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Chapter 7: The Safe Zone

The Tower of Eternity’s fifth floor, known as the Safe Zone, was a bustling hive of activity. The floor was filled with makeshift stalls, shops, and tents, creating a vibrant marketplace where climbers could rest, trade, and prepare for their next ascent. The air was thick with the smell of food, the clang of blacksmiths' hammers, and the hum of lively conversations.
As Viole, Yoru, and Bubble stepped off the lift and onto the Safe Zone, the enormity of the bustling area became apparent. Vendors shouted their wares, and climbers from all walks of life wandered through the maze of stalls.
“This place is massive,” Bubble remarked, her eyes wide with amazement. “It’s like a whole city up here.”
Yoru nodded, his gaze taking in the surroundings. “It’s a safe haven for climbers. A place to rest and regroup before tackling the next floors.”
Viole glanced around, his violet eyes sharp. “We’ll need to be cautious. It’s easy to get lost in a place like this.”
“Agreed,” Yoru said. “We should split up and gather supplies. Let’s meet back here in a few hours.”
Bubble waved as she headed off toward a food stall, her enthusiasm evident. “See you both later!”
Viole watched as Yoru and Bubble disappeared into the crowd before turning his attention to the array of shops and vendors. His goal was to find a blacksmith who could help him forge a weapon. He navigated through the maze of stalls, passing merchants selling armor, potions, and various other adventuring gear.
As he walked, Viole couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed a group of men trailing him, their eyes hidden beneath the brim of their hats.
“These guys don’t look friendly,” Viole muttered to himself, slowing his pace while subtly keeping track of his pursuers.
The men were clad in mismatched armor and carried an assortment of weapons, their appearance marked by a rough, threatening air. It didn’t take long for Viole to recognize them as bandits—climbers who preyed on others, ambushing them for their equipment and belongings.
Determined not to let them get the better of him, Viole made his way toward a less crowded area, hoping to confront them away from prying eyes. He turned down a narrow alleyway, the noise of the marketplace fading behind him.
The bandits followed him into the alley, their footsteps echoing ominously. Viole stopped, turning to face them with a steely gaze.
“Looks like you’ve been following me,” Viole said, his voice calm but firm. “What do you want?”
One of the bandits, a burly man with a scar across his face, stepped forward. “We’re just here to make a little trade, climber. Hand over your valuables, and we might let you go.”
Viole’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not interested in trading. I suggest you leave before things get unpleasant.”
The bandits exchanged glances, their smirks fading as they readied their weapons. Viole didn’t wait for them to make the first move. With a swift motion, he drew his sword and charged.
The alley erupted into chaos. Viole moved with precision, his blade cutting through the air as he dispatched the bandits one by one. His training and experience allowed him to subdue them quickly, leaving the remaining bandits sprawled on the ground, their weapons discarded.
Breathing heavily, Viole sheathed his sword and scanned the alley to ensure there were no further threats. Satisfied, he turned and continued on his way.
After dealing with the bandits, Viole made his way to the blacksmith’s stall. It was a modest setup tucked away from the main thoroughfare. The blacksmith, a dwarf with a bushy beard and a gruff demeanor, was hammering away at an anvil.
Viole approached the stall, the dwarf glancing up from his work. His eyes were sharp, and he carried an air of quiet determination.
“Afternoon,” Viole greeted, trying to sound casual. “I’m looking for a blacksmith who can make a custom weapon.”
The dwarf paused his work, wiping sweat from his brow with a cloth. “Aye, I’m the one you’re lookin’ for. Name’s Drok. What can I do for ye?”
Viole nodded. “I’ve heard you’re skilled, even if your shop isn’t the most well-known. I’d like to commission a weapon. Something unique, tailored to my needs.”
Drok raised an eyebrow, his gaze scrutinizing Viole. “Aye, I might not be the fanciest smith around, but I’ve got skill. What kind of weapon are ye lookin’ for?”
Viole took a moment to consider. “I need a weapon that’s both versatile and powerful. Something that can handle both close and ranged combat. I’m thinking of a weapon that combines the best of both worlds.”
Drok scratched his beard thoughtfully. “That’s a tall order, but I reckon I can manage. Got any specific ideas or materials ye want?”
Viole pulled out a small, intricately designed blueprint from his bag, showing it to Drok. “I’ve drawn up some ideas. I’d like to incorporate these elements into the design.”
Drok examined the blueprint with interest. “Hmm, this is quite the design. Takes a bit of ingenuity, but it’s doable. I’ll need time to work on it. Materials aren’t the best here, but I’ll do what I can.”
Viole nodded, understanding the limitations. “How long do you think it will take?”
Drok studied the blueprint for a moment before replying. “Give me a week. I’ll get it done. It’ll be the finest weapon this side of the Tower, mark my words.”
Viole smiled, feeling a sense of relief. “Thank you, Drok. I’ll be back in a week to collect it.”
As he turned to leave, Drok called out, “Don’t go getting yourself into too much trouble now, climber.”
Viole chuckled. “I’ll try not to. See you soon, Drok.”
With his weapon commission set, Viole rejoined Bubble and Yoru at their agreed meeting spot. They shared their experiences and updates, the sense of camaraderie strengthening their resolve.
The Safe Zone had proven to be a place of both opportunity and danger, but Viole felt more prepared for the challenges ahead. With his new weapon in the making and his companions by his side, he was ready to face whatever the Tower had in store for them next.

Komento sa Aklat (95)

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  • avatar
    Rosemarie Borboran

    👍 ok


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    Toki Molly

    Enkei ejdgsekoebdgdkdjd fm radio yang telah Jr jrirhdh dhdhrir fjdbfifnfifhjdjenr ni rasa fjd die nak buat kerja dengan baik sekali saya yang tidak mahu menerima saya seadanya kerana tidak mahu menerima aku seadanya aku otw ada juga yang tidak mahu lagi sebab itu dia tidak pernah berlaku dalam masyarakat kita pada masa yang sama dan tidak ada yang tidak dapat nfibyrnjfinrifbyjdi hrjrbdibdyddkfiebbdufd during DJD for i to get nrind fjbfifnfifbfugd jdidhdhbrud FNF jfidbdodbdiv fjfibrjfjfnfifnfibfg


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