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Mood swings

   •Kylie's POV
“ I can't believe I'm doing this.” I grumbled, leaning on the hard tiled floor of the cafeteria using ta dirty torned napkin on it, scrubbing the floor vigorously.
“ What kind of stain is on the floor ? So stubborn. ” I complained, staring at the yucky stuff on the floor. This is the time someone wish to have magic. Just a poof, and it is clean.
Oh God I have never done this before!
God this is frustrating, I mentally cried. My uniform now is dirty all thanks to this, can't the man give us detention rather than this; this is worst!
“ Don't they have a scrubbing brush or what ? ” I shouted frustrated flinging the napkin to only God knows where.
Ashton stood there holding up a mop laughing, he clutch his stomach throwing his head back vibrating with laughter. I glared at him, but he was still laughing. I wish I took the right side, we divided the cafeteria into two parts, I will clean the left side and he will clean the right side. Now seeing that, I realize it is a big mistake. Well the principal supposed to punish the whole students not only the two of us. The man is impartial.
“ You know you are the one that caused all this.” I scowled at him, wishing I could just flip him off and he should land on that wet floor. It will be so funny. I smiled at that thought.
“ How ? ” He cocked an eyebrow, giving me a question look.
“ When you started the food fight.” I answered him, still glaring at him.
“ How did I start it ? Did I ask them to throw foods at themselves ?” he said in a defending tone.
“ Well when you threw food at me that prompt them to do so.” I shouted at him.
“ It was a mistake.” He admitted, he should have said that before I retaliate.
“ Well if you have said so I won't have retaliate but rather you laughed and said that the food really did a good makeover on my face.” I shouted kicking the bucket which was near me, making the soapy water spill on the water, spreading all over the floor.
“ More work.” I groaned.
“ I am sorry.” He mumbled softly, looking down at the floor. I could barely hear him.
“ Huh ? ” 
“ What ? ” He raises an eyebrow, facing me.
“ I thought you said something. ” I shrug, I heard him but I'm not going to tell him so.
“ Me ? ” He said touching his chest. “ I did not say anything , what did you think I say ?... Nothing right ? ” He said laughing nervously then walk far away from me but not without saying. “ There is a scrubbing brush beside the counter.” 
I smiled watching him walk far away from me, “ He can't even apologize properly.” I shake my head with a chuckle.
I inhale and exhale, going to the counter to take the scrubbing brush.
“ I wonder why the man who called himself principal punish only the both of us, it is not like as if we are the only one that mess up the cafeteria.” I pout picking up the brush, that was in the mopping bucket.
It is unfair. Life is unfair.
“ I came to school to learn not to clean.” I grumbled, ruffling my hair feeling over-frustrated.
“ This is annoying, Argh!” I drop the brush back to the bucket, bitting my lower lips contemplating whether I should continue cleaning or rebel.
“ Why should I even clean this place ? When others are relaxing.”
“ Cleaning is not fun.... Or is it ? ” I took the brush again and dropped it back.
Aargh ! 
“ This is so frustrating.” I cried as I hit my feet on the counter causing tingles on my toes, making me to feel an intense pain. It freaking hurt.
I held the leg that I hit hopping with one leg, whimpering softly.
“ Oh God, it hurts.” I cried, I lost balance and I closed my eyes to embrace the fall but it did not come.
I opened my eyes to see my face an inch away from the floor, do I have superpowers now ?
“ Am I flying ? ”
“ You are not.” I heard that husky bristish accent saying near my ear making me to shiver.
F**king Hormones.
I fake a cough and comport myself, standing well, freeing myself from his grip.
“ Thank you.” I told him with a smile on my face. Trying to hold the pain that I'm feeling.
I held the counter to balance myself, trying to hold the pain that I'm feeling.
He nod his head acting coolly and continue mopping the floor.
I thought he was the mopping the other side.
“ Are you flash ? How did you quickly get here ? ” I ask him, he chuckled softly.
“ I might be, we can never know.” He shrug, laughing. His laugh sounds like music. I love British boys.
I chortled.
“ Really ? But I thought you were far away from me, you can't even notice anything is happening to me and if you do before you get here I would have already fallen...” I exhaled.  “ ...Were you watching me ?” I said peering at him, with an amused smile on my face.
He scoffed. “ Why will I watch you ? When you are not TV. ” He said with a scoff.
I shrugged. “ I don't know, I might be to you.”
Then he bursted into laughter, “ You are one funny nerd.”
“ Why thank you,” I did a little bow, still holding the counter. 
He smiled. “ Well, it was not my fault that I was looking at you, you were too irresistible not to look at.”
“ Awwwn, really ? ” I cooed.
“ Not like that, I was referring to the madness you were display earlier on.” He said, then started laughing at me.
My demeanor changed into a frown, I scoffed then  raise myself up to nd sit on the counter, placing my leg on it. 
I looked at my toes, it looks swollen a bit. It was really aching, it felt like as if it was being pounded continuously. 
“ You toes are swollen, let's go to the nurse for treatment.” He said looking at my toes like as if he is the one feeling the pain.
“ It is fine, don't worry about it.” I wave him off.
He rolled his eyes, “How is it fine ? Let's go to the nurse first and if she tells you it is fine then it is fine.”
“ Is she God ?”
“ I did not say so.” He said with an eye roll.
“ Besides who will clean this place with you if I go to the nurse ?” I asked staring at the cafeteria, it is not even clean a bit.
“ I will clean it by myself.” He replied.
I laughed, amused by what he said, but I stopped laughing when I saw his serious look.
“ Like seriously ? You will clean it ? ”
“ Yeah... Do you think I can't clean the whole place ? I have clean worst place than this, my room is a great example.”
I laughed. “ And how many hours did you spent to clean it ? ”
“ Hours ? ” He looked like someone who is deep thought.  “ I spent two weeks cleaning it, so how many hours will that be ? ”
“ And you want to clean this place,” I said while laughing. “ don't worry I am not going to the nurse, we will clean it together.”
“ Stop being stubborn, you will only hurt yourself the more.”
“ I will be fine, thanks for caring. It is really sweet.” I smiled at him.
“ Who said I was caring for you ? ” He said and faced down looking at the spot he was mopping.
I giggled at his actions.
I hop down from the counter leading to fall down on the floor, I lay sprawled on the floor, my limbs and hands spread apart. I groan, I shouldn't have come down.
He rolled his eyes. “ You are just too stubborn.”
“ Well who will help you clean the place ? It is too messy.” I pointed out, trying to lift myself up but it was painful to do so.
“ We will.” Someone said out of nowhere.
We turned to where the voice came from, it was Ray holding a rag.
He was with Dexton, Eric , Anna and some other students I don't know.
“ Kylie.. What happened to you? Why are you on the floor ? ” Anna shouted running towards me.
Now, all eyes are on me.
“ I'm fine.” I told her, she helped me to stand up, I rested my weight on my her, my hand on her shoulder using her as support. She did not mind, I think.
“ You hurt your toes.” Dexton said, looking at the right foot, he touched it and I winced. “ It's hurt.” I complained.
“ We should get you to the clinic.” Eric said.
“ I'm fine, what are you guys doing here ? ”
“ We felt guilty that you two were punished when we also partook in messing the cafeteria, so we came to help.” Ray smiled at me, looking at my leg, he shiver in disgust. “ Let's go to the clinic.” He said.
“ She won't answer, she is stubborn.” Ashton said with an eye roll making me to roll my eyes.
“ There is no need to take her there, I'm a doctor.” Dexton said, flexing his muscles. I laugh.
Ashton, Eric and Ray held a panic look. 
“ Please every stupid idea that is on your head, clear it.” Eric scowled at him.
He pout, “ I have improved, trust me I'm a good doctor.”
“ Like I did, when you poisoned me.” Ashton said.
“ Also when Kelly broke his hands you treated him and it landed him in a real hospital.” Eric said.
I wonder how Kelly looks like.
“ Kylie don't listen to what they are saying besides it was not my fault.” He said, turning to face me.
“ So whose fault was it ? ” Ray asked, his hands folded on his chest.
“ I did not have enough training now I do.” He muttered, bending down then placed his hands on my toes.
He massaged it softly, it was a sweet pain, then all the sudden he squeezed it letting a loud scream come out from my mouth.
Anna pushed him away, leaving my hands in process making me loose balance. I fell down and the same toes hit the table that was near me.
Another wave of pain flow in my leg, I groan in pain crying real tears.
“ Another patient landed in another hospital.” Ashton chuckled.
“ All of you should help her.” Anna looked with guilt in her eyes, her eyes became teary.
I closed my eyes, bitting my lips trying not to feel the pain but it was too much. I felt a warm hands lifting me up.
“ Well it is good for you, if only you had listen it won't have result to this.”
Due to british accent I knew it was Ashton who carried me.
I opened my eyes and my eyes sighted his Roman nose and half-dome cheekbones sat above an oaken jaw. If not because of the pain, I would have stared at him the more, he carried me to the clinic, he used to leg to push the door.
“ Excuse me, my friend is hurt.” He said barging inside. My heart warms with a smile as he called me his friend.
“ Just place her on the bed.” A sweet feminine voice said.
I turn to look at the nurse, she was wearing a white nurse uniform, her brunette hair flowing down to her shoulder, she looks like she is in her thirties.
He dropped me, placing me on the bed gently.
“ Can I wait for her ? ” he asked her.
“ Yes you can, it will not take long.” She smiled sweetly at him then turn to me. “Darling, does it hurt too much ? ”
I nodded.
“ Ma'am is there a way you could let me sleep then you do your wonders on my leg.”
She laughed. “ I am not performing surgery, it will not take long.” She said and dabbed the cotton wool soaked with alcohol on my leg.
I let out the loudest scream that I have never released in my life.
“ Ma'am on the second thought, I will come later.” Ashton said and went out.
I was sitting on the bed swinging my legs above the floor, it's been hours of me staying here, don't exaggerate Kylie. It is just thirty minutes and the time is moving slow.
I looked at the pink plaster wrapped on my toes, I insisted she did it. It was extremely painful when she was doing it but the pain reduced a little bit after taking some pain relievers.
The door opened and Ashton entered no more wearing his uniform, he was already changed. He was putting on a red long sleeve shirt and a black trouser.
I was still in my uniform looking dirty. My body, my face was stained with food making me look messy.
“ Hey .” I waved at him.
“ Hi... Has the pain gone ? ” He asked looking at my leg.
“ A little bit... So why are you here ?”
“ To give you this.” He said stretching the nylon he was holding to me.
I took it and brought out what was inside.
It was the hoodie I wore the time we ditched school and got into trouble.
“ I thought maybe you could wear it since you don't have an extra cloth.”  He said rubbing his neck.
I smiled. “ Thank you, I will be smelling like you.” I said sniffing his hoodie.
“ If you don't want you can give me back.”
I rolled my eyes. “ I never said so.... I thought you were not talking to me.”
He ignored me and acted like I did not say anything.
“ I told that what I said does not have meaning, I just said it and I'm sorry if it hurt you.” I said
“ Well I'm also sorry.” he apologized, looking away from me.
“ For ? ”
“ Jeez, you heard me... Well for talking to you rudely.”
“ it is okay and if I may ask what made you get angry over what I said, I hope I am not prying ? ”
“ Well you are.” He said and walk out.
I scoffed. “ Him and his mood swings.”
I sigh and went to the girl's restroom taking the nylon with me to clean myself up.
I entered, no one was there. Thank God.
I removed my school uniform and my glass then folded it nicely then put it in the nylon.
I washed the dirt away from my face using water including my face.
I looked at the mirror, I was looking like myself again, my makeup wiped away by the water. I heard the door knob twist, I turned and then I remembered...
“ Oh God my make up is not on.”

Komento sa Aklat (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


  • avatar

    super ganda niya


  • avatar
    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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