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Idagdag sa Library

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|Chapter 02: Chance|
I was busy biting my thumbnail while staring at the thick books in front of my table.
I mean, I planned to have a peace study inside our School Library but then, my brain is not with me right now.
I wonder where is it? Kiddin'.
"Why am I so unproductive today?" I ask myself.
As I can remember, I have too many requirements to do but I haven't yet started any one of them. Considering that I am already in my last year as a Psychology Student.
My brain couldn't handle a lot of things so, every time I ask myself, 'why did I even choose Psych?', I always looked back to the old days when I found comfort by learning things from my course itself. By that, I'll be back on track again.
Today? I think I lost some portion of my energy because I haven't seen my crush.
"Shh!" I shush Foren when she suddenly sits at the chair in front of me.
Some students glare at us which causes me to sharply look at Foren. I don't know about her. She's like a mushroom who always appears from nowhere.
"You're studious today, huh? Is that for a change?" She asks me while placing her things beside mine.
I shrug my shoulders and cross my arms over my chest.
"I don't even think I understood anything while reading the book," I exhale and just look at my book.
Terms after terms, words after another. My mind is already near to exploding because of too much information.
"That's because you aren't putting much effort into studying your book, Kad. If you focus, then you'll learn," she shakes her head continuously as if she's very disappointed in me.
I look at her and roll my eyes.
"Talk about studying, tsk!" I exclaim.
She laughs at me, proud to herself that she made me upset first thing in the morning.
"Come on, Kad. Take a break if you want. Our brain needs rest too," she nonchalantly says while she starts reading her book.
It's not a school-related book though. It's a Mystery-Thriller book. Her favorite.
"Even if I want to, I can't...," I exclaim as I put my elbows on the table for me to rest my chin on it.
I watch Foren seriously reading her book. Sometimes her brows are furrowing because maybe there's a scene that is confusing on her part.
Well, I also love reading books that have a thrill and a bit of mystery, different from my romantic side.
"You still have to finish your thesis, right?" I ask her after minutes of watching her expressions.
She glares at me when I interrupt her from her readings. I just love to tease her when she's reading. She has this cute dimple on her left cheek whenever her face is contorted with an annoyed look. That's what she's giving me right now.
"You know what? Stop disturbing me when I'm reading okay? You're ruining the vibes," she whines and tries to get back on reading when after a second she grunts in frustration.
I laugh without a sound as I point to her with my pointy finger. Teasing her more. Before she can throw her book at my face, I hurriedly get up and run away from her.
I sigh and raise my head to face the sky, closing my eyes because it's too bright.
"Refreshing," I mumble to myself.
I shrug my shoulder and walk my way to the cafeteria when my stomach churns as if I didn't eat for the past few days.
I'm enjoying my walk when the students start to whisper at each other. Some are also screaming as if there are popular artists who are walking in the corridor.
I shake my head and enjoy sightseeing the green leaves that are dancing with the blows of the wind.
The aroma of mother nature is truly calming. That's why I love being in a garden or being surrounded by green things. It's also refreshing to the eyes when you're tired from facing your screen for the day.
"They're so handsome!"
"I wish I'm also gorgeous like them,"
"Why do they look like Gods and Goddesses from Olympus?"
Slowly, my brows start to move into a crease when their words enter my head.
Who are they talking about?
Gods and Goddesses? Are they dreaming? Because their voices seem are.
I sigh and look ahead of me to check if there are students in front of me to avoid a collision but as soon as my head turns to face the corridor, I go to an abrupt stop when the familiar scent fills my nostrils.
I cursed inside my head when I already know who is the student's blabbering about earlier.
They are only the students who'll be passed to be a popular artist in town.
I simply hide at the back of three students in front of me and hide my face using my long hair. I still can't forget my embarrassment last Friday. I hope he already forgot that he bumped, no. That I bumped into him.
I wish I never teased Foren so that I'll just stay inside the Library. See what happens.
Karma is freaking real.
I face my karma today. Did Foren prays so hard that Karma chased me real quick?!
Bless you, Foren. For real.
I slowly take a peek from hiding at the back of the three students. My forehead creased when I didn't see them walking towards here.
I ask myself as I stand straight. I tilt my head and think of what caused me to hide.
I thought they were here. I even smelled his familiar scent!
I bit my lower lip and roam my eyes around the students in the hallway who had already stopped in the middle just to see the people they were talking about.
They're only looking in one direction.
Behind me.
Freaking. Hell.
I look back at the three students in front of me. I facepalm when I realize they are the students who don't care about their surroundings.
Dang! Why do I have to experience this?! Did Foren really pray that hard?!
I shake my head and am about to continue walking like I didn't do anything a while ago when a voice stops me. I'm not even in a prison to hide from them, so why?
"Ms. Crimson?" I abruptly stop even after moving one step.
I tightly close my eyes.
I forgot. Hazen Sath Antonov is the Student Council President.
Feeling awkward, I slowly face them. My eyes instantly flew towards his green pair of intense eyes.
Probably why I love green things and mother nature.
Because it's the hue of his eyes. The one that can calm me every time I'm in the middle of chaos inside of me. I don't think, at this kind of time, it can calm me.
Not in the middle of my embarrassment.
I probably look like a lost kitten that's why I averted my gaze from him before they can notice it.
"Hi, Ms. President!" I greet her with a smile.
I can imagine myself, awkwardly smiling at them.
"Are you busy?" Sath asks me using her sweet voice and smiles that her eyes are also smiling.
She's too bright for my liking.
"Not really, Ms. Sath. Why?"
Damn. You can just say you're busy!
"Oh, perfect! This guy over here...,"
I blink my eyes as I slowly look at the guy she's pointing to.
Freaking Zaraze Villadeza.
"Needs someone to go to the mall to buy things. Can you help him, Ms. Crimson? He's the only one who has time to buy decorations and since he doesn't know what to buy, I hope you can guide him with that. Can I entrust him with you, Ms. Crimson?"
I bit my tongue and stop myself from smiling from ear to ear because...,
Guys, hello?!
This is a chance!
I laugh like a lunatic witch inside my head as I curtly smile at Sath.
"Yes, Ms. Sath. You can,"
Thank you, Sath!
From the bottom of my heart!

Komento sa Aklat (1233)

  • avatar

    it's Vary amazing


  • avatar
    Farid Adzal



  • avatar
    Jaymar Hinumla

    thank you


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