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Chapter 6

Chapter 6
There are things only girls could understand...
It's confusing.
I stared at Trisha longer that I could, trying to process what she meant by her words. She was still giggling happily as she averted my gaze and looked up at the white board instead. The teacher was already saying something about us going to have an activity tomorrow. But my mind couldn't even understand her. Heck, even her loud voice was incoherent in my hearing.
I'm still confused... and bothered for no reason. I don't know why.
Trisha turned her head as she whispered, “Let us be partner in chemistry tomorrow, yeah?”
I blinked and went back to my reverie.
I shrugged off my shoulders and looked away. “Sure, of course,”
She let out a giggle and she returned on her work. I noticed that she likes giggling a lot. She's a happy-go-lucky girl and she wasn't hard to like to. She have a bright smile, sweet attitude and kind face. She looks really like an angel.
The next class came and I'm already bored in the classroom. I yawned couple of times and got scolded countless by teachers.
When the lunch came, I went to my team’s usual spot in the cafeteria. The american football team wasn't there, thankfully. I greeted my team with a bump on the fist and manly hugs. Some of us has a bruise on our faces and some got even a bone injury. We just laughed it off because honestly speaking, that wasn't new to us.
Rhedimore jabbed me through his elbow. “Cap, I heard you're going to clean the whole soccer field together with Rutherford?”
I glared at him. “Stop reminding me.”
He laughed alongst with our other teammates. They knew exactly what was about to happen when I would be in the same place with Rizer Rutherford, yet they are even laughing and expecting the worse thing to happen like it was as though we are some sort of an entertainment.
“If I were you I would stop laughing right now unless I like having another bruise on the face," I warned. They suddenly stopped laughing and cleared their throats as they stood straighter. I hid a smirk.
The juniors, of course, got our food ordered and we ate loudly in the middle of the cafeteria. The football team was as loud as we are but at least there was a distance unlike yesterday. Thankfully.
I sighed as I felt my jaw stung a bit. Heck, he was a hard puncher.
“What 'bout your punishments?” I asked, remembering they have to pay the consequences of joining the riot yesterday.
They went oddly quiet like as if an angel just walked in our table. I rose a brow, sensing something was off.
“Lemme guess,” I trailed off. “you're going to clean the public comfort rooms,”
They groaned loudly and I laughed hard, throwing my head back. The all threw some piece of their junk food at me and I avoided it easily while laughing still. Later on, they all laugh together with me as we find it very hilarious.
We, my teammates, are very close with each other. One for all, all for one was our principles and no one would left behind. We respected each other like a real brothers that's why we are always teamed up. They are my best of friends in this school, the one I could call of and get a vibe with.
The lunch came to an end and we went back to our classes. With a sigh, I sat down beside Lyra. She turned to me and smiled cheekily.
My forehead creased when I noticed her having a pink ink in the lips. “What is that?”
Her brows shot up questioningly as she pointed her lips. “This?”
I nodded briefly. “Yeah,”
“This is a liptint."
I rolled my eyes as I replied, “I know that, Lyra. My question is, why are you wearing that thing?”
She pouted her lips as her eyelashes batted. She was fighting the urged to smile. I knew her since then and her mannerisms wasn't new to me. In fact, I knew almost everything of her. Her crushes, her first boyfriend, likes, dislikes and etc.
“Someone's asking me to a date. His name is Jeremy,”
I grimace automatically. “The name sounds gay!”
She slapped my arm softly. “It is just a name. That doesn't mean he is a gay. And besides, there's nothing wrong with gays,”
“Ah, my ears, darling. I grew up in a religious family. Of course, homosexuals are very immoral. If you date him and something happened, you will have an STD.”
Her face reddened in embarrassment. “Michu!”
I laughed. “Sorry, sorry.”
“Nothing will happen, gosh! We are just going to date to know each other and nothing less and nothing more! Ugh, you and your dirty mind."
“That is not dirty. I am just being cautious, yah know? We wouldn't know,” I said and shrugged.
She annoyedly puffed a breath and I chuckled again. “Let me see that boy first,”
“No, you're going to steal him from me.”
My expression turned into distaste. “The hell?”
Now it was her turn to laugh. I shoved her shoulder as I rolled my eyes. We just stopped from laughing when the teacher came with her specs hanging in her eyes lazily, her hair was tied loosely and she was wearing an oversized blouse paired with her creased pencil skirt.
Can I see better than this? Wow nice outfit, ma'am.
“Open your books to page 156,” Our teacher said.
We followed as what was told and flipped the pages to 156. Since it was only limited books, Lyra and I shared. We opened the book and was greeted with the title ‘Hormones’ and about teenage stuff. Mrs. Bean started her lecture but my mind wasn't focused on the class. My brain jumped out of the window and walked towards the mindless thoughts of how tiring my situation is. I was going to be with Rutherford for the rest of the month cleaning the massive soccer field. God, I'm gonna die. I can't stand having the sight of him, let alone being with him.
I heave a deep sigh. I didn't notice the class ended and the next subject came. Until the end of afternoon class, my mind was traveling somewhere but the thought of Rizer fucking Rutherford.
Suddenly, the school bell rang...
I inwardly groaned as I gathered my things. I went towards my locker and shoved my stuff inside it. As I closed the locker door, Rizer's face blocked my view.
I stared at him flatly. He smiled sarcastically and opened his locker right next to me without breaking our eye contact. As soon as he locked the locker, he faced me.
“Let's get it done,”
“I... Fucking... Know." I walked past him, bumping his shoulder with mine. He scoffed behind me.
We made our ways to the soccer field. This school is awesome and freaking huge. Can't believe they've got the soccer, volleyball, and football fields separated, since basketball and badminton and other sports are indoor. We are well-known as the school in New York City and in the whole world as excelling in terms of sports. We are popular because of it and a lot of parents are dying just to have their children enrolled here. Athletes are popular in this school and we often got offered scholarships, sponsorship, and even jobs. Plus, our theatre here are very much famous.
“What should we do?” I asked while looking at the front entrance of the soccer field. The massive benches are not that dirty, unlike when there was a game. What are we going to clean then?
“Dunno,” Rizer stood beside me with his shoulder shrugging. I turned my head at him and saw his brows knitted in confusion. Since he was looking before him, I could see the nice angle of his face. His jawline was perfectly sculpted, and so as his nose. His Adam's apple was very manly and the way it bobbled up makes me also gulp for no reason.
He turned his head and our eyes met. I pretended I wasn't shock by looking at him flatly.
“I think we better check the surrounding first,” he spoke. I nodded in agreement and we began walking. First we went up to the benches and check if there's something we needed to clean. There was some plastics on the floor, probably from the students who chooses to have lunch here earlier or probably from the soccer players. Since we have no plastic bags to gather the dirts, we just left it there and we will get it back later. After checking the benches, we went down towards the field itself. There were a lot of plastic scattered around like coca-cola's can, straws, disposable plates and any other stuff.
“Where would we get the trash bags?” I asked, looking around.
“I think it's in the janitor's room,” he replied shortly. “It's an easy logic.”
Annoyed, I rolled my eyes as I said, “I wasn't talking to you, I was asking myself.”
“Did you get an answer? Nothing,” he retorted.
“Whatever, dumbass.”
I followed him as he walked towards the janitor's room in this department. It wasn't locked, thank God.
“There are hand gloves here, you pick these up and whilst I find the plastic bags.” He pointed the box in the left side of the room.
“You're familiar here, aren't you?” I asked as I followed what he said. He didn't say anything as he shrugged and a sly smirk appeared on his lips.
I rose a brow at him before I opened the box.
“What the fuck?!” I shrieked. Rizer burst out laughing. “Why is there used condoms here?! Goodness, yuck!” I closed the door immediately, scrunching my nose in disgust.
“Ops, I'm innocent!” I heard him said, defensively.
I rolled my eyes and snickered. He just laughed happily as if having me almost had an heart attack was funny.
We continued on finding the things we needed to have. I searched in the left side of the room while he searched in the right side. There's nothing really much things here aside from cleaning materials and other stuff, but we kinda have struggle to find the specifics things due unfamiliarity.
I jumped slightly when a cockroach suddenly appeared.
“You okay there?” Rizer asked loudly.
“As if you care,” I replied and covered the cockroach with the cartoon. An idea popped inside my head. “Rutherford, come here! I found something!”
He rushed to come over. “What? What is it?”
“I found something...” I whispered as I widened my eyes.
He gulped nervously. “Y-Yeah?”
“Here, under this box. I found something.”
“What was it?”
“Do you wanna know?”
He nodded fastly like a child who was eager to receive a lollipop given by his grandmother. “Yes,”
I hid a smile of an evil. “Then figure it by yourself,” I encouraged. “I will remove this box here and you will catch whatever under it, okay? You need to be quick or else it will disappear.”
He gulped as he nodded his head. “O...kay.” He glanced at me and I nodded.
“I would count to three then you'll do it. Understand?” Again, he nodded. “Okay, then one, two, three... Catch it!”
As soon as those words slipped out of my mouth, Rizer rushed to catch whatever under the box, oblivious that it was his weakness; cockroach.
Years of him being my rival, I almost knew everything of him. Well, aside from his every year new perfume. He often changed his scent for I don't know why. And I am not interested to know it either.
I watched how Rizer gasped in shocked but didn't say anything. He was completely speechless. He shook the cockroach away as he paled badly. It was my turn to laugh evily. Ha, well deserve. If he wasn't only a jerk, I wouldn't have done it to him. But what happened next surprised me.
Rizer fell off the ground as he lost his consciousness.
Great. Just great.

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    nice grammar and nice story I like the scenario and scene I hope many people enjoy this and I hope many people realised this morning and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be there at mag and I hope you have a great day and I will be


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    Rêäl Dëlâ Çrûz Ygøt

    nice apps


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    hai super Ganda


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