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บทที่ 3 Something Important

Such a bright morning. Like Kirana's smile that always expands all the time. Seen in a simple rented house, Kirana is looking neat and getting ready to go to work.
Because the distance between her workplace and her rented place is not too far, Kirana decides to walk. With the spirit of four and five, Kirana departed then, down the road in a small alley to a highway that seemed to be already busy with passing vehicles.
"Miss Kirana!"
Suddenly there was a sound that made Kirana startled. Kirana's head spontaneously turned around looking for the source of the sound.
'There's no one here,' Kirana thought.
Feeling that not a single figure was caught by her senses of vision, Kirana continued her footsteps towards the workplace. Kirana deliberately left early because it was the first day she became a new employee. A new employee at a restaurant that is quite crowded in the area.
"Hello, Sister Kirana!"
A small person suddenly startled Kirana.
"Astaghfirullah, Falin! What was your motivation for surprising me?!” Kirana exclaimed with her hands still in front of her chest. He was really surprised. Sometimes the little girl whose full name is Falin Anggraini jumps from the jackfruit tree on the road that Kirana is about to pass.
"No motivation. It's just fun when you do Sister Kirana," answered Falin with an innocent face.
She is a street girl who some time ago had helped Kirana when she was being snatched by thugs. If you look at her, she looks like a girl who is still 15 years old, tall, but skinny. Her tomboyish style fits perfectly with the lines of her face that look so stiff. Actually Falin is a good person, but yes, he likes to prank people who are familiar with him. Kirana was very happy when she could meet and make friends with a cute and fun girl like Falin.
Even though he is a street child, his manners towards older people deserve thumbs up. Unlike teenagers his age, most of his manners are very minimal. So many parents feel they have failed in educating their children. However, Kirana was surprised and thought. How can Falin have such good manners? Meanwhile he lives on the streets without parents and without direction from anyone.
" Sister Kirana is busy, isn't she?"
"Want to work first, Lin. Why?" Kirana inquired curiously.
"Oh. I'll meet Falin in the alley, okay, Sis!” She asked with a pleading look on his face.
"After work, yes."
After talking and saying goodbye to Falin, with slightly accelerated steps, Kirana immediately headed for the restaurant.
"Fortunately it's still 06.30," Kirana whispered after checking the time on her cellphone screen.
Kirana immediately entered the building in front of her. Such a simple restaurant. Equipped with antique ornaments, making visitors feel comfortable and impressed. The employees are also very friendly. However, this is a natural thing because the restaurant owner is also very friendly and kind to all his employees. Mr. Fahri Indrawan's name. A man who is still relatively young. His proportionate posture and handsome looks certainly support his career as a successful entrepreneur.
Kirana's ears suddenly heard a very distinctive heavy voice. We've only met and talked a few times, but Kirana already knows that voice very well.
Kirana turned her head towards the source of the voice. It looks like his hand is waving towards Kirana. The owner of the baritone voice is none other than Kirana's superior—Mr. Fahri—. Without thinking for long, Kirana immediately stepped closer to him.
"Yes sir. What is it?" Kirana asked politely. He did not forget to always show the curve of his lips.
"Are you comfortable here? Anyone still confused?”
Kirana was really impressed by Mr. Fahri's attitude. It was the first time in his life that he had met a rich person who was not as arrogant as his boss. In fact, Mr. Fahri really cares about poor people like Kirana.
"Alhamdulillah, very comfortable, sir. The other employees were also very patient in teaching me.”
"Thanks for that. Don't hesitate to ask, okay?" said Mr. Fahri with a reassuring smile.
In fact, Mr. Fahri's smile always melts the heart of anyone who sees it. Kirana is no exception. The little attention he gives makes his employees feel at home working in his restaurant.
The sun goes on. The warmth grew even more along with the scorching sun that day. The morning had turned into noon. Visitors are also increasingly crowded. However, that does not mean the morale of the employees is decreasing. On the contrary, their enthusiasm is getting stronger. They almost never leave the curve of their lips and they will always offer it voluntarily to the loyal visitors of Mr. Fahri's restaurant.
In a house with walls and cardboard floors, a group of children were sitting in a circle enjoying lunch. More precisely, it wasn't lunch like that. Remembering that for just one meal they have to raise their hands while singing a song first under a red light. That's even if many give loose change as a sign of compassion. Sometimes, some of them are forced to work in the market. Help lift luggage from visitors. After that, they will get paid. Even if it's only sincere. They did all of that sincerely and wholeheartedly, because it was only with jobs like that that allowed them to survive until that second.
"Sister is not eating?" asked one of the boys to Falin.
"Already. You guys just continue eating, " said Falin with a big smile. In fact, it's possible that Falin hasn't eaten at all since this morning. The lines on his face showed that he was nervous.
After they finished eating, they all returned to their activities. Looking for pieces of compassion on the streets. For some people, life on the streets is very cruel. It is not uncommon for crime to approach. However, they are great kids. They are willing to be hot on a hot day until their skin turns black like they are neglected. He was also willing to be cold because he had to sleep covered in cardboard.
Since Kirana's work Sunday is off, so she always tries to make time to teach them. Starting from reading and writing lessons to the Koran. Kirana did it voluntarily because she understood very well that they had never had an education. There is a feeling of joy that perches in Kirana's heart when she can share knowledge and happiness with them. The enthusiasm and joy that they always show, makes Kirana's tiredness during six days of work disappear instantly.
"Falin!" Kirana waved at Falin who was sitting in front of the cardboard house. Looks like he's been waiting a long time.
"Come home soon, Sis?"
"Yes. Incidentally, Mr. Fahri wanted to close early.”
Falin took a deep breath, then exhaled roughly. In her heart, Kirana was increasingly curious about what Falin wanted to convey. In his mind was a question about why with the child? Because he's not usually moody and restless like that.
To be continued ....

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  • avatar
    Retxed Alejo

    this is great☺


  • avatar
    Emman Dump

    I love the story and I love the main office and it's not going to be able to be there by the time you get here and I'll come over think I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too I love the story and friend lang sila galapago satin eh I love you too baby 🐥🐥 I think I need a new one 🕐 I think 💬 I think it's just the main office and it's not going to be able to be there by the time you get here and I'll come over think I n


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    Jim Joseph Villanueva

    very nice


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