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บทที่ 7 Oh Apparently

"So Mr. Fahri knows Shinta?" Kirana asked after her work at the restaurant was finished.
Fahri exhaled for a moment.
"I knew him at the grand opening of this restaurant. He was mom's secretary at the office," Fahri answered rather lazily.
Fahri always behaves like that when he talks about something related to Shinta. He felt so bored with the matchmaking narrative between him and Shinta lately.
"You must have his address, right?" Kirana inquired with a look of hope.
This is what Kirana has been waiting for all this time. Could find his only sister who suddenly ran away from home at that time. The sister who hates her, but she loves her very much. Although, there is no blood bond between them.
"Yes I have. Let me take you!"
Fahri easily offers help to Kirana. However, Kirana, of course, refused on the grounds that Fahri was his own boss. Kirana also doesn't want to ruin her boss's image, if she has to take herself to Shinta's house.
"No need, sir. I'm just asking for his home address." Kirana still said politely and softly.
Meanwhile, Fahri seems a bit uncomfortable when he is called "Sir" when outside of working hours. However, he is still quite young.
"Thank you, sir," Kirana said to the motorcycle taxi driver while handing him a few bills.
The atmosphere at the terminal seemed deserted. Not as usual, which is busy with people who are busy with their luggage to just take a walk or go home to somewhere. The drivers also looked sluggish and silent near the bus they were driving. In fact, the most typical atmosphere of the terminal is the screams of bus drivers looking for passengers.
Kirana, who is going to travel long distances for the first time, immediately looks for a bus that fits her purpose.
"Which major in Bandung, sir?" Kirana asked one of the drivers who was waving a hat to create a natural breeze.
"The one in the blue corner, Sis," replied the driver, who had been feeling hot all this time.
The scorching sun this afternoon really made everyone hot. Especially outside like that. Just hope there is a breeze that can make the air cooler.
After receiving directions from the driver, not wanting to linger any longer, Kirana immediately walked towards the bus, which was still empty of passengers.
Seeing this, Kirana would have been worried if she couldn't leave that day.
"Want to go to Bandung, Sis?"
"Yes, sir. Emmm ... you can leave today, right, sir?"
Kirana wanted to confirm what she was worried about.
"If there are one or two passengers, I definitely won't go, Sis. It could be my loss later."
It turns out that Kirana's worries have almost come true. He decided to leave the terminal. Because he understood, it would be impossible for him to leave that day if the terminal was deserted like that.
"How about this, huh?" he muttered as he walked down the rather deserted highway.
Tiiiit... tiiiit... thiiiit!
Suddenly a car honk startled him. He who was daydreaming about how to get to Bandung was spontaneously angry with the driver of the car.
"I'm already on the side, sir. Can't you see?" Kirana said with emotions that had filled her head.
Meanwhile, someone in the car just silently looked at Kirana. He couldn't argue with strangers. What's more, in fact, a few minutes ago, Kirana was walking rather moderately. That's because he was daydreaming, so he didn't realize that he was already walking a bit intermediate.
"Look at this!"
A man driving the car handed Kirana his cell phone.
On the screen of the cellphone, there is a video of a woman walking in the middle of the highway. Kirana, who saw the video, blushed. Because it turned out that the man had recorded the incident a few minutes ago, when Kirana was walking a little middle.
"I'm sorry, sir," said Kirana, who was trying her best to hold back the shame.
Instead of responding to Kirana's apology, the man simply didn't respond.
The man immediately closed the window of his car. Then, drove the car away from Kirana.
Kirana, who witnessed the incident, felt a little annoyed. However, he also realized that it was also his fault for accusing and scolding people carelessly.
Dusk had filled the sky that afternoon. Under the red light, the children in Kumal's clothes and considered unworthy are still fighting for their lives. As if there was never tired in the look on his face. Every time they are always eager to sing songs that are popular in the ears of Indonesians.
"What will happen if we don't have Mbak Falin, huh?" chirps one of the little boys as he continues to fiddle with the hem of his shirt.
They seemed to know about the problems that had befallen Falin in the last few days. The children deliberately sought to find out about Falin's problems without having to ask the person concerned. They were only sad and afraid when they saw Falin keep daydreaming all their hearts.
"Sister Falin definitely won't forget us. We can't be selfish either. Sister Falin deserves a decent life," said one of her friends wisely.
"Why are you guys staying here? Let's go home!" Falin's shrill voice managed to startle the two children who were busy discussing about him.
They were both teary eyed when they saw the figure in front of him was about to go to meet his new life.
"Loh ... why are you sad. Why? Ms. Falin has already bought this food," Falin said by showing off the package in the large plastic.
The weather is so hot today that street children want to get money immediately. They really wanted to buy a cold drink, but they didn't have enough money to buy even a bottle of cold drink. So, like it or not, they have to be willing to sing when they are thirsty.
When the sky was almost dark, Falin immediately approached the children who were still sitting near the edge of the red light. Of course he'd already bought a few packs of food for dinner with the kids.
However, when Falin took them home, there was something that made Falin confused.
"You're really hungry, aren't you?" Falin asked with a sad expression on his face.
The children were still silent with eyes that wanted to shed tears.
"If you stay silent like this, Falin will be confused," said Falin again, hoping that the children would tell him.
Spontaneously, the children immediately threw their arms around Falin. Their tears also managed to give rise to a river and could not be dammed anymore.
"Why are you guys doing this?" Falin asked with an increasingly confused face.
"We don't want to lose Sister Falin ..." said one of them with a sob that broke Falin's heart.
Falin just realized what made them sad like this. He began to tear up and feel hurt like them.
It is undeniable that Falin's decision to return home was indeed the toughest decision. He also understands the consequences will be like this. In fact, Falin has not really told the children. However, they already knew about it.
"Let's go home first, let's go!" asked Falin, who was trying to strengthen his heart in front of the children.
With sobs that had subsided quite a bit, the children nodded and followed Falin's invitation to go home.
To be continued....

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  • avatar
    Retxed Alejo

    this is great☺


  • avatar
    Emman Dump

    I love the story and I love the main office and it's not going to be able to be there by the time you get here and I'll come over think I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too I love the story and friend lang sila galapago satin eh I love you too baby 🐥🐥 I think I need a new one 🕐 I think 💬 I think it's just the main office and it's not going to be able to be there by the time you get here and I'll come over think I n


  • avatar
    Jim Joseph Villanueva

    very nice


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