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Chapter 5 - Ghost

Bo's POV
I realized too late that I had made myself apparent to Veera, who was staring at me with a puzzled and shocked expression. Well, I couldn't help myself, I became enraged after hearing Veera grumble about how Aji had cheated on her after leaving her after ten years and having children with the mistress he had, and it made my blood boil, so I went out of the bushes where I was hiding.

"I ask you again, who are you, and why are you inside at this property?!" Veera questioned me, her eyes wary.
What should I say in response to her question? The truth is that my mother insisted I come here to conduct surveillance on my brother because she had a dream about him going somewhere with someone—damn it, why didn't I realize that someone saw was aji and his mistress together because they died, and that damn letter he sent was all about this as well.

I calmed myself and pretended I wasn't astonished by what I had done minutes before, clearing my throat to hide my embarrassment. I chose to give her just half the truth about who I am and why I am here.
"I am Bo Orion Nacht, the younger brother of Daji Fiadh Nacht, and he requested me to look out for you by sending a letter to me," I said, giving her a half-truth explanation.
Although the letter portion is correct, I was mostly present because my mother was concerned about his first son. I'm sorry, Mom, but your other son died with his mistress. Anyway, I'll tell her later, when I'm not so busy, over the phone.

"Don't be foolish, all of my husband's family members are deceased already, just tell me the truth, you're a thief going to steal some items in the house," she continued, accusing me of being a thief.
I understand what she's saying because everyone assumes mom and I died. Dad died because he was sick, but mum was so obstinate that she turned him into a vampire. Aji is unaware of this since he is aware that his father died and was buried at the cemetery, but he is unaware that the casket is empty.

My mother is quite obstinate and insists on it, so I have no option but to do what she asks.

I look her in the eyes and decide to tell her one fact that I know she would comprehend. "Technically, yes, we are dead, but we are alive," I say to her.
"What do you mean by dead but alive? No, that can't be," she exclaimed in astonishment, rubbing her eyes in front of me, "but I can see you! Are you sure you're a ghost?!" she questioned in confirmation.

Wow, she's comparing me to a ghost for the second time! I can't blame her if she thinks I'm a ghost again.
"Yes, I am the spirit of his deceased younger brother," I said, playing along with what she believes I am.
She becomes paler in front of me, steps backward away from me until she stumbles on her feet, and I rushes towards her to catch her before she falls to the ground.
"Be cautious, you've always been clumsy in the past," I warned her as I looked her in the eyes.
She likewise glanced at my eyes, puzzled. "You have red eyes," she said, referring to the color of my eyes.
" Is this the first time you see a ghost with red eyes?" I whisper in question at her.
She continues to look into my eyes and moves her gaze to my face, tracing it with her eyes. "You don't seem to be a ghost, but something else-" she gradually lost consciousness in front of me.
So, I had her sleep first to tease her that it was a ghost she saw tonight; it's the funniest prank I've ever played on her. I simply smiled at her asleep in front of me and carefully carried her entire body to the garden's pergola, where she was softly placed on the sofa that was within.
I stayed to keep an eye on Veera while she slept in front of me and to wait for someone to come and look for her in the garden. After an hour of sitting alongside her, I heard someone calling for her, and it was a familiar voice, Mrs. Payne. I instantly rose, but before I went, I placed something next the sleeping Veera, and then I swiftly departed to hide in the bushes.
Until our next meeting, Veera.
Veera’s POV
I awoke when I heard someone calling my name, and when I opened my eyes, I was lying on a sofa on the Pergola. When did the pergola appear in the garden, and how did I get myself here? The only thing I remember is that I was in the middle of the garden, resting in the grass, cursing the gods before closing my eyes.
"Yes, it's the red-eyed ghost!" " I murmured aloud, recalling the ghost in red who told me he was Aji's younger brother.
"What ghost are you referring about, Miss?" ”
When I heard a voice in front of me, I cautiously turned to face it, my pulse racing and panic coursing through my body. "Please don't hurt me!" I shouted before I could see who was speaking in front of me. I beg you, don't hurt me.
"Why would I harm you, Miss? This is Mrs. Payne," it said once more.
“Mrs. Payne? " I murmured, finally turning to see who was in front of me, and it was Mrs. Payne. "You frightened me!" " I scolded her of scaring me.
"No, Miss, you're the one who frightened me because I believed that disgusting old Man Cabbage had abducted you!" When you didn't return from the garden, it worried the kids." Mrs. Payne chastised me for worrying everyone.
"I apologize for causing you concern, Mrs. Payne: this will not happen again, I swear," I told her.
"You best not worry us again; do you know how I stopped those kids from going to that Pervert Mr. Cabbage because they feared you were abducted?" Mrs. Payne detailed what occurred when I was gone for too long and how the two kids responded.
Well, I can image that because they are so afraid and loathed by that man that they would not hesitate to do anything because they are capable of killing anyone.
"Thank you for stopping those kids, Mrs. Payne," I thanked her.
"Anyway, while you were gone, someone arrived at the home, and it was Mr. Bo, Mr. Daji's younger brother." Mrs. Payne informed me about the arrival of Aji's younger brother.
“Wait what? I don’t understand Mrs. Payne everyone in the family of my husband is dead already though how could that happen?” I asked her confused on what she said.
I recalled what had happened after I had fallen asleep, when someone said he was the spirit of Aji's younger brother with red eyes. So, it was only a dream, a prophetic dream, like the ones I have about Aji spouting gibberish to me.
"I am so sorry for telling you a lie, Miss, but we were advised not to tell anybody about Mr. Aji's younger brother because of what happened years ago," Mrs. Payne apologized for lying.
“Huh? What is the reason for the restriction on bringing up Aji's younger brother? " I asked her again.
"I'm sorry, Miss, but I can't tell you about it," Mrs. Payne said, refusing to tell me.
“Okay, let’s just go back inside the house” I said giving up knowing about it.
When we were about to leave the Pergola, I discovered a red rose on the sofa next to where I was sleeping, so I picked it up, looked around, and brought the flower with me when I eventually left the Pergola with Mrs. Payne.
“Miss are you okay you were not abducted by the bad guy?!” two pair of brown eyes looking at me with concern in their face.
It made me smile because of how they were worried to my safety, both of them run quickly towards and hugs my tightly as they look at up to me.
"Yes, I'm Alright, thank you, and I apologize for causing you concern," I said.
They both smiled at me, and I could sense the relief in their eyes that I was already secure and at home with them. I know I only met these kids yesterday, but I am utterly smitten by how adorable and kind they are to me. Aji is extremely fortunate to have these lovely children as his children, which makes me envious. However, remembering what occurred that day makes me sad, so I try to bury that painful memory in the darkest part of my mind.
"Remember what we mentioned about our Dad's younger sister who is alive but dead, Miss? He is currently at the house, and Mister Bo is waiting in the living room." Both children were notified about the unexpected arrival in the house. "He can finally help you with your situation, miss," they said once again.
I groaned at them, "We're not sure he's truly your father's younger brother kids, maybe he's just pretending all we know is all your father's family members are already deceased." I told them not to believe the man who claimed to be Aji's younger brother.
“But he is the real younger brother of dad, we can smell it!” They still insist on it.
“Smell? What smell are you saying?” I asked them.
“The smell of undead person!” Both replied in excited voice.
"That doesn't make sense, kids; I'll simply evaluate for myself if he's true or not, okay?" " I told them, still not believing what they had told me.
"But you can't tell whether he's actually him!" You'll just conclude after viewing that mister Bo is not our father's younger brother since you'll just look to see if they're the same or not! " They demanded that I simply accept them that guy is my husband's younger brother.
They are both true that I will do so, but I can't accept it right away since I don't want to add another problem to the one for which I still don't have a solution.
"Anyway, I'm going to judge, alright, so just remain here and don't cause any trouble," I told them.
After speaking those things to them, I quickly departed before they could argue more and walked toward the living room where they stated the so-called younger brother was staying right, when I finally got at the living room and looked around to find this so-called younger brother. My eyes widened as I was taken aback by what I saw.
“You! " I stated aloud.
"We meet again, Miss," he said, his crimson eyes curiously staring at me.
I attempted to rub my eyes again to see if I wasn't dreaming about the ghost in front of me, but he was still smiling at me. "Perhaps I'm dreaming," I shouted to myself, slapping both cheeks with my palm. I experienced agony as a result of what I did to myself.
“So this is not a dream” I concluded to myself still cannot believe what I saw.
I heard him chuckle at me and turned my head to look at him, annoyed. "Why are you laughing at me?! " I questioned, irritably, to him.
"I'm sorry you simply look like a lunatic hitting yourself," he said, and I can still hear him laughing at me in his voice.
It's not my fault I'm like this! It was the ghost's fault that I acted stupidly because he claimed to be Aji's younger brother ghost. Damn that ghost for making me seem bad in front of this guy. I wish you burn in hell for the rest of your life!
"I'm already in hell, miss," I heard the guy murmur.
I take another look at him. “What exactly did you say? " I questioned one again.
"I didn't say anything, though," he said, suddenly staring at me as if I were insane.
Okay, cool down, don't get upset with this person, you're just being taunted by him, don't get caught up in it, just bear it. First, ensure that he is indeed Aji's younger brother, and then approach him for assistance.
"Well, you are correct about my teasing you."
I thought I heard him say it again, so I looked at him again, but he was simply staring at me with a puzzled expression. I merely shake my head to keep my attention on the ideas I had in my thoughts.
"What do you mean, tell me you're his younger brother?!?"I questioned him again, this time pleading with him to tell me the truth and provide proof that he is the younger brother.
He merely smirked at me and said, "As you can see, I am," in an arrogant tone.
"What do you mean, tell me, are you truly his younger brother?! " I asked him again, pushing him to tell me the truth and provide proof that he is the younger brother.
"I told you I was his younger brother; can't you notice the similarities?" " He gave the same response to me.
"No, you have different looks," I told him right away.
When he heard my response, he became agitated and annoyed and looked me in the eyes. "I truly hate to do this, but I have no option," he mumbled.
Before I can ask what he meant about what he said, I saw right in front me on how his red eyes turn into blue eyes and now I can see the similarities of both this person and Aji but in younger version like when the time he left me alone in this mansion for 10 years.
“Tsk. Now you believe me?!” he annoyingly asked me again.
I didn’t reply to him because I was so surprised on what I had witness in front of me.

Komento sa Aklat (667)

  • avatar

    The intro is good. a must-read story.


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    Martin Erica



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