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They fought a successful delaying action against General George Crook's army at the Battle of Rosebud, when the fine line was at its strongest, when they were saved by an agreement between the great crow and the great bat between offering the passages to the temples of Zarathanis.
In which he was preventing Crook from locating and attacking his camp, and a week later he defeated the U.S. 7th Cavalry in 1876 at the Battle of Greasy Grass at the Crow Indian Reservation, 1868.
In which they ended up with a truce both for reservations and free pass in spiritual zones that could roam between dimensions and in an altered level of consciousness, already and so much that by self-induced meditation or by a lot of preparation time and either by a ceremony or due to the fact that preparation time was required, which would cause a considerable amount of time.
When Custer attacked a multi-tribe camp, much larger than he realized, he could head towards the mystical zones and divide time into consideration into supernatural zones.
Their combined forces, led by Chief Crazy Horse, killed 258 soldiers, wiping out the entire Custer battalion at the Battle of Little Bighorn, inflicting over 50% casualties on the regiment and which in turn ended the truces in the spirit zones.
His victory over the US Army would not last, however.
That's when he met with the United States Congress and authorized funds to expand the 2,500-man army, and in exchange for a truce and the mediation of a conflict, which would have stretched out for years if not for the negotiations that took place, some they believed that he wanted the lands, being under his protection.
Following his theory, those places were maintained by the energies released by the mystical stones that were mined and cultivated, in which in addition to being lands occupied by natives and indigenous tribes that did not end in wars and internal conflicts, and which in turn appeared land, than some of them.
Since for everyone there, they were infertile, and were only occupied by horses, coyotes and buffaloes and so they thought that the place besides being a large field of land, amid the fact that they were occupied by paths, pastures and caves. Dimensions that lead and connect to other worlds between the fragile lines.
Being that the dimensional passages and fertile mines of water and stones, and underground tunnels and rivers of waters and stones and gold and precious riches, their portals that link to other planes and dimensional worlds between the passages of caves and underground tunnels.
Continuing inland they lead to pastures and fertile green fields that were connected by passages of pristine worlds and caves and diamond mines that were cultivated, they were mined by the natives, who in turn were helped by their contributions, and their powers that were added and contributing to the forges and totems that appeared around them.
When the reinforced US army defeated the tribes and people of each of the Lakota communities and tribes in a series of battles, ending the Great Sioux War in 1877, they migrated to other planes and planets.
The people of the Lakota tribe went on to become the guardians of the spirit zones, and the inhabitants connecting the caves and the spirit passages, where they ended up confined in reservations, prevented from hunting buffalo and forced to accept government food distributions.
Taking place on January 17, 1891, and the so-called Shadow Man, and the Man Afraid of their horses at Camp Oglala Lakota tribe in Pine Ridge, South Dakota, who during the spirit wars that during the 3 weeks after the Massacre of Wounded Knee, and the wars between the red-skinned men and the white man and when 150 scattered as 153 Lakota Sioux and 25 American soldiers died.
Being that in Oglala Sioux tribal flag, in 1877, some of the Lakota bands signed a treaty that ceded the Black Hills to the United States; however, the nature of this treatise and its passage were controversial.
The number of Lakota leaders who actually supported the treaty is highly disputed, with low-intensity conflicts continuing in the Black Hills, for each of the locations that were added and added to the plans at times of harvest and at a huge time of transaction. between portals and passages in internal agreements in times of peace, during agreements.
Fourteen years later, Sitting Bull was killed in Standing Rock Reserve on December 15, 1890, when the US Army attacked the Spotted Elk (aka Bigfoot), the Great Tribe and each of the communities and in the Lakota Mnicoujou in the Wounded Massacre. Knee on December 29, 1890, at Pine Ridge.
Today, the people of the Lakota tribe are found primarily on the five reservations of western South Dakota, in which the Rosebud Indian Reservation, and home to the Upper Sičhánǧu or Brulé, and the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, home to the Oglala, and the tribe, Lower Brule Indian Reservation.
For each of the houses and that of the smallest Sičhaŋǧu, and each of the Indian reservations were connected by the prairie plains and the mountains that were connected by underground passages, by their numerous caves and their submerged lakes and the underground waters and rivers that make a connection between the portals that are at the very back of the corridors.
Since the caves that connect the great galleries and the underground passages and the citadels that run all the way and that lead to other worlds, always find their guides.
It devours the Indian Cheyenne River Reservation, and home to several others of the seven tribes of the Lakota, and including the various other tribes which were the Mnikȟówožu, Itázipčho, Sihasapa and Oóhenumpa, in which each of them made alliances between the peoples who migrated to out of the earth planes and headed towards the temples of Zarathanis.
Occurring during Standing Rock the Indian Reservation, home of the Húŋkpapȟa and people of many other tribes and communities and Native American and Native American peoples during the period called the great harvest, was what was a period among those who stood as the great guardians that those that passed through the dimensional planes.
Following from a Lakota Plain who also live on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Northeast Montana and the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in northwestern North Dakota, they migrated toward the dimensional planes.
In his various small reserves in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and his galleries and caves and passages, his ancestors having fled to the passages and his grandmother's Land of Ie Queen Victoria, and Canada, and that was during the Minnesota or Black War. Hills.
Large numbers of Lakota live in Rapid City and other cities in the Black Hills, and in Metro Denver, where the Lakota Elders joined the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) to seek protection and recognition of their cultural rights.
In which it was owned, but without revealing the connection with the people of Zetherias, a reclusive people who migrated to the numerous plans of Zarathanis, following with the agreements in the midst of the first great civil war between the Amerindian and American peoples and the colonizers and new peoples coming in great colonizations and migrations, and religious persecutions.
When they tried to expel them because of religions and lands that were sacred, but they never knew what they really hid, in which some knowing that there was oil, but they were never exploited because of the Wayne persecutions.
Even when some peoples were persecuted they chose a great spirit warriors the bat heard what they spoke and joined the great spirits to that of wolves, crows, foxes, owls, bats and the coyotes that joined and cried, they that united and swore vengeance , and lest they ever rest.
Even as long as they didn't take revenge until the last descendant of the last man who persecuted them comes to perish, in which they were kept isolated and classic and even unchanged being preserved over the centuries.
The region became famous as the scene of several disappearances of planes, cargo ships and ships, for which extraphysical and/or supernatural explanations became popular, in which they maintain how he discovered ancient worship of the temples of Zarathanis an indigenous people, who wore clothes traditional.
What maintains the traditions of past ages, and they also worshiped the beasts of the beginning and of the end, in which when looking at the statue and who saw in its magnificent constructions that was kept out of time and that caused disturbances that this region passes, in the Earth's magnetic field.
Being the site that was a mixed structure of gold and silver whose culture and constructions were similar to a mixture between Aztecs and pre-Hellenic Greek constructions, medieval of a thousand years ago, in which they had in contrast with immense and medieval structures, and in pillars and structures of marble, gold and granite.
It was the ancient looking and classical Greek with symbols similar to the creatures of the times of the ancients, and the cult of primordial beasts, in which they were made by councilors and elders, and various priests and senators who held the power of the council, it was that moment he managed after a meeting to make an alliance.
Being where he maintained relationships and connections and where he kept in touch with the portals that he installed using the gems and the jewels, and thus established a unification between them and kept in contact, but they were isolated, in which time did not pass as outside the island, 10 years there was 5 days and 1 hour in the outside world, but nobody got old, there was a whole lost science and technology.
What he didn't even speak he realized doesn't work there, there were no old people, only young people and people who could control their age and be young if they wished, in which that immense blue jewel and moonlight stone that constantly floated in the temples and being adorned by ancient symbols pre-Krypton, and they recognized him.
Even as he approached the stone, it vibrated and interfered with everything like a sonar that reacted to Zariel's presence, and it assumed and its form that was revealed, then the eternal night erupted around and that's when the elder made the companions of Thomas and himself to sleep, and prostrated themselves and revered him as the king of ruin.

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