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CHAPTER 3 : Kuya Heiross

"Time's up..Pass your paper in the front"
Thank goodness the exam is finally over!!!And I still didn't tell them about my studies in the Philippines
"You can rest now...I'll be going in the faculty room to check your papers" prof said then leave
My classmates are starting to be noisy again...
"Our test this time sure is difficult than the past quarter" Sam said then stretched her arms
"Its obviously because this is the last quarter of us being Junior high school students" Violet while cleaning her table
"I can't imagine how hard it is if we step on being a Senior...But I bet its still fun though" Cassie said with a smile
'How I wish I could spend my life being a senior student with them :<'
"Uhhhmm guys,I have to tell you something" I started that made them face me
"What is it sis?" They asked curiously
'Can I really tell them?I'm so nervous right now!'
"About being a Senior Student" that made them curious more
"What about it?" Cassie
"Dad said that me and kuya..." I don't know how to continue!
"Let me guess,your studying abroad Am I right?"Violet said then smirked
'How did she know?!What would Sam and Cassie react about it?!'
I faced the 2 and saw them staring at me
'Are they mad?'
"Sis,we understand" I was shocked when Sam said that...I changed my gaze to Cassie and I saw her smiling while nodding at me
'They're really the best friends I've ever have!!!'
I didn't expect I could cry in front of them
"Awww sishie,don't cry...We  understand, ok?You'll still visit us right?" Cassie said while hugging me and tapping my back
I nod at them then wiped my tears
"Of course I will...I'll be visiting you every holiday...I'm really sorry that I have to leave" I said then they all hugged me
"We'll miss you...And where are you studying exactly?" Violet asked after they hug me
"Mom's country..In the Philippines" I said and they gave me an envious look
"OMG!I always want to go there!I heard that there's so many beautiful tourist spots there!" Sam said while clasping her hands and I think she's imagining it
"What about 'we' should visit you sometimes during holiday?I mean,I want to go there too" Cassie said then wink
I smiled at them then nod
"That's a great idea" I said while smiling
"So good luck to us!" Violet exclaimed that make us 3 nod
"Good luck!" We said at the same time
(A/N:I have to skip the Graduation part...Sorry)
"Sweetie!Hurry up!You're kuya's waiting at the airport!" Its mom
We'll go fetch kuya Heiross at the airport now cuz he wants to spend his vacation here at LA and of course to spend some time with us
I just fixed my light makeup and then went outside to see mom and kuya Yago waiting for me in the living room
"Come on now.Your dad's waiting outside" mom said then went ahead of us
"Do all the girls like you really are that slow at dressing up and stuff?" Kuya Yago asked that made me pout
"Haha...Let's go...I'm just teasing even though you really are slow at dressing up" he said then laugh
I just pinch his arm that made him look hurt
'Serves you right...haha'
At the time me and kuya step inside the car,Dad rode off to the airport
"Do you think Kuya is kind now?" I asked that made everyone in the car shook their heads
"What?I'm just asking cuz when we're in primary school he always bully me and make fun of me" I said then pouted
"You're still kids back then...I'm sure his mature now" mom said then I have no choice but to nod
"Of course he is...He's a senior student now...He can't be childish" Dad said while busy driving
'Yeah...He can't be...I'll laugh at him if he is really childish...I can't imagine him being childish at that age...Hahaha'
I'll admit that I miss him though...So much
"Kuya,what about---" yupp...I can't disturb him...He's damn reading!
"Shhh...I'm reading" he said that made me roll my eyes...There's nothing I can do about it
"Sweetie,how about we eat together outside after we fetch your kuya?" Mom faced me from the front which means she's talking to me
I can't say no...Its food we're talking about people!
"I love it!How about in Sparkle Liz Cafe?" I suggest...I love the desserts there..Yumm
"I prefer restaurants than cafe...We can't just eat desserts when lunchtime" kuya said then adjusted his glasses
'Ohhh I love to break them!He's annoying sometimes!'
"But Sparkle Liz Cafe isn't just selling desserts" I said then gave kuya a death glare...He didn't even respond to me then continue reading...Rude!
"Hon,which one do you prefer?" Mom asked Dad instead...
"I agree with Yago...Let's just go to a restaurant" Dad said that made my eyes big
'Really?!I thought he'll agree with me!'
"Ok...Let's go to the restaurant we often visited" mom said then Dad just nodded
I just crossed my arms then never said anything... I always have no choice but to agree
'Sometimes I really felt that they don't love me'
I never spoke until we reached the airport...They prefer me quite so I think its better
"Heiross is here" Kuya Yago said then drop his book down...
'Didn't I tell you that Kuya Yago is the eldest?'
Looking at Kuya Heiross who's approaching us right now makes me smile...How I miss him...He's handsome all right and quite tall...
"Sweetie!" Mom gave kuya Heiross a tight hug
"Hey mom...I missed you" he respond then gave mom a kiss on the cheek
"Dad!Your son's home" he said then faced dad...Dad just smiled then tap his shoulder
"Nice to see you again son"
Kuya just smiled then he faced kuya Yago...How about me?!
"Hey Kuya" he said then kuya Yago just smiled then hug him and tap his back
Then he finally faced me...
"And here's my beloved little sister" he hugged me then give me a kiss on the forehead...He's being sweet huh...
"Miss me?" He asked then smirked
I nodded then hug him again...I really miss him
"Awww...I'm glad" he said then give me pinch on the cheeks
To be continued...

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    Jasmien Villamor

    nice story


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    Elmer Espiritu

    very nice


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