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Sabrina Miranda - Sebby (Seventh)

Sabrina Miranda, a child with a highest IQ in their family. In her early age, she can solve some Mathematical equation like Calculus she was really a genius. She loves to read classic books and she made some jigsaw puzzles like the old man in the present generation. She enrolled in the third grade at the age of four because she can read and write properly. In every competition, she always won as the genius quizzer even though she is a genius, she was also talented in many ways.
Her parents love her so much, not only because she was genius but also she is a sweet child.
When she reached their door, she ran towards where her parents were, "Mama, Papa I got an A plus again!" she said very happy to show her papers to them
Her father tapped her head, "You are a smart girl, you know that Sebby" he said "You can asked anything from us, since you are a very good girl" he added
Her mother carry her, "But always remember that you are still a kid" she reminding her and she caressed her hair
She smiled at her, "Yes Mama, I used to have so many friends now" she said "And I used to teach them like you said to me Papa, if someone needs help don't allow to copy your work instead help them to work it out, right Papa?" she said with a big smile
Her father stood up, "So my little sweet girl, where do you wanted to go?" he asked smiling
She thought about it, "I want to go to the Museum, the one we didn't visit last week" she was very excited and waving her arms and hands
Her mother thought about it first before she answered her, "But Sebby, we wanted you to be happy and enjoy like other kids" she said
She had a second thought, "Mama, Papa after we visit the museum I wanted to go in the new themed park" she said energetically
Both of her parents laughed at her, "You are such a funny kid" they said. They prepare everything that day to go to the museum she wanted and after to the new themed park in the next city.
Sebby was very happy that time, she used to have a quality time with her parents even though both of them are too busy in the business and in their career. Her mother was a well - known attorney, the best in the city. She won every handled cases and she became famous moreover the most crucial cases in the town. Her father is a well - known business man in the city not just because he was good at managing business but he also wins in every bidding. They laughed everyday, they enjoy every food in the table and the nights that they made a good story for Sebby before she sleep.
At night she go to her bed, "I love you Mommy" she looked her mother "I love you Daddy" she looked to her father also
They are smiling at her, "We love you too honey" the kissed her on the forehead "Sleep well honey" they turned off the lights and closed the door.
She didn't know that night will be the last night that she can saw her parents. Their house was robbed, her father died in a gunshot to his head and her mother do her best to make her only daughter be safe. She went her room and crawled towards her bed;
"Sebby, honey wake up" she gently shook her daughter "I'm sorry sweetie if I need to wake up you at this hour" she said smiling while trying not to feel the wound on her thigh
She wiped her eyes then got up, "Why Mama? Is there any problem?" she asked then she yawned
"Sebby, listen to Mommy" she trying to be calm in front of her "there are bad guys there, your Daddy told me to hide you in that small cabinet" she pointed to her closet "Can you do that for us?" she smiled at her
Like a common little girl she can't comprehend anything at the moment, she was scared when she saw the her mother's leg was bleeding, "Mama are you okay? you are bleeding" she asked
She tried to smile to her, "Mama is fine honey, you will hide there until morning can you?" she trying to convince her to her words that everything is fine, "Can you do that for Mama and Papa?" she added
She followed her mother's instruction without asking, "I'll bring Sissy with me so I will not be alone there, is that alright Mama?" she pertaining to her doll
She nodded, "Yes baby" she answered "you can sleep there also and promise to me that whatever you heard you will not go outside, okay?" she said "go now, always remember baby that Mama and Papa love you" she smiled while Sebby walking towards the closet she pointed
She go to her little closet and locked herself inside like her mother said she can sleep there until morning and whatever she will heard she will not go outside. She was very scared that time when she heard her mother's screamed like she was torturing by the robbers. She wanted to cry and go outside but she promised that she will not no matter what happens then she heard three gunshots that make her cry.
The man heard her cry, "Child, where are you? Can you see your mother now? she is dead now" the man asked shouting "Show yourself and join her in the afterlife" he added
She was very scared inside the closet, it is a good thing that it has a lock inside, "Calm down Sebby, everything will be alright" she said to her mind while she hugged her doll
"Hey, we need to go now some police was going on this way" another man said
She was very scared inside the closet, she wanted to cry aloud but she can't she just lock the closet inside to make her feel safe. She hugged her favorite doll until she fell asleep. The next day, she woke up before noon she was very worried for her parents so she immediately got outside she was almost fainted when she saw her mother laid down on the floor dead and bathe on her own blood. "Mama" her tears starting to fall from her eyes then she remembered her father so she ran down downstairs when she saw him laid on the floor with three holes on his head that was the most miserable day for her. She stood up and cried then she remembered the words from them when something happens, "Sebby, go to the police station immediately if something bad happens" that sounded on her mind. Without any further ado, she ran outside without any meal nor changing her clothes. She told everything that happened and the police responded immediately and she was given to the care of an orphanage nearby because no one wanted to take her by her relatives.
Time has passed, the criminals was not yet punished and she still remembers the smile of her parents when she was alone. She was given to the We Care Orphanage and the assigned person that time is Sister Marianne. Sebby didn't have friends in the orphanage because she was very smart for them and also no one wanted her there. She always with herself only, she missed her parents so much. One afternoon when she was alone in the park sitting on the bench a man approached her.
"May I sit beside you?" the man asked "Are you alone?" he added
Sebby just nodded.
"Are you the kid of the murdered couple?" he asked
She was saddened and she wanted to cry again when she remembered that night.
He looked at her, "Do like to draw?" he asked then he brought out a sketchpad and a fancy pencil for her
Sebby suddenly became happy when she saw that, "Is that for me?" she asked
"Yes, it is a gift from your parents because you followed your mother that night" he smiled at her
She saddened again, "But I wanted them to be alive" she said weakly
He looked at the sky, "You can make anything possible every thing that you can drew to this sketchpad will be true, just like your wish?" he said
She was very happy when she heard that, "Is that true?" she accept the sketchpad "Thank you, Mister" then she looked around
The man left her that fast and when she looked at him he was disappeared as he walked away from her
She stood up, "Mister, where are you going?" she looked him afar but she can't find see him anymore. She just looked to the drawing material and thinking that she can bring back the lives of her parents because of that.
A woman approached her, "Sebby, it's time to eat, shall we?" she asked her to follow her inside
She held it and nodded, "I'm want to eat big sis" then they walked back to the orphanage.
From that time she keep on thinking the things that the man said to her that she can make her wish come true, the very desire of her heart. Everyday , she drew her mother and her father with her in their favorite park or thinking that they can eat together again in a beautiful place. When she thought about it everyday, she was drown to depression and loneliness. Sometime, she can't stop to blame herself about that night because she knew that she can do something about instead hiding in the closet until she fell asleep. She embraced herself, and starting to cry bitterly again, "Mama, Papa I know one day we will be united in one place" she cried a lot until she fell asleep.
In the dream, the man appeared to her "You are the man who gave the drawing material, right?" she asked "How can I make those to be true?" she asked desperately
After she asked, silence was all around even her own voice can't hear and the only thing that she heard only few words, "You must kill" he said then he turned his back and left.
She was stunned to those words, "huh? I must kill? Who will I kill?" she said on her mind then she remembered that she needs to ask that question to him, "wait a minute! I need to ask you something?!" she tried to catch her but it looks like the distance became long as she trying to catch him then she awake in no time then she saw Sister Marianne beside her holding the same sketchpad with her "Don't tell me?" she stood up immediately frightened
Sister Marianne stood up, "Don't be afraid, I will not kill you" she assured then Sebby came near to her
"But, I don't know everything about this" she said
"Please have a seat first" she said then she sat down to her bed "I will explain you everything" she added
In that hour Marianne explained to her everything and she cleared herself to her that she didn't want to kill anyone all she wanted to take care the kids in the orphanage, that is the desire of her heart. She was very happy the day that she met Sebastian by fate but she was very scared when she knew that he was protected by Penelope so she made her plan little by little. She wanted to kill Sebastian by poison but Penelope stopped it then they started the fight that put the whole house a mess, on the other hand it was favorable to them that their grandmother was not around. Sebastian that time can't comprehend anything that was happen that he was confused and frightened but in the end he decided to do what is right.
After the fight, she was smiling while looking upwards, "Mama, Papa I can be with you now to where are you" she said then she chuckles when she realized that she will die that time. She looked on Sebastian, "Brother, you are such a good guy" she said then she looked to Penelope "big sis, please protect him, he such a good man in the future" then she vanished
The sweet, genius little Sebby, a twelve - year old girl that grew in a lovely family that full of happiness and love was fell to Dreos death game. A such lovely smile became bitter sweet smile to revive the most desire of her heart, her family.

Komento sa Aklat (813)

  • avatar
    Mj Buan

    Woooow!!!! amazing storyyyy!!!!


  • avatar

    its good story


  • avatar
    Sam Guerrero Acebuche

    are you going to the same thing to say that the same time with my family is the best friend and I am so proud of you going on in this world and the best friend is the only one that the best friend and I am so happy to see the world to me and my family and friends of the year and friends of mine and my family is the year and a great time with the same thing to say about the year and my family and friends and friends of mine is the best friend is the only one that the only one who is a great day t


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