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An Ally

The field was immediately lowered 4 feets below ground level, this was the design Velaine made for my every square, the main ground for the fight was lowered in order to avoid casualties when throwing rocks, fire and other gift elements, barricades were raised, the audience were up the stairs and at a safe distance from the ground but still lower than the stairs for the king.
Leo leaned towards Neil and whispered to him. "Who do you think will be the first to give up?"
He looked at the knights all standing in the standard fighting position, aiming their elements at each other while the ungifted held a sword and a bow slinging across his shoulder, the arrows situated in his waist belt. "One thing is for sure, this is a death sentence for the ungifted." He replied, shaking his head a bit as if pitying the helpless ungifted.
A loud laugh was heard from Leo which Neil found a bit annoying.
"What in his words triggered such laughter?" He thought.
"Your grace, it is a death sentence, but not for the ungifted, it is for all the contestant, no knight of Ridah in their right mind will retreat from a fight except he has a plan for victory and in this setting, there is no provision for that." Neil nodded his head in understanding, he wasn't surprised anymore, just confused. How will killing his best knights solve the issue at hand?
Irina stood up and went to the king and bowed to him
"Proceed immediately, I have seen and approve of your selection, get the disguise, make sure four are injured, one ungifted, one fire wielder, one air wielder and one earth wielder. Make sure they are recognized by the knights of vedarah. I expect good news on your return."
"I promise, your highness."
Three days back in the kingdom of vedarah.
Queen Aveedah sat in the military room, the light tao of her feet, the only sihnd hear in the room, she was surrounded by the 30 knights she had selected from her special duty, they were awaiting the arrival of Keevah who had gone to the conflux. King Moorah had formed the special duty for secret missions, and his secret protection. They were a team of 60 skilled knights. They are wise, well- learned, versatile in languages, tracking skills and war tactics. When King Moorah died 3 moons ago, Aveedah had intensely interrogated them, subjected them to intense training and testing where she was able to filter them down to 45 knights and she added some of her own trusted people, Eric being one of them. He was the most versatile in languages, disguise and could find out anything no matter how hidden, so she tasked him with her father's death investigation.
The Royal Majesty headed the special duty themselves, they only answered to them and nobody else. Infact, the only known special duty is Eric and can only be found when he wants to be found.Even Keevah, Her majesty's sorcerer and right-hand man had to present the royal seal when giving them orders from the king. Presently they amount to 70 but for this mission, she selected 30.
Keevah knocked the door once and waited, that was the code,Knock just once no matter how long it takes to answer. When they heard the knock, Queen Aveedah raised a fingerlazily towards the door and one of them went to open the door. Moments later, Keevah made his appearance after being searched at the door.
"Your highness." He bowed.
"Report." Aveedah simply said.
"The operation is going to be a night operation, they are disguising like robbers all clad in black and covering their faces, they plan to breakdown the walls of the conflux, I suppose they not are using their gifts since it is common knowledge that the conflux repel all powers directed at if not careful harming the source which is why they are preparing destructible weapons they are at least a thousand soldiers my Queen, I don't think 30 men will be of any help." Keevah concluded.
"The conflux repel powers directed towards it. We won't be directing toward it, if my 30 men are in the right position, we will burn them down and blame it on the gods afterall, it is a forbidden arena and a thief cannot publicly announce for his missing stolen goods, he can't risk exposing his own crimes." When Queen Aveedah was done explaining her plan, Keevah looked like he could hug her, he was totally impressed, the men around them kept passing confused expressions to each other.
"Your highness, I must admit, you are the wisest I have ever encountered, I'll go back to the conflux make a detailed drawing so that we can pick the perfect positions, it will be the smoothest operation your highness, though I suggest you explain it to them, their confusion is nearly spilling. "Keevah said mischievously.
Aveedah gave a slight cough to hide the smile on her face, Keevah just had to chip that part in.
"Find out every detail of their disguise. Eric, immediately he comes back with it, you take care of the disguise. The rest of you, we will plan out your position. Keevah you should hurry, I expect your arrival before sunset, the journey will begin before midnight. We need to get there before they do." Queen Aveedah instructed.
"Yes,your Highness " Eric and Keevah chorused, bowing respectfully.
The early night was a peaceful one, even the ever chirping birds seem to be asleep. The night breeze blew softly but it was enough to make all the villagers snore peacefully, it was still the early night yet nobody was outside their home, Vedarah laid quiet, peaceful and beautiful sight to look at.
Queen Aveedah sighed as she turned away from the view of her kingdom, her men had long gone, though they didn't use horses inorder to conform with the disguise, she was sure they could makeit, so for a little while since she her father's death safe felt at ease, knowing just how capable her special duty are. She hugged her sleeping robe tighter, shielding herself from the cold night air "Father, I will protect Vedarah no matter the cost and I will avenge you even if I die with your killer." She murmured to herself.
Three Days back in the kingdom of Ridah.
Velaine strode majestically out of his private chambers where he left Neil with Leo,he twisted the necklace Neil handed over to him. The compass to the location of the stone of water wielders. He smiled satisfactorily to himself as he made his way to the sorcerer's chamber, he did not bother announcing his presence when he badged into the room, Irina who was not properly dressed at the moment, jumped and started spewing curses. Letting her annoyance rule her commonsense, She had not waited to dress before turning to face the intruder.
"Your majesty, I apologize." She bowed
"I had no knowledge you were the one."
"Irina, if I want to satisfy my eyes, trust me I would not come to you" He said as he sat on the chair opposite a very stunned and flushed Irina.
"I apologize, your highness for the indecency." She quickly made to her array of clothes and threw on what she saw first.
When she appeared in front of Velaine, he was still nonchalantly relaxed on the chair, upon hearing her footsteps, he lazily rose his eyes and said to her.
"You should always think before you act, otherwise you will lose more than you gain, you will go to Bydreen and Vedarah find out their plans about the conflux, make a detailed recording, omit nothing, you may leave now." He ordered, dismissing her with his index finger as he stood up to go.
"Your highness, Velaine." Irina called meekly behind him.
He stopped but didn't bother to answer or turn around, seeing him stop, she took it as her cue to continue, she asked
"Can I not satisfy at least your eyes if not your heart?
"Give up, channel that energy to what I assigned you to do." He deadpanned before he left the room, leaving a teary eyed and broken hearted Irina.
Irina had chosen love as a way to show her gratitude towards Velaine for saving her when she was abandoned by her people, the Air wielders. Being from a generation of sorcerer's, when Irina could not wield any element at puberty, the whole kingdom began to See her as the witch of the next generation, she was treated well and pampered in the palace, but 10 yearslater, her magical abilities still had not surfaced, the king began to raise questions, people began to whisper and when her brother Richard, discovered he had magical abilities at puberty, it was a very rare occurrence to have two wizards in one generation so she was condemned as an ungifted and as punishment for deceiving the king, she was exiled. The young girl had never been outside her country so the exile did not treat her well, she just kept on hiding from outlaws and bandits until one unlucky day, a group of notorious bandits caught her and kept her for their entertainment, they tortured and raped her anytime they felt like it, until one day, Velaine appeared and saved her taking her with him. He took care of her until she recovered and also provided her with food and money when he wanted to leave. The girl had finally found a protector, a friend and she didn't want to let go so she kept on following him insisting she will be his shadow if he wanted. After several years of travelling together, one blessed night, she noticed changes in her body and after battling with fever for three nights, she realised she actually had magic abilities, she was simply a late bloomer. She is a sorceress and seeing how she had been sick for 3days, she was definitely stronger than her brother. Velaine who had only seen her as a burden he had brought upon himself by not ignoring his conscience was delighted at the news. He had been a king for 15 years sorting for a witch and all thanks to his conscience he found her.
It was midnight when Irina returned. "YourHighness." She bowed as she was ushered into the king's chambers, where he lazily leaned on a pillow, his legs stretched and his back
against the wall.
"Umhumm" He hummed.
I visited Bydreen first where I confirmed the news that they were trying to invade the conflux. He
plans on doing it on a day where the moon is at the least brightness or better still when it is totally hidden behind the clouds as attacking the conflux is like attacking the gods and it is riskier with the presence of the moon as the curse of the conflux also draws power from the moon. After
checking the days, I realized that will be at least in three days time. More than a thousand
soldiers were dispersed because they plan on using manual tools to destroy the walls of the
conflux. They are presently on their way in order to secure their position and to ensure no one spots them, they took the route through their kingdom. I then moved to Vedarah and where I gathered that they plan on using the disguise of the people of
Bydreen. As we speak, they have already also proceeded in order to arrive before people of Bydreen. They plan on
securing their positions on trees not directly facing the conflux so that when they use their powers, It is a double win situation, no element will ever crush the walls of the conflux as per the curse and the repel which is never in an oblique axis but in a straight line would instead affect the clueless bydreen soldiers, she had only dispatched 30 men, that is all your Highness." She
concluded bowing.
"Magnificent, If only she wasn't Aveedah, she would have made the best ally." He commanded, excitement in his voice.
"On the supposed day, you will go with ten knights from every gift and the ungifted, the best of their mates, let them wear the same disguise as that of the others and let them position themselves like the knights of Vedarah" he Instructed.
'Aveedah wants an anonymous attack we will help her with that. If they are attacked by ungifted
and all other gifts, who will they point hands at?Aveedah will realise she has an ally seeing the
mix of gifts and she will desperately want to know me and then I will lead her to our Ridah. The Great Queen Aveedah will ride here to seek ouralliance.' He thought wickedly to himself.
"I will inform you of what to do on that day, you don't have to leave till the day of the attack. Ridah to the conflux is not even up to a day's journey. They will make it before it happens."
Velaine concluded a ghost of a smile on his face, he could already see his victory, they were all his puppets and he, he who was the pawn is now the master.
"Your Highness, like always your plan is nothing below expectation. I will select them first thing tomorrow morning and then arrange their disguise." Irina responded eagerly.
"Good, you may take your leave now." He dismissed.

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    nice one. keep it up!


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    bom dms


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    Justin Villaceran



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