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Arjay woke up early the next day. He stayed in Marcus’s apartment. Marcus was one of his batch mate and brother in the seminary when they were in college. They both graduated with a degree in Philosophy, but Marcus didn’t continue in Theology like he did because he fell in love and was lucky enough to be noticed by his ultimate crush.
Long story short, he chased his dreams and achieved it: be with the love of his life and is now a policeman. He is currently in-service at Manila City Jail. Lucky for them, they are already planning their future together even though they had a tight schedule now.
He went to take a bath. After taking a bath, he fixed himself and prepared to go. Marcus is in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.
“You’re early. I made breakfast, might want to fuel up before you go.” Marcus noticed him.
“I’ll just grab some snack on my way to the testing center. Thanks for the offer anyway.” He smiled and decline politely.
“After the exams, where are you going then?”
“I’ll go check on Jc and then go home.”
“Okay. Just visit us here anytime then, bro. My apartment’s always open. And say hi to Jc for me.”
“I sure would. Thanks for letting me stay here for the night, bro. I got to go. Say hi to Jace for me.” He said. Marcus nodded at him and he went out of the house.
He went straight to the testing center. The exams took half of his day, with the travel and exam proper. After the exams, he went to the seminary. It’s already lunch and he knows that Jc would be in his lunch break.
He was walking towards the receiving area when he saw Jc walking towards him. He smiled but Jc wore that same void expression he wears as usual. He diverted and walked straight to Jc. When he’s near him, Jc finally smiled at him. He finally recognized him.
“So, how’s life? You missed the seminary already so you’re walking back here?” Jc asked, smiling.
“A bit, but I’m just going to fix my unfinished business here and I came to visit my best bud because after this, I’m going to be very busy. Where’s Father Jerry?”
“He’s in his office. Come, I’ll show you to him. He’d be very glad to see you. Oh, and by the way, don’t be shy. You just came here anyway.” He teased.
Arjay just smiled. They went to see the rector. Surprisingly, the other priests were there, too and it’s too late for him to back out now since they saw him peeped to the door.
“Arjay, son! Come in, don’t be shy.” Father Mendoza called out.
Now he got Jc’s joke. He turned to look at him but he’s 2 yards away from him. He’s smiling mischievously and waved. He peered back to the room and the priests are waiting for him. He entered the room.
“Good afternoon, Fathers.” He greeted them.
“Have you decided to come back here, son?” Father Velasco asked as soon as he was near them.
“Have a sit, Arjay.” Father Jerry told him.
He went to sit on the available chair.
“I just came here to properly say goodbye and thank you for accommodating me, Father.” He said.
“So you really made up your mind then.” Father Garcia stated.
“Yes, Father.” He replied.
“Well, that’s saddening but we all have choices. We can’t force you to stay in the priesthood if you don’t want to.” Father Jerry remarked.
“Thank you for understanding, Father.” He said.
“Well, you could have become a good priest.” Father Velasco said. Father Velasco is also from his hometown.
“But if he’s not really into it, we should let him do whatever he wants to do.” Father Garcia said.
“So what are your plans, Arjay?” Father Mendoza asked.
“I would take over the school that my grandparents built, Father.”
“That’s good. At least you already have a plan. Have you talked to Brother Jc then?” Father Jerry asked.
“I went here as soon as I entered the gate Father, I haven’t talked to him yet.” He lied so he could excuse himself.
“You should talk to him then, but don’t recruit him out, okay?” the rector jokingly said.
“I won’t father.” He smiled.
“Just visit us here anytime soon, then.” Father Mendoza said.
He nodded and smiled.
“Yes Father. I should go ahead now Fathers.” He excused himself.
They nodded back and he left the room. As soon as he’s out of the room, he sighed in relief. He walked towards the benches and he saw Jc reading. He went to him and tap Jc’s shoulder. He looked up to him and smiled. He closed the book he’s reading.
“So… you put me in a trap.” Arjay said and laughed. He took a seat beside Jc.
“You didn’t get my joke. Bad for you.”
“Yeah, I realized it too late. Anyway, what time will your classes resume?”
“1:30 pm. Still got 30 minutes.”
“What now? How are you here? I guess you’re good.”
“How thoughtful of you to think that you’re best friend is doing well after you left him alone?” he said sarcastically.
“Okay, sorry. I know you feel bad.”
“That’s better. By the way, where did you stay last night?”
“You’re trying to change the subject again. Anyway, I stayed at Marcus’s apartment. He said Hi by the way.”
“He said hi but he never visited us here. Well, he’s a busy man.”
Arjay looked at Jc. He didn’t comment on changing the subject. He probably doesn’t want to talk about him. Arjay knew that, but he needs to check up on him. He knew Jc very well like a real brother, and he knows that one wrong word and it would trigger him to leave the seminary, too.
“I think they’re planning to settle down.” Arjay said, referring to Marcus. Jc looked at him, surprised.
“Really? So that’s why he’s working hard… well, he fell in love, unlike me, I just fell.” Jc joked. Arjay smirked. “What? I fell alright, with the wrong person, so I’ll just continue this vocation of mine.” Jc said and it’s his turn to smirk.
“By the way, the fathers told me not to recruit you out.”
“You should’ve told them I’ll follow you after Theology.”
“You sure?” he asked in disbelief.
“Of course not! Can’t you sense the sarcasm in my voice?” Jc asked sarcastically.
“Well I thought you’re serious.”
Jc rolled his eyes.
“You’ve been out here for a week and you don’t know me, already, jeez. So, what’s the progress with your quest? Haven’t seen her yet? I wonder how red lipstick is now. “
He laughed a bit. It was the alias Jc had given Diana back in college. She always wear a shade of red lipstick back then.
“I saw her already actually, well, it’s just a coincidence. I stopped at the junction and she was there.”
“Did you talk to her?” Jc excitedly asked.
“No. She get in on a jeep that passed by.”
“That’s unfortunate but at least there’s a progress. Patience, bro. soon your question will be answered. And when that happens, don’t forget to inform me. Say hi for me, too.”
Arjay smiled. Well, Jc and Diana were close then so he can’t blame him being more excited to hear the results than he is. He’s actually terrified to know.
“Of course, I will say hi to her for you. And I will inform you about the result.” Arjay said and looked at his watch. “So, just take care of yourself here?”
“Yes of course. I still have my classes, so… just see you when I see you, bro.”
We hugged as a means of saying goodbye. We separated ways: he headed towards the building and Arjay headed towards the gate.
Before leaving, Arjay turned around to look one last time to his home for three years. After this, he needed to focus on his new journey. He went out of the gate and hailed a cab.
“Where to, sir?” the cab driver asked.
“To the provincial bus terminal, please.” He said.
The cab driver nodded and he went inside the cab. His phone suddenly rang. He reached for it in his pocket. He looked at the caller ID: it’s his mom. He answered the phone.
“Hello, mom.”
“How’s the exam? Are you done?” she asked on the other line.
“It’s difficult but I think I can manage. Yes, mom, I’m done. I just went from the seminary. I’m on my way to the bus station now.” He said.
“Have you eaten yet?” she asked.
“Not yet but I will just grab something on the way, mom.” he said.
“Okay then. Don’t let yourself travel without something on your stomach. I love you son.”
“Love you too mom.” he said and hang up.
He arrived at the bus station. He got off the cab and went to the convenience store nearby to grab some snack. He then went back to the terminal and waited for the bus.

Komento sa Aklat (595)

  • avatar
    Norlyn Aguaron

    I love the story love is not just to feel inlove with someone but it just to happen like in my situation I never imagine that I'm fall inlove in a guy that I first time I meet ...no impression happen ..it just to happen ..texting and calling are the key for us ..to felt inlove each other and so on so on up to present...♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


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  • avatar
    Hziq Haqimi

    dah bacaaaa


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