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Part 4: Cuando se Trata de Amor

SOMETIMES, love can break your heart and even yourself, it will lead you to drop tears and give you an heart ache. Sometimes, you can bring a question like: Do I really deserve this? Do I really need to suffer like this? Why do I need to be in this kind of situation?
Vivian sipped one more time on her cup while holding the new release of newspaper. It was stated that the movie will now be released nationwide. Her amor reached another achievement.
Why all of a sudden that her amor betrayed her? Why, of all people, her amor broke her heart?
Why the word love is the reason of her pain? Isn't she deserving to be happy?
She turned into the next page, it was the issue about Charmaine being the future wife and mom. She shook her head. That should be Vivian.
In just one mistake, her story didn't follow the outline she created. She's not a great writer. She didn't follow the rules.
Why all of a sudden she's the one who's suffering a heartbreak instead of Charmaine? Why? Charmaine is the wicked one, not Vivian. But why is Vivian suffering? Why so unfair?
Troy demanded, she gave. Troy asked, she answered. Troy wanted to keep her privately, she gave in. Troy wanted her to pretend, she followed. And this is what she received? Where's the justice in that?
"I guess, happy ending is not my reward for being a good follower. I guess, Troy is not my prince," she said and faked a laugh. "I'm not her princess. So who's my prince?" she asked.
"I'm not a princess, I don't have a crown, I don't have a kingdom," she paused and turn another page of the newspaper she's holding for twenty minutes already. "I don't have a prince."
"Love? Why so fucked up? Don't you have any employees to play with? Is that why you're playing me? I'm not a player, you know."
When it comes to love, expect the pain, expect the sorrow. When it comes to love, it can hurt you physically, mentally, and most of all, emotionally. When it comes to love, expect all the heartaches because not all people deserved to be happy, deserved to have the love story they wanted. And unfortunately, Vivian belongs to that group of people.
Cuando se trata de amor.
"Mamá," her son screamed. Vivian directly searched for her son, Miguel.
"Mamá, I made you a crown," her son continued. "It looks fabulous on you. You're now a queen—," Miguel paused. "Má? Why are you crying? Weren't you surprised by my presence?"
It's been five years. It's been five years when Troy leaved Vivian. It's been five years when Troy chose Charmaine over her. It's been five years when Troy chose the wicked witch over her and her son, Miguel.
Three weeks after Troy's issue, she found out that she's six weeks pregnant. Her love for Troy created a gift, at least she have her presence. She have her little Troy, her cutest Miguel.
"Mamá, I hate seeing you crying. Stop thinking about being Troy's princess. You're my queen and I will be your king," Miguel said while wiping her tears.
Her son is now her treasure. She completely understands why those tragedies came into her life. Those obstacles mold her into a stronger woman, stronger Mom she need to be.
She held her son's hand, "Troy is your father, Miguel. Respect him."
"I don't need a father, Mamá. I need you."
Miguel placed the crown in her black hair and kiss her forehead.
"Donʼt worry, Mamá. I will be strong. I will protect you."
A treasure. Her son is her sanctuary. Her son is her tesoro. Whatever happens, she already has her Miguel, her king.
She doesn't need a prince charming anymore, she doesn't need a man that can protect her. She can stand on her own without a man that will hug her in her sadness. She have her Miguel that will give paint a smile on her face. She have her Miguel that will help her to stand if weakness hugged her to death. She have her Miguel that will wipe her tears and bring her to life.
She doesn't need a knight in shining armor and make her a queen. She doesn't need a king to be called a queen. She doesn't need a knight to be safe, she had friends who will help her if she's in danger. She only need her son, her friends, her family, and God.
She needs her strength when she feels weak. She needs her son if she want to smile. She needs her happiness if she want to laugh. She needs her happy pill to be happy again, and that's her Miguel, her king, her happiness.

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    JA Labitag Lusuegro



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    Jasmine Trixie Bauzon

    good movie


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