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I seriously couldn't hold my tears any longer and began to cry uncontrollably. I wonder what I have done to deserve this kind of treatment from Edgar.
"What the hell is wrong with you, Tetiana?! You're creeping me out."
Edgar spoke as he looked at me with puzzled eyes. Huh? I was confused as to why Edgar called me that name. Why are they calling me different names? Tetiana or Anna, I was sure that people mistook me for someone else. As I realised that, I was confused indeed. I stopped crying after noticing that he didn't act like the Edgar that I knew.
I finally spoke after my stupid break down earlier. But even after I said his name, Edgar just stared at me in confusion. His eyes are looking at me in a different way than usual. It was terrifying. He was looking at me as if he hated me.
"The hell? Did The Norm mess up with your brain or something?"
He eyed me weirdly. After hearing that, I was sure that he was not Edgar, but just someone who coincidentally looked like Edgar. I was dumfounded, of course. But being in this place, I don't know what else to expect. I was frustrated. What is wrong with me? Where am I? I can't help but feel pointless. No matter what I do, it seems like I really am in some kind of weird place. What's worse is when my legs started betraying me as I collapsed to the floor, cold hard concrete.
"Wo-EHHH? Why is she here?"
Another guy suddenly joined in; he looked puzzled just like the first guy—Edgar. My legs were glued to the ground as I looked up at the person, and I was right. I seriously have no idea where I am or who the heck is this person.
"DUDE! Why are you still here? Chester has been waiting for us."
The guy that just came said to Edgar-lookalike and urged him to leave me alone. I don't know why, but it seems like they don't like me at all considering they were giving me dirty looks. My head hurts. It was really hard to try and process everything that is going on right now. But still, I remembered the guy saying something about "The Norm," but I don't understand what it really means. I have no idea what the heck he is talking about. I wanted to ask them, but they didn't look pleased to see me at all. So, I decided to keep my mouth shut and just bury my head in my arms, waiting for them to leave.
They don't even give a single glance towards me and walk away, murmuring something, and I can't quite grasp what they were talking about since the rain is too loud. It was hard to believe that I was, in fact, still alive, but for some reason, this place was different. I can't help but hope that this was just a nightmare.

I woke up to the sound of footsteps, and honestly, I was really surprised to see people my age walking around and staring at me weirdly. Well, I can't really blame them since I'm still only covered with a blanket. It would obviously look weird to the others. It's really weird to be in this kind of situation. I can't help but to panic since I don't know what to do next. It was to be expected, but it was weird how people seemed to avoid me. I mean, I expected to be ignored, but their behaviour is kind of... too much, so exaggerated? Nobody seems to question why I am sitting on the cold concrete floor with only a blanket covering me. It was confusing and it was scary to try and approach the others.
It was hard to try and act like I wasn't terrified of the people around me. But I needed to get away to a place where there were fewer people. It would trouble me if I stayed here for any longer. And what's worse is, trying to ignore the weird looks people have been giving me, although I quietly walked with my head looking down, I could still feel their eyes on me. I have no idea where I am and I don't know anybody here. It was tiring to process the whole situation. But one thing is for sure, I didn't "really" die. But instead, I am alive, just in a different reality, maybe? That's the only explanation I could think of, for now.
"Why are you still not ready? We have class soon."
A girl approached me as I was lost in my own thoughts, but I was somehow grateful that someone was talking to me, although it was weird because she acted like she knew me. Maybe I could ask her about what is happening? I wanted an explanation, but the girl just looked at me with confusion and only told me to follow her. I kept telling her about my situation as I followed her every step, but she didn't say anything at all. What the heck? And what surprised me the most was when the girl, Serina, said that I was her best friend. Huh? how? What? or to be specific, Tetiana's best friend.
"Who the heck is Tetiana?"
I have noticed this ever since I woke up. The perverted bastard from before called me Anna, and the Edgar-lookalike called me Tetiana. Are they referring to the same person or am I being delusional? I was SO sure that they were talking to me, calling me that name. But why? The only explanation is that I became the person they referred to. It doesn't make sense at all, I know. But me being here is also... unexplainable. I believe that I was reincarnated as someone else in a different reality. Maybe? I don't know. That's the only explanation I can think of right now. Everything is so confusing, but I am so lucky that Serina was there to help me.
"It's okay, it's probably just the side effects from coming back from The Norm."
Serina mentioned, as I was even more confused. What the heck is the Norm? and side effects? HUH??? I did tell her about the fact that I'm not actually "Tetiana" since it was so absurd for me to be reincarnated into someone else, not to mention in another... reality. What kind of movie plot is this? But Serina didn't believe me at all. I kept telling her that I was still confused. I was, actually, but I don't know, did I really reincarnated into Tetiana? This is freaking horrifying. It was hard to believe if I really did become Tetiana, but I can't help but wonder, where is the real Tetiana if I'm here... being her?
"Um, Serina. What is The Norm? What do you mean by side effects?"
I decided to ask since I was really curious and confused with everything around me, and I was thankful to Serina since she gave me decent clothes—uniform. She didn't really answer my question, which is really weird, but I will wait for the explanation later. For now, I have no idea why she is giving me a uniform.
"You shouldn't go around saying things like that since it's a sensitive topic for everyone here. Actually, just tell them that you've lost your memories. That will make things easier."
Serina sighs and begins walking, motioning me to follow her. Huh? What was that supposed to mean? Why would I say that I have amnesia? I wanted to ask more about what she meant, but she brushed me off, saying that we need to go to the classroom since, according to her, nothing good will come out of it, which makes me even more confused, but I decided to just follow her for now.
Although it was awkward to walk next to her since we barely knew each other,
"Wow! Look at what we have here. Congratulations on coming back alive."
A guy sneered at me when Serina and I walked into a room. It was weird. Everyone is wearing the same uniform, and there are also swords and bows. It makes me think that I am in some weird training ground with all the equipment and tools around. I can't help but to wonder what the guy meant when he said that to me. I mean, he did say congratulations for not dying. Gosh, I seriously have no idea what is going on right now. I'm not sure if he's complimenting or mocking me, so I just nodded, but it surprised me when he glared back at me, muttering something I couldn't understand. What the heck? I was still confused with everything, but one thing caught my attention. In the corner of the room, the guy who looks just like Edgar was with the same guy last time too. They were staring in my direction with these weird looks. I seriously have no idea what is going on right now.
"Remember, just say that you have amnesia."
Serina whispers to me before walking away, leaving me alone again. As I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, waiting for whatever it was to happen next, I can't help but wonder since there don't seem to be any teachers around. So why is this called a classroom? What exactly is this classroom for? Wait, why am I even here in the first place?
"What are you doing standing there? Come here!"
A girl yelled at me, as I stared at her in surprise. It was embarrassing to be yelled at like that in front of everyone. What is wrong with her? I'm not really bothered about the fact that she basically screamed at my face. I was just confused and maybe a little bit embarrassed since this kind of attention is really uncomfortable. Having everyone's eyes on me wasn't pleasing at all.
I tilted my head as I raised an eyebrow, not moving from my spot. For a moment, I have no idea why I even did that. Upon realising that everyone's eyes were fully on me, I got scared. They were looking at me as if I had gone crazy. What?
"Somebody DID lose her mind after coming back from The Norm."
A guy yelled across the room, and that made everyone laugh. Some are uninterested and just ignore the situation. I was confused. Is he referring to me or what?
"I don't know what they did to you for you to come back brainless, but you really should stop acting like a brat and come here. Right. Now."
The girl spat as she used her middle finger to point at me. It was really cool. I mean, if I was in a different situation, I would think that she's so cool for doing that... but right now.. it's strange how I feel like crying when she says that to me. Wait, am I being bullied right now? For goodness sake!?! It was embarrassing enough to be the centre of attention, and now I'm being called a brat and brainless? Woah. That is too much. I don't know why I'm even afraid of the girl. I mean, I should be angry at her for calling me names, but I don't know why I am so horrified. I did what she told me to as I walked towards her in confusion, still slightly embarrassed because I don't even know why. They appear amused and surprised. It was confusing too, since I don't even know if I did anything right.
But one thing I noticed is that I have a feeling that "Tetiana" is not liked by some people.
"Summon the red beast."
When the girl said that, I was confused. And heck, I can't say that it wasn't funny when she said that with a serious face. To tell the truth, I almost laughed as to how ridiculous the girl sounded. It was so funny that I literally started screaming inside my head, laughing uncontrollably, but then again, me being there is ridiculously unexplainable too.
"Sorry, what? Huh? Red... What?"
I stared at the girl in confusion, forcing myself to not laugh. It was really hard to be honest, not to mention that they looked pissed too. What did I even do?
"The hell?! Did you really become brainless or something?"
A guy suddenly butted into the conversation. Oh my god, I can't believe that I found this situation funny. Don't laugh right now. Shit, they looked so serious too. I was lost for words when he said that, because honestly, I have no idea what he is even talking about. I tried to lighten up the mood by saying sorry that I had lost my memories, but they just stared at me in disbelief and continued harassing me, saying ridiculous remarks that made me almost burst into laughter. Why the heck did I find this funny? Oh my goodness.
Everything that they said is confusing, and nobody seems to care about what the girl did to me. I still can't believe how she yanked my hair in front of everyone. It hurts so badly.
I literally just woke up, and I have no idea where I am. Nonetheless, I was balmed for something I had no recollection of. I didn't even do anything to make them act so absurdly.
What is wrong with these people?
"Let go!"
I am losing my mind and myself. I almost screamed at the girl's face as she yanked my hair again for the second time, forcing me to look at her in the face. Fortunately for her, I did not spit in her face. Tia, calm down. Breathe. They soon began whispering to each other and smirking at themselves. Suddenly, another girl pushed me as I lost my balance, mentally cursing whomever it was as I ended up face-palming the dirty floor. It was embarrassing to be seen like this, but I can't bring myself to even feel that since someone's sword basically fell on top of me, scraping me.
I don't even know how it got there—leaving me dumfounded and speechless that I got hurt.
"What the hell? A mere Adroit like you dare to touch what's mine?"
A voice suddenly growled as everyone turned to look at the person. The girl was shocked and started saying that it was an accident. I don't know why she looked terrified and I seriously have no idea why the perverted bastard from before said that about me. I mean, what the heck? And what does he even mean by "adroit"? When he decided to get closer to me, I warned him to stay away since I seriously don't want to be near that guy. He makes me uncomfortable.
Not minding the pain in my hand, I brushed off the dirt on my uniform as I walked out of there, not knowing where to go. It was so confusing and weird. Everyone here is so weird that it's scary.
"You look like a mess."
I almost fell down the stairs, but thankfully a girl helped me. She sighed and helped me to get up. I was bewitched by her beauty the moment I laid my eyes on her. She was dazzling. That was my first time seeing someone so beautiful; it still amazes me. The girl soon told me to follow her to the infirmary. Although, it was weird how she treated me so nicely considering everyone here seems to be hating me. It was weird. Another girl was already there, writing something in her book when we arrived. When she noticed me, she was startled and looked at her friend as if saying "are-you-crazy?"
"Come here, let me fix you up."
The dazzling girl mentioned it, and I followed. I was not bothered that the other girl there was staring at me in surprise, but I was too shocked to see what was happening in front of me. The dazzling girl was using magic, or at least it looked like it. I mean, I've read enough books and seen enough movies to know that she's using healing magic. Or the closest thing to one since, after a moment, my bleeding was gone and the scar was nowhere to be seen.
"How did you do that? That is extraordinary. Ohmygosh. That was my first time seeing real life magic."
I seriously can't hide the excitement in my voice. I mean, like seriously?! Who wouldn't be excited when witnessing something like that? I soon came to realise that I was probably acting weird to them as the girls looked at each other awkwardly and gave me a confused look.
"My name is Lalitha. What's yours?"
The dazzling girl spoke first. Woah, even her name is gorgeous. I was so excited that someone was actually treating me nicely here that I ended up babbling my real name. But I can't help but wonder, since she introduced herself to me, does she not know Tetiana? It was confusing since the girls were staring at me with curiosity.
"Tia. My name is Tia. I am so glad that I met you. Everyone here is scary."
I curse myself for saying that. I mean, what if they decided to tell everyone about what I said? Of course, I can't help but worry.
"Um, do you somehow have amnesia or something?"
Lalitha mentioned it, and I was silent. I just remembered the fact that I was supposed to have amnesia.
"Um. Yeah, I think so."
I said nervously and smiled at them.
"Thank you for helping me out. I'll be going then. See you around. Lalitha. And... friend."
I nodded to the girl who looked like she was scared of me. I seriously don't understand why she is staring at me with that weird look. Somehow, this situation is making me even more curious about Tetiana's personality. I wonder what kind of person she is for others to look at her like they... hated her. I don't know. Thinking about it messes with my head. The two girls exchange weird looks before saying their goodbyes to me. At least for now, I know that this place has magic.
"Healing magic exists here; monsters might be too, since she mentioned summoning a red beast. And there's The Norm. I don't know what it is, but it sounded suspicious... and Adroit, what does the perverted guy mean by that? Also, Tetiana is not liked by most people. I wonder where she is right now—"
As I walk out of the infirmary, I can't help but feel even more confused about what is going on with me right now. It feels too good to be just a dream since I even got hurt. You know, if this is only a dream, it would be impossible to get hurt, right? I don't know anymore. I was deep in my own thoughts, talking to myself while walking to who knows where. I was surprised when I noticed someone was listening to me.
Our expressions matched each other as the girl in front of me was staring at me with wide eyes, super shocked.

Komento sa Aklat (626)

  • avatar
    Trexie Barillo

    this app was good


  • avatar

    This is such an underrated book! I really love the storyline, it’s refreshing and the diversity of POV is making me fall in love with this beautiful work EVEN MORE ❤️


  • avatar

    Oh my Tia... What happened to you? Chapter 1 is really catchy. Must read the other chapter.


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