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ESMERALDA hurriedly grabbed the blankets from the closet. Holding the lamp in her hand, she went out of the room. There was a blackout because of the strong wind caused by the typhoon. She was heading downstairs when she saw her neighbors evacuating.
They were temporarily staying in the living room and in the spaces below. The place was still not crowded because there was no other furniture except for the old bamboo couch. Her house stood on an elevated area where flood could not easily reach. It had been her family's practice to let their neighbors, who had no place to go in their home or in the barn.
“I’ll help you, Esmeralda,” Cynthia Lyn, her best friend, offered. She was with her family. They were deeply affected by the flood since they lived by the river.
“Thank you,” she said. “Do you think we’ll have enough food?”
She shook her head. “There’s more than enough for us. We have already prepared for the typhoon, so we brought our own food.”
Esmeralda sighed in relief. The people who took shelter in their home before starved, and she did not want it to happen again. Even though they survived the flood, people left with nothing to eat and got sick because they lack food and medicine. They learned their lesson now.
It was a huge thing that the house was built on time. It was not plastered yet, but the roofs were durable, the windows were fine, and since the house was spacious, it could accommodate more evacuees.
San Luis was a small and underprivileged town. Help from the government and NGOs could not reach them right away whenever there are calamities because bigger cities that were easy to reach were more prioritized. Esmeralda was not expecting from politicians who only served their allies during elections even though they all pay taxes just the same, either.
Kadyo appeared, panting, together with other men. Behind them was the last family who lived along the river. “We’re here,” he said and took off his raincoat.
“Cynthia Lyn, give them some hot soup,” Esmeralda said. “Please come in.”
“Help me!” Topher, her childhood friend, shouted frantically. “Nana Ising was left alone in her hut. She was sick and could not walk anymore. She needs to be evacuated before the river sweeps her away.”
She nodded at Kadyo. “Let’s get her,” she told him and the rest of the men. Nana Ising had no relatives left. She lived alone in her small hut. She was already weak, and they could not leave her just like that.
“You can just stay here,” Topher said.
“B-but you don’t have to go with us. Leave it up to us men.”
“I can’t just relax until I make sure that Nana Ising is safe.” Esmeralda grabbed her thick jacket and donned a hat. She walked past Tophe. “Let’s go,” she said and led the group.
She was close to Nana Ising because she used to take care of her when her parents were at the farm. She used to tell them scary stories. She wanted to make sure that she’ll be all right.
“Just leave it up to us,” Topher insisted.
"Hurry up. The rain is getting stronger. It might be difficult for us if we waste more time," she said without throwing a glance, completely ignoring what he said.
Kadyo and the rest of the men followed quietly. They were too tired to argue with her. They all knew that once she decided to do something, there’s no backing out.
Esmeralda was strong. She was not yet tired of taking care of the people because she was at her house the whole time. While the men had been busy helping the evacuees. If a problem occurred, she could be of help.
They walked along the river. The rain was pouring hard. Her eyes did not miss the logs from the mountain and the remains of houses that got swept by the flood. Just like the day her parents died.
"Look!" Topher shouted that pulled Esmeralda back from reminiscing that painful day. Her eyes reverted to the blue object that he was pointing. It was carried away by the water, but it was trying to move. "Is that a person?"
“Indeed,” Kadyo said as he watched the blue object that was coming toward them. “Where did that came from?”
She ignored their murmurs and quickly pulled the rope that was coiled in Topher’s arm. She was sure that the floating object was a person. She saw it moved. She was sure it was still alive. But it was not easy for the man to fight the strong current of the water to reach the bay. He needed help.
“What are you trying to do?” Topher asked who was shocked when she snatched the rope from him.
“I’ll save him,” Esmeralda replied and tightened the rope around her waist.
His eyes widened. "Are you crazy? You could die if you jump into the water. The current is strong, and…"
He paused when she threw the other end of the rope in his hand. “Tie it around the tree. I have no time to argue with you.”
Her company was left stunned when she ran. She calculated her distance from the person and hit upon a chance, then jumped into the river.
Right. It was a crazy idea to jump into the cold, flashing water. But she had no time to worry about her own safety. She needed to save the person. She could not just stand there and watch someone die when she could have done something.
Esmeralda stroked with her hands. She fought the strong current. She was a good swimming athlete from elementary to college. But her actual skill in swimming was tested at the moment.
She ignored the warnings of her company. All she could hear was the sound of flashing water and her loud heartbeat. A few moments later, she caught the arm of the person. She did not waste more time. She hooked her arm around his neck and swam back to the shore with all her might.

Komento sa Aklat (208)

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    Loreto Belanizo Velarde

    nganong gwapo manko sag unsaon charrr bitaw gwapo jud ko kay anak mankong aristea pinaka gwapaa tos tanang tinbuok kalibotan monang naliwat kos akunb ka gwapoo animala nako diay uy bantog ra gwapoo manko jud uy di mapigilan ang ka gwapoo nako uy. bosit man diay ko bitaw tara lezGo mag emel ta aron pogi ta tan.awn alangan ana mana uy dihud na tagaan kaluya ang lawas mingat mangot man diay ko ga salimuang lagii ko naunsa manko diay waa ni hayst na buang sa kaparayg intawon bosit man diay ko HAHAHA


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    Kevin Camay Ybañez



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    Jaime Guanzon



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