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The movements of the monstrous creatures suddenly faded and soon stopped. The attacks that Will, Peter, Royce, and Sheryl continued to throw were also stopped. The werewolves growled without a word, then they gathered at a point right in front of Will and me.
I firmly gripped the part of Will's robe that was covering his arm. Until I can feel the muscle mass of his strong arm. He didn't care about me. His sharp eyes stared at the scary creatures in front.
I looked up at his face for a moment, looking up. I whispered. It didn't take long to accept you as my companion, Will. Instantly my face sank into his broad, well-built back. The feeling of comfort had made me forget what was happening.
Will was taken aback, then looked back. His face was smiling, "Rumi ..." he whispered while touching his cheek.
When I realized what I had done, I immediately raised my face full of shame without looking up at Will. My eyes looked down at his feet, "I'm sorry, Will."
"You don't need to apologize. Em… we'll continue later.” Will said casually. A warm smile tugged at her pink lips.
Suddenly his words took me by surprise. My eyes widen, my eyes still fixed on the floor. I opened my mouth, but couldn't say anything.
Will chuckled at my stuttering. Then, suddenly his gaze shifted to Peter's sharp gaze. They stared at each other with eyes that radiated murderous air.
Royce laughed at their antics, “You don't have to be like that to get my sister. After all, it's not the time for us to worry about that now. Right now, it was time to uncover the secrets of the history of the werewolves who suddenly attacked in this quiet era. You guys, just follow my orders.” My eldest brother said with a look of contempt for the opponent.
Peter and Will refocus with their surroundings and put their personal problems aside.
“Sheryl, take Rumi away. Take care of her. We will protect from here.” Royce ordered Sheryl by glancing at the girl with two braids.
My friend nodded in understanding. Then he snatched my hand from Will's grip without giving a second.
"Wait!" I pushed away Sheryl's thin hand with full force. They turned to me. I gasped for breath, “I want to stay here. Please, Royce, let me see things through to the end.”
Royce's brown eyes narrowed, “I don't want to lose another member of my family. Rumi... you are my only family now. I have nothing else, except you, my sister." Her voice trembled with fear.
"I'm sorry Roy. But I'll still be here." My answer is firm and sure. My grip tightened on Will.
The blue-eyed youth looked down, looking at me with concern. Then he took my hand and kissed it, "I will protect you with all my soul and body." His voice was whispering but clearly audible to the ear.
I gasped. Then looked up to meet his eyes, and could only reply with a warm smile without saying anything.
Peter snorted angrily, “focus on your enemy, Willam!”
We glanced at an annoyed Peter. Then Royce looked at Will with a sneer for a moment. There was hatred in his eyes for this robed youth. But Will pretended not to notice and ignored the feelings that were starting to gnaw at him about Royce. Feelings of restlessness, fear, and worry.
Sheryl who used to be always talkative and very cheerful, now I saw her become a strong, great, and quiet girl. It's a 180 degree turn from the personality I know. And it worries and scares me when she doesn't go back to being the girl I know.
In the end we stayed where we were at Royce's orders. Namely Sheryl and I were behind the boys, with me still holding Will's hand firmly from behind.
The werewolves were silent as we chattered to each other. They didn't show any expression. Even their neatly lined sharp teeth were not shown to us at all.
Three youths of the same height, stared intently and warily at the terrifying creatures in front of them. The creatures then opened their snouts and exposed their sharp canines. Then growl together.
Royce, Will, and Peter didn't flinch. They are ready to attack with a ready position.
After a few seconds, a grown man's laughter was heard from behind the bodies of five werewolves who were standing tall. The man walked and stopped in front of the ranks of the beasts.
"Hello, brother-in-law." He looked at Royce, "hey, sister-in-law." Then glanced at me for a moment.
Royce's and I's eyes, glaring at the man clearly. He is someone my family knows. So close to knowing all his bad qualities.
"Hans...!" cried Royce with emotion. “Did you do this? Answer me, Hans!”
The man laughed as he looked up and covered his eyes with one hand. Then he chuckled when he saw us. "That's right, Royce!" said Hans confidently.
His honesty made us gasp, and glared in disbelief.
“Where are the rest of my family? Where's Reyna?!" Royce immediately railed against Hans with a question that crossed his mind instantly.
In the midst of the tension, Sheryl asked me, "is he the man Reyna loves?" he whispered softly.
I nodded my head once in response. My eyes are still looking ahead. Sheryl understood, then she returned alert and careful.
“Why are you so worried, Royce? Do you love your tyrannical family?” Hans answered when Sheryl asked me. Then he chuckled again.
"Of course I love them! No matter what the circumstances of my family, I still love and will always defend them! Let them go, Hans! I know you hid them!” Royce remained steadfast in his hunch about Hans having made our family disappear.
The 28 year old man smiled, “Royce... you're right. I have made your family disappear from your surroundings. And now, I'll return it right away. Haha...."
Instantly Hans' eyes turned red and his body gave off brown fur, like the fur of a wolf. Yet his mouth remained flat and small. Not turning into a muzzle, like the werewolf behind him. Small red glowing butterflies appeared suddenly around him.
We are all very surprised to see changes like this. Will stretched out his arms, blocking anything that might hurt me. We stepped back, except for Royce. He stayed where he was with his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly open. His brows furrowed in surprise.
When Hans was still in the process of changing his body shape, suddenly a young woman appeared beside him, along with a small butterfly that disappeared. This is Reyna, my second sister, Hans' lover.
"Reina!" suddenly I screamed and tried to walk but Will blocked my way.
"You can't go there, Rumi. It's dangerous," Will said then without looking back.
Then I turned my gaze to Royce who was even more surprised, “Royce! We have to help Reyna!”
Royce didn't listen to me. He ignored what I said. I don't know what got into him now, I don't know. Because his behavior is so unnatural. Unlike his daily habits, which are sometimes chatty and joking.
Our eyes were all on Reyna. The straight-haired girl glared at us. His eyes flashed both sadness and hatred for us. Maybe I'll act like that if I'm so fed up with my life right now.
Restraint. That's how Reyna and I have been feeling. He can rebel, but I don't. I didn't want to, because I knew my freedom had come to my rescue. That is Will. The young wizard who might be able to cast a spell on Mother's hard heart to gladly accept her as a son-in-law.

Komento sa Aklat (175)

  • avatar
    Yhang Osman

    nice story po....


  • avatar
    Djksarin Edkofsrb

    bfk ud


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