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Chapter 6

Bridget P.O.V
When I woke up, I felt breathless so I touched my face and checked the room to make sure I’m alone. I took in deep breaths. I hate these stupid nightmares that just won't stop.
Just once I’d like to sleep peacefully at night. I took my pillow and blanket and then headed to the bathroom.
*** William P.O.V ***
That fear made me get out of bed again like the previous night. I lay there trying to breathe knowing it’s Bridget's dream again. I hate that she has these nightmares every night.
I can't think about the pain she has been through. I get up to check on her. When I opened the door, the bedroom was empty. I opened the door leading to the bathroom and found her asleep in the tub.
I sighed and left the room. I went to the kitchen and took a cup full of water before going to sleep.
*** Bridget P.O.V ***
These few days have been awful. I’d wake to make coffee, and chat with William a little before he leaves for work. I’d go paint or spend time with Daniella. She usually dolls me up for my dates with William.
He makes time for me every night. We’ve gone out to many restaurants. A few times we just stayed at home and he would hire a chef to come to cook for us.
One time, we had a picnic on the balcony. I’ve been here for a week and I am starting to get comfortable. I’ve even started hearing from the deli again. Not a lot but we've talked. I’m happy that she didn’t leave me as I thought. I have the dreams though, every night.
Meanwhile back at Blood Forest Pack-
Someone knocked on the door three times before the door opened. “Oh, Alpha Jackson, what a pleasant surprise. Please come in,” Luna Katherine said nervously. Alpha Jackson entered the house.
“Is Alpha Johnson in his office? I have come for my little white mouse.”
“Oh yes, right this way,” Luna says as she led him to the office. She knocked before entering the office. Alpha Johnson is standing behind his desk looking nervous.
“Alpha Jackson, what a surprise!” Johnson says nervously.
“Johnson, I expect you received the savings I sent. I’m here to acquire...,” Alpha Jackson was interrupted.
“Yes, about that, I regret to say she’s no longer here,” Johnson says with his eyes movingly to and fro between the Alpha and Beta.
“What do you mean she’s not here? Where is she?” Jackson’s eyes narrowed.
“Well you see, Alpha William came here last week and...”
“ALPHA William?” Jackson cuts him off.
“Yes and he claimed her as his mate and I couldn’t continue to control her,” Johnson tried to explain.
“So you simply gave her to him? YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU HAD,” Jayson growls as he walked into the room backing Johnson up against the wall.
“I will pay you back the money you sent,” Johnson said nervously, placing his hands in the air and trying to de-escalate the situation.
“You f*****g better. You spineless worm,” Jayson hissed. He punched the wall narrowly missing Johnson’s head and growled. Then he makes his way out of the house.
“Where are we going boss?” His Beta asked.
“We need to pay my cousin William a little,” Jackson says as he walked into the car.
- The subsequent day -
“Yes, Janet,” Alpha William's phone rang.
“Alpha Jackson called and requested a meeting with you in an hour.”
“Did he say when he'll come to the meeting?”
“No Sir. “
“Ok, start the preparation then.”
“Yes, Alpha.”
“Liam, can you meet me in my office in an hour for a meeting?” I mind linked.
“Sure, I do not see a meeting on the schedule.”
“I’ll explain when you get here.”
30 minutes later, Liam walked in.
“So who are you having this meeting with?” Liam asked as he sat on a sofa.
“Jackson,” I replied. Liam groaned and threw his head back.
“What is that delinquent wolf doing out here?” Liam has never been a fan of my cousin and neither have I. Even though we are related, we’ve never gotten along.
Another 30 minutes later, Alpha William’sphone rang again.
“Alpha Jackson is here.”
“Send him in.”
Jackson walked in. I haven’t seen him in nearly 4 years since he took over the Alpha duties at his pack. He looks colder and indifferent just like his father.
“Hello cousin,” Jackson says with a laugh.
“Hello Jackson, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I gestured for him to have a seat.
“Oh, I heard through the grapevine that you've gotten your mate. Congratulations,” He said as he takes a seat. He squinted his eyes at me.
“Thank you but we have not made the public announcement yet,” I say, not sure where this is going.
“Why is that cousin? I was thinking you would be shouting it from the rooftops,” He asked. He got up from his chair, put both arms on my desk, and leaned forward.
“Do you like her and prefer to keep her for yourself?” He hissed. My eyes widened when I realized what this meeting is all about.
“What the hell?” Liam cuts in, getting mad too.
“Don’t bother. I got it. After I had her, I put her up for purchase,” He said nonchalantly. I am boiling with rage as I felt like questioning him about touching Sandra. My hand starts to shake. “Have you gotten her to scream yet?” He narrowed his eyes.
“ENOUGH!,” I growled. “Is this why you come here?” I stand as a low growl leaves my mouth. “Hey cousin, I just came by using to see if when you are bored with her and if I may take her off your hands?,” He said with a creepy grin.
I can’t take it anymore. I rushed across the room and grasp him by his throat and slam him against the wall. He laughed. I slam his lower back against the wall.
“You will never lay your slimy hands on her again,” I growled.
“Oh, but she begged me for more last time. I wouldn’t want to disappoint,” He hissed in my face. I pulled him from the wall and slam him back. I can feel Liam trying to pull me from him.
“William, let him go. He’s not worth it. He’s trying to urge you on,” Liam's mind linked me. I know he is right but I can’t get the thoughts of Jackson and Sandra out of my head.
“William, you have to be the act reasonably here,” Liam said, attempting to make me release him. I released him and let him go.
“I am aware of what you have been making an attempt to prove here Jackson but you have to get the hell out,” Liam said, standing in between me and Jackson.
“Oh, I have achieved what I came for. I'll be going then," He turned to head towards the door. ”Tell Smith, I’ll be seeing her,“ He says over his shoulder as he’s walking out the door.
I growled and rushed to him but Liam held me back. I am furious. Mark is growling and pacing in my mind. I just want to destroy something.
“Go and take a seat down man to cool off,” Liam told me. No sooner had I sat down than the door opened. It’s Daniella and Bridget.
*** Bridget P.O.V ***
“We don’t have to trouble them. We can tell them at dinner tonight,” I insist.
“Hey Janet, are they in a meeting right now?” Daniella asked the lady at the desk in front of the office.
“No Beta, their meeting just ended."
“Good, thanks," Daniella said as she led me to the door.
“See? No meeting and they need a break anyway." We get to the door and open it. I can sense the anger as we walked in. William is standing behind his desk and Liam is in the centre of the room.
“Daniella now is not the right time to disturb us,” Liam said as he is attempt to lead us out.
“Did you sleep with him?” William asks in the quietest voice I have ever heard. Who? What is he talking about?
“Man, this is not the time,” Liam tried to tell him. “Did you sleep with him?” William said loudly as he stepped away from his desk. I walked around Daniella and Liam.
“Who? What are you talking about?” Daniella asked sharply taking a step forward.
“Jackson. Did you f**k him?,” William is filled with rage and I can feel it. “How many different men have you f**ked?” It feels like he's speaking gibberish now.
“You are out of line, man,” Liam stepped in front of William.
“No, I have the right to know!” He’s shouting now. I need to escape. I need to run away. I want to get out . . .
*** Daniella’s P.O.V ***
I can not agree with what I am listening to from William. He has definitely lost his mind. I walked to Bridget to take her out of the room. Her eyes are closed however when she opens them, they are crimson. I gasp drawing Liam’s attention.
“Sandra?” Liam said looking at her.
“Deli?,” I asked. Could this be her wolf?
She turned and looked at me. “Deli, is that you?,” I asked again. She nods her head. “Deli, what are you doing?”
“Protecting Bridget,” She said. “She called me and I came. “
“Deli, where have you been? Bridget has ignored you,” I said gaining William and Liam's attention.
“I have been here but I'm very vulnerable. I have only been in a position to use my little bit of strength to guard Bridget against the pain.”
“Pain? What pain?” I asked. “Pain from her household. Pain from the scars.”
“Deli, how did you get the scars?” I asked. William and Liam looked at me strangely. I have not told them about the scars. It's also not my story to tell.
“A man named Jackson gave us these scars,” She says quietly.
“Can you tell us what happened to you?” Liam asked. She looked down and then back at us.
“One night, when Jayson was staying with us in our house. Our father dispatched us to his room. When we reached there, he was under the influence of alcohol and made us get undressed before pulling us into the bed. He tied us down and then he... he took out a silver knife. He dragged it throughout our bodies burning us. Bridget was scared and called for me to come forward. I hid her in my thought while he cut into our bodies. He started with small, little cuts on my arms. Then he grew obsessed with hearing me scream. He pierced my chest with the knife and dragged it down. But I did not scream. He moved it to my belly and made a few more cuts. At this time, I was starting to lose consciousness. Felt one greater stab in my aspect before completely passing out. Bridget knows they want her in the bathtub covered in blood.”
She looked away when she was done. I am in total shock at what l just heard. How can someone do that to anyone? How does anyone live after doing something like that?
“Why didn’t you shift to defend her?” William asked.
“I couldn’t shift after the amount of wolf’s bane her parents had put in her.”
“What do you mean!?” William was getting upset all over again.
“Her parents gave her a small dose of wolf’s bane for the last few years so she couldn’t shift. I had to save all the energy I had just to be able to push her back.”
“How much does she remember ?” I asked. It depends. Sometimes nothing, sometimes everything. I tried all I could do for her,” She sounded defeated. “She wants to come back,” She closed her eyes and opened them back. Her eyes had turned blue.
Bridget‘s P.O.V
I open my eyes to see Daniella in tears, Liam looked shocked and horrified and William wouldn’t even look at me. He is gripping his desk so hard that he actually breaks it. I took a few steps back. I turned around and left the office.
I stay here with them looking at me like that. I head for the elevator.
*** William’s P.O.V ***
I didn’t succeed. I couldn’t protect my mate. She has been through more than I could have imagined. I want to rip out the throats of everyone that has ever touched her. How can I make this up to her? How could I have shouted at her over something so stupid?
“Jackson,” Mark growled at the back of my mind. “He did this to our mate. We should attack!” We need to calm down.
That was when I saw Bridget rushing out of the office. I immediately followed her. “Bridget!,” I shouted but she doesn’t stop. She’s headed for the elevator. She gets in the elevator and someone follows behind her. When he turned around, rage and panic fill me.
*** Bridget P.O.V ***
I can hear William calling my name but I'm not going to stop. I got to the elevator and walked in. Another man gets in with me and before the doors close I heard him say, “Hello, little white mouse.”

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    TenorioVictor Hugo



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    nice to ready this 😊😊😊


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    D Ell Ell

    beautiful story


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