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CHAPTER 5 : Spread the Love

Eya’s P.O.V:
A week has passed, again.
It’s Friday, the last day to get a source.
One week and I still don’t have an invitation for the army’s meet.
I wonder where to find it.
Did Rin get accepted already?
It’s been a week since she applied on that café.
Isn’t her boss to-be a too much fan of Dong Min?
I mean, what’s the point of having that number if he’s not interested at you at all.
We don’t have a class for the two subjects.
Our second subject is the first subject of BSIT’s course
Meaning she’s also free.
Since I have no one to talk to here, I’ll go to Rin.
We’re on the same floor, there are four rooms before their room.
I was right, there’s no teacher in their classroom.
From the door, I saw Rin looks very sad that’s why I called her.
She looked and smiled before coming close.
“Eya, let’s talk inside” Rin said.
I sat on the chair in front of her since her classmate is absent.
“Let me guess, you’re still not hired?” I asked her with a low voice
She just nodded.
“I thought she can be more considerate. But I guess, she does what she said” she said with a deep sighed
“Who knows if today she hires you. Don’t worry. There are still available jobs”
“There are. But they even refuse to see my resume”
She’s at her limit. I knew it..
I want to say some jokes to make her smile.
But I think it will be useless.
She’s not looking at me.
Her tears started to form.
I stand up and comforted her.
“Hey it’s alright. You’re strong. You can do it” I said then smile
“I know. I’m sorry if you had to see this. I just can’t hold it. I’m tired, Eya. I’m tired but I will never give up. This tears means it’s enough. It’s over. It is now a renewal. A re-birth of hope. I’m thankful that despite of all these failures, I don’t feel like giving up at all.” She said while wiping her tears then smiled
“I know you can do it”
“Thank you!Let's change the topic, is there something bothering you?” she asked
“Do you know someone who’s also an army? I need a source for an invitation”
"I am sure he is. He had to be because of someone" she said then pointed out Kim
"No way, it's okay if I don't have an invitation"
"Really? Are you totally sure? As far as I know he has two invitation cards" she said in a way to confuse me
I want it!!!
But I am shy!
After all the things I said to him, I feel like I don't deserve it.
"Kim?" Rin called
"Hey" I whispered
Kim stops talking to Mica and came close to us.
"Yes Ms. Gonzales?" He asked to Rin
"What's with that formality? You called me Rin and by other crazy names before. Ah.. I see" Rin said that made me confuse
I stand up.
"Nevermind, Rin. I feel like not attending to it at all. I'll go back to our classroom. I remember I still need to finish my note. Thank you!" I said that made her sad
Sorry, I just can't.
I don't have any courage to ask for that.
I'm almost near our classroom.
Suddenly, someone grabs me so I looked to know who could it be.
He handed me a card.
"I'm sorry for being too shy. I wanted to give you this invitation card since yesterday. I bought two cards. My friend can't come on that day. So I thought you can have this" He said while gasping
"You don't have to. I'm not going to attend anyway" I said in a calm voice while handing back the card
I'm too shy to accept it!!!
"Then should I throw it? No one will use it anyway" he asked before going near the trash bin
Will he really throw it?
"Wait! I'll take it. You spent your money for this. I'll take it" I sighed
I'm too shy for this but I'm happy!!!!
"I know you will" he smiled and gave the card , again.
"T-thank you!"
"See you there, Eya" he smiled.
It's warm..
It's a warm feeling..
Thank you, Kim.
Kim's P.O.V;
You're a liar, Kim.
But I think she will not accept it if she knows I bought two cards for me and her.
I'm happpyyyyy!!!
It's a great feeling of gratitude to Rin.
If she didn't tell me about that meet, I wouldn't be able to do anything.
Eya got mad at me again and again.
I messaged Norman to help me.
But what he only did was a like zone and reacted a funny face on my message..
This guy is amazingly useless in terms of this.
I don't know what to do so I looked at my newsfeed.
I saw Rin's post.
My news feed is filled with her rant.
So it's still unfair when applying for jobs.
What kind of businesses are they to refuse seeing someone's resume?
I have a feeling that it's not right and something's fishy.
Anyway, I need to fix my relationship with Eya.
I messaged and sent a rant on Rin.
"What can I do?" I asked her
"Stop teasing her"
"That's a genuine suggestion of you."
"I'm serious Kim. If you don't have anything right to say. Shut your mouth."
"If there's only a way to help her."
"There is!" Her immediate response
"Whoa, that's fast Kim. You're like a turtle when answering my question related to other stuffs but like a thunder in terms of Eya. That's right!"
"I know, haha. So what is it?"
"Ah, Mica mentioned something about army's meet up"
"And what about that?"
"You should buy two invitation cards. For you and Eya"
"What if she already has one?"
"Ey, I thought you want to do something. You'll never know what might happen so you should prepare and be ready. Besides, if you and Eya go to that meet up together, isn't it like a date?"
That's so clever Rin!!!
I can't wait to buy!!!
"That's exciting, Rin. But just as you said, what if her friend gives her?"
"Who? Lyn? No. Mica asked her about it. Lyn's not available that time. And she said she'll give time for the two of you"
That's a relief..
I can't express my gratitude!
I feel like I have an army friends to support me.
Excluding Norman. That guy's really ignoring me.
"Thank you, Rin!"
"Welcome as always. You better treat her right that time!"
"I will"
It's time to spread love......!
End of flashback:
Lab's P.O.V:
He's really a classmate of mine.
And the fact that he sits behind me is really awkward.
I can't look at him so I look at the front instead.
Our professor is discussing something and I can't focus.
"So, let's divide the class into 5 groups" our professor said that changed the mood of everyone
I hope Lyn is one of my groupmate
"Let's count 1-5. Zigzag pattern. Starting from left to right, right to left, left to right and so on!" our professor excitedly said
There are a total of sixty students in our course.
There are 10 rows, so there are six students per row.
I'm sitting in the third row.
Could he possibly be one of my groupmates?
My seatmate in the left counted 2,
"Three!" I counted
Then the rest counted.
He's one of my groupmates!!!!!!!!!!
"Go to your groupmates and talk about the assigned topic I'll be giving" our professor said while writing something
" Lab we're groupmates!" Lyn said
"Really? I didn't notice. I'm happy!"
Me and Lyn were happily talking not until someone lack of attention pushed me.
"Oops, sorry." She said and walk towards Shoto
"Are you even sincere?" I can't control myself
She didn't listen.
"Relax" Lyn whispered
"Uhm, hello Shoto. We're groupmates. Ah, what is our topic all about?" she asked in an irritating way
Shoto is the chosen leader, he stood in the middle to explain.
"We are group three and our topic is about the concepts of political science. We are twelve in this group. So let's discuss it by pair."
We just nodded as a sign of agreement.
"Let's be partner, Shoto" Steph said before grabbing Shoto's arm. She's the girl who pushed me!
Shoto immediately removed her hand, hahahaha!
"Count 1-6" Shoto said before pointing his finger at me
"One!" I counted
Blah, blah, blah...
So he's my partner. Nice! Too nice for someone arrogant like him.
"I think it's an unfair count, Shoto. Let's try again." Steph insisted
" We're not divided into groups to divide groups again. Let's start" he said before disseminating the task of each pair.
Shoto grabbed me and sit to talk about our task.
I saw Steph staring at me with angry look.
I just showed my tongue to insult her.
"Are you listening?" Shoto asked that made me stop looking at that girl
"Ah, sorry?"
"Just give me your attention this time" he said before looking at the book

I nodded.
Listening to his explanation, he's different from that time he pushed me.
Maybe I was really in the way.
Serenity's P.O.V:
He's here already..
Staring at the school's whole view
"Why don't you eat lunch first?" I asked him
He walks towards a corner so I followed him.
There's a table with foods.
"Uh, you're going to eat here?" I asked
"Can't I?" He said while sitting
He made an expression telling me to sit down, too.
"Uh, okay. You should eat first. Your shoot already started right? I guess you're tired. So feel free to eat. I won't bother you" I said before smirking
"You too will eat" he said that gave me a shock
"Ah, no thanks. I'm not yet hungry"
" Do I look like I can finish all of these?"
" Why not? You're tired and out of energy"
" Don't you want my number?"
I forgot about that.
Geez, I really have no choice.
" Eh? I told you I'll eat with you. You know it's very tiring to go here" I smirk before getting the spoon.
It's my first time to eat with someone alone.
Plus, he's a celebrity.
It's too awkward.
It's too quiet so I broke it.
"You shouldn't be doing this" I said while chewing
"Doing what?"
"Eating with someone you don't know"
"I know you"
"What I mean is, you really know"
He stops eating and start to think.
While I, keep on eating.
"Then let's get to know each other"
After saying those words, I coughed.
I feel like the food is stuck..
Dong Min immediately gave me a water.
"Are you okay?" He asked with worry look
" I - I'm okay. Thank you!"
" You don't have to rush. I can excuse you and-" he said that's why I stopped him
"No,I-I mean, thank you, I appreciate but you don't have to go that far. I'm a college student and you're a celebrity. You still have a shoot right? Ah..., I forgot to ask. What is your drama all about?"
" Unforgettable Youth? Ah, it's unforgettable. It's a story of a boy who lives happily with his family, friends, and love ones until the day of the accident. His parents, and siblings died. Only he was able to survived. He keeps on living each day cherishing those moments of his youth where everything are still fine. He's finding a way, more reasons to survive"
"And then? Did he survive until the end?" I asked
He nodded
" Because of someone who fills his heart with so much joy" he said while smiling
" So we're the same, I guessed"
" What way?"
"Almost everything" I almost cried but I remembered I am with him and not Eya so I stopped myself from being emotional.
" You don't have to tell me . I understand. " he said before drinking water.
"Ah, can I ask where did you find my ID?" I asked that made him smile
"In front of the school gate"
"But I already searched on it and I didn't find it there. You said in front of the school gate, but why did you say before that you found it inside the campus?" I asked
"It's just I know what will happen"
"Thank you very much for that!" I smiled
After finishing our lunch, he write something on a piece of paper and gave it to me.
"What's this?" I asked.
"My line number. I trust you" he said
"But, you can just give a wrong number. I'm not the one who will be using it. I don't know if I can trust her."
"I'm not going to answer it anyway. Unless it's you"
"Eh? I told you I will never do it"
"You will"
"The truth is, my boss to-be, is the one I'm with when I attended your fan signing event. And she's I think a super fan of yours"
"So it's a qualification requirement?"
I nodded
"I'm sorry" I said with sigh
"I can help you with it, so give it to her. You class will start soon, you should be going. Thank you!"
"Uh, how about you?"
" I'll clean this first"
"I will help"
"No, it's okay. You should go"
"Thank you, Dong Min" I smiled
I turned my back on him and walk slowly.
"A while ago, I'm serious about it"
I looked at him after hearing those words.
"About?" I asked with confusion
"Getting to know each other" he said with poker face
I am totally speechless after that...

Komento sa Aklat (118)

  • avatar

    a very interesting novel I've read before i look forward to other novels you released


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    Gleah Mae Cuaresma

    good story


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