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"I nominate the most beautiful, Althea Joy Vallegaz for the position of Muse," Melanie said.
A few moments later, it's already the voting time.
"Excuse me, isn't it better if we let the candidates come forward with Mr. Kyle David Vida Mejer?" Marco asked.
I can do nothing because objection in the nominations wasn't allowed. I stood up, "Are you trying to make fun of me?"
Terence stood up. "You're beautiful like Jackson said lately, why make fun of you?" he asked.
I gave the Bully Boys a death glare. "Enough!," Miss Stacy shouted. "Mr. Mejer, Miss Velordi and Miss Vallegas, please come forward," our teacher said.
Althea immediately and confidently come in front of the class. "Come on Elaine, Kyle, you are wasting our time," she said.
Miss Stacy called, "Miss Velordi? Mr. Mejer?"
Kyle went in front without any expression in his face, he stood up in the left side of Althea. I don't want to go in front but I have no choice.
I stood up in the left side of Kyle. "Your friends mustn't do this to me. They're gonna regret this," I chided Kyle with a very low voice.
"Lol, are you threatening?" he asked.
"Get lost, ugly little boy," I simply whispered on him.
"Little boy?" he asked. His voice was low so that only me can hear it clearly but his tone sounds angry. "You're the one whom gonna regret of fighting against me," he said.
"Lol, are you threatening me?" I asked back his question lately. I looked at him and found out that he looks so irritated.
"Watch your mouth," he angrily said in a loud voice.
"What?" Miss Stacy asked. She has been speaking to the class since lately but I and Kyle wasn't listening to her.
"It's not you." Kyle sighed.
"So, you're talking to others while I'm talking here too? Where's your respect and good manners, Mr. Mejer?" Miss Stacy asked.
I simply smiled because Kyle was scolded by our teacher. Haha, it's only good for him because he is too boastful.
"Why don't we just vote now," Jackson suggested.
"Okay, let's vote. For Miss Althea Joy Vallegaz, please raise your hands if you want her to become the Muse and pair our Escort in some of the school activities," Miss Stacy said.
I was so shocked when only 3 votes was given to Althea, including Kyle's vote. Only her best friends Melanie and Daisy voted for her, the third vote was from Kyle. Most of our classmates look at each other like their eyes were talking.
"Who will vote for Miss Elaine May Velordi?" Miss Stacy asked.
Shocks, the rest of my classmates voted me. I got a total of 25 votes and I'm the winner in the position of Muse. Lol, my classmates are laughing now while Althea angrily went back to her seat as soon as she saw a lot of votes for me.
"How about you Miss Vallegaz and Miss Velordi, aren't you going to vote?" Miss Stacy asked.
"We already have a winner," Althea said.
"Does it really matter if I vote or not? We already have a result even if I don't vote." I walk toward my chair and sat down. Kyle glare on me before he goes back to his seat.
"I think, I'm gonna have a hard school year." Miss Stacy shook her head. "Here's the final list of the Class Officers. Miss Melanie, you are the secretary, please copy it," Miss Stacy said.
Jackson was hired as the Class President and Lesley was the Class Treasurer. "Are you alright?" Lesley asked me.
"I'm fine," I said and the bell rang.
"Class, please stay inside the room. Your second teacher was coming already, that's for sure. Bye, see you tomorrow." Miss Stacy took her bag and make her way out of the room.
"Bye Miss," some of my classmates replied.
Then, a lot of murmurs can be heard inside the room. Althea and her friends come closer to me. "Bitch," Althea said and she throw a crumpled sheet of yellow pad paper on my face.
I just smiled on her but Lesley stood up. "How dare you throw a trash my friend's face," she angrily said while facing Althea.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought she was a trash can," Althea said and Lesley immediately slapped her left cheek. Althea hold her left face while looking at Lesley furiously.
I stood up in shock. "Lesley, enough," I said in a loud voice. All of our classmates was already looking on us and excitedly waiting for the next thing to happen. I guessed, this is what they want that's why they hired me in the position of the Muse.
If I guessed it right, Althea is a kind of girl who never wants to lose in anything. I can see her stare on Kyle lately, she seems to be a fan of that handsome but ill-mannered Bully Boy too.
"How dare you," Althea shouted. She's about to slap Lesley with her right hand to avenge herself but Lesley caught her arm. Lesley hold Althea's right arm tighter and tighter. "Aaaa, it hurts. Let me go," Althea shouted while trying to loose Lesley's hold on her right arm.
"Lesley," my voice was threatening Lesley. I hold her right shoulder, "Enough."
"Don't ever dare to bully my friend in front of me again or else, it's not only what you're gonna get from me," Lesley said in a serious tone. Then, she let go Althea's arm.
"You two." She looked at me angrily and looked back at Lesley again. "You're gonna regret this," Althea said and she went back to her chair. Althea's two friends who did nothing lately but watching followed her.
I sat down and Lesley sat down too. "Are you alright?" Lesley asked me.
"What?" I shook my head. I don't know what to say anymore. Lesley really treated me like a child that she must always protect since our childhood. Even she's the one who fought for me, even if she's the one who got hurt, she's still the first one to ask if I'm alright although I did nothing. "It's you who fought not me," I said.
"Oh, was it me? So, ain't you gonna asked if I'm alright?" she stupidly asked.
Jackson was just looking and listening on us. "You mustn't do that," I said. "I can handle myself." I sat straight and make a long breath in and out.
"Didn't you just knew each other lately?" Jackson asked. "You seems so close and friends for a long time." He smiled.
"Friendship doesn't need a long time before you tried to protect, help and understand each other. A good friend will always protect you, take care of you and make you happy even if you just knew each other for a seconds." Lesley said and I just smiled. I can't be angry of her anymore, I knew that she only wanted the best for me. The best of good things which I found so boring.
"You are right," Jackson agreed. "If you didn't protect Elaine lately, for sure I'm the one who did that haha. You know, this girl seems so Martyr," Jackson said. "Elaine, you shouldn't let them bully you or else, they will use to do it on you again and again," he told me.
"I understood you two but, come on. I don't want you guys to be involved in my problems," I said and look at Jackson. "Jackson, what if those Bully Boys will hurt you because you fought against them lately just to protect and help me?" I asked and looked at Lesley. "You, what if Althea and her friends will do their revenge on you in a cruel and unexpected way?" I asked her. "You know what, you're just making things complicated." I put my two hands on my face and make a long breath.
Lesley took my hands, "What friends are for if we just let others stepped on you?" she asked.
"A good friend is always ready to take the risk just to protect his friends," Jackson said.
"I'm very lucky to have a good friends like you two." I smiled. "Because of that, I will treat you guys in the canteen later," I happily said.
"Haha, yehey!" Lesley happily exclaimed.
"Haha, don't you dare. You might spend your whole month wage when I order what I really want," Jackson said.
"Hahahaha!" Three of us laughed. "Then, let me just treat you a bottle of water." We laughed again, "Hahahaha!"
"Don't worry, I'll treat your lunch later. But, you two should treat me in the end of the month too," Lesley said.
The rest of my first day in school was just full of happiness with my two best friends, Lesley and Jackson. Lesley send me home safely too. I just wonder what will happen tomorrow, Kyle and Althea seems to be not a kind of person who will just let their enemies live well without doing their revenge. What if the group of Kyle and Althea make their revenge on us?

Komento sa Aklat (120)

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    I like this book 💕


  • avatar

    A good read. Nakaka-hook ang ganda ng istorya. Can't help but start reading. 😍😍😍


  • avatar

    Highly recommend this story. 😍


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