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The Rebirth

The next day, I was fortunate to see Mr Smith at the doorstep of Mr Cliff’s house. It seemed he was leaving so I took my chance.
“Hello and good day Mr Smith,” I greeted him, even though I knew that I would receive a whip for intruding. I was determined to do this to test him about his brain. It was well-known that he was a simpleton, a pumnkin-head as the slaves like to call him. But I suspected more. And Boris always teased me for my naivety by calling me Mr Smith.
I could vividly recall the day Mr Smith was given four baskets of pumpkins and the hungry slaves stole a basket. Mr Smith bluntly told Mr Clifford that it was three baskets that he was given to him to share and not four. I can still recall his closeness with the slaves through food generosity. Was something really wrong with his brain or was he pretending or having some kind of sympathy for the black slaves?
“How are you doing today?” he replied, pronouncing the ‘you’ as ‘yoo’.
“I'm doing bad, sir,” I answered him.
“What’s wrong with you my boy?” he asked with concern.
“I’m hungry,” I pretended.
“Really?” He asked with concern.
“Yes sir,”
“Haven’t you eaten?” he asked suspiciously.
“I have, but…” I began.
“But what?” he cut me short with a heavy baritone voice that made me scared. I summoned some courage to speak out.
“…it was little,”
“Hmmmm?” He looked around to see that the coast was clear then he whispered into my ear.
“Follow me to my cabin.”
I followed him and when we arrived he opened a big bag and gave me some food that was more than enough for five people.
“Take that, share it with your brothers and sister, and this,” he gave me a cake. “Give it to your banny as a way of expressing your love to her,”
Was this real or was I dreaming?
“Thank you so much, sir.” I was so grateful and happy at the same time.
“No, just call me Smith that’s all, and it’s OK that’s the least I can do,”
“OK sir – sorry Smith.”
“It’s OK my boy, now you can run along,” he dismissed me.
I turned back and as I was about to get going he called me back.
“Apart from your brothers, sister and banny, don’t let anybody else know about that food you got on you boy,” he instructed.
“OK, Sir Smith,” I nodded.
“Good and later in the evening try and see me but don’t worry, I will come over to your shacks and make sure you’re all complete,” he further instructed.
“Yes Sir Smith,”
“Good, now hurry along,” he pointed at the door.
I ran out of his cabin carrying my “Ngwon-ngwo”, chips in Igbo.
I shared the food with my brother and Catherine, munching and chatting at the same time. It seemed like a new day in paradise.
“Hmm Morris, you’re now the boss,” Boris said amid smirks.
“Hmm?” I murmured with a mouth full.
“You’re indeed mad,” Boris scolded.
I turned to take a look at Catherine, only to see her laughing. She was busy laughing the daylights out of herself, and I hoped I was safe. I managed to take a close look at her and I discovered a very beautiful set of dimples on both sides of her cheeks.
Wow, that was the very first time that I ever saw her dimples, I never knew she had dimples. I was still looking at her when Boris jolted me out of my stream of thoughts by a hit on my arm.
“Catherine is calling you.”
I don’t know if he said it or if I was hearing things but I was angry, why couldn’t this boy let someone rest.
“Are you serious?” I asked curiously.
“No, I’m not, it’s your imagination that is talking to you lover boy,” he replied.
I just stood still, looking at him. I was still thinking and didn’t know when Boris left me all alone. It was not long before Black Duk joined me, I didn’t notice his presence till when he spoke up.
“Morris,” he called slowly, bringing me out of the stream of thoughts.
“Yeah man,” I replied.
“Do you know that Boris is eyeing my sister?” he asked.
“What?” I fired at him, pretending I never knew what was up.
“Yes it’s true and it also seems my sister is also interested in him. Guy, just take a look over there,” he said pointing to a nearby chair. I could see Boris and Doris holding hands like a newly wedded couple.
My jaw dropped, leaving my mouth open. Wow this Boris of a guy, I fear him, when did it start? I thought he was too shy?

Komento sa Aklat (370)

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  • avatar

    being sold by your kind, its all a bad dream that becomes a life check., success is the best revenge.


  • avatar

    freedom is cool


  • Tingnan Lahat

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