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Ms. Season Writes

To London

*Vienna's P.O.V.*
My name is Vienna, pretty ordinary, that’s what I’d like to think. Of course, I am a normal 17 year old girl, as normal as a witch can be. That’s right, I am indeed a witch, by blood. My mom’s a witch and my dad is no where to be found. I don’t care about him, he doesn’t seem to as well, I know I’m being bitter, but so what.
Anyway, my mom and I never stayed at one place, I’ve been traveling ever since I was 12, alone. Yup, my mom had to work with the paranormal council that’s why. Though we never lost contact with each other, we have this magic crystal that lets us see and talk to each other. As young as 10, I learned how to use it. Awesome huh?
Not only that, she taught me a lot more, I even have a series of books here with me, which contains spells and I don’t know, witch stuffs, so far, I’ve only read 5 of them and there’s a laguage full of them. Which makes me carry 2 laguages with me everytime. No problem, I don’t have much stuff with me. Anyways, I’m turning 18 next month so I gotta find another place for me to live, just like the last 5 years, cause you know, mom said I had to do that. I don’t question her, I love traveling, seeing new places and meeting new people but I don’t tend to be attached to them since I can’t tell them what I am. That’s gonna freak them out.
So here I am at the train station waiting for the next train that would take me to my destination, the airport. With a world atlas in hand, I examine the world map and read names of prospect countries, I gotta be away from USA this time. I mean I’ve been traveling here with my mom eversince I was born, I don’t go that far. But the last time she talked to me on the crystal, she said I gotta go to another continent this time, and she suggested Europe. Pretty interesting. I turned to the page where the map of Europe is and quickly decided to go for London, cause I got a feeling life would be easy there, easy for me to find a job and all cause it’s a modernized place, nobody would meddle with anybody’s business, I hope.
The train arrived moments later and I gather all my stuffs and prepared myself for a long journey. To my actual luck, there was not much passengers in there and in the plane. Bless me.
It was half past midnight when I arrive to London. It was still so much alive at night. I got some of my savings and decided to buy myself a phone, I gotta tell mom to be more modernize too. Cause I’m planning to stay here for awhile.
After about 6 hours of figuring out stuffs, I am able to find a cheap apartment. Cause I don’t really need an expensive one. It’s pretty neat and plain, I’m on the 4th floor room 4a6 whatsoever that name code mean. My space got a decent living room with a television and some couches, a cute kitchen, a bathroom but I heard they don’t use the word bathroom here, it’s a loo. It also have a bedroom and an empty room, good am gonna use that for my witchy stuffs. I gotta take a rest for awhile.
My phone said 9 am when I woke up, after taking a shower, I set my place up and after that, I decided to have my lunch on the cafeteria across the street. I order some steak and ate peacefully. Minutes later, I walked out of there to go find a job. I could go for a simply job,so when I saw a spice shop a few blocks from my place with a sign that says hiring, I took it.
“Good afternoon miss, my name’s Vienna Harp, can I ask if this hiring is still on?” I said giving her a polite smile and showed her the paper. The girl in the counter smiled at me and looked me from head to toe. Eh? Is there something wrong with my banded hair, plain white shirt with a checkered blazer, plain denim jeans and white converse?
“Yes it is. A minute, I would just call the manager.” She said sweetly as she rushed to a room at the back. I sat down on a stool and look around me, there seemed to be a lot of herbal stuffs here, I mean most of the contents of the jars are green and brown. Like leaves, barks and roots. That’s kinda odd.
Then the girl at the counter went out of the door and motioned for me to go inside. “She’s in a good mood today, you’ll be fine.” She said, well that’s a relief.
I went in the room and saw a middle aged lady sitting behind a simple wooden desk. “Hello child.” She greeted kind of coldly. Well, this is her on a good mood.
“Hi ma’am, my name’s Vienna Harp, I’m 19 years old. I need this job.” I said straight to the point as I sat down on one of the stools infront of the desk. And yeah, I have to lie about my age cause nobody’s gonna give me a job if I’m 17. When I started traveling alone, I have to constantly change my record, changing age and last name, just so you know.
“If you know how to follow instructions, no problem.” She said while looking at me in a cold way. Her eyes, there’s something about them.
“Come with me.” I followed her behind a bookshelf in her office and saw a mini-lab. She took out a book from the shelf and opened a cupboard situated above a sink and a caldron, there’s something witchy about this setting.
“I want you to make a tea for someone with a headache.” She instructed then left the room. Okay? I looked at the setting again, this looks like my mom’s room, or you know, our kitchen, when she’s making a potion. Is there a possibility that that lady’s a witch? I hope not. I opened the book and started flipping the pages, the writings, their handwritten and by the way, there’s something witchy about it. Vienna, you have to stop over thinking. I started looking for what I’m looking for until I found something about headaches and started looking for the ingredients.
Mint paper leaf, some sugar, water and a doze of paracetamol powder. Well what the hell, whoever bought this are just being fooled, I hope they don’t over prize this. And I’m supposed to be working here? Never mind, I’m already illegal with the fake ID, if you know what I mean. I started mixing them the way the instructions said. If this thing’s not gonna work, I know what will. I flicked my wrist and said, “aleiaka ramata ye” a healing chant, a basic one, like a first aid. So that the buyers won’t be that fooled. I’m still a good person. After heating up the mixture, I placed it in a cup and cleaned up the place. I rounded the shelf and gave the so called tea to the manager. She took a sip.
“Mmm it actually worked.” She smiled at me. I mean why the hell not? I chanted on it. I smiled back nonetheless. “My name’s Cathy Mollien, in the front desk is my daughter Cassy.” She looks truly in a good mood now.
“Does that mean, I got the job?” I asked hopefully. Even if I know they’re just fooling people, I actually want to help. I’m a witch, I know some healing chants, but that’s not much of my cup of tea. I’m a master of deceiving, but they don’t have to know that.
“Yes, work starts on Monday at 9 am. You got the 9-5 as usual. And the payment is weekly, I’m gonna give you a check, just fill this up for legality.” She said. Oh well, I don’t know about legalities but, I’ll be fine.
I got home after I grabbed some dinner. It’s Wednesday today, that means my job would start some days later, meaning I still have time to chill. After taking a shower, I went to the spare room and opened my witchy bag, that’s what I like to call it. After setting things up, I looked at my appearance in the mirror, dark brown hair, green eyes, fair skin, I like my look, I change look most of the time. I placed my septer in the table and placed the crystal on its branch, I blew on it and my hair began to turn to its original color, black and my eyes turned purple.
“Lune ets spes, teri meye petre ye” a mist of green appeared and in a few minutes I saw my mom. She looks like an older version of me, just that her hair is wavy and mine’s bone straight. She smiled at me.
“Hello Vienna, how are you sweetheart?”
“I’m okay mom, I’ve arrived in London yesterday, was too tired to call, sorry.”
“That’s fine dear, I’m busy with the council anyway. Do you like it there?”
“Too early to tell mom, but I have a proposal. Mom, I don’t have a problem with us talking through this but, don’t you think we should be more, normal?” I wasn’t sure how she’s gonna take this but then, I’m just being practical.
“By that you mean?” she raised her brows in a questioning look.
“With the use of technology, you know, phones? That way, I won’t have to move much in the span of a year you know.”
“Either way, you still have to move, you can’t stay at one place, they’re gonna question you, you are different Vienna, you know that.”
“Yes mom, I know that, but as long as they don’t question me, I don’t have to move. Mom, what are you running away from? Why do I need to do this?”
“I thought you understood child, you are not to leave any kind of trace. Or else he would find you and this is the only way I knew of.”
“Who’s gonna find me mom?” I sure feel creeped out. I mean, someone’s looking for me?
“Another day Vienna, I have to go.” With that, she left, there was a mist of green and I turned back to my disguise face. Actually, there’s a name for it, my real face, you know the black hair purple eyes with a swirl tatoo on my right cheel is my prime, that’s not the look that you would see in me. My disguise look, the dark brown hair and green eyes is my segun, my everyday face and the transition I make from segun to prime and vice versa is called a shift. It’s not a werewolf shift but you know.
That’s the least of my concern right now, I scanned the spell books and read about a few things until I found something interesting. The book talks about marks, tattoos. The meaning of those. I do notice that my mom and I have different tattoos, I thought that was just style, apparently not. Some of them means that you are a healer witch, making healing potions is your specialty. Don’t get me wrong, all witches now some common chants and spells but each one has a special ability like fighting, healing, and others. Mine is deceiving, I can manipulate a person’s way of thinking, works for me and my running away game and the illegal names. I can flip my hair and make a person fall for me, but I wouldn’t do that. Mom on the other hand is a healer, you know the stuff she does.
Surprisingly, that’s not the only thing that my tattoo means, oddly enough it means a certain class of power. A royal if I might want to be precise. Never mind that, I am not a royal, I’m just a normal witch. I shut the book and decided to call it a night. As I lay down, I kept tossing and turning, what if I’m a royal? And my mom’s keeping me away? Why would she? Ugh! This is frustrating.
The next days are pretty boring, I tried a few potions, chants, spells, playing out people’s minds in the sidewalk, not that they’d know of. It was Sunday and I was walking down the hall when a girl bumped into me, she seemed to be in a hurry. “Sorry” she mumbled and I just nodded, I noticed her getting into a room and forgot to close the door.
“Why do you have to do that? It’s okay for me to be hungry you know? I know you have to do what you did but you don’t have to get caught!” I heard the girl say. I’m not supposed to mind their business but I saw a man bleeding and the girl trying to do something about it. I rushed to my room and took some bottles, using my inhumane powers, I rushed to their room.
“Excuse me? Do you need any help?” the girl seemed hesitant but I looked at her in the eye, got in and locked the door behind me, she stepped aside. I smiled at the man, poured the bottle with white liquid in my right hand and poured the bottle with brown liquid in my left, I rubbed them together and touched his would with it, damn he was shot. Maybe by cops? I squeezed his arm where the bullet is and willed it to come out. God, this is not my thing, but I saw mom did this before, it’s just hard for me because I’m not like her.
“Listen sir, I need you to relax for me.” I said while looking him in the eye and he listened, I willed it out again, pushing more of the fluid in. Minutes later it worked. Gosh it got me sweating. I released them both from the trance as the wound slowly closed.
“Thank you so much, how did you do it?” the girl said as she rushed to the man.
“I’m a nurse.” What do you expect me to say?
Then, a knock was heard on the door, they looked at each other with scared expression. I smiled at them reassuringly and opened the door.
“London Police, have you seen this man? He stole a good amount of money from a store, he needs to be arrested.” The officer said, showing a sketch of the man I just helped. I looked at his eyes, it’s a game of what he can see but not recognize, I can do that. I smiled at him. “He’s caught in an encounter, he would be wounded.” He continued as he went past me.
The girl had a worried expression on her face. “What happened here?” the officer said as he looked at the scene in front of him. The bloody guy and the scared girl, but of course he wouldn’t recognize that, I made sure of it. Poor policeman.
“We were just having a cup of coffee, we were startled when you came and spilled some coffee in there.” I calmly say, refering to the blood as coffee while flicking my wrist. Lame excuse but he’s gonna buy it. The officer turned towards the door.
“Well sorry for bothering you, I must go and do my duties now”
“Of course sir, maybe you should go relax for awhile, you look tired”
“Of course dear.” With that, he left. I turn to the both of them, they look at me weirdly.
“You know, it’s not nice to steal, being a theif won’t lead you anywhere. I suggest you find a decent job before the police comes back here.” I said as I walked towards the door. Then I turned back and looked at them in the eye. “And don’t question me.”

Komento sa Aklat (335)

  • avatar
    Joannaclaire Brondo

    very good


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    Juslyn nevadoJUSLYN



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    Ernie Bugarin

    thank you


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