questions with this nerd, he will not admit to anything. Maybe it was just an honest mistake?
"Whatever! Just don't do it again. You may go now!" The officer finally said to him after two hours of questioning.
Chad felt relieved that the officer just let him go. Playing dumb is an effective way to get out of anything. It works best for his look. Who will ever suspect him for a genius when he's not wearing his lab gown?
He can play the innocent game perfectly every time. Although his muscles are not as strong as these agents, his brain is stronger than anyone around this room.
He's a tech wizard and he built those time travel devices based on Dr. Cole's formula. It's his job to make his vision come true with the right computation and tools.
Chad walks pass-through another agent and he can hear them talking. They are gossiping about why he was released just like that by their senior officer. He heard that his name is Kelp and he's the first one he just let go of.
He doesn't care about what they are all saying! All he can think of is how he can get into that time machine from the lobby. If only those guys will go away, he can use the extra remote he made. It's only for emergencies and this is an emergency!
Maybe he needs to make a diversion so that those agents will leave the lobby. Good thing he's not only a tech genius but also a master of crazy ideas. Kelp gave him back his rollerblades and he's going to use them to distract the agents that are in the lobby.
The moment he approached the lobby, he turned on his rollerblades and let go of them. They zoomed away and passed through the agents who were having a conversation. That's the first stage and now, he's ready to do the next stage of his plan.
"Whoa, my rollerblades! Help!" Chad screamed from the top of his lungs.
He acted as if he was about to make a run for it. The agents seem to react from their instincts and run to catch his rollerblades. In just a few seconds, they are all outside the building. His plan works for real!
Now that Chad is alone in the lobby of the agency, he immediately stands in front of the time machine. He pressed a button from the remote control to activate it. The machine lights up and starts to open its metal doors.
"Hey, he's going for the time machine!" One officer saw him and shouted to catch the other's attention.
Chad didn't waste time and got inside the time machine that looks like an elevator. He still can't believe that it was Dr. Cole's design. But almost every first device started big anyway. This huge time machine made it possible for them to meet each other after all.
"Step out of that machine!" Officer Kelp shouted at him, looking regretful with his decision to let go of a nerd like him.
"Sorry, officer! But I need to save my friends!" Chad shouted back at the officer before the door closed.
Chad felt relieved now that he's inside the time machine. But it's not over yet because he needs to set the date when he will be going. He can hear the agents chattering from the outside. They are trying to open the time machine by force and he needs to act fast!
He started pressing the buttons from the right side of the machine. That's where he can set up the date. He input the year 2000 but he's not sure what month Celine and Dr. Drake are currently at.
He tried to remember his last conversation with the doctor if he said something about the month. But he can't remember anything about the specific month and day they are in. He can hear the metallic thud outside.
"Dr. Cole...Celine...when are you?" Chad asked himself desperately.
Chad doesn't have much time anymore so he just inputs the month and day today in the future. It's the 12th of June, the year 2000. Before the agents made some damage to the machine, he immediately pressed enter.
The time machine lights up brightly from the inside as if it will explode. The agents backed off from it immediately. Some even went out of the building. But the other agents, especially officer Kelp, wait for what is about to happen.
After about thirty seconds, the machine lit up a little more one last time. Then, it vanishes from the middle of the lobby. How can something so big just disappear in their very eyes? But the time machine is already gone without a trace.

Komento sa Aklat (601)

  • avatar

    love the story


  • avatar

    good novel


  • avatar
    Corrina Ivy

    this story so good


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