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Chapter 6 He is Sick

Early that morning, I am fixing things that I will be needing as we go to Batangas.
Today is my day off, I will visit my younger sister.
How is she now? I didn’t have the chance to talk to her, since Mom and Dad moved to States, where my older brothers Curry and Creed are.
The last news that I’ve heard about Catleya, my younger sister, is that she went to training as Police.
When Catleya is little, she is interested in guns and other violent things. Dad let Catleya learned a different kind of martial arts. That is why our two older brothers are aloof with her.
I am about to finish fixing my things when my phone rang.
I looked at it, and to my surprise, it was my Sir Beks.
From: MyBeksLovesWitch, come here to my condo unit. Cooked for me. I’m dead sick.
As soon as I read the message. I went to BGC as fast as I can. I don’t mind, that gay is sick! He doesn’t have anyone with him there.
“Wake up!” I said worriedly.
I was already here, about an hour ago.
But, as soon as I arrived he was sleeping. I didn’t even bother to wake him up. That time, I was very anxious. Four hours had passed but he still didn’t wake up. So, I decided to wake him up.
“Sir? Your stomach is still empty.”
But, he didn’t even bother to stand, nor looked at me. He’s so handsome while sleeping, his face is also calmed. The handsome face now turns to a beautiful
When will he notice me? I know that sometimes he notices me, but not the fact of he, wanting me. He just notices me because he is being jealous of me, being a natural-born woman.
I looked at him intently, then there’s an idea that popped into my mind. I am sure he will be awake.
*I sing a song*
"Take it all in, just don't be my love…"
I didn’t even finish the song when a pillow hits my face.
“You are too loud and noisy! God! My ears!” he said dramatically, with matching covering of his ears.
Anyway. It is good that he is finally awake. Huh? I am silently rejoicing, I am right, he will be awake.
“What are you doing here? You witch! It is too early, yet you are adding to my health problems.”
He slowly stands up and fixed his shirt. It was very evident that he still ain’t do such things.
“Were you insane? Or just plain stupid? Duh? You texted me!” That’s absurd! He was the one who texted me, yet he is asking, what am I doing here? Is he really
I feel like there is an imaginary smoke that was visible from my nose. But, my love for him is stronger than this feeling.
Instead of talking back at him. I just help him to go to the restroom.
I was about to hold him, when he said, “I can do it! Shooo!” as he pushes me away.
“Hmph! I hope that you’ll be tripped. I will be the one to laugh at you!” I whispered.
I prepared his food after “What-God-knows” things that he has done inside the restroom.
He is not picky about the food. "Wait! No shit!"
My Sir Beks? Not picky? OmyGhad! Really?
F*ck! Confirmed! He does have a fever. I put my hand to his forehead to know his body temperature.
But, I think I am the one who is not okay. I think I need to schedule a general check-up.
After that whole day, his fever went down. The whole day he was like a very obedient puppy, that follows every word I say. Even in cleaning his body, I am the one who took care of it. I can’t help but look at his
awweeesssssooooo yummy abs.
Sometimes, I still think, why 30 percent of gays are handsome? Even celebrities’!
Maybe they are not contented with just one sex, ooopps! I mean gender.
Haaaiiiiissssttt! Anyway, highway, holiday, I am happy not because I witnessed the different side of My Sir Beks. I’m so damn lucky!
I automatically tap my forehead.
Damnit! Why did I let that witch, Celine, treat me as a child?
Those things that happened yesterday keep playing on my head. I didn’t even know myself. Omy Alienzoned! I didn’t even defend myself because I am too weak. She took advantage of it, as she is free to look at my awesome body!
Nonetheless, it was okay. It was worth it. That was, again the first time in my life that someone took care of me.
She’s something. I just don’t know yet, but there is a fact that I want her attention, only mine. Am I being a lesbian? Emerged! I am a fully-pledge gay! Why o why?
As I enter the building, I felt very positive. Adding to that is when the guard throws a joke at me. I don’t know. But, I just laughed.
Even if I did not get a chance to take a rest, yesterday, that supposed to be my day off. I feel relieved, instead of being stressed I was so damn happy.
As I reached the floor where the office of my gay boss, located, I automatically organized his things and schedules. When I looked at the clock, a few minutes before 7.
The guard said that My Sir Beks,
Yoona, I mean, Carlos went early.
Because I am in a positive mood right now, I will help others to feel the same way. Especially that My Sir Beks is so grumpy again.
“What is happening? What’s wrong, Sir? Do you still have a fever?” I said.
I walked to him to touch his forehead, but as soon as I touched it, his face turns to red.
Shit! He still has a fever.
I am still checking on his face when he put away my hands from his face.
“Take you yucky hands-off, witch. First, I am not sick. Second, you should look for the word “knock” in the dictionary. And lastly, what is my schedule! There are too many canceled appointments yesterday, you didn’t even bother to rescheduled it?”
Holy crap! That’s right. Stupid. I automatically went outside the office to check the appointments being
cancelled. I called them and reschedule it.
Huh! Piece of cake. My Sir Beks overly reacts to the situation. What are his vitamins? Why didn’t he infected me with my good mood?
I’ll ask him.
He got an overdose of the vitamins, which is why he is so grumpy.

Komento sa Aklat (416)

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  • avatar

    muito bom mesmo 👏👏


  • avatar

    hello Godbless you


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