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Chapter 5

Tonight, Alice is still in a bar in the heart of the city. There he who previously looked so chaotic, has now begun to improve. Walking slowly while shaking, Alice found a chair and then she sat there just to relieve dizziness. Not long after came a servant who offered him alcohol. Although her mind was already on the verge of sanctity, Alice still picked it up and then took a sip of the glass of alcohol until it ran out. The frustration he experienced was a lot. A life that cannot be separated from the problems that come to him. Tonight the atmosphere in the bar full of people made him feel a different world life. Alice, who was still sitting there, it wasn't long before a young girl with short black hair saw herself there. From a distance the girl noticed him.
"Eh? It seems that I know that person," the girl murmured. Curious about what she had just seen, the girl finally came to Alice who was sitting in the back seat of the bar.
"Oh, Alice! Wow you've been drunk so badly," the girl said in surprise.
"Huh? Who are you?"
"It's me Dolly."
"Gosh. This kid. You better just go home. Your condition is already terrible," Dolly said, holding Alice. Not long after, the taxi ordered by Dolly finally came and Alice directly entered it and Dolly had to force it.
"Sir. Please take this child to the address I gave."
Alice then went in a taxi. Inside the taxi he was still unconscious, making the taxi driver shake his head. Dolly, who was still at the bar, then ordered another alcohol while chatting with someone in front of her. Apparently the person who was with him was his schoolmate. The two look familiar. They also laughed a lot. At this time Alice had already arrived in front of her house. Because he was not strong enough to walk, he finally just sat down at the door of his house. a few minutes later, his father opened the door and as soon as he saw such Alice, he dragged her directly. Alice then slept in her room until morning. The next day he just realized that yesterday night was seriously drunk. The expression on his face that looked surprised then got out of his bed to go to the bathroom.
"Alice!" cried her father with an angry expression.
"You've gone crazy! You could have been drunk like that yesterday. You should have gone home early."
"Yes, I'm sorry."
"You kid is useless!"
'Ah, shit,' inner Alice
Alice then entered the bathroom. 30 minutes later, Alice had already finished taking a shower and was preparing to leave for campus. This morning he had to make breakfast first before leaving. The creepy-looking atmosphere of the house made him want to leave immediately. Alice's second sister was already at the dinner table with her father. Alice then sat in front of the two of them while enjoying breakfast. After finishing breakfast, Alice went straight to campus by bus. Once he was on the bus, he picked up an earphone and started listening to music. The morning was quite annoying to make him have to close his ears for a while. Arriving at college, Alice went to class quickly. And then he met Dolly.
"You look good apparently. What happened? Why did you usually look so miserable yesterday?" said Dolly to Alice who was sitting in her chair.
"You don't need to know."
"Hey! We've been friends since high school. You're going to go on like that?"
"Oh, that's right too. But, interfering in other people's affairs is not good either."
Dolly langsung terdiam dan pergi untuk duduk di kursinya. Selama ini, banyak sekali yang mendatanginya karena maksud dan tujuan tertentu. Alice sudah membiasakan diri hidup sendirian. Karena itulah, begitu dirinya menemukan seseorang yang mulai ikut campur dengan urusannya akan terusik. Tidak terasa profesor sudah datang. Kelas pun akhirnya dimulai. Kelas di jam pertama berhasil dilewati setelah satu jam mengikuti kelas. Alice kemudian merapikan catatannya dan hendak pergi ke perpustakaan. Begitu dia beranjak dari tempat duduknya, Theresia datang menghampirinya.
“Kau akan pergi ke perpustakaan?” tanya Theresia dengan wajah ceria. Sambil memegang buku-buku.
“Ah, iya. Kau mau ikut?”
“Oh iya Alice, kau sudah mendengar kabar itu? mereka terus membicarakannya apa tidak tahu kalau itu tidaklah sopan.”
“Kabar apa?”
“Oh, ternyata kau belum tahu rupanya. Okay akan ku beritahu. Jadi begini, anak dari kelas sebelah dia katanya bunuh diri di gedung H7. Kabarnya dia melakukan itu karena merasa tertekan.”
“Apa? siapa?”
“Anak jurusan akuntansi juga dia bernama Lisanna. Kau yakin tidak mengenalnya?”
“Tunggu dulu, dari mana kau mendapatkan berita itu?”
“Pihak kampus memang sengaja menutupinya dan membuat kejadian itu tidak pernah terjadi. Kau tahu kenapa? Jawabannya akan merusak reputasi perguruan tinggi ini. Dan lagi hanya segelintir orang yang mengetahuinya termasuk aku. Jika bukan karena mereka ramai membicarakannya di forum internet aku tidak akan mengetahui fakta ini.”
“Jadi ada pihak yang memberikannya di forum internet. Karena itu menyebar?”
“Iya betul.”
“Bagaimana mereka tahu kalau Lisanna bunuh diri karena tertekan?”
“Itu karena beberapa postingannya yang memperlihatkan keputusasaan. Tidak bukan hanya itu saja, beberapa pesan chatnya juga terlihat aneh.”
“Lalu, tidak ada yang melapor polisi?”
“Tentu saja tidak. Jika melaporkan kepada polisi reputasi kampus ini akan hancur itulah yang pasti di pikirkan mereka.”
“Tidak manusiawi.”
Mereka berdua akhirnya sampai di sebuah perpustakaan. Keduanya lalu duduk. Alice membuka catatannya dan kemudian melanjutkan tugasnya yang belum usai. Begitu juga dengan Theresia. Suasananya terlihat tenang dan damai. Memang tempat ini sangat nyaman untuk menjadi pelarian ketika hawa panas mengerikan melanda emosi. Alice dengan tekun mengerjakan tugasnya. Tiba-tiba seseorang menelponnya. Lalu dengan cepat Alice mengangkat panggilan tersebut.
“Ini dengan Alice Cooper?”
“Iya. Ada apa? ini dengan siapa?”
“Saya sepupu anda. Solano Nightray.”
“Ah, ada perlu apa?” ucap Alice yang mendadak lesu.
“Apa akhir pekan ini kau ada waktu? Bagaimana kalau kita bertemu. Sudah lama sekali bukan? Aku ingin mengetahui kabarmu Alice.”
“Ya. Boleh saja.”
“Baiklah. Nanti akan ku hubungi kembali. Sampai jumpa.”
Panggilan tersebut kemudian terputus. Ekspresi wajah Alice yang sebelumnya terlihat baik-baik saja langsung berubah menjadi datar. Perasaan yang cukup gila mulai muncul dalam dirinya. Alice kemudian kembali ke meja tempat di mana Theresia berada.
‘Sialan,’ batin Alice
“Oh, kau sudah selesai? Siapa itu?”
“Ah iya. Itu.... kerabat jauhku.”
“Hmm.... begitu. Rupanya mereka sangat dekat denganmu ya?”
“Tidak juga.”

Komento sa Aklat (766)

  • avatar
    glaiza marieTanayan



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    Diaz, Clyde duztine S.BLENDED-

    maganda yung storya may pa pupulot na aral at ang daming plat twist na gustohan ko siya


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    Otaba Jc



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