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It's been two months since we started studying at Harrison University. Today is holiday and the same time Clea's twin siblings' birthday.
Clarkson and Clarissa, Clea's younger siblings is turning 10 years old today. Her parents decided to celebrate the twin's birthday in the most famous beach resort in the country.
I'm kinda excited since it's already a year since I last go to a resort. It's just us by the way, since the twin doesn't like celebrating their birthday with other people.
"Hurry up big sister!" I turned my gaze to Clarissa. She's wearing a cute pink beach dress. I smiled at my pretty cousin.
"You're so pretty today, Clar." I complimented her.
"We're both pretty, big sis." We both giggled. She handed me the beach hat she's holding. I put up my shades and wear the hat.
I looked at the mirror in front of us. We're on Clea's room. I turned around and look at my back.
The dress I'm wearing is a white backless dress, paired with a hat. I really looked so innocent in this dress.
"My cousin is so gorgeous." I look at Clea and smile smugly.
"Of course, duh." I laughed. She just shook her head and handed me a paper bag.
"What's this?" She just smirk.
"Open it. You better wear that or else."   I hesitated for a second. Should I open it?
"What? Hurry up." I just erase my thoughts and open up the bag.
My face heated up when I saw a red bikini on it. What the, my jaw dropped when I looked the bikini carefully. It's not just a normal bikini! It's a very sexy one!
I glared at Clea. She raises her eyebrow and pretend to be innocent. I'm going to punch her face really.
"Don't worry, babe. Mine have the same designs as yours. You're not alone." And she laughed evilly.
"Yey! We are here!" The twins exclaimed. I chuckled because of their cuteness.
We got out of the car and headed towards the resort's intrance. The beach is really beautiful. It's clean and the atmosphere is different.
A lot of people are here, as expected from the famous beach resort. The surroundings are very clean. You can't even sight a single garbage anywhere.
I looked around and my eyes widen when I saw a familiar gray eyes. He's leaning on a very expensive car. My eyes grew wider when our eyes met each other.
Why the heck is he here? He's wearing a beach short and top. Damn, he's hot. I avoided my gaze when my face started to heat up.
Gah, I need air. I turned my gaze to the other side. A shiver run down my spine. I can still feel his gaze on me. Why? Stop looking at me.
I put my hand on my heart. Calm down, geez. I won't be able to breath properly if you keep pumping so hard.
"Let's go." My uncle announced and I release I sigh of relief. Yes! I'm saved from his burning gaze.
I put my hands on my heating cheeks.  Damn, Mikhail why are you so hot? That hotness should be illegal!
We headed towards the cottage and put all our things and foods. The twins already change into their bathing suits and headed towards the sea.
We all giggled at their cuteness. Clea turned her gaze at me and handed me the bikini she brought.
I didn't even noticed she already changed! Her bikini has the same design as the one she gave me, the only difference is the color of it is white. That should be mine!
"Go change." She smirk. I just shook my head in disbelief and headed towards the room where you can change.
The cottage my uncle rented is one of the most expensive ones. The view from here is very cool too.
The changing room also looks luxurious. Well you can say, everything here is luxurious.
I headed in and changed my self. I looked at the mirror. Even the bikini fits me so well. I looked at myself worriedly. Should I go out with this?
In the end I go out wearing this bikini. I out a see through top on it. I get out the changing room.
I was about to go back when someone called me.
"Hey! Can we get your number?" A boy asked me. His other friends are waiting for him. It looks like they are betting.
I stop my self from raising my eyebrow and smiled awkwardly.
"I'm sorry but I forgot to bring my phone." He looks back to his friend and then nodded.
He looked at me ravishly from head to toe. I suddenly felt horrified.
"Then will you come with us?" He smirk. I immediately shook my head as response.
"No." His expression suddenly changed. Damn, this is dangerous. I immediately turned around and leave but he stopped me.
I glared at him.
"Get off your hands of me." He ignored my words and tighten his grip.
"Oh, c'mon. You're so hot miss, why don't you come and have fun with us." I trembled because of his words. I was about to say something when an arm wrapped around my waist and pull me.
I was slammed against a hard chest. I looked at the person who did that to me and was about to lashed out when I recognized who it was.
"Where do you think you're touching?" Mikhail's voice is dangerous enough to sent shivers down our spines.
The boy who grabbed me just now take a step back. He looks scared now. Mikhail's cold and expressionless face is very scary.
"I-im." Mikhail hide my self using his body. His gripped on my shoulder tighten. He really looks angry now. He glared at the boy.
"If I see any one of you talk or come near my girl again, don't ever think of returning to your home without a broken part of your body." After he said that. The boy and his friends run out.
What? What did just happen?
My heart is beating so fast. It's like the old Mikhail who always protect me.
"T-thank you..." I softly said. His gaze is still cold. He scanned my body and sighed.
He turned around and go to the near cottage. My heart ache, doesn't he care about me? Well he lost his memories so i shouldn't really assume now.
My eyes watered. Damn, it hurts. I'm scared and he helped me. I assumed that he's back, the old Mikhail is back. But...
A clothed wrapped around me. It was a jacket. I looked  at the person who did it and a tear falls down from my eyes.
"M-mikhail..." His gaze darted into my cheeks. His forehead knots.
"Why are you crying?" He wipe my tear. I closed my eyes because of the sensation. His hand is gently pressed into my skin. How I wished for him to touch me like before...
I shook my head and opened my eyes.
"Next time, don't wander around without acompanny wearing that small pieces of clothes. If you don't want me to break someone" He said coldly. But what? I didn't heard the last sentence.
I was about to ask him about that when turned his back at me.
My face heated up when I remember all the things that had happened.
Mikhail, when will your memories come back? I can't wait to be you
After spending the twins birthday at the resort we decided to stay at the nearest hotel. Since tomorrow is weekends, there's no problem staying for one night.
I am nervous. As the car keep getting close to the hotel, my heart can't stop pounding.
I just learned from Clea that the reason why I saw Mikhail in the beach is that, his uncle's daughter is having a birthday. And the celebrant wanted to celebrate her birthday at beach.
We haven't seen Mikhaela because she has a fever. She just called us and informed me lately that Mikhail is also here.
The reason why I'm nervous is the fact that Mikhail and his family is also staying at the hotel we will be sleeping tonight.
I closed my eyes and plead silently. Please let our path crossed.
"Oh, by the way Aria. Where do you like to spend your birthday?" I looked at my mom who asked me a question.
"Hmm, I don't know yet mom." I shrugged. My birthday is two months from now. Honestly, I don't know whether I'll celebrate it or not.
I kinda just feel like not celebrating it. Since when I was a kid, all my birthdays has always been grand and we spend it in different places. So I wanted to just have a normal day at my birthday.
"If you want something, tell it me and your dad okay?" My mom looked at me lovingly. She brushes my hair using her hands. I smiled at my mom.
"Thanks mom, but I don't have anything I want. I'm contented with just being with you and dad." I hugged my mom. She giggled and continue to brush my hair.
I picked up my phone when it vibrates. There was a text. I look at sender, it was Mikhaela. I open her message and my eyes widen because of the content.
From: Khaela
         Sis! Here's my brother's phone number by the way. Save that 😙💕
Phone #: 9********
Ps. Text him!
What the. I didn't expect Mikhaela to give me his brother's phone at all. My face blushes, should I text him?
But what if he didn't reply? And asked me where did I get his number? He'll probably think that I'm some kind of stalker. No thanks
I just archive the text and continue resting.
We finally arrived at the Hotel. It's a five star hotel. My mom and my auntie, cousins headed in first since Clea has something to buy in the convenient store beside the hotel.
"Oh, babe. I forgot to bring money. Buy me my favourite drink too. One pack." I pleaded. I even used my charm to make it effective.
"Yeah, yeah. Since you wear the bikini I brought, I'll treat you." A wide smile form onto my lips.
"That's why you're my favourite cousin!" I hugged her on the sides. She just pushes me and laughed while shaking her head.
"Of course, haha." We talked about things until we finally arrive at the store. We just walk since it's only a walking distance.
"I'll go in this area. Go find your favourite drink, get two packs of it." My eyes widen. Yey!
We parted our ways and I started finding my favourite drink.
Oh, there's so many chips in here. I pick up all the chips I want. I'll pick a lot since Clea will be the one who's paying.
I laughed evilly at my head. I continue my way through the other side when someone bumped me. The impact was too sudden that I lost my balance.
I closed my eyes and ready my self from the impact. I waited for a moment but nothing happened.
I open my eyes and a cold gray eyes welcomed my sight. The person who bumped me just now is Mikhail! My prayer was answered!
He probably didn't see since it's an intersection. Well I did not see him too.
"I'm sorry." I said to him. I hurriedly get away from him and hugged my chips.
He scanned my whole body and his eyes stopped at the chips I'm holding. Fuck, now I remember. When we were still a kid, Mikhail doesn't like it when I eat too much chips.
He frowned because of the sight. I just avoided my gaze, damn I looked like a criminal caught on an act.
"You. You're gonna eat all of that?" He asked me with a disgust look on his face.
Yes, he doesn't like this kind of foods.
"Yes, I mean no." Damn, why am I so honest when it comes to him? He frowned even more.
I looked at his frowning face. I can't help but to stared at him in awe. Damn, even his frowning face is hot.
"Limit your self. You don't want to stay in the hospital, don't you?" He raises is eyebrow. Man, don't you know that limiting my self is not on my vocabulary?
His intense gaze is looking at me, as if waiting for my response. I gulped and force my self to nod.
His face is now back his usual face. I looked at him questioningly when he handed his phone to me.
"What?" I asked him, doesn't have any idea what's going on.
"Your number." Does he want me to type my number to his phone?
My face heated up at the sudden act.
"W-why would you want my number all of a sudden?" I asked, my face blushes like I'm a teenager who's crush ask for my number. He tilted his head a little.
"Isn't that unfair? My sister gave my number to you, so you should gave your number to me too." My face heated even more. How did he know that the person Mikhaela gave his number his me?!
"H-how are you sure I have your number?." I stuttered. He raises his eyebrow as If I asked the most stupid question he ever heard.
"I have my ways you know. And." He suddenly lean towards me. I closed my eyes. My heart is beating so fast!
"Type it now, or else I might really get mad. I bite people when I'm mad you know." He whispered on my ear seductively.
I type my number on his phone. The number that I usually used. My face is still red from all of that teasing of his.
I gave back his phone. He review the number i gave to him and smirk.
My heart pounded even more. He suddenly extend his arm and get a few strands of my hair.
My face became more red that I think I'm redder than a tomato right now when he smell my hair.
"I'll text you. Be careful on your way." After saying that, he left.
We are already on our room but my heart is still pounding from what happened. Damn, why is Mikhail is such a flirt?
I take a half bath and lay down the bed. Ah, it's soft and fluffy. I feel so tired. A lot of things happened this whole day. I want to sleep.
I picked up my other pillow and put it between my legs. Ah, better.
As I was about to sleep, my phone suddenly vibrated. I force my self to open my eyes and picked up phone in the bedside table.
I'm half awake when I open my phone and the message. But my sleepiness disappeared when I saw who text me this late of night.
From: Unknown Number
          Sleep well. I'll see you in our next class.

Komento sa Aklat (254)

  • avatar
    Loidena Tumlos

    amazing one


  • avatar
    RobredilloMary Rose



  • avatar
    Cleto Q. Pia

    have a good story


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