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Chapter 2 The Pyromaniac

Arya and Lary are the only ones who attended Mr. and Mrs. Oligario’s funeral. Lary allows Arya to be alone beside her parents' wake. He is so sad that his colleagues lost their lives so unexpectedly. Suicide, for him, is never an answer to anybody's problem and dilemma. He looked at Arya in the distance. After a while, he makes a phone call while Arya is busy organizing flowers for her parents’ funeral rites. 
“Ythan, where have you been? Are you that busy to ignore my calls nth times? I’ve been calling you since morning!”
“Sorry General. I have been running errands since dawn. There was an arson case here in Escribano last night and the culprit is still wandering somewhere. Almost twenty four people died and many people have been injured."
“Have you checked all the surveillance cameras around the area?”
“All of the wires were cut off before the incident happened. There were also no witnesses since everybody was busy preparing for the feast. “
“Okay. Check the scene and get all the possible evidence. If you are finished there, please let me know. Don't forget to call me.”
“Okay General.”
Ythan started roaming around the perimeters. He's been thinking about what and who started the fire last night. While taking down notes of the things he had observed, he noticed an old woman who’s obviously being nervous.
“Good day Ma’am. Are you okay? I noticed that you have been watching us from afar. Were you there before the fire happened?”
“I.. I am not. There were many customers at our restaurant that time and we had run out of lettuce. I drove my bicycle to get some lettuce on the other street. I'm sorry but I have to go back into business. I have left my husband alone. He is waiting for me.”
Ythan nodded and let the old woman go. Leo runs towards Ythan to deliver some news.
Leo said while panting, “Ythan, we have found this wallet under one of the tables in the bar.”
He showed a photo of the wallet's owner. Ythan's eyes widened when he saw the photo. He quickly chased the old woman and when he caught up with her, he immediately showed the wallet. The old lady started biting her fingernails.
“Ma’am, you told us that you have to get out of your restaurant to buy some lettuce, then how come your wallet was found there? Why did you visit the scene after the fire broke out? Why do you have to lie about your whereabouts?”
“I .. I am so sorry Sir. I am just afraid that my neighbors will spread gossip against my daughter. She is working as a part time waitress there at night. As I heard the news about the arson, I quickly found my way to get there since my daughter didn’t come home last night. I got so nervous that she is included in the list of the victims.” 
The old lady shed tears as she was explaining to the detective. She pulled out a photo of her daughter inside her pocket and showed it to Ythan. She also told them her daughter’s name. Leo called Divonne, who's in the hospital, to check if the old woman's daughter is alive or not. Divonne was holding a list of the victims who only incurred minor wounds and burns. Fortunately, her daughter is one of the survivors. Leo told Ythan about the good news. They are happy for the old couple.
“Ma’am, your daughter is safe. She only got minor burns. You can go here to check on her. My comrade, whose name is Divonne, will wait for you there."
Ythan gave the name of the hospital to the old woman.
"Thank you Detective. You have erased all the worries and questions inside of me. I am happy to know that our precious daughter is safe. Thank you so much. May God bless you in your endeavors. Here take this bible. If you have worries and if you can't sleep, read this. Pray sincerely if you are sad, troubled or afraid but don't forget to pray also on your good days."
The old lady quickly runs to her husband yelling that their daughter is safe and alive.
Meanwhile, Arya happened to hear Ythan and Lary's phone conversation since Lary accidentally clicked the loudspeaker button a while ago.
Arya utters in a low voice, “They should check all the people who have never left the scene since the arson happened. Arsonists enjoy watching the fire and will never escape the scene easily.”
"What's your basis for saying that Arya?"
"I have read so many cases when I was studying. My parents also told me some stories whenever we had a chance to talk. Besides, there is no harm if you tell them about it."
Lary called Ythan to relay Arya’s suggestion. After his conversation with the detective, he sat beside the devastated lady.
“Arya, you need to consume some food and you need to take a rest. You have to be healthy. If Ariana and Yael were alive, they would be sad to see you this way.” Lary said in a serious tone.
Lary continues speaking even though Arya is ignoring him.
“I am your parents’ Superior and I am also their closest colleague. I will not let you ruin your life. Take your time and after we bury them, please come to your senses. I know that you are too young for this but Hija, don't let it smash you! You have a bright future ahead. Don’t put your knowledge and skills into waste. You have to use it well to serve people. I am sure your parents also want to see you wear our uniform.”
Arya muttered something under her breath.
"Don't act like you care for me. You are not my family. After being discriminatory to my parents, you still have the audacity to call them your closest colleagues. This man is sane."
"Arya, you mumbled something I didn't catch. Can you say it again?" Lary requested.
Arya shakes her head and walks away from Lary.
Ythan follows Arya’s suggestion. He put his hat on and walked around as he watched the whole situation with an eagle eye, and it is very difficult for anything to escape his notice. While surveilling, he saw a man in his thirties, approximately 5’3” in height, with a scar on his face- chuckling while everyone was sad about the fire incident. He kept on observing the man and it never stopped smiling as if he was so pleased about the occurrence. To his surprise, he spotted a gun in the man’s pocket. 
Leo, Ythan’s partner, called him to report the procurement of evidence. He confirmed that a bullet was recovered at the crime scene. It was packaged and placed in a small cardboard pillbox and was forwarded to the crime lab for evaluation. Hours later, the man is still there. When Ythan’s phone rings, he quickly answers the call.                 
“Detective, the bullet came from a Ruger SR22. This means that a suspect is just a beginner when it comes to handling guns, a personel at the crime lab explained.
“Thank you for the update. If I am going to find someone who's possessing a Ruger SR22 and was near the scene, how long are we going to wait to know if that bullet really came from it?"
"It is not easy to acquire fingerprints from firearms and bullets, if there is any. It will take us at least three weeks or one month to get it. Since someone can use someone's gun to make him or her guilty of something, we have no choice but to find and check the fingerprints."
"So are you saying that even if the bullet really came from that gun, we can’t justify that he is the culprit unless we have found his fingerprint on both gun and bullet?"
"Yes detective. He will make up some alibis like his gun was misplaced and can be in someone's possession when the arson happened."
Ythan dropped the call and walked towards the man. He made sure that he would get the gun in the man’s pocket without being noticed. Ythan called Leo and he gave him the gun to be sent to the crime lab. Leo forwarded the gun to the forensic team hastily. He requested to have the result as soon as possible since the process might take a long time.
Ythan demands a warrant of arrest against the man named Harold. During the interrogation, the suspect exercises his right to remain silent while his mother is claiming that he is innocent. Harold is the son of Mr. Manalo, one of the richest city’s counselors.
“You have no right to do this to my son! Do you know us? We are one of the elite families here in San Juan. What’s the name of the detective assigned to this case? Let him face me! You only have 24 hours to prove that my son really did that horrible thing!”
Ythan faced Harold’s mother.
“I have found your son at the scene. He is not moving from his place and he is laughing for God’s sake! Arson took place and we have found your son LAUGHING. I don’t think it is normal to laugh at that time. He didn’t even go home that night. I was observing him and it seems like he is enjoying the scenery of ashes.”
“You do not have enough evidence. Only six hours are left and you only presented circumstantial evidence. I think my son will be out here soon. I don’t need to call our private lawyer.”
“Your son can enjoy his freedom until the law takes over. I will make sure that he will be held responsible for the death of those twenty four people and other victims. When that day comes, I will offer my best smile to your son.”
Since Ythan can't show primary and strong evidence to hold Harold liable for the arson case, the court decided to release Harold. After the trial, Counselor Manalo warned Ythan.
"You should stop eyeing my son or else you will experience a day in hell."
"Are you afraid that I will find solid evidence against your son? Counselor, I know that you have all the power and influence to save your name from disgrace, but the law and the truth is more powerful than anything. I am not afraid of anyone. I am afraid that more people will die again because of those evil people like your crazy son." Ythan spit on Counselor Manalo's shoes then he waved goodbye.
Harold's parents locked him in his room so that he couldn't go to places. Ythan visits Manalo's mansion almost everyday. While waiting for Harold to come out, Leo called from the Forensic Office.
"Ythan, we have a big problem."
"What is it Leo?"
"The gun was stolen from the crime lab. They already processed the fingerprints on the bullet and we only need confirmation if the gun has the same fingerprints on it."
Ythan quickly drove his way to the National Forensic Office but before he could even reach it, an unknown number called him.
"We have something that you are looking for. If you want to get it, you have to go to the address that we are going to text you. Go there alone, if not, we are going to destroy the evidence that you are looking for."
Before Ythan could even talk, the call ended. He called his partner and instructed him on what should be done.
Leo with the swat team went to the location of the caller while Ythan went back to Manalo's mansion.
He bravely enters the mansion even though he knows that there are many securities in the area. He fights almost five strong men without using any weapon, thanks to his judo class before. When he reached the balcony, he saw Harold holding the gun he was looking for.
That man was smiling while he played with the lighter and the gun. Counselor Manalo reprimanded his son for getting the gun to his men.
"Why did you get that? It was supposed to be dumped in the sea. Are you not even thinking? I bet my name and life to get it and here you are, not using your brain! Do you know how difficult it is to steal it? DO YOU?!"
Harold gazed at his father angrily.
Counselor Manalo slaps Harold.
"Are you afraid that I will ruin your reputation? Aren't you ashamed of yourself too?"
Since Ythan knows that the conversation is getting intense, he gets his phone and records the scene.
"I have been in love with fire, Dad. It's so addictive that I can't help but to start a fire. The bigger it gets, the happier I become. I am sad that some people were hurt and died, but what can I do? They are within those big buildings which I love to see burning."
Counselor Manalo feels some fear towards his son.
"Hahaha, it is so ironic that the warmth that I have been searching for can be found in lighters, matches and gasoline. You can't give me that warmth so I find it somewhere else."
Ythan was seen by one the counselor's bodyguards. Ythan was shot in his shoulder and he slipped his phone from his hand. Harold and his father saw him. Harold hastily ran outside while he left his father crying. The counselor realizes that Harold became an arsonist because of him. Ythan picked up his phone and fought all the bodyguards. He manages to escape them and he quickly hopped in his car and followed Harold.
Harold stopped on the bridge and got out of his car. He smiled at Ythan as the detective walked towards him. Ythan was shocked when Harold gets something and pours it on his car. Harold lit the matches then suddenly an explosion happened.
Harold, the arsonist, is an underachiever. He generally has poor interpersonal relationships and is socially inadequate. He is also unemployed. It is discovered that it is not his first time to commit such a crime. He enjoys watching buildings being burned down. Later on, they discovered that Harold is suffering from pyromania. He has an impulse control disorder that is characterized by being unable to resist starting fires. People with pyromania know that setting fires is harmful, but setting fires is the only way they can relieve their built-up tension, anxiety, or arousal.
Ythan still can't believe that Harold burned himself into ashes. Leo called Ythan saying there was no one in the location he gave. Ythan told Leo everything. The media published articles about Harold. It was also broadcast on television and radio. When Counselor Manalo heard about it, he was rushed to the hospital due to shock. The family of the victims were compensated well by the Manalos. Counselor Manalo was sued due to tampering of primary evidence and her wife sued him for his infidelity. He is also proven guilty of corruption and possession of illegal weapons.
Years have passed and Arya still misses her parents so much. She sleeps beside her parents’ grave often. She even eats her meals beside them. She forgets to have a life after her parents’ death until someone sends her an envelope with a note saying “YOUR PARENTS DIDN’T KILL ANYONE. THEY DIDN'T COMMIT SUICIDE. PLEASE BE CAREFUL.” That note became her very reason to continue living. 
She bravely went to the University to get her credentials. She accepted every single rude word against her and her parents. The sadness that she has been hiding was replaced by wrath and vengeance. She managed to get out of the University unscathed. 
Lary became happy when he knew that Arya was already recovering and she was determined to enter the force. He decided to adopt Arya and give her the privilege to be trained well. Arya, being compared to an ox before, finally learns how to get up again after being hit over and over again. This time, she is more determined. She promised her Mom and Dad to give them justice and to bring back their good reputation.

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    Hi! Thank you for reading my work and I am sorry If I wasn't able to update everyday since I have a full time job. Kindly leave some honest reviews after reading this. I really appreciate it. Thank you and God bless!


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    to many money


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