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CAT and DOG 2.2

I spent the rest of my afternoon sketching the stunning view from the Namsan tower which are most parts of the city. I could also see the dramatic views of the city from its perch on the side of Mount Namsan.
Since I was so mad at that jerk, I decided that this would be my escape to bad vibes for the day. I have no idea why he treats me like that. Ji-hoon doesn’t even make fun of me or insult me from the first time we meet, but this Eun-woo-jerk stepbrother of mine is getting into my blood veins.
If he’s not even drunk, why would he assault me like that? Well, let’s say I attacked him first because he called me ugly, but…
Sigh. I don’t know.
At the end of the day, I decided to buy fresh fruits at the market and didn’t let myself stay out too late. I got a bit tired and I decided to go back to the penthouse apartment. When I finally reached the main entrance of the penthouse, I couldn’t help but suddenly remember Mizuki. It might sound weird, but I do miss him.
We might not be that close or even consider each other as friends, but the fact that he saved my life from danger when I first got here means a lot to me. There’s no way I will forget him, especially when he said that we would meet again. I believe it will happen someday even though it seems very impossible since Seoul is huge.
A few more steps and I finally reached the front of the two elevators that will send us to the highest floor. I don’t even understand why they created two elevators. One would be enough.
I was completely shocked when someone touched me on my right shoulder and it made me scream my lungs out.
“Whoa, whoa! It’s me!” Eun-woo called my attention while trying to defend himself, thinking I’m about to hit him with the bag I’m holding.
“Oh my god. Why would you appear like that? You scared the hell out of me.” I sighed heavily and in relief. This jerk never ceases to stress me out and I haven’t even stayed with him for a week.
“I waited for you,” he said with no hint of tease from his voice.
I raised my eyebrows at him. “Oh. May I ask why?”
Actually, I’m pretty scared of the facial expression he’s showing me right now. He looked so innocent as if he’s about to confess his sins to a priest… which could be me in this situation.
“I just wanted to apologize for what I did yesterday. Even though I admit that I wasn’t completely drunk, I shouldn’t have taken the opportunity to scare you like that and make you uncomfortable,” he explained to me.
I am at a loss for words. What’s gotten into him? Did he realize his mistake after I left him at the market?
I gulped. “Apology accepted.”
His face suddenly brightened up again. “Really? I can’t believe you’re this nice.”
“I don’t like someone hating me and I don’t like hating someone,” I told him before I continued to enter the elevator on the right side.
I heard him follow me inside before taking the bags of fruits I bought from the market which made me glance at him.
“Let me help you with this one, then.”
After reaching the top floor, Eun-woo was the one who entered the code on the keypad door lock. We found Soo-jin still there, but not Ji-hoon. He must be out with his friends again. Soo-jin was so happy to see me and Eun-woo getting along, so she decided to cook us dinner.
I stayed inside my bedroom after changing my clothes to more comfortable ones. I wore a pair of fuzzy cotton PJ shorts and a crop top before covering myself with a fuzzy coat as well. Since I’m starting to get comfortable with hanging out with my stepbrothers, I think I should loosen all the burden.
Using my tablet, I decided to check the university’s schedule so that I could visit there and complete my requirements. I was distracted when someone knocked outside my bedroom door.
“Dinner’s ready.” I think that was Eun-woo who called me. I can’t believe he’s being really nice to me.
I quickly put down my stuff on the accent table and got off the bed. I wore my indoor fuzzy slippers before rushing to open the door. But, I was surprised to see Eun-woo standing a few inches in front of me. The way he was staring at me was like he had turned into a lion ready to attack its prey.
“Is there something wrong?” I asked him in curiosity.
“Come with me in my bedroom after dinner…” It was unbelievable for me to hear him speak in a serious tone.
“I will not repeat what I've said.” He turned his back on me and walked away as if there was nothing wrong with what he just told me.
I remained silent in the middle of having my dinner when Soo-jin started a casual conversation asking me about my plans in continuing my studies in SADI. She also said that Mr. Woo-jin told her about it, that's why she wanted to help me get familiar with some stuff.
“Is Multimedia Arts under the course of Fine Arts?” Soo-jin asked.
“Most likely,” Eun-woo replied.
“That means Isla is majoring in multimedia arts just like you, Eun-woo.” Soo-jin looked at me. “Am I right?”
I looked at him and he just remained silent. He may not answer Soo-jin’s question, so I will go for the silence means yes. Lol.
“Do you have your portfolio already?” Eun-woo suddenly asked me.
I swallowed the food I finished chewing before nodding at him.
“What’s the portfolio for?” Soo-jin asked us.
“It is a collection of your best work to showcase your current skills. It’s important when pursuing courses like fine arts,” Eun-woo continued explaining.
“Oh, yeah! I remembered you had yours made before stepping in as a freshman,” Soo-jin pointed at Eun-woo and I wasn’t even aware he happened to do that.
“Wait. Which university are we talking about?” I asked them.
Eun-woo looked at me after taking a spoonful of his meal. “Are you even listening to the conversation? We’re talking about SADI.”
“SADI?!” I exclaimed.
I have no idea he’s going to the same university as I am! Why did no one even mention it earlier? I can’t believe I’ll be seeing him as well in the university. Oh well, I remembered that his father owned the university. That for sure would give Eun-woo the privilege to study in the top university in Seoul. But, I wonder where Ji-hoon could be studying?
“I heard your courses are very competitive programs in any university and I bet SADI is included in these universities,” Soo-jin told us. “Good luck with your studies, kids.”
Yeah. Good luck to me.
Soo-ji left the apartment after having dinner with us, so I volunteered to wash the dishes as an appreciation for Soo-jin’s shrimp rosé pasta. It features spaghetti noodles smothered in a tomato cream sauce infused with garlic, onion, and chili, and loaded with juicy succulent shrimp. Having to taste Soo-jin’s version of it was one of the best moments of my life… and taste buds.
While in the middle of quietly wiping dry the plates with a clean napkin, there goes a sudden voice that shocked me again. “What’s taking you so long?”
I turned around to look at Eun-woo and he was just standing at the corner, waiting for me with both his hands crossed in front of his chest.
“I’m almost finished,” I said before turning my back to him again. But, he suddenly grabbed my right hand that was holding the napkin while his other hand took the plate that my left hand was holding.
He placed down the plate above the counter, took the napkin from my hand without even letting go of my hand that was holding it, threw it on top of the counter as well, and then dragged me out of the kitchen.
I don’t know what’s with the rush and I’m kind of getting nervous.
As we reached his bedroom, he let go of my hand and stood there beside me and in front of his bedroom door. He opened it before looking at me. I looked at him as well and remained looking at each other. That’s when I almost realized his face was telling me to get the fuck inside. So, I did.
Upon entering his room, I can’t believe it was made artistically using only a single color. WHITE. The wallpapers and the floor designs were crafted creatively. I thought he was one of the guys who prefer plain-colored rooms. My full attention went to him after he entered the room and closed the door.
Wait. Why is he closing the door?
I remained standing while looking at his every move. He gave me a glare that looked like a seducing one before going to his drawers. I don't know if I should think of something else, but that's what's happening to my mind right now. Dirty.
I almost freaked out after he closed the drawer loudly. My eyes remain locked on him as he slowly approaches me. I didn't even know what he was holding in his hands so I remained calm, yet ready to defend.
“Stay calm and don’t move.” His voice was above a whisper and it tickled my senses.
I remained calm just like what he asked me to do not until he went closer in front of me, thinking that he’ll hug me the reason I closed my eyes. But, he slowly and carefully removed my fuzzy coat which made me open my eyes and look at him.
What is he doing to me?
I gulped nervously as I tried to observe what he was doing by feeling his every move, his skin’s very touch on mine. As soon as the coat was completely removed by him, I froze at the moment while he was staring at me and my semi-bared skin. I feel bothered by how my body curves were shown in front of a man who is my stepbrother.
He approached me so I looked away from him. If he’s planning to do something fishy on me, I would really kick his–
“Let me take your measurement.”
I eye-widened at him and that’s when he showed me the tape measure he had been holding after getting it from the drawer. I relaxed my body and maintained a proper stance. I can’t believe I looked like a fool after making an assumption, and it's so embarrassing if he only knows.
He started taking my arm length and width before he proceeded to my neck width. Then, to my bust.
“I'll be measuring your bust next,” he said. “Lift your arms sidewards.”
He was so focused on what he was doing, and placing the tape measure around my chest didn’t seem to bother him. He wasn't malicious at all which made me comfortable to be with him.
I continued watching him with what he was doing until our eyes met. We stared at each other for quite a short time, and he was the first one to withdraw his sight from mine.
“Eun-woo,” I called him for the first time.
He wasn't looking at me. “What?”
“Can you tell me honestly?” I asked out of curiosity.
He didn't answer my question and he just continued to measure me. He got closer as he wrapped the tape measure around my waist. His face is a few inches closer to mine and our staring contest is a little intense.
“Tell you what?”
“Were you even sincere with your apology earlier?” I continued asking him.
He sighed deeply as I felt the tape measure suddenly tighten on my waist, then he looked at me in my eyes. “You tell me…”
“Why would you make me tell you? I’m the one asking the ques–”
I yelped as soon as he pulled the tape measure which was also the reason for us to almost kiss after how close our faces got to each other. I immediately but gently bit my lower lip in nervousness. I could also feel my hands starting to tremble again.
“What makes you think I’m not sincere with it?” His eyes looked back on my waist and continued to measure it before biting the pen he was using to write down my measurement on a piece of paper.
“I don't know. That's why I'm asking you just to make sure,” I replied to him. “I also wanted to know if you hate me.”
“Why would you think I hate you?” He can't seriously answer my questions with another question.
That's just wrong in so many ways!
“W-Well… the way you looked at me only tells me you don't like me,” I stammered.
He smirked at me while the pen was still in between his lips.
“And I can tell from the beginning, you don't like me being here,” I continued. “In the same place as you.”
He removed the tape measure and took the pen from his lips as he wrote the measurements he got.
“But, even though we started on the wrong side, I wanted to be close to you just like we’re really siblings,” I said.
He stopped with what he was doing before he looked at me. His reaction was serious. “Why?”
“It's because I've been alone my whole life. I’m an only child. I had no one to play with when I was younger, and I have no friends at all. I’ve left the only friend back in the Philippines because I have to move here–”
“I don't want to.” He gave me the paper where he wrote down my body measurements. “We’re done now. You can get out of my room.”
After taking the paper from him, he went to fix his bed and got ready to take some rest. I remained standing in the same place where I am, feeling down and confused.
I don’t understand why he’s acting like this again. What’s going on? He was very nice earlier but now… Is he just pretending because Soo-jin was here?
“Can you tell me why you don’t want it?” I questioned without even looking at him.
“It's because I don't like people like you.”
I slowly looked at him and he was standing beside his bed also looking at me.
“Do you think just because my father accepted you it will be the same for me?” He asked. “You move and live here, and yet you cannot speak the language. What would you want me to do? Adjust for you just because you're from another country?”
I don't know what to say. I don't know why he’s getting mad just because I cannot speak Korean. That’s so shallow of him.
“For your information, I didn't grow up here. I don't even have Korean lineage and that's why I cannot speak the language,” I answered him. “I can't believe you're making it such a big deal!”
“Do you ever try to learn? For once in your life, have you thought something like ‘oh I should learn the language just in case I get to speak with the rest of the people there?’”
“I… did learn a few words, but it takes time–”
He clicked his tongue before completely ignoring me and continued fixing his bedsheets. “Just get out.”
“I will only get out of this hell hole of yours if you make me understand your reasons,” I told him.
He looked at me again. He’s really serious now.
“You're the reason I was put into this mess. Do you think I can do anything about it? No!”
I don't understand what he meant by that, but I'm almost getting into my limits.
“I’ve been trying to get over the past, but you suddenly came into my life and messed with it! Don’t you know how much pain I’ve endured just to forget everything?!”
I started to lose the conversation after he opened a different reason. It seems like he’s being pressured by a certain past in his life, but I’m not sure what exactly.
He immediately realized what he had been saying to me and I noticed how he changed his reaction. Then, I was shocked when he suddenly went closer to me and started pushing me out of his room.
“I told you to get out of my room! Get out!”
I wasn’t able to say anything and he slammed the door in front of me eventually.

Komento sa Aklat (137)

  • avatar
    Cj Magnifico

    nadadala ako ng emosyon nito😊😊


  • avatar
    Kim Yarcia

    good job


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