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Recasting Arrows

Recasting Arrows


บทที่ 1 Prologue

The moon luminously had its stunning arrays reflected on the river as fireflies flee before my sight. I witnessed how the pure spring drifts the fallen leaves from among the tall leafy trees and I smiled at the thought, "It feels refreshing to be here once again," I mumbled and led my feet onto the streaming waters as I sensed the soft and cold flows of its mist.
"How I love the moon as it brightly shines above the sky, I wonder what it looks like once the moon collides with the sun?" I whispered once more and gently splashed off the stream, I tucked my sandy hair which is waist-length.
I lightly take a grip of the hem of my apparel and sigh, "When will our kingdom taste such peace like this?" I muttered as I lifted my eyes and gaze in the castle.
I constantly know our kingdom to be the adequate place of all lands and kingdoms in the mainland of Moresis. I'm afraid to say that numerous clans envied our territory, they desired gold and riches, their envious hearts weren't calm as how it is. They tend to seek destruction, but no one shall ever prevail in our colony.
"Terra!" I heard a voice calling my name several times, that voice, why is she here? I got off from the river, and my feet strode toward a huge rock where I positioned my satchel and my bow. Prepared to get my stuff and walk towards her whereabouts, I froze upon hearing an odd noise behind the huge tree before me.
I equipped myself, held my bow, and positioned the arrow—ready to shoot. The atmosphere became silent and I heard my heavy breathing, "Terra, where have you been?!" A gasp escaped from my mouth as I felt a hand travel up my shoulder which gives chills down my spine. I accidentally let go of the arrow and it voluntarily released toward the thicket.
I could feel how my heart throbs to its finest. "What are you doing here, Sage?" I simply ask as I glance at her countenance, she let go of a sheepish grin and rubs her nape, and shifts her gaze.
"... Well, I'm sorry for coming after you. Our Captain, Theodore, told me to search for you, probably he needs to talk to you." She uttered and so I glared at her hazel irises.
I don't trust you, lady.
"I see, how did you know that I was here?" I questioned, and I saw how she step aback and averted her eyes from me.
"Uh, I just heard you…" her voice stuttered and so I smirked at her, I raised aloft my bow and took another arrow from the quiver, and stood up against her.
"Really? I can't recall that I spoke or made a noise," I responded and I could sense the tension she began to feel when she glimpsed the arrowhead before her sight. She gulped and stepped behind.
"Hey, take it easy, Terra! I'm not here for a fight, and I'm telling the truth. I head my way toward the butts but you are none to be found, and I remember that you like this forest a lot… so I decided to rush my feet here," She asserted.
"How I hate your complexion, Sage." I retorted and threw a glare at her, I lowered the weapon and came near her. I observed how her countenance shifted and she frowned.
"Why do you behave harshly whenever I am around?" She issued and crossed her arms, I snorted and strode ahead of her.
"Why do you keep on complaining? I dislike your presence, lady… that's obviously a warning for you so you won't be hanging around with me anymore," I blurted out and she felt so offended.
"You shouldn't be here at the first place, you know that vampires and werewolves stays in this forest, right?" I heard her but I only shook my head and shrugged off.
"I have not seen one, so why would I believe you?"
"The entire folks witness how cruel they can be, do you really wish to meet your death?" She responded yet I only rolled my eyes. I positioned my quiver on my shoulder and took a grip of my bow.
As we led our feet back to the castle, both of us remained silent. Upon arriving at the main gate, the gatekeepers welcomed me with an inspection, "Seems that even the troops don't trust you," Sage commented as we pass through the entrance.
I didn't bother to glance at her, I remained the same dull expression, and the moment I reached the rookie's camp, a tall man with his serious complexion greeted my sight. He drew in his sword and faced me, Sage remained on my side. "Terra, I've heard that you carelessly strike your companion with your arrows," he spoke and I gulped as he threw a glare at me.
I twitched my lips, and let out a sigh. Now this is unexpected, I never knew he would know about the incident.
"Father, it was just an accident, I didn't mean it," I responded, yet he didn't bother to consider it, he turned his back at me, I let out a sigh and I felt a sudden ache inside my chest.
Does he really have to act this way?
"We're not in our home, Terra. You must show a little respect of your captain, it is the right term to use when we're outside and a warrior must use his mind wisely, in your case… you can't be like us if you are behaving carelessly, a lass like you must focus more on reading books and preparing yourself to preserve your purity before the prince." He spoke and I felt disappointed upon hearing his phrase. I saw him glancing at my location, "You desired for it, Terra… but I am warning you, it's not as easy as you think it is."
I do agree that it is quite risky to be like them, fighting to protect the kingdom. But is it always for a lass like me to desire for it?
He fixed his attention to the lady beside me, "Sage, have you prepared something to eat?"
"Yes, captain… " I saw how she bowed down before him and behaved as an obedient woman, which she is not.
I hate her…
I secretly rolled my eyes and walked away. I heard him calling for my name but I didn't bother to look behind. Now it's very clear to me, he doesn't believe in me, he doesn't believe in his own daughter. The thing that I mostly loathed in our place? It's the inequality, men tend to look down on women and see them as weak beings, unable to stand alone on their feet.
"Why do I need to marry the prince? I don't even love him, he is someone that I will never like." Tears gradually fell from my eyes and I wept. I tightly gripped my weapon and whispered, "I'll prove you wrong, Dad."
He always reason out that it is what's best for me yet I only feel the pressure and anxiety. The more he reminded me of my future being at the Palace, it only suffocates me to death.
As I walked down the village, I saw how the townsmen gaze at me with their disgusted looks. Chaos filled the entire place and I stood in the center, feeling the compassion within my heart. "Until when will these people realize their wrongs and make things right?" I mumbled.
Thornsfrost was always known to be a kingdom that implements strict rules, yes the townsmen obeyed yet the regulations eventually blinded them, even my father.
We are allowed to kill anybody, we can steal anything we want and accuse somebody we dislike. We can ruin ourselves, defiling it. Our minds and hearts are filled with wickedness and I see it as something that needs to be fixed.
The authorities were the one who allowed it, and so the folks got used to it for the governors, magistrates, and the entire officials tolerated such behavior. The law which I often find wrong is, even if we realize mistakes, we are prohibited to disobey.
I sigh once again and witness how cruel our kingdom could be, if the Ethereal Heights will see this… their hearts would weep bitterly.

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    Yaasy Garcia

    thank you


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