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Since then, the drop has been constant and in 2016 it was at 0.7, a level similar to the rest of the Italian regions, he was present from time to time when he would make an appointment, and of course he charged.
Palermo, elected at the beginning of the year as the Italian cultural capital of 2018, is today a city that tries to move away from the bad image associated with the Mafia.
At the same time, in the same period, more than 2,000 people were arrested for their relationship with Cosa Nostra and assets worth more than US$ 4 billion (R$ 12 billion) were confiscated since 1992.
Then using his wits and using his contacts and the police and he was able to retrieve daily reports and documents that he chose every time he sent well-crafted leads from police raids, which he could use for future blackmail and some benefits and formerly. some things he can use to his advantage.
Police pressure increased considerably after the 1990s campaign of bombings and caused the downfall of leaders of the organization, which lost some of its most profitable businesses, in which the Sicilian Mafia ceased to be a significant player in the drug market, and he acted with mastery and well prepared.
When Falcone was investigating, Cosa Nostra played a very important role in trafficking, he could discover their routes and how they evaded inspection.
He maintained connections with Turkish suppliers, had a presence in New York when the supply of heroin in the American market on the east coast was discussed.
When he managed countless times to retrieve relics and objects that would be destroyed and that would no longer exist for the public or anyone else, he had made a deal, and every time he got it right, he gained the right to claim whatever he wanted. were.
Even now the Sicilian Mafia buys drugs to resell them locally, but it is not an international player.
That role was taken over by the Ndrangheta, the Calabrian mafia, he knew how to act and where the balance of power would go, nothing would change even if he tried, and he tried a thousand times to be clear, in which case when he tried and realized that he should go through the cycle just repeating what would happen like a textbook.
Unlike Cosa Nostra, the Calabrian Ndrangheta never carried out an offensive of attacks against the Italian State, in which it was intelligent, the Italian house, too.
This kept the discretion of organizations engaged in illicit business, and they learned as they do today, say experts.
That was the richest Italian mafia, they were businessmen and businessmen, in which they knew how to manage money, and which was followed by the Neapolitan Camorra, and they should be treated as such, they were businessmen.
Where even if that was wrong it was still a sale, even though it was illegal, there were still those who bought it, in Sicily, continuous police pressure made it difficult to reorganize Cosa Nostra, and gave room for another organization to grow using the distraction of war by Cosa Nostra.
Even there were those who wanted to take advantage of this and insert themselves and infiltrate and try to make money with the weakness that was the internal war of power, being that it was beaten, and that, he realized his fame grew and that he was consulted by each one their.
They still control part of the territory of Sicily, but with some difficulty, due to wars, massacres and ambushes, in which this interfered in everyone's life, on a calm afternoon in the middle of a family meeting, in a quiet bar, in a restaurant and sometimes At the bakery.
Even though he was consulted to know when it would occur and he leaked to another group that he followed the news he read in his previous life, the less he expected cars came and went to machine-gun an alleged and suspected member of a rival Mafia house.
What happened was there eating, drinking and sometimes they were expected and they fought back and caused a carnage, and they used passersby as shields stray bullets.
Since there were deaths and what was a fact, and that came as a side effect, in which it was people being affected, the violence grew, and they were caught off guard and in the crossfire.
At that hour, which instantly there was an ambush, and followed by an exchange of fire, and sometimes several escapes, and the police, who came in tow, sometimes ended instantly, there were victims, as it started, it ended, but they came with the effect of mountains of bodies around and scattered, despair and hysterical people trying to run away from the place and begging for their lives.
They have difficulties when it comes to raising money, but Bruce doesn't, since that would be the beginning of the end, and with that with the wars, it made it more difficult to maintain, power, instead of worrying about alliances, and sales and the power management and invest the money or sell.
When they were bent on killing each other, and leaving everyone unsatisfied, from their clients to even within families, that it was ending as fast as it started, the recurring problem was that simply the power struggle was intricate.
Being that it was for vying for power and internal control, and the fragmentation came from the inside out and the buying of weapons that were to kill each other rather than sell, in which many of its members don't make as much money as they used to.
They are struggling financially because of the war, where the money they get comes through traditional extortion activities in exchange for, and protection, but not as much as in the past...
What they cared about but went too far to stop.
Extortion, without that, how would power come, and if there was any, the pizzo, or mafia extortion, continues to be demanded in Sicily, as far as the work of civil society is concerned.
Associations such as Addio pizzo, which was literally, goodbye to mafia extortion, and which was born in 2004 and which brings together more than a thousand merchants and businessmen.
In which the one who refused to pay Cosa Nostra, made visible the repudiation of the mafia group, and was killed in the end, in which at first it was a good deal, but not in the long term, and they lost power.
However, the payment of the pizzo is still widely practiced in Sicily, as he confirmed, and most of the research on the whole process was more than extortion, it was not simple, businessmen accepting payment.
Being that they are still the vast majority, but it's hard to know how many pay bribes, and that explains a report on the mafia, and what a huge amount it was, and it's a lot of money, more than they could have calculated.
Whether it was used or not was another story, and if it hadn't been for the war of power they would have kept it between them, but it didn't last, if for Bruce, this type of business was maintained, but this mafia activity par excellence is that of extortion, for allowing to control economic activities over a limited territory.
Even if it were at another time, it would have increased, evolved, in which who knows it would have changed or surrendered, if at another time it worked, as for the construction and distribution industry, supermarkets, commerce, they all paid to work, and since they they wouldn't pay attention to where that money went, and they were bent on wars.
What they wouldn't realize, and they were between internal wars, fights over territories, and they weren't trained in accounting, and they trusted those who shouldn't, so it was easy to divert funds, in which there were values and amounts that didn't go down, and when they had doubts thrown into the accounts of another mafia entourage, blaming others, alleging ambushes and diverting attention.

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    so much ❤️ good


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