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Saint Archangel (Special Chapter Part 2)

That incident brought me to this position. Using a different body I went to Adelaide Hospital where Hailey Perelman confined, the body which was interred by the Guardian of Soul. After the case was forwarded to the Death Ministry the judges decided. There, I was sent to track down the Guardian of Soul to be a living reaper. This is a risk because the Guardian of soul has the ability to bring souls back to their bodies and revive them. Something that when it happens will lead to lose the balance of the world. On the other hand, it is also good because it will be easier for the minister to find lost souls. Souls will surely roam around the Guardian of Soul.
But all this will only happen if the guardian of soul signs the agreement. If not and the Guardian of soul refuses, she will have eternal life. Something that would only add a lot of disaster for the people around her.
"Hijo, you're already here, it's good and your condition is fine. I'll let my daughter know you're here in a moment." this is what a doctor Hailey Perelman's father told me. According to data provided to me by the ministry I am Hailey Perelman's boyfriend. But what is a boyfriend?
Although I knew nothing of that word I did my job. even whenever I work for the ministry of death I seem reluctant. Something is telling me that this is not what I want.
"My daughter, I am your dad so don't call me doc just Dad. Is it okay for you? " I heard them talking from outside the room. "By the way, someone wants to pay a visit to you. He said he misses you very much. " The Doctor uttered while may be he's pertaining to me.
"W-who is it?" This time I hear a solent voice of a woman eco in the sorrounding.
"Your boyfriend. Albus, come in." When Mr. Perelman command me to come in. I immediately followed.
I immediately looked straight at my mission. A woman is currently lying in a hospital bed and I'm sure she's Mary Sean Ivanovich because Grim Reapers like me see human souls rather than their physical faces. I couldn't help but be stunned, when I looked at her there I just remembered she was the woman who saw me when I once visited Adelaide Academy. It was only at that time that I remembered that I had met the Guardian of Soul. Well, not that new I often forget things that are not that important to me.
Yet I shrugged my shoulders at the momentary forgetfulness and focused more on my work.
The Guardian of Soul's eyes were currently widening when she saw me. And I know it's not because of the owner of this body but it's because of me. She sees me.
"Good day Doc." my formal remarks. "Hi babe!" I turn to Hailey or would it be better if I call her Sean. Yet she immediately looked away from me. Obvious fear.
I turned to Mr Perelman again and he smiled at me.
You have to be patient with her, hijo.
I heard what he was thinking so I smiled at him before looking back at the Guardian of soul. But she was really scared of me something that Mr Perelman had already noticed.
"Are you alright?" The Doctor suddenly asked her. She then immediately grabbed his hand, so he wouldn't leave. Mr Perelman seemed to feel the trembling of her hand. So he was alarmed.
"D-don't-" before she could say something I spoke.
"Sir, I will take care of her."
No! No! No!
I can hear Sean thoughts.
"All right, I'll leave you two."
"But-" she was about to stop the doctor from leaving when his cellphone immediately rang. He answered it and then bid his goodbye to us.
"Are you okay babe?" I nonchalantly asked.
Did he think that he can fool me?
"Whoever you are. Get out of that body!" she threatened. Hearing those things made me grin.
"It's good that you knew right away. I thought it would take a long time for you to guess." I said and playfully as I sat on the sofa before closing my eyes. I need to get out to this body once, this ain't comfortable.
As I leave Albus Weasley body it start decomposing and smelling so bad. When my gaze went back to the Guardian of Soul she was now holding on tightly to the bedsheet of the hospital bed.
He was a Grim Reaper.
And again I hear her thoughts. She was praising my appearance and that made my lips curve a little.
"W-who, are you? W-what do you need from me?" as she asked me I slowly approached her.
"I am Saint and I'm here to hunt you down, but then because I am sure that you can't get off to that body. Death ministry assigns you to be a living reaper, no buts or anything you suicidal. You want your death, right? So then, accept our offer. For you to die peacefully, Mary Sean Ivanovich. Did I answer your question?" I introduced. That's when her forehead furrowed. With what I said, she gradually loosened her grip on the bedsheet.
W-wait, what? He is Saint, and he's here to hunt me down? Can't get out of this body? Death Ministry? Assign? L-living Reaper? What the fucking heck?
"W-What are you saying? You're a Grim Reaper, aren't you? If you want to take me, take me now too. Don't prolong it! I don't want to live anymore and why am I here in this body? I'm dead, right? Mary Sean Ivanovich is supposed to be dead! I'm not Hailey Perelman. This is not me! It's not my body!" She hysterically uttered.
I can't help myself not to sighed. I thought she will understand it easily, but I guess that not possible to a human like her. "Looks like you still don't understand me. Then I'll translate for-" before I could finished what was I about to say she throw me the tray containing the food with rage that only pass-through to me. So, this is what anger is.
"Listen, I understand what you said, I'm not stupid! It's just that I'm still sane and you see, I am human. You come here and then you tell me you're here to pick me up, but what? You knew I'm stuck in this body so your death organisation order you to offer me to be a living reaper of dead souls, for what? For me to die as I want? But, I am dead right? Why did am I alive again? You knew I committed suicide! You knew I'm dead. But why am I in this treacherous body? Aren't you a Grim Reaper? Make a way for me to get out of this body!" I listen to what she say and stare. Actually I am not interested whatever she's talking about all I care is for her to signed the contract.
"Are you done? You're being too loud."
What the hell with him? What an antipathetic bad spirit!
Antipathetic? Is that even a word?
I couldn't stand her depression so I decided to explain Everything even though I hate it. "You died and rose again. You should not have died but you led death. They have not been able to accept you because that is not possible. You're not patient so you have done nothing but merge with others. You possess that body. The problem was when it's time to pick you up. I can't find a way to get rid of you. It's your fault Guardian Of Soul. So now, they give you a chance. You have to serve them for you to die. You can do nothing, other than to accept the offer." Hopefully, she understand it all now.
Wait for what? G-guardian of Soul? Who? Me?
"G-guardian of Soul?" She seemed shock of what I revealed, yet I just looked at her. "What are you saying?" she asked.
This is so frustrating.
As I hear that thought of her, I sighed again for the third times. I'm actually tired of explaining.
"I'm not here to explain it to you. I'm here to know what will be your answer? You accept it, then it's a deal. If you refuse to do it then live forever and be immortal. You can't die, just live your lonely life with a different body and identity."
A while ago he was talking about Guardian of Soul and now being immortal? That was insane!
At that point, she closed her eyes I couldn't take my eyes off her. Compare to the first time I saw her I can sense her remorse, loneliness and tiredness, thing I don't know why it made me care. I was about to take one step closer to her when she open her eyes again so I immediately take a step back. What am I doing?
I gulped at that moment, "W-what if I agree? Will you answer my questions?" As she asked it I grinned.
"Maybe yes ... Maybe no." she close her eyes in frustration. I sighed again, what is happening to me? What is this I am feeling right now? Is this what they called emotions?
"I accept it." When I hear her answer my head immediately went blank. So, this only means my mission is finally done. I smirked.
"Then it's a deal." As I said that I walked towards her. My footsteps could be heard throughout the room. When I got close to Sean, I held out the contract that the ministry gave me. The sudden appearance of it on my hand made the guardian of soul gulped.
"W-what is that?" she asked while trembling.
"It's a paper, are you blind?" I asked casually.
Is that a joke? Do I have to laugh? Am I obligated?
"It's not a joke and don't you ever try to laugh." At that point, her eyes immediately widened. I don't know but I feel like teasing her.
Oh my gosh! Is he reading my mind?
But before I feel get worse I start speaking my purpose of visiting here. "This paper is a contract from the Death Ministry, you should not break any of this if you did not want to receive a punishment." Then I handed her the contract. She accept it and read it. Actually that contract is made by me, the paper is the only thing that the ministry of death gave me. But whatever will be written on it will be a valid contract once it was signed by both party.
This should be a secret. No human would be allowed to know about you-being a living grim reaper and of course, your true identity as Mary Sean Ivanovich should remain a secret too.
While writing the first rule I think it would be best for the two of us. Less problem, less work I guess.
You should do your responsibility as a living reaper. Like hunting lost souls and fetching death souls. That includes submitting weekly reports, death notes and other important information.
Technically she's also a grim reaper so she will have to do our works too.
Co-operate with your partner. Don't nag, don't argue and don't demand. Just listen and so be it.
I just hate noisy and talkative creature. I don't want to end up smashing her face for that rather setting her fire.
Be strong-physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
I don't like weaklings, I am not a super hero in the first place. Whatever may happen to her that cause her idiocy will not my responsibility.
You have to learn.
She needs to learn. Not everything will just be poured out on her, in this world there is nothing like that.
You have to fight!
I just add it out of boredom.
Dating is forbidden
Amm, let's just say out of boredom too? I don't know why I write it too. Don't asked me, I am still thinking deeply until now why.
She looked at me with wide eyes. "Is this serious?"
"Would I give it to you if it's just some kind of joke? Do you think I am capable of joking, huh?"
There she closed her hand and rolled her eyes.
"You should sign," I ordered. "You said it's a deal, right? So, right away, Ms Ivanovich, you have to sign it."
She silently gritted her teeth angrily to prevent annoyance. "How?" I casually look at her and answered.
"Using your blood."
In the end, after all her complains Guardian of Soul cut her finger using the bread knife at the side table for some blood. And sign the paper.
That made me grin again.

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    Ramcel James Cabalhin Hamor



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    Sultones Dave

    this is so exciting 😍


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