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Sensing Their Lies

*Vienna's P.O.V.*
My alarm rang at 6 am and I got up, took a shower, did my morning business, made breakfast then dressed up. Outfit of the day is a plain black 3/4 sleeved blouse and nude skinny jeans and my converse of course, I hope Cathy won't mind. I mean, I don't seem to notice any kind of dress code on their shop. If you have forgotten, I have a job now, it's my first day actually. After putting my hair in a ponytail, I left for the shop.
I walked my way there since it's not that far and arrived 15 minutes early, they're already open so I went in and saw Cassy arranging some bottles in the display shelf.
"Morning." I greeted as I place my things behind the counter.
"Hey, Vienna right? I'm glad you're early" she replied with that polite smile, I like this girl, she seems sweet, but her eyes, there's something about it, just like her mother's. Probably just genetics.
"Yeah, so how may I help, the flyer didn't actually give a description." I said as I approach her.
"Oh yeah, sorry about that, actually, mom said you could mix up some ready made teas since she said you did a pretty great job about it. Here's some that you should make and their corresponding amounts." she gave me a list and I scan it for a bit. Some herbal teas, headache tea and the likes, just for common complications, no problem. I'm sure I can find it in the book that I used the last time.
"Is Miss Cathy around?" I asked as I walk towards the back door.
"No, she had to go get some ingredients though, she'll be here in the afternoon, everything you need is in there, don't worry."
I went inside, found the book on her table, rounded the shelf and started looking for what I need. So they want these powderized, packed and those stuffs. Wow, I might as well be a cheif. Not my thing, but then a little witchcraft may help. I didn't forget the first aid chant, just incase these things don't work. Cassy comes in from time to time to get the finished packs, other than that, I felt bored.
It was 11:30 when I finished and decided to deliver it to Cassy. She asked me to put it in their corresponding locations. There was a ding in the front door and a man, who looks pretty homeless, entered.
"How may I help you sir?" Cassy said politely.
"I need a green tea and a sintus formula" the man said. I took a green tea, handing it to Cassy who had the formula with her.
"That's 200 sir." Cassy said. What? Those little things costs that? What a-
The man suddenly had a menacing look making Cassy drop the prize to 150. After he left, I look at her skeptically while trying to get to her head.
"Cassy? What exactly is a sintus formula for?" I asked. I mean, I kinda heard something about that before, but I'm not sure if it's from my travels with my mom or mine alone. She had a hesitant look and although I want to mess with her mind and make her answer me, I do respect the fact that I work here, so I'm not gonna do that on my first day.
"Oh I don't know, some people say it's an ointment or they're gonna use it for religious rituals, not that I believe it." she answered with a smile. I have a feeling there's something more to that, but then again, maybe I'm just overreacting.
Not much happened after that, there were a few costumers before it's lunch time. "Hey, Vienna, wanna have lunch with me?" Cassy asked.
"Yeah, but who's gonna watch over the shop?"
"We have lunch break, and besides, mom's gonna be here in a few minutes, let's just lock it up."
"Sure." I got my things and waited for Cassy as she locked up. We walked down the street to a dinner in the corner, a little bell rang as we open the door and a guy greeted us, led us to our table and took our order. We both got a burger and soda.
"So Vienna, you're not from London right?" Cassy started as we waited for the burger.
"Yeah, I'm from Carson." I replied briefly, I don't want to go further into explaining that I don't really know where exactly I'm from, mom said she was travelling way before I was born and that she was in a train journey when she went on labor. She doesn't have to know that.
"Wow, tell me about that place, I live all my life here in London."
"Well, it's pretty much city like, it's like here but slightly different." I said. I mean geez, I can't exactly remember cause I've been to a lot of places that their appearances mixed up.
"Oh, I've always wanted to travel but never had time for it. Why'd you move here?"
"I have to stay away from an ex lover, became a threat." I had to lie, like the last time people asked me that question.
"That's horrible. Well, you're such a pretty girl, I wouldn't be surprised." she said with a chuckle.
"Thank you." I said with a smile, heh, witches in their segun always choose a pretty face. I mean Cassy is pretty too, with that brown curls and light brown eyes. After awhile our order arrived. It was another waiter that served it.
"Need anything else girls?" he said with a flirtatious smile towards me. Oh no, you don't.
"We're good." I replied nonchalantly. He looked at me in the eye and I feel this sort of energy, coming from him, like he's trying to do something. I immediately looked away and bit on my burger. He then walked away, leaving a tissue paper with something written on it.
"I think he's got the hots for you." Cassy said and I rolled my eyes dismissively. We just chuckled and continued our lunch. Before leaving, I made sure to pick up the tissue, deciding to read it later. There's something about that guy.
When arrive back to the shop, Cathy was there, in the mini lab, cleaning some, roots? I'm not sure, it's gotta be something for the teas and ingredients, I'm not sure. What caught my attention though is the way she's mixing, flicking her wrist and chanting, tasting it then pouring it down, doing the steps all over again.
"Need any help?" I offered. She looked at me surprised but still smiled.
"I got this, you make the other one." she said, pointing on the other ingredients which I'm more familiar with. I started mixing them behind her since the lab is a U shape. What now? No chant? Cause I don't want her to think that I'm crazy. Yeah, I have no choice, anyway it would be the buyer's problem not mine.
I can't help but feel a little weirded out, I kept glancing on Cathy to see her flicking her wrist and hearing her, chanting? Now what the hell? What if she's a witch? I mean, I do remember my mom and I selling herbs when I was younger. Stop thinking Vienna.
"... ramata ye" I stopped chopping as I caught in to what Cathy just said. Was that a witch's chant? "...fir dumo..." I think she's, oh gosh. I turned around and tapped her shoulder.
"Are you okay? You seem to be chanting..." wrong word Vienna! She turned to me, startled and I saw her wrist in the middle of flicking. Gosh.
"No I'm not you silly girl, I was trying a new recipe, I tend to talk to myself when I do this most of the time. Now, didn't I give you something to do?" she said a little defensively.
"Yeah, right sorry... I gotta give this to Cassy."
"Go do that and help her there in the front, I don't want to be disturbed."
"Yes ma'am." I said as I took a tray full of packed teas and went out to where Cassy is.
I helped her with the costumers, which are not that much really, for 2 hours until I gotta go. "I'm just gonna help with these then I gotta go." I said as I counted some cash.
"Yeah sure, I'll close up. And by the way, don't forget to call that cute waiter when you get home." Cassy said with a wink.
"Excuse me? What?"
"Girl, he probably wrote his number on that tissue paper."
"I thought only bimbos do that."
"Haha, we don't know, and duh, he seem to be really cute."
"Is he? I don't think so" I said as I closed the cabinet and got my stuff and went for the door.
Walking home was eventless, I took a shower, decided not to eat dinner and just sit on my bed. I decided to open the tissue paper and well guess what? That guy wrote an address and said to come there at 10 pm tonight. Pftt, what makes him think I will? Then I remembered his eyes, the energy that come out of it, trying to pull me to him. It was as if, as if, oh gosh! Was he doing what I always do? Not flirting or luring people okay? It's more like commanding people, is he? Could it be?
I rushed to the spare room, looking out and rumbling the books. How am I supposed to know that he's a witch or what? I never thought of this before, I mean, I never had a problem like this before. I'm always on the giving end of the command, not on the receiving one!
I do learned that being a witch doesn't only require you to learn one ability, you have to know little of everything. I raised my palm and my reading glasses flew towards me from its place on the table. See? That's what I'm talking about. It's a fighter witch technique, it's helpful. I put it on and scanned the pages of the book about unlocking identities, I checked the time on my phone and it reads 7 pm, I have about 3 hours. I started reading topics fastly.
Well there is an obvious way to know what a creature is, that's when they shift into their prime, but I can't make him do that cause that would jeopardize my identity. To my utter frustration, there ain't nothing I can do to know, only a hunter witch would know a witch without them having to show their prime, god! I don't even know one hunter witch technique!
Guess I'll have to find out my way. I dressed up into a plain black shirt, leggings and jacket, tied my hair into a ponytail and wore black converse, oh yeah, that's my black outfit. I went out into the street with a pocket knife on my jacket, just in case, I mean I always have to defend myself in my travels back then, don't wonder why I have it. I then spotted a brunette in a bench, I approach her and tapped her shoulder.
The moment she looked at me, I crossed my index and middle finger and said. "Go to this address, meet this person, and go along with him." she accepted the tissue paper from me and followed my instructions, oh, that's right, I got her on a trance. She hailed a cab and I did the same.
"Where to ma'am?" the cabbie asked.
"Can you please follow that cab?" I said politely.
"Sure ma'am."

Komento sa Aklat (335)

  • avatar
    Joannaclaire Brondo

    very good


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    Juslyn nevadoJUSLYN



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    Ernie Bugarin

    thank you


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