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Pyro - Crimson Spirit

Pyro - Crimson Spirit

Farhan Aditia

The Dream

The pod pulled to a slow and stopped in front of the manor. After Darius placed the groceries down, he paid the courier five Silvs and thanked him.
“Tis’ my pleasure to serve you, young master. I hope we meet again.” Dike said and headed off back on the road. Darius pulled the things in and brought them around the manor and to the back yard where an old barbecue grill and an old wooden banquet table stood ready.
“You take the charcoal biscuits out; I need to take a shower.” Aunt Joe said and left for the house. As Darius put the food on the wooden table, laid it out as orderly as he could but he did it absentmindedly as he kept his thoughts on the hooded man in the market. The sky turned gray as the clouds began to swirl above his head but its shadow blanketed all over the city and all lands as far as he could see.
“Didn’t expect it to rain so soon...” he said to himself. Darius took the food and stored it in the outhouse for a while until the storm passes. And right on cue, raindrops began pouring little by little. The hour grows late but during such a time, Darius knows the perfect place to go to now. Making sure Aunt Joe wasn’t anywhere near insight; he went to pick up his raincoat hanging near the side of the outhouse and headed back down the hill. There was a secret stairway on the very edge of the hill itself the Darius found a few years back as an emergency runaway path in case there were signs of robbers or intruders.
Although still early, Darius knows the perfect place to go to think. Making sure Aunt Joe wasn't anywhere near insight; he went to pick up his raincoat hanging near the side of the outhouse and headed back down the hill. There was a secret stairway on the very edge of the hill itself that Darius found a few years back as an emergency runaway path in case there were signs of robbers or intruders.
The rain itself isn’t even that heavy. It was rather light and rays of the sun could still pierce through the clouds. Darius headed further westward as he reached the very bottom of the winding rocky stairway. Although never certain, Old Man Rayleigh would be waiting as usual near the riverbed by his old wooden house. In his past time, Darius would go over and visit the old man for either a friendly visit or normal sparring practice. Naturally, Aunt Joe wouldn’t know of these visits for either she cares very little about what her nephew does outside or she does know and just doesn’t speak about it.
He always loved the forests and the green plains out here. Darius considers this outback of the woods as his private hideout and “training area” of sorts. On many occasions, Darius would come out here and play imaginary battles against dragons or wild beasts or even great armies of the world pitted of trying to take over Brazen Hill. It was during such a time in his youth that the old man found him or rather vice-versa.
“Back again, Darius?” a creaky voice said from afar. Darius froze in his tracks and looked around. He recognized the voice all too well but can’t isolate the exact location due to the drizzle.
“You know me,” Darius replied, “where else would I be if not here?”
“You could have stayed at home and prepared your evening parties as you normally would.” The old man replied, still not revealing himself.
“You can see what goes on in my house now, master?” Darius chuckled and continued his walking. They would always meet up at the riverbed nearby and Darius could sense his presence is still close and never fading.
“You should join us sometime,” Darius said, “the food is always good and I’ve learned how to roast a rather mean oiled steak. You’d probably love it.”
“Perhaps I would,” the old man said as he finally revealed himself wearing his usual overused brown cloak coming from the side of a tree, “if your guardian was not so pretentious against old folk like me.”
Old Man Rayleigh was all that Darius knew what to call him for that is what was requested. Other than that, “Master” was the appropriate title during training. He has a long grey beard and mustache and hair that matches in length to his shoulder blades, true gray eyes as well as a drunken expression although he never seems drunk out of the norm. Rayleigh’s full name is unknown to Darius as it was never shared but at this point, Darius doesn’t need to bother with it.
“If you had socialized more with the world, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad,” Darius replied with a smile.
“Indeed, if I had lived a different life… what brings you to this neck of the woods at this hour?” Rayleigh asked as he slowly sat down on a boulder next to the river.
“I’m just passing the time. I had a really strange thing happen to me today at the market.” Darius said as he sat down opposite his master.
“What occurrence is that?”
“I was being watched by a man clad in black and hood. He just stood there and stared at me while I was in Mr. Burks’ shop.” Darius said and he picked up a rock and fiddled with it.
“Are you sure he just stared? Maybe he was just a passerby and looked into your direction by coincidence.” Rayleigh replied.
“That’s what Aunt Joe said… but as he just stood there and stared at me,” Darius stopped fiddling and began staring at the rock, “a few people walked and passed right through him as if he were a ghost. No one noticed him or even looked at how or what he did. And you would know if someone is staring at you because you can just feel it deep down…”
“It would seem you have a stalker, then…” Rayleigh said.
“Yeah, maybe… what do you think I should do? Simply ignore it and go on with my life or take more caution? I’m not fond of secret followers, Master.”
“Hmm… never have I encountered such a fated encounter. Perhaps you should embrace it.” the old master said while brushing his fingers through his beard.
“Why would I embrace it? He could be an enemy of sorts and try to kill me in my sleep.” Darius retorted, now facing his master directly.
“Ah, but why would you immediately assume he is an enemy, to begin with? Do you have enemies?” the old man asked.
“Not that I know of,”
“Do you have any friends?”
“Of course, not…” Darius said sullenly.
“Have you ever agitated anyone other than those you have known?”
“Then what do you have to fear, student?” Rayleigh said with a smile and stood up. He walked to the river’s edge and placed his hand in the water.
“I fear death, master.” Darius returned as he too joined his master next to the river.
“Ah, but why fear something that you would know full well about?” Rayleigh gently waved his hand around against the current.
“Something I would know full well about? What are you going on about, master?” Darius asked with a light chuckle.
“Do you remember what I asked you when I first found you here? You were in the river with the water as high as your chest.” Rayleigh said as he turned to look at his young pupil.
“I was about five or six years old, I couldn’t possibly remember what you said in the past,” Darius replied.
“Do you not fear death?” Rayleigh smiled. Darius smiled in return with a laugh of his own. It was then he remembered what he said.
“If death lives in the water, then it might as well live in the air that I breathe to and that means I am death.” Darius recited with a smile.
“And that, my young apprentice, is why I decided to teach you to wield a blade. You do not fear death but at the same time, you accept such a fate. Something warriors and soldiers had to learn the hard way of such.” Rayleigh always had this sort of wisdom that Darius could never really understand nor touch but once the picture is clear and all questions have been answered, Darius would have gained himself some new knowledge as well as the same form of wisdom.
“I suppose I should thank you for this, master. It’s still a shame that you won’t receive any form of payment. I could pay you rather handsomely and it would be much beneficial since all of my parent’s money isn’t going anywhere.” Darius said.
“Indeed, it would but I have no use for such a thing... You should return home now, my young student. The rain will be getting heavier soon. Nature always knows when it is best to be indoors.” Rayleigh said with finality in his tone as he stood up and turned to leave. Funny thing is that Darius never knew where this old man lives: he could be living in a tree root as far as anyone would know.
“I hope we meet again, Master Rayleigh,” Darius said as he bowed slightly in respect of his master’s leave.
“Like the river meeting at the edge of the oceans, we will always meet again, Darius.” Rayleigh returned. The moment Darius looked up to see his master leaving, the old man was gone without a trace save for a small breath of the wind.
The walk back to his house felt longer than his walk towards his master’s. His thoughts now stretched further thanks to old man Rayleigh’s ever-wise words but thinking back, however, the old man was right in much sense.
Darius shook his head in disbelief and tried to shake it all off before climbing back up the rocky secret staircase behind the hill. Upon returning, he went upstairs to his room, passing by Aunt Joe’s room where he can hear his aunt singing a tune to herself. He closed the door behind him and lay down to think. He didn’t know why this hooded man bothered him so much, he felt like he just stared at Death itself. Or maybe it’s nothing but a figment of the imagination and he’s overthinking something as trivial as this. Aunt Joe was probably right as old man Rayleigh pointed out, the weather was dull and rain was expected so it would be natural for people to wear raincoats and cloaks. He closed his eyes and fell quickly into a deep slumber, only to find himself staring into the darkness.
“Where am I?” he asked but there was no sound from his mouth. If anything, it’s as if his mind spoke louder than his throat.
You are where you are.
A voice came from the beyond. It sounded like a man’s voice but it was calm, relaxing, and old. Darius wanted to be afraid of being stuck in a dream-like limbo but there was no fear whatsoever.
“Where are you? ... What are you?” Darius asked but again, his vocal cords did not speak, his mind did.
I have been watching you… for a very long time…
“Were you the one who watched me from outside Mr. Burks's shop?”
No… but he represents a looming threat… come, let me take a better look at you…
Darius couldn’t move but in that looming darkness, he could feel that his body is being lifted off his feet. Provided, he even has any feet because he can’t feel or see any of his limbs. After a quick moment, he felt being placed down where he could stand (or float) again. This time, he did not see pure darkness but the very stars themselves. The universe in all of its lights and beauty, galaxies, and stars could be seen as if he’s standing right next to them and at the same time far away like the little dots he sees in the night sky. But one peculiar star moved slowly until it became bigger and bigger; approaching him.
The star wasn’t a star at all but it wasn’t human. The fire was pouring out of the being that’s approaching him, fire golden and aura of red but it didn’t blind him and once closes enough, did not burn him. Darius extended his hand out to touch the fire but of course, he had no hands so he was now at the mercy of this dream-like being.
You look exactly as I have imagined… perhaps better.
“I’m sorry but who are you? Or what are you?” Darius asked.
The flames began to flicker and dance and were finally subdued. It dispersed into space like sparks of glitter flying from meted steel. From the center, a man, or rather, a suit of golden armor draped in a red cloak and six fiery angels-like wings behind it. Whatever this creature was, it is beautiful… but within this angelic armor there was nothing, Darius could make out nothing but a shadow in the eyes of the helm and other parts where the body should be shown.
I have a few names… but for now, you shall know only one… You have been through much and you have believed in much… I have chosen you to know my secrets… my knowledge…
“What do you mean? Chosen for what purpose?” his mind asked.
A reckoning force... evil forces are at play... He is coming.... you must be ready...
The angel drifted to the side and flew around a glowing orb of blue and green lights. After taking a closer look, Darius realized it was the planet itself although he did feel a little weird seeing Gaia from this point of view. He could see Altaria perfectly and the Mountain Wall to the west, the Icerian polar caps and its three regions to the north, Gan'Xa and its vast deserts in the east, the unified islands of Shogun just south of Gan'Xa and the realm of the elves to the very south of Altaria, Vesperia.
He could even make out the abandoned southern ice caps at the edge of the world and the streams of untamed life seeping across the abandoned tundra. And rather majestic views in the center of the world’s oceans; Atlantis, The sole ruler of the deep seas neutral to every nation in existence save for Iceria itself. But the lights of the orb began to fade and dim as certain darkness came from the Thunder Plagues.
The Thunder Plagues is a patch of isolated land filled with nothing but mountains and ancient towers just south of Gan'Xa's capital but Darius only knows that the Thunder Plagues are an abandoned land where lightning strikes every single second on random rocks and mountains. And yet, the darkness seems to seep out from that single continent with the twin moons glowing an ominous dark glow directly above it. When the two moons converge together, it’s called the Twilight and happens once every ten years; the last one was eight years ago.
“What is that?” he asked pointing to the gray continent. Luckily, the fire angel knew what he was referring to because he forgot he has no fingers right now.
That is the first wave amongst three... He will use this darkness... to cover the world in His name... once more... He shall reclaim... this world...
“Who is this man? Why is he doing this?” Darius asked but he doesn't want to know the answer and his guts (if it’s there) tell him this angel knows it too.
He is no man... His true name was forgotten... but He is coming... His plan realized... by the shadows... Somehow, that answer was a bit relieving compared to what Darius had in mind. But he knows that this dream if it’s even remotely considered as one, is a real warning.
“How do I stop this guy? Where can I find him?”
Thus why I have come to you... the time has come again... for the reign of a new... Champion...You are now... my Chosen... My sword... My Psyon...
“Psyon...” Darius uttered under his breath. He knows that word; he's heard it so many times in bedtime stories and local folklore growing up. Psyons; Chosen mediums of ancient weapons known as Catalysts. You would normally hear stories about these creatures as heroes of mankind, angels to all beings, great warriors of skill and power as much as they are great leaders and peacekeepers. Creatures of such magnitude are depicted with shining armor, wings of fire and light, bodies that cannot wither, and knowledge vast beyond belief... Under Darius's subconscious thought, you have got to be kidding me.
“Psyons aren't real... they're just myths and legends told to children before bed,” Darius said although he now doesn't believe in his own words.
We are real... only to those... who believe... and will fight... for all lights...
The fire angel now glided off into space and flew in the direction of the sun. The fire angel stood there and its fire and lights act as if he is the sun itself.
“Light of all lights...” Darius muttered under his breath, it’s the saying of the Vesperian Elves when they refer to the source of all light and power on the planet. The reality of what he's seeing is finally sinking in: this fire angel is just a spiritual image of a real Catalyst, proof that his bedtime stories upon growing up were more than just a fairy tale. And now, he's being given the chance to become one of the heroes of ancient times... something Darius is not prepared for.
“Sorry, sir, but I must refuse.” He said with a swelling in his chest, at least that feeling's real, “I can't accept being a Psyon. I will not be responsible for waging wars and ending lives, what more fighting one. I'm not a soldier nor a warrior nor a hero, I'm nowhere near worthy for power in my hands.”
The fires on the angel flicker when he, if Darius heard it right, laughed. But while it was echoing, it was comforting, merry, and soothing.
Wise words from a wise child... Your father, too... believed as you did...
His heart stopped. How did this creature know his father? Unless...
“Was my father... your previous Psyon?” he asked with anxiety.
No... I met him once... I saw his memories... of you... he has watched over you.... throughout your life... until now, his Sight... no longer see you...
“I'm not sure if you have the-- wait, my father is alive?” Darius now felt like shouting but his voice is already at a maximum volume (like trying to sing a lullaby).
The fire angel flew off and stood behind him. Darius slowly turned around to find this fire angel is much larger than he thought, easily standing at two or three feet higher than himself.
Only a Psyon...can kill a Psyon...
Darius is now dumbstruck. He's trying to understand what that means but his brain doesn't seem to be functioning properly at this moment.
Become my Psyon... Become my sword... unleash the new reign... of a champion...
Darius mouthed the words but he couldn't hear himself saying anything. But what comes next would enable him to mute.
My name is…
A crack of thunder roared through the sky. It was like a cannon of bursting lions, so loud until it awoke the Queen from her sleep. She sat up straight with sweat dripping from her temple; fear struck deep in her heart like nothing she’s ever felt, far worse than the absence of her King. She got up and walked to her window, she looked out to see lightning bolts battling across the heavens but it was not the wrath of nature that shook her, it was the golden light emitting from a small manor on a hill.
She knew who lived there but the fear is there nonetheless. She took hold of her long black hair and caressed it gently, the lightning slowly subdued but it was still crackling high above. She stroked her hair now using three fingers, all the while her sights are focused on the manor and the storm began to subside save for a light breeze of rain. When the lightning stopped battling each other, she stopped stroking her hair and easier breathing passed through her.
“Please don’t…” she whispered, “Please do not take him I beg you.”
“It is too late… he is now ready,” said a deep voice from beyond.
“You promised me you wouldn’t!” she said, her eyes unwavering from the manor.
“He is already Converting… there is nothing we can do now.” the voice returned.
“You lied to me! You swore that you would not take him!” she shrieked. A single tear began to drop.
“It is not my choice, it is his…” the voice’s presence disappeared and the queen dropped to her knees, her silk robe sliding with her. She fell into silent cries, hoping that the boy would refuse but the golden light has disappeared. She knew full well the Conversion was over. She can do nothing now but watch and wait. She picked up the trims of her robe and went back to bed; worry ever aching in her very skin. All she can do now is wait.
Darius jerked himself rather violently awake. His face was dripping with sweat and his body shaking, he had a problem breathing for some reason as if his lung had been punched like in training. He noticed the storm has stopped and he looked around the room for any signs of intrusion. He didn’t know why he did it, he just felt like he should.
Slowly, he looked at himself and felt relieved that his limbs were right where they should be but another fear now drowned him: instead of blood veins, they are now veins of golden light.
But as Darius continued to stare at his arms, the lights slowly disappeared to show again the faint red and green veins of blood as they should. He knew that was no ordinary dream and whatever that was, he had the feeling that it was going to haunt him soon enough. He got up and rushed to the door but stopped before twisting the doorknob. He wanted to tell Aunt Joe what happened but would she believe him? Better still, what if the fiery creature said about the looming threat was true? He now has more questions regarding his father's death which leads to his mother now as well. And what of this inevitable darkness that is to come? And his name! He has heard of it so many times before but just up until this moment, he forgot about it.
“Zar…” he muttered to himself. That was all he could recall but even that was already at the tip of his tongue. He slowly twisted the doorknob but only to be pushed back by an image of a woman whose wet blonde hair is spread all over her front and back and holding a towel with water still dripping.
“What the hell happened?” she shrieked.
“What do you mean, what happened? What just happened?” Darius replied. Looking at his aunt in the just-out-of-the-shower state is a little shocking even for himself.
“The house was shaking and stuff and when I looked out, there was this massive light coming out of your bedroom window. What the hell were you doing in here!?” she shrieked again.
“Aunt Joe, calm down… nothing happened… I had a weird dream and maybe I shook the bed a little bit. You know me.” Darius said to counter her rising tension but he has doubts over what he was saying.
“Don’t give me that I-don’t-know-what-happened jug. It freaked me out!” she was now panting and racing across the room and rummaging through the curtains, the bed, the pillows, and his closet and table drawers. All the while, searching with one hand and holding the towel with the other.
“Will you relax? At the very least, can you put on your clothes first? And besides, do you not hear that?” Darius said with a little panic in his voice. He pointed out the window and showed the heavy downpour that is constantly dropping and the drums of thunder bellowing in the gray skies.
“It’s thunder everywhere. That flash of light you saw could have just been a thunderbolt hitting near the manor. And you know how powerful those things get; I’m just surprised the whole house didn’t drop on us.” He said. Darius knew everything he said wasn’t true in the slightest but it made more sense than a fiery angel visiting him in his dreams.
She stopped in her tracks to look at her nephew with fear and doubt and yet worry and regret in her eyes. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before slowly leaving the room.
“Clean yourself up… you gotta dress to impress, right?” she said finally and left. Darius stood there a little struck: he could have told her what happened to him and as seeing that her story made ten times more sense than his form of logic, she might have believed him a little and even if she didn’t she wouldn’t make fun of something as serious as this. Although the storm is constantly brewing, it’s not bad enough to stop the planned barbecue to happen. Darius took a hot shower before changing clothes but notices that he can’t stand properly, or at least, not balanced. Every step he takes feels like the floor is tumbling beneath him. He checked his pulse by his wrist and can’t feel inconsistency, no lapse of breathing, no nerve trouble of any kind in his legs; he simply can’t stand up properly.
He lay down on his bed and tried to relax but it seems he’s having problems doing that too because he’s breathing heavily as if gasping for air. The very air around him gets thinner and thinner until his head started to spin.
He tries to clear his mind but the air was too thin and he began to slowly asphyxiate.
“Aunt Joe...” he whispered but that was all he could muster before passing out. The fire angel or whatever it was did not reappear in a dream form again although Darius would very much like to speak to it again. But now, there was nothing but cool darkness and softness of his body that encouraged him to seep further in.

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