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บทที่ 4 Life in the Clan

I looked at her face, "You're not happy, are you? Isn't that princess pretty? Yu Dan said she's the only daughter of a great general, lots of people want to marry her! If Yu Dan wasn't too young, Shanyu would definitely want to marry him to Yu Dan." ".
He laughed and said, "Silly girl, beauty isn't everything. I'm not unhappy, but there's nothing to be excited about."
I laughed and said, "A Die said, a husband and wife must face each other for a lifetime, facing each other for life means having to see it every day, then how can it not be beautiful? When I'm looking for a husband, I'll look for the most handsome man. Hmm ......", I watched his careful expression, then hesitantly said, "At least not worse than you".
Yizhixie's laughter rubbed the sides of my face, "How old are you? Why are you in such a rush to want to leave your A Die?"
My smile froze on my face, I irritatedly asked, "Do you and Yu Dan know how old you two are?" He nodded slowly, I sighed and said, "But I don't know! A Die also doesn't know how old I really am, he only said that I'm about nine or ten years old, if someone asks how old I am, I always can't." answer".
Smiling he held my hand, "This is the best thing under heaven, why are you not happy? Think about it, if other people ask how old we are, we are forced to answer honestly, we only have one choice, but You can choose your own age, nice isn't it?"
My eyes lit up, I excitedly said, "That's right! That's right! I can decide how old I am! Then, I should be nine or ten? I want to be ten so I can make Mudaduo call me jiejie".
While laughing he patted his head, then looked into the distance, I tugged his arm, "Let's catch the rabbit!", But he didn't immediately accept it like before, he looked east, stunned without saying anything. I tried my best to stretch my neck and look into the distance, there were only buffalo and sheep, and the occasional eagle flying over the horizon, nothing different from usual, "What are you looking at?"
Yizhixie didn't answer and instead asked, "What's wrong in the southeast?"
For a moment I frowned, "You will meet buffalo and sheep, then mountains, there are grasslands, and the Gobi Desert, if you keep going, you will return to the Han Dynasty, A Die's hometown, it is said that it is very beautiful there."
Surprise flashed through Yizhixie's eyes, "It was A Die who told you all about that?"
I nodded, the corners of his lips lifted, but his smile was a little cold, "Our meadows, lakes, mountains and rivers are also very beautiful." I nodded in agreement, then said loudly, "Our Yangzhishan is the most beautiful, our Qilianshan is the most fertile".
Yizhixie smiled and said, "You said it very well. The one who always looks to the southeast is the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty is not a serious threat, but the current emperor of the Han Dynasty is very different."
"Is his face more handsome than yours?", curiously I looked to the east.
"It's regrettable that over the years, it turns out that I can only see it as it gradually pushes westward, so that the territory of the Han Dynasty gradually expands. One Wei Qing is enough to give us a headache, if it appears again after this some excellent generals, considering the current Han emperor's disposition and greed, we fear that he will fight us to seize our Yanzhishan and Qilianshan, then we will not be able to sit here and gaze at the ground at our feet. we are attracted to the prosperity and wealth of the Han Dynasty, as well as the good treatment of its emperor, the annihilation of our nation is imminent, but they are still determined to approach the Han." His eyes fixed on the front, he spoke slowly, it seems with despair and sadness.
I looked to the east, then looked at him, as if subconsciously, I raised my hand to my mouth, biting my finger, I stared at him without blinking. His hand gently stroked my eyes, then for a moment stopping on my lips, he shook his head and smiled, "I hope in a few years, you will be able to understand the meaning of what I'm saying, and still want to sit by my side and listen to me talk".
He grabbed my hand, wiped my hand with his own sleeve, then pulled me up, "I'll go first. Tonight's banquet is for me, I have to dress up first, even if it's just to pretend, it's not ugly. However, there are not a few people who won't like it. How about you?"
I looked around me then rather boredly said "I'll go look for Yu Dan, this afternoon there will be horseback riding and archery competition, I'll go see the crowd, hopefully I won't be caught by A Die".
The atmosphere of a relaxed and cheerful dinner banquet became silent when I entered, carrying a tray of sheep's heads, I knelt in front of Yizhixie, I looked confusedly at the Shanyu who was trying to hold back laughter, looked at A Die whose face looked desperate, then looked at Yu Dan who looked angry, and finally looked at Yizhixie. Her wrinkled forehead gradually became smooth, her face showed no expression, but her eyes seemed to be kind, so that my hands that were trembling under the gaze of so many people gradually calmed down.

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    Dela Cruz Alipante Jenny

    nice story


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    Zdrick Cmpl



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