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chapter two

'What is this, where am I? Charlie thought. She spots two men digging up a particular person's grave.
“ Uh! Excuse me, what is this place?” She called but they didn't answer,' strange? Why am I in a cemetery? And who are those two men?'
“ This old man is greedy” The first man said.
“ Just keep digging, we will find that treasure of his” The second man said as they continued to dig.
“ What are you two doing at my father's grave?” A man much older than them said as he stood behind them with a lantern in his hand.
“ Oh my! If it isn't the great founder's son Henry Holm, it's been a while, ” The second man said.
" Stop with your nonsense and tell me why you are digging up my father's grave? I specifically sent a warning that no one should touch my father's grave, so why are you going against that warning?” Henry yelled.
Suddenly, my vision became a bit blurry…
“ I'm serious, please, just return that chest and forget about it ” Henry begged.
“ What a lie, you know something, people like you disgust me. The money that was meant for the people of this town, you and that greedy father of yours took it all for yourselves.” James yelled.
“ Yes I know, and I'm sorry, but please don't open that chest and return it, , before it's too late ” Henry said. Just then the moon shone even brighter, Henry's eyes showed despair and fear.
“ What? What is the time? ” Henry stuttered.
“ It's twelve in the morning, can't you see how bright the moon is ?” Edward replied.
“ Return the chest now! before It's too …” Henry said, but he couldn't complete his words because something sharp went through his chest. James and Edward had frightened expressions on their faces. Henry had blood coming out from his eyes and mouth, it was terrifying.
' What is this?' Charlie thought as she stared at the Man.
“ Run now ” he muttered, it looked like he was talking to her, before he was dragged into the darkness and never to be seen again. She turned, but she couldn't find the other men who were there. She turned back again, and could see something coming out of the shadows.
' What is that?' she thought. It creeped out of the shadows slowly, with its head tilted to the side. It had a hideous look, with a thin and crooked body, a necrotic black colored skin, and it reeked of decay. Not only that, but it was coming closer to Charlie, ready to devour her. Charlie, on the other hand, couldn't run, her legs were stiff,' why? Why can't I move?' Charlie panicked.
“ Someone,, please help me!” She muttered.
“ Charlie, wake up! Or you're going to miss dinner, Charlie” Charlie heard someone call, the monster stopped, walked back slowly and disappeared into the darkness. Just then, Charlie woke up breathing heavily with sweat dripping from her face. She looked up and saw Chester staring down at her.
“ Oh! Good you're awake, dinner's ready” Chester said.
“ Where are they?” Charlie asked.
“ Who?” Chester asked, tilting his head with a confused look on his face.
“ Our mom and your dad,” Charlie replied, looking at him.
“ Uh! No” Chester replied.
“ That dream just now ” Charlie mumbled to herself.
“ You had a nightmare? ” Chester asked, Charlie shook her head and stood up from her bed.
“ Nothing, I'm just hungry, ” Charlie replied as she left her room. Chester shrugged it off and followed.
In the dining room…
Chester and Charlie were both having their dinner quietly. Charlie felt uncomfortable because of the dream she had, to her, it felt real.
' Why do I keep remembering that dream?' Charlie thought, the spoon in her hand suddenly dropped. She felt dizzy all of a sudden, as the image of the monster, walking towards her, repeatedly occurred in her mind.
Suddenly, blood rushed out of her nose, she then slumped to the ground afterwards. Chester rushed to her side and shook her vigorously, trying to wake her up.
“Charlie? Charlie, wake up” He ordered, but Charlie didn't wake up, ' fuck! Is she dead? ' Chester panicked as he checked her pulse and luckily, her pulse was fine.
Chester sighed, carried Charlie bridal style and took her to her room.
Hours later…
Time: 12:00am
Charlie opened her eyes to find herself on her bed. She could hear thunder and the sound of heavy rain pouring.
' My head hurts, what happened to me?' Charlie thought, her hand was rubbing the back of her head.
' I happened' a deep eerie unfamiliar voice replied, thunder with lightning strikes, Charlie panicked and looked around.
' Who said that?' Charlie thought.
' I'm you' it replied again. Charlie turned to look at herself in the mirror and saw something terrifying. The monster she saw in her dream was staring at her. Charlie couldn't move, just like in her dream, kept staring at it as the thing stared back with a creepy grin on its face.
' You hate everyone in this family, right? Do you know I can make them disappear completely? You just have to accept me, I have been trying to reach you, but you kept ignoring me now I can finally communicate with you' it said, still smiling.
' What are you? Why are you in my head ?' Charlie asked.
' I told you, I am you!' it yelled with excitement.
' No, you are not, get the hell out of my head!' Charlie replied.
' Yes I am' it said, Charlie slumped to the ground with fear writing all over her face.
' I am you, I live in the deepest part of your inner consciousness. The place you harbour thoughts of getting rid of everyone in your family, especially your stepdad. Yes, I am you' It laughed. Charlie blocked her ears with her hands and kept mumbling to herself “ no, you are not, you can't be me, I never harboured such thoughts, just go away. ”
Suddenly, Chester walked in just to check on her, only for him to see her on the floor.
“ Charlie, What are you doing on the floor?” Chester asked, staring at a frightened-looking Charlie. Charlie looked in a mirror and to her relief, it wasn't there anymore.
“ No, I wanted to stand, but I slipped and fell,” Charlie stuttered. ' She looks very pale, what's wrong with her?' Chester wondered.
“ Go back to bed, ” Chester ordered. Charlie nodded and was about to go to bed then She realized she had forgotten about something,' wait, when will mother come back? Or is she back already?' she pondered.
“ Chester, did our mother and your father come back ?” She asked, looking at Chester.
“ No, I don't understand why they aren't back yet, I tried calling, but they are not picking up my calls, anyway get some rest” Chester said and was about to leave the room.
“ Chester, I'm scared, please stay here ” Charlie said' I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm terrified I don't want that thing to appear anymore'
“ Hmm, okay ” Chester replied, closed the door and walked towards my bed. ' Huh? He agreed' Charlie thought, staring at him confused as She watched him climb onto her bed.
“ Why are you looking at me like that? Lie down” he said, Charlie was still unsure, Chester sighed, grabbed her arm and pulled her closer.
“ I get you hate me and I hate you too, but We are still siblings, we have the same mother for God's sake, so lie down already or else I will leave ” Chester said, Charlie nodded and laid on the bed, Chester covered her with the duvet and laid beside her. ' I wonder why she asked me to stay with her,' He thought.
' Once Chester's busy tomorrow, I will sneak out and look for an arcade or a cyber café' Charlie thought.
A Few Hours later, Chester couldn't sleep at all because he wasn't used to staying this close to Charlie. He turned to check if Charlie was asleep and yes, she had already fallen asleep. ' Thank Goodness she's asleep, it's still raining outside, I can't stay in this room, I need to go back to my room, but first I need water' Chester thought as he used this chance to leave her room quietly without waking her up. When he got to the living room, he heard a knock on the door.
' Who could that be? Oh! It's probably Mom and dad' He thought as he walked towards the door and opened it. In front of him were two tall men in police uniform. ' Why are the police here? Did dad do something illegal again?'

Komento sa Aklat (338)

  • avatar

    that's fun


  • avatar

    Very interesting


  • avatar
    Edwin Cabrera

    very good


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