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Chapter 5: The Celestial Island

Every one is overwhelmed for the chiefs revelation somehow they managed to finish their school day with great work. They learned 2 things today a shocking fact about them and knowing that their classmates from grade 7 is actually like them well it is not bad knowing that you are not alone but it's quite uncomfortable to hangout with people you are not close with from the beginning. They have different attitude the twins are easy going, kate has a bit of an attitude, Mikaela is always a mystery and Gabriel is always bossy, they are on the parking lot waiting for their parents to pick them up no one say a word they just stood their as if they don't know each other.A strong wind blows and one of their new classmate jump Infront of Gabriel, they were all shock he came out of nowhere.
"Ahhh Gabriel" he muttered and he look at them
"On your way home guys?" He ask
"Yeah waiting for our parents to pick us up" Gabriel answered
"Ikaw?ano ginagawa mo sa taas ng waiting shed?"  Mikaela ask
"Oh! That's actually a secret" he answered he smile like crazy it's giving them chills, something is not right about him.
" You're mom is here to pick you up" he said
"I'll leave you guys first" says Mikaela
Gabe and Gabby just nod
"Goodbye Mikey" said Abby and Kate
Not longer their parents came to pick them up leaving their weird classmate alone they were about to get inside the car when they hear a voice.
"I leave a message inside your bags follow the instructions, we'll be waiting" says Philip
They look at each other before they get inside the car, they check their bags and it's true there is a white small envelope in it (5pm I will come to pick  you up inside your room -philip)
" Are you guys alright?" Abby's mom ask
" Yes we are mom" they answered they look at each other
"Mom, how does it feel giving birth to a twins?" Abby ask. Her mom smile then answered
"Amazing, when I see the two of you it is the most happiest time of my life" they just smile
"Mom by the way we already ate Abby and I needs to study for the upcoming exam we don't want to be disturb later" Gabby explain
" And tell dad Gabby can't play basketball later this is a serious business mom no one is allowed to enter my room" Abby added.
When they got home every one is anxious they don't know what will happen, they just informed their parents the same thing they use their exam as an excuse. Philip did come and took Gabby and Abby first then Kate, Zico took Gabriel and Mikaela, the angels bring them into  huge white room,they were surprise to see Zico and Philip's face
" I'm Zico and this is Philip, we will explain everything later the chiefs needs to know your arrival"
Who would have thought that they look like that, Incredibly handsome, perfect body build and tall, they look around the room has 7 beds which they believe that room was for them, in the 3rd bed they saw 2 person sleeping they went closer to check they're just looking at them both are in a deep sleep and they are hugging each other -__-
"Who are they?" Gabriel ask
"Let me see there's five of us meaning they are the missing two" Mikaela answered
Kate was about to say something when both of them  move and wakes up, they were shock to see that they are in that position they push each other and eventually both of them fell each side of the bed.
"Ya! Why did you hug me?" Eun hye ask
"I don't know Im asleep, you're hugging me too" in his defense, both of them did not notice that someone are looking at them.
"Ahemm!" Gabby interrupted
"Oh!" Eun hye's reaction
"Oh good both of you are awake now" says Joonmin
" It's nice to see you all here" says Amado
" Welcome to the Celestial Island" he added
" Ce_celestial island?" Kate ask
Amado and Joonmin are smiling
" Yes child, you are in our secret base my name is Amado and he is Joonmin"
They don't know what to react
" We will show you around" said joonmin
The base is huge, it has a training ground, an arsenal where you can choose different weapons they even customize weapons and armors for battle, incredible security system, in one corner they can see a small cafeteria, one vending machine and 3 tables and 7 chairs. Amado notice that they are wondering why.
"Angels don't eat, that cafeteria is intended for you guys only same with the room earlier" he explain
"angels don't sleep" he added with a smile
"This  place is protected, no humans or other bad celestial being can see this building" joonmin explain
"Where exactly this island located?" Gabby ask
"In the Philippines" Joonmin answered
"what?! How did we got here?" Jun-so ask
" Teleportation, both of you are long way from home but do not worry sending you guys home will only take a second" Joonmin explain
Abby was about to say something when they see different creatures from the outside
" They were elf and warlocks, we share this island and warlocks help us hide this place" says Amado
"we only see them in tv I never thought they really exist" says Kate
" This is Lilian she's a great cook, she will be responsible for your food when you're here for training"Amado added
The lady seem nice they give her a smile
They continue to stroll around and familiarize the place, the island is quite huge no humans living in the island but still they don't know where it is located it could be in Luzon, Visayas or Mindanao.
"What took you so long?" Judas ask
"Gathering Intel" Andrew answered
Judas teleport Infront of him grab his face
"If you pull that stunt again I will kill you!" And throw him in the wall, the other demons just looking at them they don't wanna mess with an angel. Andrew pick the sword on the wall but Judas was too quick in one blink Judas hold his neck and throw him into the air
"As if you can kill me demon!" Says Judas
"I will give you one more chance to live but  if you made the same mistake again I will cut your head off! I won't let someone like you ruin my plan!"
Andrew pick himself up Joshua approach him
" Andrew no, you are no match to him you know that"
He push Joshua aside and went upstairs to change his uniform.
Judas is a mystery to all demons since he came to the house no one see his face what they all know is that he is one of the high rank angels that has fallen. He still young he doesn't have his wings yet but demons like him are no match, he can easily end his life in one blink.
Amado and Joonmin started the training they have them run, climb and teach them martial arts, they teach them how to use the swords, sphere and shield. Every after after class that's their routine it's been months already everyday they give them tasks to improve their endurance and physical attributes, their speed and strength and their mind, they give them lessons and have them familiarize to all dark forces, they teach history as well.
"It's been 6 months already and you all learn all the basics you grow stronger than before but this time you will learn how to use your power starting from learning on how to get inside our base" Amado stated
"Without your wings yet doesn't mean you're less powerful, it's already within you, you just need to discover it yourself, you are limitless, it's true that your powers are not fully develop yet but it doesn't mean you cannot use it" Amado added
" Now it's time for you all to learn and discover your powers" says Amado
In one push all seven of them was thrown out into the sea.
" Gabby? Gabby? " Abby's calling his twin
" I'm here"
" Is everyone okay?" Gabriel ask
" Yes we are" everyone responded
" What do you think is the chief's doing throwing us out into the sea?" Kate ask
" I know right? He can just simply kick us out in our base" Mikaela added
" Well this is his way in kicking us out" says abby
They keep swimming until they reach the shore, everyone is exhausted
" Now what? " Eun hye ask catching her breath
They look at each other, they started walking to the other side of the island to check if they can find some clues it's almost sunset but they did not find anything so decided to climb the forest, they need to reach the peek of the island before sundown, everyone is hungry no food and no water for them to take. Jun-so were able to reach the peek first
"There's nothing here" he mentioned
He reached Gabriel's hand to help him climb but the land begins to shake the peek split into two and landslide started Jun-so was hit by a huge tree he was about to fall into the mountain luckily Gabriel catch his hand
"Hold on tight I will pull you out" Gabriel told him
Gab use all of his strength to pull Jun-so out but the land begins to shake again he out balanced Gabby grab his leg and the girls grab Gabby
"Pull!!" Gabby shouted
"Pull harder" he added
As they are busy pulling Jun-so and Gabriel a huge tree was about to fall down
"The tree is about to fall down" Eun hye shouted
" Pull harder" Kate shouted
A huge tree fell down after a minute and all of them is rolling down the mountain,they were about to hit in the solid rock but they went through it as if they were souls,all of them are coughing they fall way too far they suffer in pain but scratches and wounds started to heal faster
"Ahh my leg is broken" said Gabby
His broken legs twist and begin to heal
"Whoaaa!!" They exclaimed
"This is crazy" Gabby added
"And creepy" Mikaela added
"did we went through to that wall?" Abby ask pointing the wall made of huge rocks
"Jun-so your eyes turns blue" says Eun hye
The huge cut on his face is now healing everyone is looking at him they never see him so serious until today
Jun-so close his eyes and jump into the wall
"Where did he go?" Kate ask
"Jun-so! Jun-so!!!" They shouted
Jun-so fall in the cafeteria table
"Ugh uh!" He moan in pain he get up right away when he notice that he was inside the base
"Ahh you're here, where are the others?" Amado ask
"He's gone" says Mikaela
" Where did he go?" Gabby ask
" guys guys! We just need to focus " says Gabriel
They stood in silence and close their eyes they feel the energy that surrounds them and when they are ready they open their eyes it flash in blue for a second then they jump into thin air, like Jun-so they landed in the cafeteria's floor
"Ouch! Ah!" They exclaimed
"There you are" says Joonmin
" Well done everyone!!" Amado clapping his hands and laughing
" It's you isn't it?" Kate ask angrily
" A little situation will help you bring your power out" Amado explain
" You almost killed us!" Kate stated
"Uh no no, Angels don't die easily" Amado wink at her
" Now I guess we don't have to send you home you can go home all by yourself" Amado added he wink to them
Their first teleport to their home created a huge mess to their individual room,that made their parents woke up late at night. Their training continue until they reached 20s.

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  • avatar
    Teresa Mae EL



  • avatar
    Nhora Gonzales

    very good paragraph


  • avatar
    Rachelle Boo Escabusa

    it sees that good is better than bad


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