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One Step Ahead

"Keevah, find out everything about Kebarah, no matter how small, how irrelevant, I want to know it." Queen Aveedah ordered Keevah who was standing at the edge of the table she was leaning on in her personal library.
"Vee." he called, watching her to gauge her reaction, the fire in her heart could be seen by his sorcerer's eyes but that is all because that is the most profound feeling, the lesser complexities are always private.
"Tell me how you feel, you know you can tell me how devastated you feel." Keevah assured her quietly, slowly approaching her.
"Keevah, I don't want to, I want to nourish my anger." She blatantly refused.
"Vee." Keevah said as he dropped on the floor close to the chair she was seated.
"That anger might be a weapon against your enemy but its also poison to you, please confide in me and we'll think of a befitting reply to King Kebarah.
"Hmmm" she sighed a bit and stared at him before she continued.
"I don't know how I feel, No. I know, I just can't explain it, as for a befitting reply, Kebarah will definitely receive nothing underserving,so just do what I ask of you, it is essential for my reply." she concluded by patting his cheek and smiling a very wicked smile.
As she walked out of the library, Keevah smiled a bit as he thought.
"Well that's a befitting smile to start with.'
2 days later, Keevah had gathered information from every source he could find,using his magic abilities, it was easier for him as he could teleport himself anywhere he wanted, he made sure he verified every information he got, now as he approached Queen Aveedah's chamber he couldn't wait to tell her what he heard.
" My lord, you can come in." The announcer told Keevah.
He rushed into the chamber past the guards at the door.
He called as he saw her in her study chamber leaning on a sofa, her eyes opened immediately she heard his voice.
"Kebarah is up to no good Vee, he's trying to conquer the whole of the south, I am positive I know the reason he committed the crime .
270 years ago, we the people of the north, the fire wielders went to war with the south the earth wielders, after so many years of fighting, your father finally was victorious and most of the earth wielders perished. This gave the north enough power to make the west and the east bow to them, the west( the air wielders) might have bowed but they separated themselves from the rest of us, that is why they are secluded and nobody interferes in their matter and they also do not interfere in ours. The east (water wielders) regarded King Moorah as not only the overall king of the north, but the overall king of the world, so he crowned their kings and was the keeper of their royal stones."
" I know all that Keevah, so make your point." Queen Aveedah snapped.
Kebarah killed your father in order to remain the King of the Bydreen, the strongest kingdom in the east, by being the king of Bydreen, he is now waging war against the smaller kingdoms in the east in order to dominate them and be the only king in the east then he will start conquering other regions too, his ultimate goal is obviously to be the king of the world, just like your father was."
Keevah concluded apprehension in his eyes.
" So, Kebarah killed my father so that he won't be able to crown Neil, the crown Prince of Bydreen who was supposed to be crowned on my wedding day as he had finally come of age. Since he was not crowned, the one Left in charge of the position will take over the position, Kebarah was asked to hold that position because my father thought he could only trust him to give it back at the right time.
How ronic, a true proof that sentimental decisions yield the worst results." Queen Aveedah said calmly but obviously hurt.
"Vee,he needs the stone in order to crown himself, it seems your father didn't trust him with the location of the stone." Keevah added suggestively.
"Yes, the stone. He also needs to eliminate his competition. Where is Neil?" She asked her eye a little wider than normal wary of the answer to her question.
"I do not think he was able to kill him, it seems he fled and nobody knows where he is but, Vee, the stone, we have to secure it well, Kebarah will come for it." Keevah warned.
"The stone is where it should be, he will not get to it because he is looking in the wrong place, let us look for Neil, he is our priority and what is Kebarah's next line of action? Queen Aveedah asked thoughtfully.
" I heard he is trying to invade the "Conflux", he sent his forces to surround the area." he informed.
"The Conflux, how brazen. He must have planned this for a long time and he has a lot of confidence to try and infiltrate the forbidden Conflux for easier access to the regions, we have to stop that operation and we will do that discreetly." Queen Aveedah said, a meaningful look on her face.
"I understand My Queen." Keevah replied a knowing smile on his face.
"Keevah, summon my special duty. We will trace his steps, think like him, counter his attacks discreetly till he becomes frustrated and desperate, then finally reveal ourself and destroy him then make him bow to my father's grave before sending him to the after world." If a person was spying from outside, judging by the expression on Queen Aveedah's face, he would swear that she was planning a ball or planning her marriage seeing the delight on her face, whereas she was revelling in the sight she had conjured in her mind of how miserable her uncle would be.
"We welcome you your Majesty!!" The court members bowed and chorused, welcoming their king who has been absent for  30 days, though he wasn't around, he had a way of making things go his way and he was always informed of the happenings in the kingdom, so any nuisance will be tackled so will the perpetrator and one quality their king lacked was a forgiving heart.
As the King approached his throne, the throne looking majestic in its black and golden cotton, the carvings of a lion sculptured boldly at the head of the chair and gems neatly arranged around the wide chair, he gracefully sat down and waved his hand a bit signalling them to rise and take their seats.
"Prime minister, submit today's scrolls, Arthur, the guest?"
The prime minister bowed and submitted the scrolls showing the day's reports documented by all the ministers. He handed it to Leo who bowed and kept it on the stool in front of the King.
"Arthur who had excused himself to go get the guest came in with a man of average height and almost white hair, slender and light brown eyes, he seemed a bit dazed as he looked at the King.
" Bow before his Highness, King Velaine Rado of Ridah." Arthur ordered him.
He quickly bowed to him and said
"Your Highness, I appreciate your hospitality and kindness towards me, I owe you my life and I shall repay you."
"Its my pleasure helping the crown Prince, Neil Drago of Bydreen, Please take a seat, it is unbefitting of you to remain standing." King Velaine offered, a small smile or more like a smirk on his face, his hand pointing to the closest seat to him but below his podium.

Komento sa Aklat (262)

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    nice one. keep it up!


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    bom dms


  • avatar
    Justin Villaceran



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