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Chapter Six

"You don't remember anything?" he asked.
I reopened my eyes and replied, "All I can recall is that… we arrived in the throne room and I screamed. The next thing I know, I was on the ground and coughed out blood."
James' brows furrowed. He looked to the healer and I did the same.
"It's quite expected that an immortal will forget the first explosion of their powers. Although the prince has been using his powers for a long time, I believe there's more that he hasn't discovered yet," the healer explained. He added, "His body went into shock when it happened. So, it's understandable that he doesn't remember anything."
"My body went into shock?" I interrupted, which made the healer turn to me. "Wait, what happened--AH!" My attempt to sit up was immediately thwarted by an agonizing headache.
"Calm yourself, Your Highness," the healer assisted my head as I laid back down. "You need to rest. Your body needs to recuperate."
I took a moment for the pain to subside. I then continued my question, "What do you mean that my body went into shock?"
The healer answered, "It seems like you have more powers than you realize, Your Highness. Whatever it is that triggered it, your whole being had an unexpected reaction to it." He continued, "But I promise you, there's nothing to be worried about. When new or unknown powers come out of nowhere from an Immortal's body, this is a usual reoccurence. I suggest that you rest for the remainder of the day.
"Here," he pointed to a small box on my bedside table, "Are the medicines I prescribed for your recovery. You must take them diligently for three days. It will help quicken the restoration of your cultivation. Keep in mind that it will only recover some of it."
"But what kind of powers surfaced? Why would I gain more than what I already have?" I continued asking. "I'm not yet bestowed the official title of Crowned Prince. I find it odd to have too much powers instantly."
The healer didn't answer. Instead, he turned to James and waited for him to speak.
I looked at James and we shared glances for quite a while. He then returned to the healer and said, "Thank you for your service, good sir. I'll make sure that the prince will follow your instructions without fail."
The healer bowed and collected his things.
As the healer headed for the door, James told the guards and servants, "Give me a moment with the prince."
They all gave their bows and left the room with their heads low.
"James, what is happening?" I asked as the door closed. "What is happening to me? What was he talking about unknown powers? Have I gone mad?"
"Calm yourself, Robert. Your sanity is in contact. At least, from our observations."
My eyes widened even more. "What does that mean?"
James sighed as his shoulders fell. "As much as I want to answer your questions, I don't know what's happening as well. But not to worry, I already sent a letter to Gonzalo. I asked him to do further research in regards to your situation," he said. "I also told every member of this household not to mention anything about it. I don't know what the High Council will do if they find out."
He added, "For the meantime, keep your emotions in check. If that's the result of your emotions taking over, who knows what can happen next time?"
"Are you saying that it can happen again?" I asked as I propelled myself up. My head pulsed harder but I didn't care. All I could think about was what happened to me. Did that mean that my case could possibly lead to death?
"Like I said, Robert, I don't have the answers you need. Not even Bethilda's resident healer can answer both of our questions," James replied. "But perhaps the Medicine King knows something about it. Let us wait for Gonzalo's response. But for now, we have to be more cautious with our actions. Especially when it comes to your emotions.
"I cannot guarantee whether it will happen again or not. All I know is that it happened because your emotions were amplified after the interrogation," he continued. "It's easy to understand that once your emotions are filled to the brim, you're uncontrollable. So, as much as you can, keep your feelings at bay. This time, I was able to prevent the worst. But what if I'm not around when it reoccurs? What will happen? Who will help you?"
I froze as I stared at him. If James was afraid about that incident, I was even more terrified. Terrified of the fact that there was a side of me that I wasn't aware of. That I didn't know existed. And to know that nobody, not even James had an explanation for it, added even more to the brewing fear from within.
What more could be hidden from me? Was there more to me that needed explanation?
I blinked as I asked again, "Why must this be a secret from the High Council? Shouldn't we ask for their help in this matter? Maybe they have the answers that we need."
"You're well-aware that when it comes to unknown magic powers, J consult them first. But if I do that now, they will investigate everything about your incident. When, where, why and how it happened," he replied. "Our mission here isn't made known to them. For it's within our borders and we're not allowed to rescue a mortal."
"Are rules still given so much importance in this situation?" I groaned. "Our presence here has opened new issues that we cannot explain. Can't they look over what was written and help us for a moment?"
James sighed as he headed to the door. He came into a halt as he grabbed hold of the handle. "Your mind has too much to calm down. But I understand that you have a lot of questions right now. However, your main concern now is to focus on yourself. Take the prescribed medicine and rest. I will inform you of any progress we'll make with this matter," he said.
Without another word, James left.
I sighed as I slumped back onto my pillow. The room was quiet but far from peaceful. I stared at the ceiling and my mind was scattered with thoughts.
Did I truly possess hidden powers? If so, why? And why would it appear all of a sudden? Why would it appear before the official investment of my title as heir? How much power was hidden from me? Where did it come from? Was it from my parents' lineage? Or was it given to me?
Or was this another distraction from Bethilda? Was this another diversion that was planted to stall more time for Benjamin? What has she plotted against my family? What led her to do this? What offense has my family inflicted on her to make her do this?
And what about Laura? Where was she taken to now? What sort of treatment could she be experiencing under Benjamin's control? Was she being treated with respect? Or was she seen as a lowly servant?
Frustrated, I sighed once again. I closed my eyes and buried my head further into my pillow. Throughout this whole ordeal, I was always frustrated. As if there was no end to this feeling. I was always at a disadvantage, whether from outward circumstances or my own self.
Ancient gods of our time, I prayed. I know I'm not the most faithful servant to you. I know that I never paid attention to you and your rules. Quite frankly, I'm aware that I struggled to follow the traditions and rules you left behind. And I know I shouldn't ask this of you.
But please, if you truly have mercy on your kind, on your realm, help me.

Komento sa Aklat (629)

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    Zairen Morales Villaflores Greño

    nice story😊


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    good nice


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