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07. When I am Hopeless

Midnight was approaching and darkness constantly filled the atmosphere. The neighborhood had their time to sleep, neglecting the loud noises and shouts from a certain house of the district. They are used to it, every day, the same voices and noise were all they could hear. They couldn't do anything about it, the desires they had in their hearts to help slowly vanished upon knowing how ruthless the owner of the house could be.
"For whoever's sake, bitch! You're not getting away from me!"
Screams echoed all over the roof as the noise of strings was being dragged on the base. Drops of red liquid were strewn on the floor, and on the white wallpaper there were flickers of blood, they were near the doorway of the room.
An 18 years old young lady was on the carpet floor, full of bruises and swollen cuts on her arms and legs. She was now sobbing, pleading for pity as she crawled on the ground looking so helpless. Those severe cuts and wounds on her face were inflated. "... Mom, please stop it! I won't do it again!" She begged and attempted to reach out for her mother's hands.
"You never learned! I told you to stay inside your room and review your books! But what did you do, huh? You're stealing from me?! Do you want to die?!" Her mother shouted in anger and tuckered out her 6 inches heel, and directly hurled it at her daughter. It then hit her arm which caused another bleeding.
"No, please..."
All she could do was cry while dealing with the pain and agony of her wounds. She is used to it, Dorothy Scott is used to this kind of torment, and she wants to vanish right away for her to end her miseries. She can't die out of distress, she badly wants to end her life for her to be at peace.
Her mother stood up from the stool and yanked her by the arm. She then strongly shoved her daughter on the abdomen about three times, which made her vomit.
"You're making me angry, Dorothy. You think I will let this pass, don't you? You can't rob me, baby. Do you want to follow your brother to the grave? You're giving me a headache!"
Red liquid rushes out from her mouth, she's in her vulnerable state. She felt a frigid metal around her. She was shackled, then her mother slammed her head on the wall which caused severe bleeding. She could no longer move her body, she felt worthless, her entire covering seemed senseless and suddenly her vision was about to darken.
"Useless bitch! Why won't you just die?!" Her mother-Audrey Hernandez shouted and left her daughter unconscious on the floor, almost bathing with her blood.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and walked out of the area. She was offended by what her daughter did, "I just want to borrow money from you, Mom. I'm sorry." Her voice was trembling and she couldn't help herself but wince in pain, but it looks like Audrey misunderstood what she witnessed.
The stare in her eyes explains how she disdains the young lady. She called someone on the phone. Thinking of going out of the house again, "Hey, Crystalle. I'm sorry for calling you late. I've got something that needs to be fixed first. Yes, it's my daughter Dorothy, is Lucio there? Fetch me, my car is still in the process of being repaired. Well, yes, I got it."
The call ended and for the last time, she glanced in her daughter's direction and left the room. "Just die, sweetie. I don't need you here, Cal must have been better than you." She didn't express any concern for her daughter's plight, she never know motherly love. Audrey Hernandez is very strict and with one wrong move then you'll be dead.
Minutes had passed by, the young lady slowly moved her head and winced in affliction. She coughed, and blood was escaping from her nose and mouth. She looks so hopeless, every portion of her body is stinging. It was as if she had been beaten and run over by three trucks because of her drastic physical distress. Despite all of that, she forced a smile and strived to get up. It feels like in every motion she's bringing about, her skins are sluggishly tearing apart because of the deep cuts.
"Die, Dorothy..." she whispers.
She strived to wipe out the fluid from her bleeding edge, and let out a smile. "Why can't you just disappear, I'm tired of you!"
It seems that, in minutes, she'll collapse again because of blood loss. Anger emerged in her chest and the desire to harm was displayed in her. She successfully arose from the ground, her feet leading her to the bathroom. Her mind was desolate, she saw herself in the mirror-smiling. She was trying to force a smile, a fictitious one and without realizing it, tears came falling into her cheeks. It appears that her entire body became numb because of the total pain she is feeling, she's hurt furthermore. It's never been the first time her mother made her feel the torment. Audrey was cruel, and that's a fact. She always tortures her daughter not just physically but mentally too.
"What's wrong with me? Why can't she love me?"
The fact that she underwent a lot, she can't loathe her mother. She understands that something's up with her, Dorothy knows that behind those brutal temperaments, Audrey still loves her, perhaps something has happened which influences her, emotionally and mentally.
Her chest ached as memories began flashing on her mind. The discomfort, the sorrows, the nightmares. She's yearning for 'love' and 'care' but she never felt such a thing as the moment went by.
"Tell me what's wrong and I'll try to make things right." And her voice broke. Her sight was set to the reflector, and she started closing her eyes as she reminisced each moment she had with her mother and her tears dropped.
All those remembrances, not even one of them made her happy. Perhaps she can say that she is blessed because her mother is still there with her. But it's a different matter if her mother has been hurting her since she was a child.
She envied her schoolmates for having good and caring parents, seeing them laughing with their Mom and having fun with their Dad makes her want to experience it too, but she's the opposite. Her life is far different than any other person's.
Even just a smile from her Mom, she never saw it even once. Dorothy is starting to think that maybe she's not being a good daughter to satisfy Audrey.
Audrey Hernandez never looked her in the eyes, and as time went by Dorothy was slowly feeling hopeless. 'What do Moms do for their children? What does love feel like when it's from my Mom?' she thought.
It once occurred to her that she might have done something wrong for her Mother to do that, she's trying her best to be a good daughter. Dorothy is doing all the household chores, she's trying her best in school just so she could brag about her grades to her Mom-hoping that she would get noticed. She did her best to be appreciated but it seems like it's not working, she can't say that it's foolish because somehow she proved to herself that she can do it.
As she opened her eyes, her sight became deserted. She couldn't think right, she had this urge to hurt herself. Dorothy is getting depressed again, it always triggers her illness every time she is abused. Things were happening too fast, and in a blink of an eye, a pointed metal was now in her grip. She was shaking while looking at herself in the reflection, and a sinister smile drew on her lips. Her aura seems more unusual now than before, she looks void.
All she had in mind was the word 'suicide'. She never did it for the first time, because she was always sent to the hospital for mental and physical treatment, she's dangerously suicidal.
She desires to end everything. The miseries, the agony within; it seems that the happiness was being snatched away from her. Dorothy never had friends, she's alone in terms of facing complications. She's been locked up in a box filled with gloom and she can't see anything. There's no light for hope to live.
She somehow desires to perish because there's no reason at all to live. She never had a nice childhood, she never had a complete family, her life is hopeless. "They say there is a One God who sees everything and knows everything... He can see my pain then, but why isn't He doing anything? Perhaps, there's no God at all."
She wept and pierced down the metal edge onto her wrist. "Die, Dorothy. You must die."

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    interesting stories🥰im very enjoy when read as if the story is really is real


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    Criss Dacumos Sangalang

    nice story , im enjoying to read, although i cant understand very much, but i love to read it ..thats why i keep on scrolling, the story is extremely excitingly, i decide to keep in reading this story,


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