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Broken: Tale of a twisted blade

Broken: Tale of a twisted blade



As I descend lower into the ocean my body full of metal, pierced by many blades, including my own sticking out of my back, I see my blood float up like a beautiful red cloud carrying me up to heaven.
Ha, funny as if any God would accept a monster like me. Oh yeah, that's right seeing as I'm about to die I should probably tell you how I got here.
Well, it all started... just like this actually...
*12 years earlier*
I gain consciousness... why do I feel so tired? Where am I? Why are the lights off? Is there something on my face, why can't I see anything...I try to move but I notice my hands are bound, I feel a kick land on my body sending me across the room.
"You move when I tell you to move child" I hear a thunderous voice with a foreign accent.
As I lay on the floor gasping for air I felt someone pick me up and take off my blindfold.
I look to my side I see another boy my age crying in the corner, he looks like he might be from the same place as me.
We both had braided hair which was black as coal, he had brown eyes while mine were an icy blue, he was shaking with fear and to tell you the truth so was I...well what four-year-old wouldn't be?
The boy's tears ran deeper and his cries got louder making it harder to hold it in myself.
So tears began to stream down my cheeks.
I looked at him and tried to get his attention "Hey....kid...look at me, we are going to be alright okay? My dad is strong okay? he'll come to save us" 
He looked at me and nodded in agreement trying to quiet his cries.
"What's your name?" I asked.
He wiped his tears on his shoulder. "It's Jay, what's yours?"
"My name is..."
The door slammed open cutting me off and there he was, the man who had taken us, he wore a sort of black uniform with a hood, it looked like it was made of leather but kind of reminded me of ninja outfits from the cartoons I had watched. he looked at us with an ice-cold stare that put chills down our spines.
He removed his hood and the face I saw was not the kind I was used to seeing, he looked different from us, his skin was pale and his hair was dark like coal and almost looked like silk, he was not from the same place we were.
"where are we?" I asked trying not to cry while my voice cracked up.
He looked at me and smiled like he had found a new toy to play with.
"I wanna go home!" I yelled trying to hide the fact that I was scared yet tears still filled my eyes trying to escape.
His smile disappeared and he came closer to me grabbing my face and inspecting it like I was merchandise before.
"Far away" he replies with a scoff. "Welcome to your new home little ones, from now on you aren't, Nigerians, you aren't African, you aren't humans, you don't even exist. This is Nejire no ha, rejoice for you have been chosen as our new twisted blades."
I looked at him confused and shaken, I couldn't understand what he was saying. 
I don't know whether it was because I was a child or cause his accent was messed up it sounded very different from how the people in my homeland would speak to me.
Jay sat there quietly bowing his head and staring at the ground trying to sob, seeing that only worsened my anxiousness.
"I wanna go home!" I yelled at the man in a fit of rage.
He was taken aback and looked at me like I had gone mad, so he picked up a rod and struck me for the disrespect.
That must have been the most painful thing I had felt in my short life back then, little did I know there was worse to come.
As I wiggle on the ground like a worm screaming in pain he picks me up and says "Two things we will not tolerate in this school and that is indiscipline and weakness so harding your heart, and cease from crying".
But I couldn't the tears kept coming, I was feeling so many emotions at once. 
I was scared and I was lost, my body had gone numb with pain.
I felt an intense hatred, not just for the treatment, but for every moment that passed where my father hadn't come to rescue me.
This man had no heart, he didn't stop no matter how much I cried he just continued to strike me till an hour had passed.
Until there was only silence. It was like the strokes just stopped hurting.
Or maybe it would be better to say I had gotten bored of reacting.
By the time the next stroke had landed all I could do was glare at him, all I could think about was his death by my hands. 
Once he noticed my eyes locked on him he flinched for a moment.
"Good you've stopped crying now bow your head, your eyes are pissing me off"
But I didn't stop he was a monster I hated him with every fibre of my being. "You must love pain" his eyebrow twitched with frustration.
As he was about to strike me again one of his colleagues stopped him "Calm down Yamato".
"The boy is stubborn, yes, but he's new merchandise, if he ended up dead by your hands what do you think would happen? Remember who's kid that is" he continued.
"Hm... well you do have a point" Yamato sighs. "So what do you suggest?"
"Take him to ou-sama" the colleague replies.
"Didn't you say you we shouldn't kill new merchandise?"
"I said he shouldn't die by your hands, if anyone can straighten him out it's master... if he survives it that is."
"Hm... alright then"
So I was carried away.
In the master chambers, I saw a man seated on a throne surrounded by blue flames with a giant statue of a dragon and another of a wolf behind him.
"Yamato... Toji.. what brings the two of you here?"
"One of the kids we brought back from Nigeria is proving to be a bit hard-headed" Toji replies.
He looks down and stares at me like I look familiar. "Those blue eyes... Is he.."
"Yup, that's his son..."
"What Is your name boy?" He asked me with a villainous smirk on his face.
But I said nothing, I just glared at him like I did Yamato.
He chuckled a bit "Boy if looks could kill, you are his spitting image.... and I find that disgusting" his smile disappears. "Beat him".
And so my torture continued for another hour, my bones aching and my body felt weak... why is this happening? What did I do? Why... why is this happening... and where is dad? My pain was unbearable but I had lost the will to scream.
"Stop" he raises his hand and walks towards me to raise my head. The intensity in my eyes only grew upon seeing his face so I spat on it.
"I guess you learnt nothing... let's try electricity," he says as he cleans his eyes.
Yamato and Toji look at each other with a bit of fear.
"Sir... if I may speak... he's just a 4-year-old... that might kill him."
"Hm... maybe" The master makes a gesture with his hands and I see a kunai fly into Toji's eye. "But I didn't permit you to speak."
As Toji lay on the floor in pain trying not to scream my heart sank, seeing blood for the first time I nearly screamed.. but I refused to give him that satisfaction so I looked away and gritted my teeth.
But he grabs my face and shoves it in Toji's pool of blood.
"Who said you could look away?" He takes a taser from his pocket and electrocutes the blood and my body starts to feel a pain I've never known.
"If you will not tell me your name forget it ever existed, lose all hope of ever seeing life outside, it doesn't exist for you, it will never exist for you again. You will never exist again, daddies not coming to save you cause even he knows we will kill him on sight. There is no hope for you, you stupid little child." The master yells.
He starts to laugh a bit "Hopeless... ha... yes that name would be befitting of you... from now on your name is Kai Nashi"
"No... it's... not!" I reply struggling to speak. 
"You have serious issues, child, you just might end up being my most twisted of blades.... alright then let me show you something".
He had his men carry me to the edge of the island to show me where I was.
My eyes widened as I saw a vast amount of space and darkness covered in water.... there was no hope of escape.
As I stared at the water it looked pitch black and there was nothing beyond.
The man known as Ou-sama approaches me and takes me from Yamato."You know what... if you wanna go home... swim".
And before I knew it... I was falling into the ocean sinking deeper and deeper as I struggled for air.
I struggled and struggled but there was no use the more I did the lower I sank losing more and more air. 
At that moment I started to realize I would never see my homeland again, and I would never see my family again, at that moment I realised... that hope was just a child's fantasy.
"my dad is strong? He is going to save us? What's a bloody politician going to do, damn it all! Maybe I should stop struggling and just die... the water is so cold, I can't breathe... it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts...
I do not want to be in pain, I do not want to die yet, I haven't even lived, my name can burn, my land can burn my parents can't burn, to hell with it all if it means I'll get to live I'll stop existing, I'll renounce it all my former life my family everything.
And in that moment when I had lost all hope when I decided to throw it all away....I swam, with my aching bones, with my broken ribs I swam till I reached the shore, and to my surprise, the master was still there... waiting for me.
"I was hoping you'd survive... what a sharp blade you will be.... now tell me... what is your name?" He says.
I tried to answer him as I grasped for air "kai.. Na ..shi".
"Have you become dumb? Do not stutter when speaking to me!" He yelled.
"My name is.... Kai nashi!!!".

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  • avatar
    Ashenry Pena



  • avatar
    Bryan Dizon



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    Leogie Ado

    wow nice


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