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The Art

I feel the sensation of wetness envolop my body... am I sweating? No... it's water, why is it so dark? I can't breathe, where am I?.
Am I still in the ocean? It's pitch black I can't see anything, am I falling in an abyss? it's cold as ice, almost unbearable. 
I continue to sink lower and lower but the lower I go the hotter it gets... I can feel the heat and pressure crushing me.
I look to the bottom and there's a bright light shining, blue flames at the very bottom of the ocean, the water continues to heat up almost boiling me.
"kai!" I hear a voice yell from the flames.
I look to the bottom and try to answer it but water fills my lungs.
I feel the agonizing pain of drowning, oxygen escaping my body as water finds its way in.
"Kai!!" the voice gets louder.
I look again and see dead bodies burning in the flames, some still alive trying to crawl out as they suffer in agony.
I see someone standing on top the bodies staring back at me, his eyes were those of a corpse.... it... it's Jay?. 
"you did this kai its all your fault you did this!" His voice distorts.
I sink closer and closer until Jay grabs onto my leg, air escapes my lungs as I try to scream in pain, His hands burn as hot as magma.
I try to scream but water continues to fill my lungs. "Kai! Kai!! Kai!!!" He yells as he drags me lower into the flames.
"Kai wake up!!!"
*I wake up grasping for air*
"You okay bud?" Jay says to me.
I let out an awkward laugh "Yeah, just had a bad dream thats all" 
"What was the dream about?"
"Um... just drowning"
"You still have nightmares about 4 years  ago?"
"It's only been 4 years? Feels so much longer"
*Jay punches my arm* "Show no weakness remember, wipe that gloomy look off your face, it's lunch time" he flashes a big grin at me.
"Who you calling a wuss?" I kick him to the ground..."cry baby"
"You jerk!"
I run out of the room and into the halls before he can get his revenge.
Nejire no ha, my new home... huh... well not really new anymore, i've spent as much time here as I did in my old home.
But the difference between here and home... everything is training... actually a fight for yoyr life would be more accurate.
The cafeteria is located at the top floor, but we don't really have... well... stairs you wanna eat? you have to know how to run on walls and climb ropes, everything is an obstacle coarse here, I swear if there was a more difficult way to drink water, this would be where it's discovered.
Jay chases me into the halls and shots are fired, Arrows start to shoot out from the walls but we evade them with ease. We've memorised the patterns by now.
We can here the foot steps off other students behind us, some of them dropping like flies.
We ran for the wall at the end of the hall where we saw andopening to slide under.
Some kids were able to run past us and try to slide through, but the floor board sprung up and sent them flying into the seeling.
"Holy shi.."
"Language Kai!"
"When did they add that? That could have been us"
"No time to worry about th-"
A trap door opens under Jay and he nearly falls but i'm quick to grab him and throw him to the wall, he runs on it for the trap and I follow him behind.
As our feet touch the ground we dash and slide under the opening to the other side of the wall.
Before we could fully catch our balance a giant axe like blade swinging from side to side nearly turns as to a 2 for 1 special but luckily we have sharp reflexes and slide under it as well.
We make our way to the wall and run up it till we can jump to the ropes on the other side. As we climb to the top we look down and some students are making it to the ropes while some are injured or.... worse.
In Nejire no ha if you only leave with a few injuried thank your God.
As we got to the top we are greeted by the sweet aroma of ramen.
Me and Jay sit down to eat with big stupid smiles on our faces, food just tastes amazing when you fight for your life to get it.
I notice Jay drewling over my second drum stick "My word just take it dude, next time just ask instead of starkng like a creep".
"Yayyy hehe" he exclaims with a big grin.
I notice a Japanese boy next to me looking at me and talking to his friend "kare agemasu soto niwatori? Watashi shikou kokujin hitobito ai niwatori"
*Translation "he gave out his chicken? I thought black people loved chicken"
Dafuq did he just say " Hito shusabetsu shugi-sha no kuso ya-!" *Translation * (you racist mother-)
"Kai!" Jay yelled. "Language"
"My mistake" I turn back to the boy "kai dan wariyar launin fata u-"
"Kai! You know thats not what I meant"
The boy looks at me with confusion. "you speak Japanese?"
Is he retarded? The only thing most people speak here is Japanese of course I speak it.
"yOu sPeAk jApAnEsE" I respond laughing and mocking him. "It's best you don't speak english dude, your voice is sucks"
I could see the anger on his face as he stood up puffing his chess and tried to hit me with his tray, I blocked it and threw the rest of my ramen in his face then kicked him back.
I then I stood up from my seat and threw a back flipp of the table it wasn't necessary... but I felt like emoting on his ass. 
He stood up wiped some ramen off himself.
"Why do you look so angry? I thought Asians loved ramen?"
"You stupid brat!"
He grabs a fork and charges at me, he slashed at the top of my head but I quickly I ducke under it.
Did a 180 spin for momentum to elbow his torso then I put one hand on the ground to support my body then gave him a swift caipoera kick to the head, but he blocks it and grabs my leg. 
I twist my body and grab his leg bringing him to the ground and putting him in a lock.
He slams his hands into the ground and uses brute strenght to push himself off the ground and kick off my grip... damn didn't expect him to be this strong.
He quickly gets off the ground and stomps my chest to the ground, the intensity of the inpact force saliva put of my mouth and into his eyes.
While he was stunned, without catching my breath I kick him in the chin knocking him to the ground.
I get up and grab his collar to pull him in and punch his face but he grabs my hand and tries to counter punch.
We hear a mature voice yell. "The two of you... come with me right now."
"Fightiing in the cafeteria? Wasting food like uncivilised dogs?" Ou-sama yelled at us.
"but he..."
"Be quiet Hijiro, You dissapoint me, you are his superior in class, as his superior and my son you are supposed to leave a better example, but here you are at the centre of nonsense" 
My heart dropped... did he just say his son? Oh shit... oh shit... i'm going to die... what have I done...I am screwed I just fought with the masters son, crap is that a black eye on his face? Is it hot in here?
"Ten strokes of the whip for kai nashi"
Phew I got off easy- why is that whip as thick as my arm? Crud crud crud crud... okay okay, I can take 10 i've been through worse... I bet Hijiro will probably get off with a warning or some shit.
  "Fifty for hijiro"
My eyes widened in shock... fifty? to his own son.... is his heart made of ice?
Hijiro so that was his name as I was lost in thought I didn't know when the first stroke landed on my back I scream in pain. 
"Cry and I add ten for every tear drop, weakness is a sin"
So I took the ten without crying my red and a bit scratched up but I endured.... but what shocked me was Hijiro took all fifty without making a sound he... was obviously in pain it was written on his face but he would not make a sound and would not cry, he really must be... masters son.
"Now go back to your rooms and don't come out today, the training halls will be reserved for testing your upper classmen"
"Yes sir!" We both reply.
Later that night I creep up to Jays bed "Jay" I whisper as I tap his face.
"What is it" he sounds tired and irritated.
"Want to go watch the upper classmen?"
"But master said stay inside, do you hate living?"
"Must you do everything your told?"
"must you always be a goat?"
"Ha ha, come on Jay just this once, we are gonna take this test one day don't you wanna have a headstart?" 
"Mtch, fine but if we get caught I'll throw you under the bus"
We had to sneak through the windows in order not to trigger any noisy traps. 
Using the shadows we were able to sneak past the assassins guarding the halls unnoticed. It felt kinda cool especially knowing that if we wanted to.... we could end their lives here, while they are unaware. 
Once we reached the training hall where the test was taking place we hid amongst the shadows to watch, the assassin assessing their test, inform them on the rules.
"Today's test will be a bit different fron usual, all your combat training has ended when someone yields, but this one will not end till your opponent can no longer stand, only half of you are leaving this hall... we need atrenght not numbers, now...Kimiko... Jin... step up"
The upper classmen were amazing, even when told they might they, they had no worry on their face.
Once their fight began their movements were like nothing I'd ever seen before they moved with such grace such agility such elegance.
The fight went on for a while, one of the Kimiko threw a shuriken at Jin but he dodged it with minimal movement.
Her knee came flying towards his face in the middle of his dodge... she already started running from the moment she threw the kunai... interesting.
He was able to block the attack to his face but was met with a clean punch to his jaw knocking him to the ground.
He tries to get up but she kicks him in the gut knocking him back.
He stands up to continue fighting but immediately drops to one knee as he notices blood dripping from his stomach. "How the hell?" He says struggling to speak.
I was shocked myself so I took a proper look at her feet... there was a blade at the tip of her shoe.
"End it" the teacher says to her.
She runs to Jin to kick him in the head, he tries to block but the blade pierces through his hand and enters his skull.
As I watched the light leave his eyes only one word came to mind...
..... Amazing

Komento sa Aklat (157)

  • avatar
    Ashenry Pena



  • avatar
    Bryan Dizon



  • avatar
    Leogie Ado

    wow nice


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