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Chapter 5

I thought to myself— How could I say no? My heart was beating rapidly but it knows what it wants, what it felt from earlier wasn't pressure, it was excitement. I was enthused, and so was my heart, I'd say yes. Repeatedly if needed, I'll always say yes to someone, especially Korics. With that, I said yes.
This is the first time someone in the friend group suggested bringing a companion to the Sapient University yearly fundraiser event, and if ever this happened a few years ago, I'm not sure if things would go like how they are right now. Korics might have asked someone else if this happened way back, and I'll obviously go with a different person too.
Time sure flies fast when you're either happy or busy, and this week went by not so smoothly. The weekend is approaching, and so is the S.U fundraiser event. Sapient University's school board and founder has high expectations, especially in this year where there are a lot of curveballs thrown our way.
I sat on my bed, I took my laptop to check the school's Facebook page, specifically the post that sparked numerous gossips and fake news. When I looked back, it was gone. The post got deleted and the page itself, held private and only admins and accepted members who are Sapients could post.
Until now I'm still clueless of whoever posted that, Mister Jimenez contacted his private lawyer but never gave any update or information regarding the issue, to the board, even to me. I guess, I have to wait then. I don't want this to get in the way of the event, notably that within a few days it's finally the S.U fundraiser. Everything is entrenched, nothing could ever change that, not even a troll trying to ruin the program.
It's 10:45 p.m, I have nothing better to do and I can't bring myself to sleep so I decided writing that novel I'm currently working on. I haven't told much about it, but I love to write, it has always been a dream to become a well-known author and despite being busy due to hectic schedules in school, I find time to do the things I'm passionate about.
I started writing when I was in elementary, I write romantic stories because I always lived up to the thought that there is love in everything. Growing up while believing in fairytales, I would daydream of meeting my own prince charming. Someone who's handsome, has great sense of humor, smart, and dashing! Now that I mentioned it, I'd always picture Korics. If I'm not that hesitant to admit, I wish I have the guts to say I want him to be that prince charming.
What the hell am I saying?
After writing two chapters and editing the old ones I wrote, there was still much time and I can't sleep. Then I remembered Vry, of course! I called her immediately because I know she's still awake. There are even certain days that she'd hardly sleep at all!
"Rox? Why? Is there anything wrong?" I can hear her yawn on the other line, I giggled a bit. She's sleepy, but I know she'd make time. "Can't sleep?"
"Yes and I'm bored." I said while slowly standing up to get my jacket and my wallet. I know she's going to say yes anyway. "Wanna hang out at the coffee shop? My treat."
"I was going to say no..." There was a pause of silence. "...but I can't pass on that tempting offer. See you there Rox!" 
I wore my jacket, it's usually cold at these hours, I even wore socks. I took my phone and my wallet, my parents and Nugget are already asleep so I kind of sneaked out. The coffee shop isn't that far so I don't need to take any vehicle with me, it's just a walking distance. When I got there, Vry is already seated on a table far from the counter.
I waved at her. "Vry! Hey." I sat in front of her, the waiter was still serving the other costumers so we had to wait our turn. "You got here first, huh. How?"
"I happen to be near the coffee shop." She leaned back raising her hand to call the waiter's attention. "So? You can't sleep Rox?"
"Yes, but it's not a big deal. Maybe I'm just excited for the fundraiser event." I said, the waiter approached us so we both started ordering. "Choose anything you want. For me, I'll have an espresso and a blueberry cheese cake."
"Uh, I'll have a mocha frappé with whipped cream and a dark chocolate cake." She looked at me. "Charge it on her. That will be all, thanks!"
"Okay ma'am, noted. One espresso, a blueberry cheese cake, one mocha frappé with whipped cream and a dark chocolate cake. Ten minutes." The waiter said before he left to get our orders.
Somehow, there are still a lot of people in the coffee shop even if it's already late. They look like a population of college students, people who work on offices, and then there's people like me and Vrylle. Just bored, can't sleep, and happen to be around the shop.
"It's a surprise that you wanted to go here this late." Vry says while looking around the coffee shop. "I know something's bothering you. Care to tell?"
"Why is it so hard to lie to you?" She looked at me while moving her head left and right. "Okay, you're right. There is something bothering me, no, not something. Someone."
"Is that someone... named Korics Lource Villaverde?" She smirked, I could feel my cheeks grow red. I didn't even know what to respond, damn she's good at this. "I'll take that as a yes."
Before I could even start, the waiter came in with our orders and carefully started transferring the food from the wooden tray to our table. He left and told me to just pay at the counter when we're done, Vry and I started to eat.
"Where was I?" Vry is silently eating her dark chocolate cake and then remembered the topic. "Oh, I think I'm starting to like him Vry."
"What?!" She almost choked on her food, her reaction made me confused. Was she that shocked? Wasn't it obvious that I had feelings for Korics since the start? "It took you this long to realize?! Come on Rox, ever since we were in junior high I can notice it from the way you look at him."
So it was that noticeable...
"I'm just scared..." I looked down on my plate. "Just the thought of anything worst that could happen scares me, I like him so much Vry, if not, well I think I'm starting to feel as if it's more than just a liking. It's the friendship that scares me, I feel so bad for developing feelings towards my best friend. I feel so bad because... What if my feelings, are capable of destroying the friendship we built for years. All because I caught feelings."
"But what if it doesn't?" I looked back up and saw a heartwarming smile on Vry's face. "Stop thinking negatively Rox, you don't know what's bound to happen. No one does. It's okay to risk, and if all else fails? Then so what? At least you chose to be honest to yourself, you chose to be honest to Korics. I'm always here for you, don't question your feelings because all of those have certain reasons."
"Have you ever been in love?" She shook her head and sipped on her mocha frappé.
"No, love sucks. I'm not scared of it, I just don't see myself being involved in a romantic relationship with someone. If I am ever going to love, it'll probably end up with just me loving myself. I'm contented with that." I was left speechless, it made me think that all of us have different definitions of love. "Can I ask you a question Rox? Are you willing to risk?"
The question made me think. Yes, if I'd risk on Kor I am willing to give anything up. I don't care if I sound foolish, I'm still afraid but if it was with him I'm willing to face all of my fears. It is amusing how love can change a person or how love can make or break a person. I feel like a coward but when someone asks about how I'd face fears for Korics, he brings out the bravery in me.
"Rox? Just say yes or no, and I won't ask any follow-up questions." Vry says in a serious tone.
"Yes." She nods. "Vry? What if you fall in love? Get involved in a romantic relationship you were talking about earlier?"
"Well, what are the odds? If I do meet him, I will also risk Rox. Again, no one knows what the future holds, so live in the moment! If you think you're ready then reach for it, don't let anything hold you back, specially yourself and the negativity." We were almost done with our food and it's close to 2:00 a.m, I was just waiting for Vry to stand up.
When I payed for the food, Vry and I stood outside the coffee shop just to enjoy the cool breeze and the fresh air. Not caring about how cold it actually was.
"Don't be too hard on yourself Rox. Overthinking will make you look stressed and you can't look stressed because the event is coming up!" She starts to walk to a different direction, waving goodbye to me. "I got to go! Bye, see you tomorrow!"
Days had pass, preparations and the sets were all ready. The junior Sapients even volunteered to clean the covered court and the campus oval so the guests would have enough space to roam around. The stage was beautifully set with the help of Vry and Venylie.
It's a wonderful Sunday! Tomorrow is the annual Sapient University fundraiser event, filled with fun games, good food, great performances and service for the children of the orphanage, making this event to serve for a good cost.
We're here at the center stage in the campus oval, the performers are rehearsing and some of the owners of the rented food stalls are starting to set their stations up. Korics is here, helping me with the other details.
"Hey, rest for a while." Korics handed me a water bottle and even offered to open it for me. I sat down, feeling the exhaust from the hard work. "Big day tomorrow, president Elviera."
"Yes, I know right. Gosh, this is tiring. I can't wait for our weeklong getaway!" I said in excitement. He also nodded his head, agreeing. "We're going to travel the next day? Like, Tuesday?"
"Yes of course, no time to waste Savelle." A few minutes of resting, I shot up again from my seat to start fixing the other decorations too. Korics was busy moving boxes in the backstage.
I paused for a bit to look around and see everyone being so busy while doing their own thing, doing their part on the event. I felt so proud of the team I have and the effort along with dedication that we poured for the event. Mister Jimenez will surely appreciate this.
"I'm so proud of us fam! Congratulations in advance, this is going to be one unforgettable event!" I clapped to cheer everyone on, to make them feel more motivated.
We all spent the majority of the day cleaning the campus, preparing the stalls and stations, rehearsing, and double checking every bit and detail just to make sure.
Korics offered to drive me home, yet we still stayed in S.U just to be extra sure that we didn't forget anything needed. When we were finally sure, the other students were starting to go home because it was getting dark.
Vrylle, Amee, Venylie, and Theia also went home to rest so they will have enough energy for tomorrow's program. Korics waited for me in school because he wanted to take me home on his motorcycle.
"Let's go? Oh by the way, I have a surprise for you." We walked to the parking lot, he even made me close my eyes! "You're going to like this. Okay, open your eyes now."
When I opened my eyes, he handed me this helmet but this time it wasn't his ordinary spare helmet. It's a customized one, it had my name written on the side.
'Savelle Roxia'
"Look, I did the same on mine." He showed his helmet with his name written on it as well. 'Korics Lource' "Savelle, keep that okay?"
"Wow.. Thank you Korics, you're so thoughtful." I smiled at him. He gestured me to hop on his motorcycle so he could finally take me home. "And thank you for always taking me home."
Or so I thought, we made a stop near a gasoline station that has this little convenience store to get some soda. We sat on the bench near the store, drinking our sodas.
"Is there something wrong?" He asked me, I looked at him and started to blurt things out again.
"You know.. Vry asked me something a few days ago in the coffee shop.." He continues to listen. "It keeps repeating in my head."
"What did Vrylle ask you?"
"If.. I was willing to risk." He looked at me like he already understood what I was talking about. He had hope in his eyes that always shows up when a conversation like this starts to happen. "She asked if I was willing to risk, even if I was scared."
"What did you say?"
"What did I say?" I started to look around to ease the tension in my body, I was overly nervous and my feet were shaking. "I said yes but I'm still not sure. I don't know anymore, everything is surreal."
"How could you tell?" He asked.
"You're confusing me Korics. The things you do, it confuses me. Or maybe because I'm just assuming? Or I just lack sleep? Or I'm too stressed out? Or—" I got cut off.
"Shh, can I ask you a question instead?"
"Yeah, s-sure.." I stuttered and we both stared at each other and the surroundings felt as if it was getting smaller, the distance between me and Korics was unbearably thin. Our faces, inches apart from each other! "What i-is it?"
"Would you risk with me?"

Komento sa Aklat (352)

  • avatar

    we all wishes for happy ending in our lives, but not everyone is that lucky 😔 love the book ❤️


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    Crizhel Ardon

    Very good


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