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His Unexpected Goodbye

His Unexpected Goodbye



Disclaimer: His Unexpected Goodbye is based on true events, some contents might have resemblances in factuality except for names, universities, and businesses. Existing brands and businesses to be found in the story are not affiliated with the author. It holds mature contents that are not suitable for all ages, reader discretion is advised. Lastly, forgive me for any typographical and grammatical errors, I am trying my best to lessen them!
I may have also added some very cliché parts, especially between the two main characters, but... I must admit that I love clichés. This is more than just a story for me, please don't mistake it as somebody else's because I showered much effort on this. Writing is my hobby, I don't treat this as my ticket to fame... I'm just having fun.
To my friend who made the book cover of His Unexpected Goodbye (His Trilogy #1) thank you so much, you know who you are!
His Trilogy #1
Love taught me how to accept, to abide that love comes with pain, and it turned me into a better person. A person more worthy of love, a person now stronger to face the reality that love isn't always as beautiful as how movies and stories make them seem. I slowly distanced myself from everything that's keeping me from moving forward, yet I continue to carry yesterday's lesson.
I grew up with plenty of love to give— To my family, my friends, even to strangers, and I never forget to spare some for me. My parents guided me on countless things and love is not an exemption, I was raised learning values and proper discipline. As they claim that we may not be as rich as the people we see on television, but we have virtues that money could never afford.
I dreamed big, my desires were huge and everyday, I was fully committed to achieving all of my goals. Then I grew up, my teenage years came in.. and I went through so much causing me to disregard all of those hopes. I stayed mum to things I used to love, and I stayed away from the things that used to keep me going. I was scared... Scared that I might not be able to get out of that situation.
Finally, a ray of sunshine in my dreadful days! This was the moment I decided I cannot live another day, stuck in a situation I never wanted to last long in. He crossed my mind again, as the promises I made to him years ago started to linger. They were all vivid, he supported me every step of the way, he encouraged me every time I wanted to give up, he was a shoulder I could cry on as luck wasn't always on my side, and he was there with me when I felt like my whole world shattered and crumbled into pieces.
We met when we were both in fifth grade, our common friend, Nettheia introduced us to each other. He was cute, but he looked scrawny. We go to different schools, but I knew his name when the girls in my class started crushing over a 'Korics Lource Villaverde' and oh boy, back at that time I didn't understand the reason for everyone's sudden crush on him!
Korics and I weren't that close back in elementary, let's just say we both knew each other's names and nothing else. Until it was the first year of high school, we were in junior high and I found out we go to the same school and we'll be classmates. I didn't really mind, I just shrugged it off and concluded that he's just going to be one of the people I'd consider as an acquaintance. I don't have much male friends.
We became closer to each other, how ironic right? After saying he's just an acquaintance, now he's a big part of my life. We spent years building a stronger friendship together, it was a journey filled with excitement. We grew up as better versions of ourselves, we learned about new things together, and did I mention he's more cuter now? The scrawny kid I see walk outside our school's fence is now one of the most attractive man in my eyes. Cheesy as it may sound, but I am only stating facts.
Korics has flawless skin, his chin appears to be divided just like Superman's! He has this contagious smile, especially when he looks at you straight into your eyes. He's tall, and has long hair: Shoulder length. I couldn't even think about other words to describe him, he's an amazing person and he's a great friend. A loving man, with a sense of humor that never fails to mesmerize me.
Do I sound in love?
I probably do, I always ask myself that too. Am I in love? I probably am, and who wouldn't? Every single day spent with him back in high school always makes me realize how much this person means to me, and I hate myself for falling in love with someone who's close, a friend. A best friend!
"Rox! You okay?" Vrylle asked, this is my friend, Vrylle Gaia Courdova. She's studying psychology and is my friend for almost my entire life. She's the only one I allow to call me 'Rox' she got that from
my second name which is Roxia. "Is something bothering you?"
To be honest, all of my friends happen to live very impressive lives and sometimes I couldn't help but wonder if they think I am also living an astounding life. This is why I get annoyed with myself, sometimes I lack confidence and there are times I have too much of said confidence.
"No—" She shot her brow up. Of course, she knows me a little too well, she knows too much to the point that I can't even lie to her. "Okay, yes. Something is bothering me, I can't get him out of my head."
Vry stayed silent, I can tell how she's just observing my facial expressions. This was the setup, I try to open up but she doesn't interfere with what I'm having troubles with. For some reason, I like it better that way, I felt free but at the same time it feels as if I'm deprived from all of the great things I still haven't experienced. The memories of him never faded, even if the incident happened almost 4 years ago... The pain was still fresh.
Currently, I'm working on a novel and I dedicated it to the love I never expected would come into my life, and as unexpected as it came... For me, it also left too soon. I also study in college with Political Science as my course, people keep telling me that I'm almost there— Close to my dreams. I couldn't really tell. Was I? Because it sure does not feel like it. I still felt the void in me.
"He's a part of you, Rox." Vry casually said whilst she sips at her coffee. I stared at her blankly, thinking she is probably right and that I may have to live with the thought of him every once in a while. "You can't get him out of your head because he's already part of your system."
Sometimes I wish I could, actually. Or just simply get rid of the pain he caused when he left, I was so unaware and I felt so helpless when everything started to escalate into the mishap, resulting into my life getting all over the place, I lost direction. I lost all direction when I lost him. I felt bad and occasionally, blamed it on myself for choosing to live with the pain instead of trying to use it the other way around.
Korics was a great memory, the best out of the ones I've had. I didn't want him to be a memory, I wanted him here with me, but destiny had other plans. Destiny, destiny was never on my side... Every time I'd replay all of it, I always come to
the realization that maybe there are just things in this world that could be yours for a while, but can't be yours forever. Forever does exist, but much as I want to believe in it, the only person I wanted to spend my infinity with is already gone. Only the good days remain in my heart, at least that... I will treasure.
Pain chaperoned me for the past years, it may seem melancholic but indeed, it helped. I felt pain, until I could no longer tell the difference between being in pain or just straight up numb. I allowed myself to feel the hurt until my heart grew tired of feeling it, and I was able to move forward. I started the new chapters of my book, today, with him as the sole emotion of every word I put in. My season with him might have ended, but the love in my heart continues to strive to bring him up every chapter in every new season. As the book I write is just for him, my heart understood the plot, and all it says was to do it for him, to do it for Korics. He may have left, but this will show him how much I cared and how much he mattered.
Where is he? He's in a place where I'm guaranteed that he is safe, where he's in the arms of someone that could take good care of him, better than anyone else did. Better than how I was. I'm happy that he's happy now, and that's love. It's love when you learn to accept, it's love when you're contented, and it's love when you finally appreciate how uncertain our time is with our loved ones. Treasure them. I always say.
To Korics, our love was safe and beautiful. It did not hold any grudges, it did not boast, it did not hurt anyone. It was forgiving, and it gave both of us the chances on having better lives, you taught me many things. As I stated, love taught me, and you are that love. Acceptance was the key, to accept that fate has different tales to tell, and ours may have ended in us not being together, but our happiness as individuals shows that it's still a happy ending.
Love comes with pain, embrace it. That's how love works.

Komento sa Aklat (353)

  • avatar

    we all wishes for happy ending in our lives, but not everyone is that lucky 😔 love the book ❤️


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    Jouet Amina



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    Crizhel Ardon

    Very good


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