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บทที่ 2 Comparing me to a wild buffalo?

Between the wolf and the buffalo, who runs faster? Screaming, I thought about this until my ass felt the buffalo horns, I rubbed my sore butt, and had no more time to daydream, focusing only on running for lives.
I suddenly turned left, then suddenly turned right, then left.....
"Brother Buffalo, I'm guilty, don't chase me again, okay, I won't dare to kick you again, after this I'll only abuse the goats." I was very tired and almost fell, but the sound of the buffalo's hooves did not change, apparently he wanted my life.
"Smelly buffalo, I warn you, don't think of me as a lone wolf, I have many friends, we can devour you", but the sound of the buffalo's hoofs didn't change, the threat didn't work, I could only keep running with a sour face.
My breath was out of breath, stammeringly I said, "If you.....hurt me.....A...A.....Die will cook and eat you, don't chase.... .Me again".
The words I just finished saying seemed really powerful. In the distance two people walked arm in arm, one of them was A Die. I ran to them screaming loudly. Presumably this is the first time A Die has seen me so excited to see him, from a distance I opened my arms wide, about to lunge into his arms. Excitedly, regardless of why, he immediately stepped forward, then half knelt down to hug me. After he saw the buffalo behind me, he immediately wanted to dodge, but it was too late. The man who was beside him quickly stepped in front of A Die, standing facing the buffalo.
I opened my eyes wide, saw the buffalo lunging at him, I saw the buffalo horns almost touch it, but a spark of fire later, a pair of arms swung forward and gripped the two buffalo horns, the angry buffalo lunged forward with all its might, its feet stomping -stepped on the ground until the grass broke and dust flew, but he didn't budge at all. Seeing him, I was stunned, the only thought in my mind was: if he were a wolf, he would be the leader of our wolf pack.
A Die hugged me and stepped aside, then smiled and praised, "I often hear people praise wangye as the number one warrior among the Xiongnu nation, it turns out that your big name is not just an empty name". The young man tilted his head and said with a smile, "It only takes a bit of brute force to subdue a wild buffalo, how can it compare to master's literary arts?"
A Die saw that I was struggling to get down, so he let me go, "I only know the dead theories in books, but wangye has understood it from nature himself".
I stepped to the man's side, then kicked the buffalo, "Come on, chase me! You still want to chase me, don't you?
Chase no? I'll kick you twice for chasing me almost to death!"
The buffalo that had been tamed by the young man suddenly got up with full force, while shaking his head and wagging his tail, he struggled to get up. A Die rushed at me, then apologized to the young man, "This little girl is a bit cunning and naughty in nature, just make it difficult for wangye, let's quickly pay respects to wangye".
I stood unmoved, stared at him unblinkingly, at that time I still couldn't tell the difference between a handsome face and an ugly face, but such a handsome face I could understand, after staring at him in fascination for a few moments, I exclaimed, "Your face is so beautiful!" handsome, are you the most handsome man among the Xiongnu people? But Yu Dan is also very handsome, after he grows up, is it either him or you who is more handsome?"
He took a few breaths, looked at A Die while holding back his laughter, then turned around and focused his attention on taming the little buffalo. With an embarrassed face, A Die covered my mouth, "Sorry wangye, I'm not good at educating him".
The buffalo's wildness gradually disappeared, the young man slowly let go of his grip and let the black buffalo go, he turned around and saw A Die covering my mouth with one hand, while his other hand wrapped around my arm, I kicked A Die.
Somewhat sympathetically, he looked at A Die, "More difficult than taming a wild buffalo".
Comparing me to a wild buffalo? In the midst of my busy life, I just had time to glare at him. For a moment he was stunned, then smiled while shaking his head, he said to A Die, "The taifu business is over, I'll excuse myself first."
As soon as he left, A Die tucked me under his arm and forced me back to camp. I've seen shepherds in the prairie beat their naughty children with a whip, would A Die also do that? I was preparing to have an all out fight with A Die, but he just took a comb and told me to sit down.

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    Dela Cruz Alipante Jenny

    nice story


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    Zdrick Cmpl



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