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Chapter Two

She tossed and turned restlessly in the giant-sized bed, it was around 2am and still she hadn’t had even a wink of sleep. “The idiot” she spoke, hissing to herself, “…the arrogant bastard, confident sycophant, the fool…” Ever since she left her father’s office earlier yesterday, her entire being had been boiling with anger and frustration, something she herself found hard to explain, this wasn’t just normal anger, it was anger decorated with a certain unnatural unexplainable hatred.
“Aaaarh!!!” She scoffed in disgust remembering the confident smile on his lips, the piercing sharp eyes…the long dark brows…, she closed her eyes covering her face with her palms, rolling over, her beautiful locks making a pillow for her face. As angry as she was with the idiot, she was angrier at herself for how she reacted, for the way she had lost her control and composure.
“It’s his entire fault” she spoke whispering to herself, “all his fault “
Rolling over she sat up on the bed slipping on her slippers at the bed side, then slowly making her way with tired steps to the parlour. It was useless trying to sleep, she knew herself well enough, it won’t come, not in her present state of mind, not with such anger eating her up. She went into the kitchen opened the fridge, grabbed a bottle of milk to help her calm her nerve, milk was her only option because she had run out of scotch and whiskey. This feeling was new for her, never before had she been so unnerved by a mere man, hard as she tried, she found herself remembering his charming lazy smile, the more she remembered it, the more she liked it and the angrier she became.
“What to do to him” she thought she pondered sitting on the giant sofa, “how to deal with the idiot?” It had to be something special, something she had never done to any before, something that would destroy him slowly but steadily. As soon as she had stepped out of her father’s presence her evil radar had been beaming red alert. What bothered her was that she couldn’t come up with a suitable punishment that took her fancy,
“Have him sacked? No, daddy won’t do that; have the idiot beaten to an inch of his life? No not brutal enough either, that would only do bodily damage, frame him up? Her evil mind suggested as she bit her long-painted nail contemplating the options. Yes, but how? get some stolen property stashed in his home? No, he was an attorney he could surely talk his way out of that.
Risha kept thinking of all the evil possibilities until 4am, by then, her anger had been over powered by her tired nerves but all the same, she slept with a cynical smile on her lips, she had finally figured it out, the perfect punishment, something special, something that would make the idiot suffer in ways he couldn’t imagine something he couldn’t possibly escape. Just the thought of how it would ruin him was enough to put this crazy girl to sleep.
Such was Risha, crazy Risha, for most who knew her; she was a mystery, a rare kind of human, she had beautifully shaped long face, brown sharp and commanding eyes, slightly thick brows, a small pointed nose, and pretty full succulent natural red lips, waist length silky black hair, appealing ups and downs and a dangerous kind of curve that even a miss world would wish for. She had a crisp fair complexion that shun in the sun and kind of glowed in the night, she was of average height with long shapely legs, she was not slim but definitely very far from fat, there was a commanding presence in her personality that she possessed, which never failed to pull stares and glances her way, to most, she a contradiction of nature with such appealing features, such innocent looks and charms, yet so deadly and dangerous. Her nick name bestowed on her by admirers was “poisonous beauty”. Yet, Risha had an unmistakable grace about her person, she moved with a care free yet stylish attitude, almost rude even, like someone who owned the earth, when she walked there seemed to be a masculine aura about her, yet this in no way reducing any of the feminine touch about her, in fact it made her unique, like a distinguishing quality that marked her from others. Risha was one of those unique ladies who knew her charms and how to use it, she had those kind of eyes that could swallow up men up in one glance, quick intelligent, intimidating and very provocative eyes, she never seemed to focus on anything yet took all in, she never wasted a second glance at others, when she spoke, she made it a point to not look at others, for the wired pleasure of making them feel low, being polite seemed like an abomination to her, being kind a weakness, and yet surprisingly, with all these contrasting features of beauty, brains and annoying brattishness, she still somehow managed to make others like her. Men found infinitely attractive, rude yes, but still they crowded around her. For most “wanna be” brattish spoiled rich girls, she was a role model, a mentor to look up to.
The one true hubby she never got bored of was frustrating men, young or old she didn’t care they were the same to her, she hated them all and made it her full time business to ruin any that crossed her path, she spared no efforts when trying to achieve her goals, and to worsen the whole situation, the brat was a natural at this, even she couldn’t count how many men she had destroyed in one way or the other and now she was determined to channel all her talents and resources at one point “Farhan”.
He turned over slowly, rubbing the sleep of his eyes as he reached to turn off the alarm clock at the bed side, it was 3am and the weather was a little colder than usual, he rolled back into the bed lying on his back to stare at the ceiling for a few minutes, trying to pull together his resolve, he would wake up for kiyamul layl he just couldn’t make up his mind immediately, he took a minute to brood before forcing himself up despite the seemingly irresistible temptation to go back to sleep, slipping his bathroom slippers. He slowly made his way to his bath room to perform his ablution, while he performed this task, his mind drifted back to the events of the previous day. A little smile permitted his lips as he remembered how she had barged in to the conference room, in was both interesting and surprising to finally have a glimpse of the infamous Farisha Shehu, his boss’s daughter, he had watched in utter surprise as she had reduced the great Alhaji Shehu into a weak confused man with just a glare and a few sarcastic words, of cause he had heard many stories about her from the employees since his arrival to the company, every one spoke in silent terror of the infamous ice queen as she was popularly called and her numerous incredulous schemes. Yet after his encounter with her yesterday, he didn’t think she was as bad as they painted her, yes granted she was a little saucy and abusive with her word and manners, but all he saw was a spoilt rich girl who had been pampered by her father. He had originally not intended to intervene in whatever she did, but when it seemed that Hanifah was going to lose her job, he had no other choice. However, one thing was clear and that was the lady had serious anger management issues. Closing the tap, reaching for his face towel, he stared at his reflection in the mirror, the one thing that unsettled him most about her were those eyes, sharp and lively, when he looked into their depts, he saw hate, anger, frustration and many other emotions. It wasn’t the eyes of a weak spoilt girl, but those of a determined lady. He put the towel over his face to block out the image from his mind, it didn’t help. He glanced at his bed side clock, it was some minutes past 3am, “time to thank Allah for all his favours” he thought smiling with content, securing his present job had been like a miracle, yes he was qualified granted but there were other qualified candidates also, in a country where everything depended on the connections one had, it was a nothing short of a miracle that he had secured the job, it was such a huge task to handle, but he was determined to do his outmost best and so far he had excelled. The pay was good, just enough to carter for his mother and siblings. He had earned the trust and respect of his colleagues and more importantly of Alhaji Shehu his demanding boss, his strategy was simple, try as much as possible not to let issues reach the court house, his persuasive and diplomatic skills had helped him resolve so many cases without them having to step into a court room, thereby avoiding the embarrassing publicity of having the company’s name on media and print regarding one case or the other as was the situation before he was hired. His future was bright from all indications, with that thought in mind he focused on his prayers uttering the takbir, a contented smile on his face.
He saw her, as she walked out of the elevator dressed in slim fitted yellow top and equally tight fitted jeans trousers, to him, she didn’t at all look like a Muslim girl, she was wearing those huge dark shade glasses that he thought was more suited for engineers and welders, she chewed a gum nonchalantly. Hanifah stood up abruptly and greeted nervously “oh good morning ma’am,” she spoke nervously smiling as much as she could. “how do you do?”
Surprisingly, Risha responded with equal cheerfulness “Am okay. Thanks for asking, Hanifah right?”
“Yes ma, that’s my name” the stunned secretary replied greatly pleased. “I would like to apologies for yesterday, if I offended you, I am really sorry, I promise it won’t happen again.”
“Don’t worry about it; we just misunderstood each other” Risha replied still smiling charmingly, she scanned the lobby quickly.
“Alhaji Shehu is in his office” Hanifah offered “should I notify him you are hear?”
“No don’t!” Risha replied, but surprisingly her voice wasn’t very polite any more, it was filled with anger and contempt.
Surprised, Hanifah looked at her stunned, fearing she had made a mistake again, she was about to apologies before Risha cut her off with a charming smile which Hanifah was certain didn’t reach her eyes.
Still smiling, Risha continued “I will see him later, but first tell me where his office is”
Hanifah was puzzled at first; she looked at Risha not understanding the question
“Him” Risha said gesturing towards Farhan who was speaking to another person
“Oh him?” Hanifah smiled understanding “his office is the one opposite Alhaji’s”
“Oh, is it?” Risha commented almost to herself, she hadn’t once taken her eyes off him, luckily no one saw the raw hate that lay there due to the shades.
The secretary forgotten, she instantly approached him confidently. The person who was speaking to Farhan quickly excused himself and took his leave or more appropriately escaped the approaching tigress.
For a few seconds, she just stood behind him saying nothing, he turned to notice her. Smiling genuinely, he bowed his head bit in show of respect and was about to excuse himself when she spoke.
“Hello we met yesterday. Didn’t we?” She started, surprised at how she had been able to keep her voice normal, devoid of the contempt and anger she felt for the idiot. He was wearing the inner piece of his suit and a fitted long sleeve shirt that emphasized his athletic features and long slim arms. Again, totally against her will she found herself scanning his handsome face. Thin lined lips, calm blues eyes perfect pointed male nose, thick eye brows that made it hard to read his eyes. And his smile, “oh God that smile,” how she hated it. It made her heart bit fast.
“Yes madam, I believe we did, although we were not properly introduced, I am Farhan by the way, nice to meet you.”
“Farisha” she volunteered forcing another unnatural smile.
She waited for an apology for his rude behaviour yesterday, none came, the idiot she thought, the proud arrogant, smiling bastard, “I will show him” she thought “I will fix him up really good.”
“I heard you are the legal attorney right?” she asked evenly
“Yes” came the short reply.
She observed he hadn’t looked at her properly since they started speaking; he kept his gaze fixed on the floor, the wall, the table by the side, everything but her. “What is wrong with him?” she wondered to herself. This was new for Risha, mostly men couldn’t resist staring at body and beauty, usually, their eyes made her feel disgusted and uncomfortable because of the lust she detected in them, yet this was her, standing in front of this strange man with all her charms and he hadn’t even given her even a single detailed look and it bothered her, much to her surprise even disappointed her. Everything about this guy so far had been strange for her, she couldn’t tell what it was but he was different, different from the other men she had known.
“Good she said, trying to sound normal, I need some legal advice on something”
“What about, if I may ask?” he replied politely
“Well we can’t talk here can we? She asked. At that moment she took of her glasses and their eyes met, he held her gaze for a few seconds, surprised once again at the sharpness of her eyes self-consciously, he lowered his gaze.
“Ok, we can talk in my office, I can spare a few minutes” he said gesturing toward his office
“Good, I will be right behind you” she said faking another smile “I just need a minute.”
As he walked away, she forced herself to take deep breaths, she couldn’t remember the last time she was this nice to anyone, all this fake smiling and being polite was giving her a head ache.
Taking a deep breath and preparing herself, she made her way for his office all the time visualizing her plan, and smiling at the thought.
It was a big office, with many books arranged on shelves that rested on the wall, the desk was neat and perfectly arranged, everything spotless and clean.
“Welcome” he smiled at her, “please take a sit.”
“Thanks,” she said taking the sit opposite his across the table.
“So, Ms Shehu, how can I be of help?” he said in business like tone.
She stared at him over the table as he sat with his arms on the table his long fingers crossed, to her shock, she found she was starring.
“Ma’am?” he prompted inquisitively
“Oh yes” she said looking away quickly “I have a few questions”
“I am listening” he said
“I was wondering, what is the prison term for rape cases today?”
The question was totally unexpected and it took him off guard. He blinked quickly, started to speak then stopped, “rape cases?” he asked gaining back his composure
“Yes,” came her short reply, she was still smiling
“Well, it varies, from country to country, in some countries, it ranges from 10-15 years in jail with hard labour, some above that, as for some…well, it’s the death penalty, in some countries its castration, the list goes on and on. I even heard that in one country the man is made to marry the woman he rapes.”
Risha made a mental note in her head to visit that God forsaken country and dish out some justice to those bastards.
“My I inquire the reason for your questions?” He asked
“All in good time” she smiled, “you will know after I am done.”
He said nothing and just looked at the weird girl at a loss.
“What about attempted rape?”
“Well mostly, if there is sufficient prove that the perpetrator was set and willing to commit the crime, some argue that the penalty be the same as if the act was committed, while in some countries, the culprit is left at the mercy of the judge,” he replied swiftly and professionally.
“And assault?” she asked evenly.
“Ma’am, I would really like to know your reason for asking these questions, I mean if I am to help you, I should have the whole picture,” he said observing her closely.
“Trust me when I say you are already helping and as for the having the whole picture, well, how do I put this, how about it has not been taken yet?”
His brows rose a bit confused at her weird comment, and then she stood up slowly and turned her back to him. For some strange reason, she couldn’t quite make up her mind, it was almost as if she was scared, which was an even stranger feeling for her, she had never been scared of anything before, closing her eyes she tried to focus. It felt like she was about to do something very important, like she was taking a decision that would change her life forever.

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    WafiyMuhd. Faizal

    the best stories


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    it's beautiful and so nice


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