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Chapter 3

Aiden's response was filled with amusement. "A job where I present myself...? Nope! But I do appear that way, huh?" he replied, his tone light and playful as he deflected the assumptions about his occupation.
As the game continued, with various guesses and revelations about their housemates' professions, it was finally Hazel's turn to ask Aiden a question.
"I think you are... How many days a week do you work?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued by the mystery surrounding Aiden's schedule and occupation.
Observing Aiden's demeanor, Hazel couldn't help but notice the relaxed aura he exuded, a hint of a student's carefree vibe that hinted at his days off and leisure time.
Aiden's playful banter added a light-hearted touch to the guessing game, his grin hinting at a sense of camaraderie among the group.
"Is this what's called deductive reasoning? I go out 5 days a week too," Aiden remarked, his words teasing and filled with good-natured humor as he responded to Hazel's question.
Aiden's knowing smile only added to the intrigue. "Is it really hard to notice by looking at me?" he mused, his tone light but filled with a hint of mystery that kept his housemates guessing.
As the game continued, the group ventured various guesses about Aiden's profession, ranging from civil servant to university student. However, Aiden soon put an end to the speculation with a surprising revelation.
"This might take forever, so I'll tell you guys. I am a 25-year-old med student," Aiden announced, his words met with a chorus of surprised reactions from his friends.
Lina's astonishment was palpable. "You go to a medical school?! Wow, I really didn't expect that," she exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief at the unexpected revelation.
The group's collective shock was evident as they processed the revelation. Aiden's jovial and carefree demeanor had masked his dedication to his medical studies, a fact that left them all pleasantly surprised.
"Was that something so shocking? You guys are making me feel weird! Anyway, let's move onto the next one. I'll pick someone I want to know about... Sol!" Aiden declared, his gaze turning to their fashionable housemate.
Sol, with her poised demeanor, fielded Aiden's question with grace. "That's right," she confirmed, her words hinting at a connection to the fashion industry.
Lina chimed in with her guess. "Fashion coordinator? They have a lot of shops for celebrities near Cheongdam District, right?" she speculated, her excitement evident in her voice.
Sol shook her head with a smile. "Fashion coordinator? Nope. Fashion related but not a coordinator..." she clarified, keeping the mystery alive with her enigmatic response.
Hazel, eager to uncover more about Sol's profession, ventured her own guess. "What else can I ask? A brand MD? Like for product planning," she suggested, her curiosity driving her to explore the possibilities.
Sol's response revealed a glimpse into her multifaceted career. "Close, but not quite. I do work as a managing director, too. But it's not my main job," she explained, her words hinting at the depth and complexity of her professional endeavors.
Asher's keen observation and quick deduction added to the excitement of the guessing game, as he made his guess about Sol's profession.
"Ah, you're a CEO. You manage a shop, right? Editorial shop or a department store brand," Asher ventured, his words filled with insight and curiosity.
Sol's smile widened at Asher's accurate guess. "You got it faster than I expected. You're right. I'm 30 years old and run an editorial shop located in the high-end fashion district," she confirmed, her pride evident in her words.
Asher's curiosity led to another question. "Do you run the shop yourself?" he inquired, his interest piqued by Sol's entrepreneurial spirit.
Sol nodded in affirmation. "Yes, but it's still growing. I still carry the boxes and package things with my employees," she explained, her dedication to her work shining through in her words.
Aiden's admiration for Sol's accomplishments was palpable. "Wow, that's still very cool," he remarked, his respect for her hard work evident in his tone.
Hazel, sensing Sol's leadership qualities, chimed in with her thoughts. "I knew I felt this CEO vibe from you," she remarked, her words a mix of admiration and camaraderie.
Sol's gratitude was evident in her response. "Aw, thank you," she replied, her appreciation for the support of her housemates shining through.
Turning the spotlight to Glen, Sol made her guess about his profession, her eyes curious and attentive as she studied him.
"I thought you might be a teacher or a psychologist when I first saw you. Am I right?" Sol inquired, her words thoughtful and filled with intrigue.
Glen's response was gentle but firm. "Oh, I'm far away from that field. No, I'm not," he clarified, his kind smile a reassuring presence in the room.
Hazel, intrigued by Glen's gentle demeanor, ventured her own guess. "Do you... use your face for this job?" she asked, her curiosity leading her to speculate about his profession.
Glen chuckled at the suggestion. "My face...?" he echoed, a hint of amusement in his voice at the unexpected question. "I mean... like an actor or a model!" Hazel clarified, her words revealing her line of thought.
Glen's response unveiled a glimpse into his unique profession. "Haha, what a compliment. But no, I'm not. I use my hands for my job," he explained, his words hinting at a craft that required skill and precision.
Lina, intrigued by Glen's revelation, made her own guess. "Hands? Pottery or accessory designing? Are you a designer?....are you a tailor glen?" she speculated, her curiosity driving her to uncover more about his occupation.
Glen confirmed Lina's guess with a smile. "You got it. I'm a master tailor for custom suits in Chungdam District. Oh, and I am 30 years old," he revealed, his profession as a tailor adding a new layer of depth to his persona in the eyes of his housemates.
Lina's admiration for Glen's profession was evident in her enthusiastic response. "Wow, that's amazing. It really suits you," she exclaimed, her admiration for his craft shining through in her words. The connection between Lina and Glen seemed to grow stronger with each revelation.
Glen, intrigued by Lina's background, turned the spotlight on her for the next round of guessing. "It's my turn now. I'm curious about Lina," he announced, his eyes curious and attentive as he studied her.
Lina, with her youthful energy and vibrant personality, seemed to embody a sense of flexibility and adaptability in Glen's eyes. "She really looks quite young. A student... or in a relatively flexible job," he mused, his thoughts drifting to the possibilities of her profession.
Hazel, eager to uncover more about Lina's background, posed her question. "What did you major in?" she inquired, her curiosity driving her to learn more about their vivacious housemate.
Lina's response revealed a glimpse into her academic pursuits. "I majored in mechanical engineering. I'm still kind of working on the same field," she explained, her words hinting at a blend of academic studies and practical application in her career.
Hazel's curiosity was piqued by Lina's response. "Kind of working on it?" she probed, seeking further clarification about Lina's current endeavors.
Aiden, with his perceptive nature, made his own guess about Lina's status. "You seem to have a flexible schedule. You're a graduate student?" he ventured, his observation leading to a revelation about Lina's academic pursuits.
Lina's surprise was evident as she confirmed Aiden's guess. "Oh, how did you know?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in astonishment at his accurate deduction.
Aiden's smile was warm and knowing. "One of my friends has a similar life pattern. Did I get it right?" he inquired, his intuition proving to be spot on in guessing Lina's status as a graduate student.
Lina's confirmation brought a sense of camaraderie among the group. "Yes, you're right. I'm the same age as Aiden, 26 years old. I'm a graduate engineering student," she revealed, her dedication to her studies shining through in her words.
Glen, intrigued by the revelations about Lina, couldn't help but express his surprise. "26...? I expected you to be younger," he remarked, his admiration for Lina's achievements evident in his words.
Undeterred, Lina turned her attention to Asher for the next round of guessing. "I'll go onto the next one. Asher! You look very stylish, so I thought you were a model. Are you?" she inquired, her eyes curious and attentive as she studied Asher.
Asher's response added a new layer of intrigue to the guessing game. "Close, but not exactly. I'm not the one who poses," he clarified, his words hinting at a profession that was both stylish and behind the scenes.
Hazel, intrigued by Asher's revelation, ventured her own guess. "Not the one who poses? Are you in the entertainment industry?" she speculated, her curiosity driving her to uncover more about Asher's occupation.
Asher's response unveiled a unique aspect of his profession. "Yes. But I don't take the pictures or put myself in them. I do something related to that, though. It's not a very well-known job. I might as well tell you myself," he explained, his words hinting at a role that involved creativity and vision in the entertainment field.
As the group speculated and guessed about Asher's profession, Glen couldn't help but grin at the lively exchange. When the time came for Asher to reveal his job, the room fell silent in anticipation.
"I'm a visual director. I plan concepts for artists in the company and create an overall layout for stages, costume and artwork. And I'm 27 years old," Asher revealed, his profession adding a new layer of depth to his persona in the eyes of his housemates.
Hazel, impressed by Asher's unique role, couldn't contain her admiration. "That's so unique. I haven't seen anyone around with your job," she remarked, her words filled with respect and curiosity.
Asher, humble in his response, downplayed the novelty of his job. "It's pretty common in my field. Anyway, you're up, Hazel," he prompted, turning the attention back to her for the next round of guessing and revelations.
Asher turned his attention towards Hazel, his gaze thoughtful as he considered her background. After a moment of contemplation, he ventured his first guess.
"Something related to interacting with people. Hair designer or a style coordinator would suit you," Asher speculated, his words filled with curiosity and insight.
Hazel nodded in acknowledgment. "You're right about having to interact with people. The rest, no," she confirmed, her response hinting at the social aspect of her profession.
Glen, who had observed Hazel's belongings earlier, shared his own guess based on his observations. "Oh, I had to help Hazel carry her stuff into our house. It felt really heavy. Like books," he revealed, his words thoughtful as he considered Hazel's line of work.
Hazel couldn't help but chuckle at Glen's revelation. "Oh, you weren't supposed to peek!" she teased, a playful glint in her eyes as she recalled the moment.
Glen defended himself with a smile. "I didn't! But I still noticed a lot of books and paper. So... either an office worker who gives a lot of presentations or a teacher?" he guessed, his observations leading him to consider Hazel's profession.
Sol, with her keen sense of style, made her own guess based on Hazel's interests. "You like fashion, so an editor? She had magazines and concept photos maybe. No?" she speculated, her words thoughtful and observant.
Hazel clarified Sol's guess with a smile. "I do like clothes and accessories, but it has nothing to do with my job. And someone got the answer already! Glen just said it," she revealed, her amusement evident in her tone as she confirmed Glen's accurate guess.
Aiden, always eager to uncover the truth, ventured his own guess. "A teacher?" he inquired, his curiosity driving him to uncover Hazel's profession.
Hazel's confirmation brought a sense of clarity to the guessing game. "Yes. I'm working at a language school in Gangnam. I studied in Spain for some time, so I teach Spanish, and I'm 27 years old," she revealed, her passion for teaching and languages evident in her words.
Lina, impressed by Hazel's international experience, expressed her admiration. "You lived in Spain? That's awesome," she remarked, her eyes filled with curiosity and intrigue.
With the introductions complete, Aiden suggested a shift in the group dynamic. "Now that we've introduced ourselves. Maybe we can drop the honorifics now," he proposed, his words signaling a shift towards a more casual atmosphere among the housemates.
Asher, ever the skeptic, responded with a hint of reluctance. "Man, already getting so comfortable with me?" he teased, his playful banter adding a touch of humor to the conversation.
Aiden, with his easygoing nature, saw the benefit of building a sense of camaraderie among the group. "Yes, why not? We have no choice but to live under the same roof. Might as well get comfortable quick," he reasoned, his words reflecting a sense of practicality and unity among the housemates.
Asher relented with a sigh. "Ugh, fine. Whatever," he acquiesced, his tone light and resigned as he accepted the group's decision.
Aiden's response was filled with positivity. "Cool!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious as the group settled into a new level of familiarity and comfort within their shared living space.
They laughed and chatted, the air filled with lightness and camaraderie as they shared stories and learned more about each other. Their interactions had shifted from mere acquaintances to a more personal level, creating a sense of ease and comfort among them.
"Oh, it's time to go up again," Lina remarked, her voice breaking through the pleasant chatter as the alarm signaled the moment to send their second texts. With a sense of excitement in the air, we hurried back to their rooms, the alarm echoing behind us.
Aiden's words of admiration brought a sense of warmth to the group. "You guys are all so cool. Doing awesome things for a living," he complimented, his appreciation for his housemates evident in his words.
Glen, ever humble, returned the sentiment. "You're really cool as well, Aiden. Not everyone gets to study at a medical school," he acknowledged, his respect for Aiden's accomplishments shining through.
Asher, with his dry humor, added a touch of levity to the conversation. "I know. It sounds way harder than what I do," he quipped, his words laced with a hint of self-deprecation.
Aiden's curiosity sparked a playful exchange. "Wait, what do you do for a living again? I wasn't paying attention," he admitted, his tone light and teasing.
Asher's exasperation was evident in his response. "You're kidding, right?" he retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice as he bantered with his housemates.
Glen, observing the dynamic between the group, chimed in with a light-hearted comment. "Haha, you guys seem to get along real well," he remarked, his observation met with a chorus of laughter.
Aiden's thoughts turned to the girls and the second round of texts. "The girls must be sending their texts, too. I wonder if I'll get one today," he mused, his anticipation evident in his voice.
Glen offered reassurance. "Don't worry. It's going to be fine," he assured, his words comforting and supportive.
Asher, ever the pragmatist, suggested action. "It's time, so let's send one as well. And then we can keep talking," he proposed, his practical approach guiding the group forward.
Aiden couldn't resist a teasing remark. "Dang, you're in a hurry to show some love, aren't you?" he teased, a playful grin on his face.
Asher's response was deadpan. "Would you shut up for a second?" he quipped, his tone a mix of annoyance and amusement as he prepared to send his message.
In the girls' bedroom, Sol and Lina prepared to send their texts, the anticipation palpable in the air.
"Should we send the messages now?" Sol inquired, her voice filled with excitement.
Lina's response was decisive. "Yes!" she exclaimed, her eagerness matching Sol's as they prepared to send their messages and await the responses that would follow.
As the digital notifications chimed in unison, a hush fell upon them, each of us engrossed in the glow of our screens. Today was the day hazel decided to send a message to Aiden, the one whose infectious charm always made her feel at ease, as if she had found a piece of home in him. hazel couldn't help but imagine that with him, every moment would be painted with smiles.
Hazel's message popped up on the screen, her words carrying a sense of playfulness and warmth. "I know you must be buried in your studies, but let's make time for some fun! Your sense of humor never fails to brighten my day. :D"
An anonymous sender followed suit, their message hinting at admiration and curiosity. "I sense a strength in your vibrant energy. I wonder how skilled you are behind the wheel."
Soon, responses trickled in, filling their screens with a flurry of texts. Among them, Hazel's voice echoed with excitement, "Oh, I got a reply too...!"
And then, it happened. Hazel phone buzzed with a new message, a thrill running through her as she read the words on the screen.
Sol's message stood out, highlighting the diversity of talents within our group. "We have a fascinating mix of professions here. A visual director is a new one for me."
Lina chimed in, reminiscing about a tailor shop in Cheongdam. "I think I've seen Glen's shop there. Isn't your shop located in the same area, Sol?"
Sol confirmed the location but expressed surprise at not recognizing Glen. "Yes, my shop is there, but I've never crossed paths with him. His face would have been hard to forget."
Hazel shared a tidbit about passing by Lina's school, sparking curiosity and connection among us. "I happened to walk by your school, Lina, to meet a student."
Lina's response was laced with intrigue, "Really?"
As their conversations unfolded, a sense of camaraderie blossomed, drawing them closer through shared stories and laughter. And amidst it all, hazel clung to her phone, a mix of anticipation and wonder swirling within her, eager to uncover the mystery of the sender behind the message.
In the tranquil ambiance of the living room, Aiden's sudden greeting jolted Hazel out of her thoughts.
"Oh, you scared me!" Hazel's voice held a hint of surprise as she turned to face him, her eyes still heavy from a late night.
As she descended the stairs, her mind clouded with drowsiness, she couldn't help but be taken aback by Aiden's unexpected presence.
"Do you have time tonight? You should come home early," Aiden's straightforward question caught Hazel off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless.
"Huh? Why?" Hazel's confusion seeped into her words, her mind racing with questions.
"Is he the one who sent me the text...? Aiden?" Hazel's thoughts spiraled, trying to make sense of the situation.
"Let's hang out." Aiden's words sliced through the air, his tone firm yet inviting, sending a shiver down Hazel's spine.
In the cozy confines of Luv House, Hazel pondered over the request that had been laid before her.
"Let's see..." Her voice trailed off, contemplating the script feedback a fellow student had sought for a contest submission. The student had granted permission for the script to be shared with others in exchange for constructive feedback, a request that Hazel found hard to turn down.
In the quiet expanse of the living room, Hazel's voice floated through the air, filled with determination and a hint of excitement.
"I'd also like to give her good feedback if possible," she expressed, her words carrying a sense of eagerness.
As she scanned the familiar surroundings, Hazel's gaze fell upon Aiden's shoes neatly placed on the shoe rack, a silent indication of his presence in the house.
"Anyway... is no one here? Aiden?" Hazel called out, her voice echoing through the empty space, a tinge of curiosity lacing her words.
Puzzled by the absence of any response, she pondered aloud, "Why is he so quiet? Is he in his room?"
Suddenly, a voice broke the silence, startling Hazel as she turned to face the unexpected intruder.
"What are you doing here?" Aiden's voice, laced with amusement, caught Hazel off guard, prompting a gasp of surprise from her.
"Oh my god!" Hazel's exclamation was met with a chuckle from Aiden, who seemed amused by her reaction.
"Why are you so surprised?" Aiden's playful inquiry sparked a smile on Hazel's face, despite her initial shock.
"Because you came from behind, though you were inside. Where have you been?" Hazel's curiosity peaked as she questioned Aiden's sudden appearance.
"Just nearby, I had to get something from a friend," Aiden explained, gesturing towards the papers and books in his hands. Hazel noted the absence of typical medical study materials, prompting her to comment, "Doesn't look like homework."
Aiden clarified, "It's not related to my studies. I'm part of a club where we review play scripts and provide feedback."
"Scripts...?" Hazel's voice trailed off, a spark of interest igniting within her.
"Yeah, why? Are you interested?" Aiden's question hung in the air, his gaze fixed on Hazel, awaiting her response.
"I'm not just interested, I'm...!" Hazel's words hung in the air, anticipation building as she pondered her next words, her curiosity piqued by the world of scripts and storytelling that lay before her.
In a moment of unexpected revelation, Aiden transformed before Hazel's eyes, morphing into a figure of reassurance and intrigue. A glint of admiration danced in Hazel's eyes as she regarded him, a newfound light shining within her.
"What kind of club are you in?" Hazel's voice held a hint of curiosity, her interest piqued by Aiden's involvement in a world unknown to her.
"A theater club. It's nothing serious, just a way to have fun. We perform at small theaters and such. I received a lot of flowers in my freshman year. I have pictures, want to see?" Aiden's casual demeanor and offer to share glimpses of his past sparked a wave of curiosity in Hazel.
As Aiden scrolled through his phone, revealing snapshots of his younger self immersed in the theatrical world, Hazel couldn't help but be captivated. The images painted a picture of a vibrant, popular individual, radiating with a charisma that set him apart from the crowd.
"You're amazing..." Hazel's words carried a sense of awe and admiration, her gaze lingering on the images before her.
"So you give feedback to scripts and things, huh? That's interesting," Hazel remarked, her interest in Aiden's world growing with each revelation.
Aiden, sensing a shift in Hazel's demeanor, inquired, "What's up with you today? You seem to have something on your mind."
With a breath of courage, Hazel opened up to Aiden, sharing the favor she had received at work and subtly hinting at her desire for his assistance in reviewing the script.
"Sure, I can do that," Aiden's response was met with a wave of relief from Hazel, grateful for his willingness to help.
"Thank you," Hazel expressed her gratitude, a sense of comfort washing over her as she felt supported by Aiden's generosity.
"Come here, then," Aiden's playful tone beckoned Hazel to join him on the living room couch, tapping the seat next to him with a mischievous grin.
"Take a seat right now, and I might be kind enough to take a look," Aiden's teasing remark elicited a chuckle from Hazel, her heart warmed by his playful nature.
"Oh... You are one cheeky kid," Hazel teased back, a smile dancing on her lips.
"Was I? I'm sorry, I won't do it again," Aiden's response was laced with sincerity, his willingness to adapt to Hazel's playful banter evident.
"You don't have to apologize for it..." Hazel's words hung in the air, a sense of camaraderie and comfort enveloping the room as they settled into a shared moment of connection and collaboration.
In the midst of their playful banter, Aiden's voice carried a hint of mystery and excitement.
"Alright. But seriously, come over here. I want to try something together," Aiden's words held a sense of anticipation, drawing Hazel closer to him.
"Together? What?" Hazel's curiosity peaked, her gaze fixed on Aiden as she awaited his next move.
"I'll tell you once you're here," Aiden's enigmatic reply sparked a sense of intrigue in Hazel, prompting her to take a step closer.
"...You are cheeky. I'm here. You happy?" Hazel's playful remark was met with a grin from Aiden, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Yes, I am. That's perfect," Aiden's response was filled with a sense of satisfaction, as if a puzzle piece had finally fallen into place.
As they settled into their shared space, Aiden delved into the world of an oriental fantasy, painting a vivid picture of a noble girl and a werewolf in a tale of unexpected romance.
"I'm starting from here. Okay?" Aiden's voice broke the silence, his arm moving gently to Hazel's waist, a gesture that sent a wave of warmth through her.
"What's... up with this hand...." Hazel's words trailed off, her mind racing with a mix of confusion and curiosity.
Aiden's closeness caught her off guard, his presence so near that she could feel his breath against her skin.
"No, hold on. What is this thing you can do, when I'm closer?" Hazel's voice wavered, a hint of uncertainty in her tone.
"This. Reading this together. I'm starting, okay?" Aiden's words were soft, his gaze fixed on the script before them.
"In this position?" Hazel's question hung in the air, a mix of surprise and disbelief coloring her words.
As Aiden leaned closer, his head resting on her shoulder, Hazel's heart raced with a flurry of emotions. The proximity between them felt both exhilarating and unnerving, a whirlwind of sensations enveloping her.
"So close..." Hazel's whisper carried a hint of vulnerability, her thoughts swirling as she found herself captivated by Aiden's presence.
Aiden's features, so close to hers, revealed a boyish charm that she couldn't ignore, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief.
"No, stop bullshitting around and..." Hazel's words faltered, her mind struggling to focus as she tried to make sense of the moment.
With a jolt of realization, Hazel snapped back to reality, her eyes scanning the script before her.
"What is this now?" Hazel's voice held a mix of curiosity and intrigue, her attention shifting from the whirlwind of emotions to the world of words and storytelling that lay before them.
Startled by the unexpected turn of events in the script, Hazel's mind raced with a mix of shock and disbelief.
"Stop it, god damn it. Don't imagine such a thing. In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy -" Hazel's words tumbled out in a flurry, her attempt to ward off the inappropriate thoughts swirling in her mind.
"Master, I'm cold. Give me a hug..." Aiden's voice interrupted her thoughts, his words sending a shiver down Hazel's spine.
"Wait, hold on... what the hell is going on? What did I just hear?" Hazel's voice wavered, her mind reeling with the unexpected turn of events in the script.
As Aiden called out to her, Hazel's attention snapped back to the present moment.
"Hey," Aiden's voice was gentle, his gaze fixed on Hazel with a hint of curiosity.
"Hm?" Hazel's response was tinged with a mix of confusion and embarrassment.
"Why aren't you saying anything? I almost fell asleep. How are your eyes so big? You look cute as hell right now," Aiden's words, filled with sincerity, caused a blush to creep up on Hazel's cheeks.
Aiden's close proximity only added to Hazel's flustered state, her heart racing with a mix of emotions.
"hazel?" Aiden's voice held a note of concern, his eyes searching hers for a response.
"I won't, I can't!" Hazel's words spilled out, a mix of panic and uncertainty in her tone.
"You can't? Why?" Aiden's question hung in the air, his gaze soft yet probing.
"I, I just can't! I... just want to see other parts first!" Hazel's words stumbled out, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.
"Okay, then," Aiden's simple acceptance eased the tension in the air, his understanding demeanor calming Hazel's nerves.
"I'm sorry, Aiden..." Hazel's apology was laced with a mix of regret and relief, grateful for Aiden's patience and understanding.
"Let's go over here, then. This one looks fun," Aiden's voice broke the momentary silence, his enthusiasm infectious as he flipped through the script to a new scene.
As they delved into the world of the script, focusing on a scene at the marketplace, Aiden's excitement was palpable.
"Master, look at this! There are so many cool things here," Aiden's voice was filled with wonder and curiosity, drawing Hazel into the scene as they embarked on a new chapter of their shared exploration.
In the bustling marketplace, Hazel's voice cut through the noise, a mix of exasperation and amusement lacing her words.
"Stay still. Why are you so all over the place?" Hazel's question hung in the air, directed at Aiden, who seemed to be caught up in the excitement of their surroundings.
"Because I like being with you!" Aiden's response was filled with sincerity, his gaze fixed on Hazel with a warmth that made her heart flutter.
"Just stay still. There's a lot of people here, it's easy to lose each other," Hazel's practical reminder was met with Aiden's playful distraction.
"Do you want to eat that? It's your favorite. It smells good," Aiden's offer of a familiar treat was met with a sigh from Hazel.
"You aren't listening to me at all...!" Hazel's words trailed off, a mix of fond exasperation and amusement in her tone.
"I can find you wherever you're at, don't worry!" Aiden's reassurance was accompanied by a laugh that echoed through the marketplace, drawing curious glances from passersby.

Komento sa Aklat (95)

  • avatar

    muito bom muito bom o livro livro da para ler para ganhar moeda pessoal só precisa ler isso daí pronto aí só dá para resgatar os demais aí para pegar todos os livros para atualizar os livros são muito bons mas eu preciso ir depois eu volto aqui


  • avatar
    Joesryl Jaculina Agunda



  • avatar
    Marlyn Magsumbol

    It such a nice story! Must read, everyone🫶🥰


  • Tingnan Lahat

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Mga Pinakabagong Kabanata