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06. Come have a Coffee with Me

"Hey, could you please tell me what's wrong? I mean, you don't look good since we got off from the hotel. You're not talking with me and I wanna know why because it's making me uncomfortable."
It's noontime yet the climate produces a mist that eventually has its way to downpour towards the earth. It's making the atmosphere even colder. The two had their way to have their lunch, they'll be staying overnight at the hotel and Kendall Von desires to visit the mansion. Unfortunately, her companion, Hugh Turner disagrees. He wants to have a moment with her and being her assistant has been one of the best things which recently happened in his life.
"Von, come on." Kendall shrugged off and faced her pal with a serious countenance.
"What?" She replied and gazed at him. He feels uneasy, he doesn't want her to get mad at him so he wants to catch up.
"Look, I'm sorry if I offended you. I know my behavior isn't appropriate for you and I wanna make things up." Hugh uttered which eventually made Kendall smile.
"Don't repeat that again or else, you'll be lying on the ground lifeless. So, what now? Where would you like to go? We're walking for almost a minute." She said which made him stare at her countenance. He wants to figure out her reaction, he seems puzzled if she is even serious.
"Would you like to have a coffee with me, then?" Hugh suggested.
That made Kendall pause for a while. She was thinking of something even better but she also thought that it's a nice idea since the outpouring of the rain creates a frosty mood that coats her entire being.
"Do you know some coffee shops here? I am not familiar with this place, Castrill has been a mystery to me." She spoke which made him look at her.
"You never visited this place?" He asked and she frowned.
"I told you I never got here." She replied and rolled her eyes at him, her responses are describing her mood.
"I think the Esme Cafe is not so far from here." He whispered, he took his phone from his pocket and checked the map. A smile beams on his edges when he discovers it's near their location.
"Let's go, let's visit my favorite Cafe, you'd love it there." Her eyes widened out of surprise when he held her hands and walked ahead, they crossed the street and Kendall's chest was beating so fast as if she was chased.
She couldn't react. The fact that he is constantly commencing the same scenario when they are always together recently distracts her mind. She's confused.
When they arrived at the said Cafe, they were amazed by how it looks so elegant yet cute. It is so pleasing in the eyes because of its neat arrangement. "Whoa," Kendall was astonished as to how good the Cafe is, while Hugh felt proud of himself because of the idea of bringing her to the place.
Before she could even utter any phrase, he held her hands once again and they both entered the entrance of the bistro. Aesthetic items and stickers were plastered on the glass wall and the atmosphere is very calming.
They headed their way to the counter and had a nice seat. "What would you like to order?" Hugh Turner asked his companion, he took the Cafe menu and scanned the lists.
"Let me see what's best to eat and drink."
While they were selecting their orders, a lady with a mint green apron reached the counter and her pearly blonde hair was braided which made her look stunning. Her cerulean irises beam at them and she let out an alluring smile. "Hi, good day! May I take your order?"
Her impressive appearance caught the attention of Hugh Turner, he couldn't focus on the menu as his stares were traveling to the lady's countenance. His behavior diverts Kendall's interest as well. "Where are you looking, dumbass? Focus on the menu!" Kendall hissed at her assistant, annoyance could be expressed on her face as she glared at him. But Hugh let out a chuckle and winked at her.
"May I have two sandwiches? One with bacon and egg and another one with mozzarella and chicken." Kendall spoke and gazed at the lady at the counter. Her eyes inspected the barista's entire figure and she let out a fake smile upon knowing that she has a nice physique.
"Anything else?" The lady asked.
"A cappuccino, please." Kendall continued and placed the menu at the counter.
"Got it, ma'am. How about you, sir? What's your order?" She jotted down the lists of their orders and her smiles won't get away. It's deceitful.
"A croissant sandwich and an iced coffee, please." Hugh uttered.
"Okay, so your orders are: one bacon and egg sandwich along with a mozzarella-chicken sandwich with a cup of cappuccino and one croissant sandwich and an iced coffee. Wait for your orders! Feel comfortable and select a table that'll suit your taste."
"Thank you." Hugh Turner said and before he could turn his back from the cashier's area, he took a glance at the barista's name tag.
"Renesmee? Nice name, Perhaps I haven't seen her very often since her beauty is new to me." He mumbled and continued his steps towards the selected table, Kendall had her seat and she's glaring all the way until she finally reached their place.
"So you like her?" Kendall spoke with a serious tone of voice. Her mood suddenly changed which made Hugh gulp and become anxious.
"No... who says I like her?"
"Your manner says it all, idiot!"
Before they could even argue, three young girls entered the Cafe and unfortunately, their commotion disturbs them. Kendall thought it would be a peaceful day to begin with, she never guessed that it would ruin her mood.
"This place seems outstanding. A lot of customers visit to eat and have their drink." She perceived.
"Sure it is. I toured here last year and on my first visit, I already loved the place. They have their best menu and their crew are thoughtful." Hugh commented and chuckled.
On their stay, they couldn't help but to hear tons of conversation from different people. But one thing eventually caught their ears, it was the voices of the same ladies who got in earlier. "Why can't they lower their voice? This is a public place, people will hear their topics." Kendall mumbled and decided to bring out her phone to check emails.
"Well, they're happy and excited for unknown reasons, just let them be." She replied to him with a simple nod. She was too focused on her phone screen when she heard them again.
"No way! It feels like I was being stabbed to death when I reflected in the passage, the moment Peter said he loves Jesus! He tries his best to prove it though, but he fails a lot of times." A young lady with glasses stated.
"What the—why am I hearing voices of hypocrites here. This ain't church." Kendall retorted, her assistant signaled her to keep quiet and she rolled her eyes.
"We can't judge, we can't do any better as well. We always fail and stumble and make mistakes, because it's our choice. When Jesus died there, Peter decided to go back to what he used to be, because he thought that it's too late to change and he will never be forgiven. I felt sad about him, that's his choice." Their companion said, trying to convince the other two.
"But Jesus stretched out His arms to him when He got up from the grave! Remember when Peter had their time fishing at the sea and they didn't catch anything the entire night? Jesus was standing at the shore when morning's up and He asked them if they caught anything and He did another miracle just like what He did at the first time when He met Peter and his companion! They never knew it was Him, not until John spoke and declared it was the Lord. The moment Peter heard it, he jumped on the sea and they brought some of their catch to the land and had breakfast with Him."
"What are you pointing at?" The other two asked.
"I'm saying that even if it feels like it's too late to ask for forgiveness because of our failures, God will always give us another chance. His mercy is new every morning! Why is He giving us much time to live in this world? That's because He wants us to repent and change for good. You know, God is not pleased when wicked people die." Their eyes widened upon realizing what she's pointing out and the three of them screamed in excitement as they clapped their hands and jumped out of joy.
"Oh my goodness! You're correct! I've known a lot of characters in the bible, like Paul too! Everybody knows he's a murderer! Even the disciples were afraid of him but he's changed, and God used him mightily!"
"Dumbass. This place is not suitable for them. They should at least disappear and go their way to the chapel." Kendall hissed, unable to bear the noise of her surroundings.
"Pfft. It seems that you don't believe in God." Hugh opened up which made her glare at him.
"Do you believe in Him?" She questioned back.
"Possibly. I don't know either."
"Stop mumbling nonsense." She said and averted her gaze from him. Finally, their orders arrived and they had their food. While eating, both of them were silent and it somehow gave an awkward atmosphere. Kendall doesn't want to enunciate further words, she's stuck in her own thoughts.
'Why are they believing such a myth? It's obviously just a belief which confuses people.' She thought.
The idea abruptly disturbed her and she couldn't think straight because of it.
"What if He's really true?" She whispered.

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    interesting stories🥰im very enjoy when read as if the story is really is real


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    Criss Dacumos Sangalang

    nice story , im enjoying to read, although i cant understand very much, but i love to read it ..thats why i keep on scrolling, the story is extremely excitingly, i decide to keep in reading this story,


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