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Lesley and Jackson used to pick up and send me home. In school, we are always together too. Most of the female students looked at me like I'm the most disgusting student in the school. Well, I'm not ugly even I wear an old jeans and oversized T-shirts. Most of the boys like my simple clothing style, natural beauty and good attitude.
I opened the door, in the front seat of the car of Lesley and entered. "Good morning Bess," I greeted her.
"Good morning," she replied and started to drive again. "Are you ready for the third day of school as well as to hear the gossips about you again?" she asked.
"I'm not just ready but very well prepared." I laughed, "Hahahaha, the veins on their neck will just explode but they could never irritate me that much."
"You're really different. I don't know how can you enjoy such cruel things that is happening to you now," Lesley said.
"It's because I'm not affected with what they are talking about me," I confidently said. "They said I'm ugly, am I?" I asked Lesley.
"Gosh, if you comb your hair and wear a right match clothes, you really look like a celebrity. If I'm a boy, you will surely become my number 1 crush, haha," Lesley smilingly said and shook her head.
"Ain't this a matched clothes?" I asked and she looked at me.
Lesley look back on the way because she's driving, "Lol! You look like a teenager of 1970's, hahaha! Why don't you look at the whole body mirror? You are wearing an oversized printed shirt and an oversized jeans. If you are not white and not pretty, I can say that you are one of those crazy people living in the streets haha," she's denunciating me.
She really gave me such a bad criticism but I'm satisfied now. What she said is what I really want to hear. "Haha, that's great. Now, no one will like me anymore and no girls will be jealous on me anymore," I said.
"What?" She gave me an abrupt look. "You're so unbelievable. You know what, they will never stop teasing you, bullying you and even hurting you physically. No matter how good you are, people will always find something wrong about you," Lesley said. "Look at you, do you think they won't laughed and gossip about you? One more thing, that crap clothes of yours will only make you more attractive. Whom do you think cannot see you and ignore you when they see you in such a lousy clothes inside the campus of rich people?" she asked. "Honestly, you are still beautiful even if your clothes was like a trash. They will only say that you're an attention seeker," Lesley said.
"I don't care!" I exclaimed and rolled my eyes. "I only want to try this style of clothing. No matter what is their reaction, I won't mind it," I said.
"Whatever! What they only have to make sure is not to hurt you physically or else, even you can't stop me from fighting against them," Lesley said.
"Lesley!" I sounds complaining. "I know that you're good in Martial Arts, as well as I am. You don't need to bother on helping or protecting me. If I can't bear what others are doing on me anymore, I knew how to fightback. If I don't like what's happening anymore, I knew what to do," I said. "Please don't bother on making fights because of me anymore," I added.
"No way, I can't afford seeing you being bullied and hurt by anyone. Let's say that you like the feeling of being bullied, lol you're so crazy." She make a hand gestures and her eyes widened, "but I don't like it," she said. "They must try to make sure that I'm not around once they bullied you or else I'll ruin their faces," she added.
I just roll my eyes and lean on the seat, "I thought I already got away from the protection and strictness of my parents," I said.
"Haha, stop complaining there or else I will really tell your parents everything that you're doing here," she said. This best friend of mine, she even dare to threaten me.
I didn't speak anymore until we reached the Vida Elegante Akademya. We are walking in the covered foot walk when we saw Althea and her two friends blocking our way.
Althea was standing with her left hand on her waist and her right hand was holding her handbag. Melanie was on her left side and Daisy was on her right side, both of them are standing with a cross arms.
"We are not looking for a fight, please get out of our way," Lesley immediately said when we are already one step closer to them.
"Why? Is this your covered foot walk?" Melanie asked me.
"Hahahaha, look at her. She's wearing a trash clothes." Daisy laughed at me.
I just look at them coldly without speaking any word.
"Go and find your own way if don't want a fight." Althea lift her left eyebrow.
"Let's go!" I said and drag Lesley. We passed by beside Melanie and they are just looking on us.
I thought there's no more problem anymore but someone grab and pulled my hair. "Attention seeker, bitch!" Althea angrily said while tweaking my hair.
"Aaaa!" I groaned. "Let me go. It hurts!" I shouted while trying to pull Althea's hands from my hair.
"You already took my place as Classroom Muse. You even dared to boast your cleverness in all the subjects. How dare you take all of my place in the Star Section. Everyone is comparing me on you now, how dare you ruined my name. You poor bakeshop waitress, get out of my school," Althea shouted on me and keeps on tweaking my hair. Her friends are beating me too.
Lesley was just standing from a little distance, she's not looking on us. Maybe she's trying not to help as I told her lately. She's just waiting for me to call for her help too. A lot of students was looking while Althea and her friends are beating me.
Melanie and Daisy are speaking something bad on me too. Melanie slap my face and my arms while Daisy helped Althea on tweaking my hair. I'm about to fight back and kick Melanie who keeps on beating me everywhere when Jackson came.
"Elaine!" he worriedly shouted and pulled the girls away from me. "How dare you hurt her. I will sue you in the guidance office," he shouted while looking at the desperate girls.
"I will wait for your complaint," Althea said and she laughed. "Hahahaha!" Then they walk away like nothing happened.
Jackson immediately face me, "Are you alright?" he asked.
Lesley come toward me too, "Look at what happened to you. Will you still insist that I must not help you no matter what happened?" she asked.
Jackson tried to take my hair away from my face and arranged it. "Gosh, your mouth's edge was bleeding," he said. "What?" He hold my arms. "You have a lot of bruises in your arms too," he said.
"Tough headed!" Lesley exclaimed. "Let's go to the clinic." She grab my left hand and immediately drag me.
"Hey! It hurts," I shouted.
"So, ain't you hurt lately? Huh?" she asked me. "Urgh!" She stop walking and faced me. "I'm very irritated. Look at you, you look like crap." She cried, her tears was flowing from her eyes down to her checks like she was the one who get bullied.
"I'm sorry!" I said because I don't know what to say anymore, haha.
"Sorry to your face," she said and hugged me.
"That's enough, let me go now," I said and she let me go. "Jackson, where is the clinic?" she asked.
"Hahahaha!" I laughed. "You said that you're going to bring me into the clinic, you even dared to drag me yet you don't know where it is. Haha!" I said.
"Tsss!" she exclaimed and wiped her tears.
"Follow me," Jackson said and we went to the clinic.

Komento sa Aklat (120)

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    I like this book 💕


  • avatar

    A good read. Nakaka-hook ang ganda ng istorya. Can't help but start reading. 😍😍😍


  • avatar

    Highly recommend this story. 😍


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